#' Estimate boundaries of the particle size control section (U.S Soil Taxonomy;
#' 12th edition)
#' Estimates the upper and lower boundary of the particle size control section
#' by applying a programmatic version of the particle size control section key
#' from the Keys to Soil Taxonomy (12th edition).
#' Requires information to identify argillic horizons (clay contents, horizon
#' designations) with \code{getArgillicBounds()} as well as the presence of
#' plow layers and surface organic soil material. Any
#' \code{getArgillicBounds()} arguments may be passed to \code{estimatePSCS}.
#' Requires information on taxonomic order (to handle andisols).
#' WARNING: Soils in arenic or grossarenic subgroups, with fragipans, or with
#' strongly contrasting PSCs may not be classified correctly. The author would
#' welcome a dataset to develop this functionality for.
#' @param p A SoilProfileCollection
#' @param clay.attr Name of the horizon attribute containing clay contents.
#' Default 'clay'
#' @param texcl.attr Name of the horizon attribute containing textural class
#' (used for finding sandy textures). Default 'texcl'
#' @param hzdesgn Name of the horizon attribute containing the horizon
#' designation. Default 'hzname'
#' @param tax_order_field Name of the site attribute containing taxonomic
#' order; for handling PSCS rules for Andisols in lieu of lab data. May be NA
#' or column missing altogether, in which case Andisol PSC possibility is
#' ignored.
#' @param bottom.pattern Regular expression pattern to match a root-restrictive
#' contact. Default matches Cr, R or Cd. This argument is passed to both
#' estimateSoilDepth and getArgillicBounds.
#' @param simplify Return a length 2 vector with upper and lower boundary when p has length 1? Default TRUE.
#' @param ... additional arguments are passed to getArgillicBounds()
#' @return A numeric vector (when `simplify=TRUE`) containing the top and bottom depth of the particle
#' size control section. First value is top, second value is bottom.
#' If `p` contains more than one profile, the result is a data.frame with profile ID plus PSCS top and bottom depths.
#' @author Andrew Gene Brown
#' @seealso \code{getArgillicBounds}, \code{getSurfaceHorizonDepth}
#' @references Soil Survey Staff. 2014. Keys to Soil Taxonomy, 12th ed.
#' USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, DC.
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp1, package = 'aqp')
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' site(sp1) <- ~ group
#' # set required metadata
#' hzdesgnname(sp1) <- 'name'
#' hztexclname(sp1) <- 'texture'
#' hzmetaname(sp1, 'clay') <- 'prop'
#' x <- estimatePSCS(sp1)
#' x
estimatePSCS <- function(
hzdesgn = hzdesgnname(p, required = TRUE),
clay.attr = hzmetaname(p, "clay", required = TRUE),
texcl.attr = hztexclname(p, required = TRUE),
tax_order_field = "tax_order",
bottom.pattern = 'Cr|R|Cd',
simplify = TRUE,
) {
hz.depths <- horizonDepths(p)
attr.len <- unlist(lapply(c(hzdesgn, clay.attr, texcl.attr), length))
if (any(attr.len > 1))
stop("horizon designation, clay attribute or texture class attribute must have length 1")
if (is.null(hzdesgn) || !hzdesgn %in% horizonNames(p)) {
stop("Horizon designation column (", hzdesgn, ") does not exist.")
if (is.null(texcl.attr) || !texcl.attr %in% horizonNames(p)) {
stop("Horizon texture class column (", texcl.attr, ") does not exist.")
if (is.null(clay.attr) | (!clay.attr %in% horizonNames(p))) {
stop("Horizon clay content column (", clay.attr, ") does not exist.")
soildepth <- minDepthOf(p, hzdesgn = hzdesgn, pattern = bottom.pattern, simplify = FALSE)[[hz.depths[1]]]
nobottomidx <-
if (any(nobottomidx)) {
soildepth[nobottomidx] <- p[which(nobottomidx), , .LAST][[hz.depths[2]]]
andisols_flag <- rep(FALSE, length(soildepth))
shallow_flag <- rep(FALSE, length(soildepth))
# Parts D (argillic starts >100cm depth) and F (all other mineral soils)
default_t <- rep(25, length(soildepth))
default_b <- rep(100, length(soildepth))
odepth <- getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth(p, hzdesgn, simplify = FALSE)[[hz.depths[2]]]
ohzidx <- which(odepth > 0)
# Key part A (soils with restriction in shallow depth)
lt36idx <- which(soildepth - odepth <= 36)
if (length(lt36idx) > 0) {
default_t[lt36idx] <- 0 # O horizon correction applied below
default_b[lt36idx] <- soildepth[lt36idx]
shallow_flag[lt36idx] <- TRUE
# Key part B (Andisols)
if (tax_order_field %in% siteNames(p)) {
andidx <- grep("[Aa]ndisols", p[[tax_order_field]])
if (length(andidx) > 0) {
default_t[andidx] <- 0
default_b[andidx] <- 100
andisols_flag[andidx] <- TRUE
# Adjust PSCS range downward if organic soil material is present at surface (i.e. mineral soil surface depth > 0)
if (length(ohzidx) > 0) {
default_t[ohzidx] <- default_t[ohzidx] + odepth[ohzidx]
maxdtruncidx <- which(default_b != soildepth)
if (length(maxdtruncidx) > 0) {
default_b[maxdtruncidx] <- default_b[maxdtruncidx] + odepth[maxdtruncidx]
# TODO: get logic for the classification of histosol/histel control section in here?
# handle thick o horizons that cause the mineral PSCS to be greater than soil depth
bad.idx <- default_t[ohzidx] >= soildepth[ohzidx]
default_t[bad.idx] <- NA_real_
default_b[bad.idx] <- NA_real_
# Key parts C and E (has argillic/kandic/natric WITHIN 100CM)
if (any(!andisols_flag)) {
argillic_bounds <- getArgillicBounds(
clay.attr = clay.attr,
texcl.attr = texcl.attr,
hzdesgn = hzdesgn,
bottom.pattern = bottom.pattern,
simplify = FALSE # always return data.frame
lt100argidx <- which(argillic_bounds$ubound < 100)
thinargidx <- argillic_bounds$lbound - argillic_bounds$ubound <= 50
shallowargidx <- which(argillic_bounds$lbound <= 25)
if (length(lt100argidx) > 0) {
default_t[lt100argidx] <- argillic_bounds$ubound[lt100argidx]
if (length(which(thinargidx)) > 0) {
default_b[which(thinargidx)] <- argillic_bounds$lbound[which(thinargidx)]
if (length(which(!thinargidx)) > 0) {
default_b[which(!thinargidx)] <- argillic_bounds$ubound[which(!thinargidx)] + 50
if (length(shallowargidx) > 0) {
default_b[shallowargidx] <- 100
# Adjust PSCS top depth to bottom of plow layer (if appropriate)
plow_layer_depth <- getPlowLayerDepth(p, hzdesgn, simplify = FALSE)[[hz.depths[2]]]
plowidx <- which(plow_layer_depth >= 25 + odepth)
if (length(plowidx) > 0) {
default_t[plowidx] <- plow_layer_depth[plowidx]
# Adjust PSCS top depth to mineral soil surface for soils <36cm to restriction
shallowoidx <- which(shallow_flag & default_t != 0)
if (length(shallowoidx) > 0) {
default_t[shallowoidx] <- odepth[shallowoidx]
# Adjust PSCS bottom depth to restriction depth, if appropriate
restridx <- which(soildepth < default_b)
if (length(restridx) > 0) { #truncate to restriction
default_b[restridx] <- soildepth[restridx]
if (length(default_t) == 1 && simplify) {
return(as.numeric(c(default_t, default_b)))
res <- data.frame(id = profile_id(p), pscs_top = default_t, pscs_bottom = default_b)
names(res)[1] <- idname(p)
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