## TODO: allow for more flexibility in spectra min/max/res wavelength
#' @title Convert reflectance spectra to closest Munsell chip
#' @details See the [expanded tutorial]( for additional examples.
#' @param x reflectance spectra, must range from 380nm to 730nm with resolution specified in `res`
#' @param res spectra resolution in nm, typically 5nm or 10nm
#' @param convert logical, convert sRGB coordinates to closest Munsell chip (see `?munsell`)
#' @param SO CIE standard observer: these are the color matching functions defined by CIE and used to represent "average" human color perception. CIE1931 is the 2 degree standard observer more useful for describing color perception over very small areas or at distance. CIE1964 is the 10 degree standard observer, used for most industrial color matching applications.
#' @param illuminant CIE standard illuminants:
#' * D65 represents average daylight
#' * F2 represents typical fluorescent lighting
#' @param ... further arguments to [col2Munsell()]
#' @return output from [col2Munsell()]
#' @export
#' @references
#' Marcus, R.T. (1998). The Measurement of Color. In K. Nassau (Ed.), Color for Science, Art, and Technology (pp. 32-96). North-Holland.
#' CIE Colorimetry – Part 1: CIE standard colorimetric observers. CIES014-1/E:2006 – ISO 11664-1:2007(E)
#' CIE. (n.d.). CIE 15:2004 Tables Data. Retrieved from
#' @examples
#' # Munsell reference spectra
#' data("munsell.spectra.wide")
#' # convert to closest Munsell chip
#' # sRGB -> Munsell conversion via col2Munsell()
#' spec2Munsell(munsell.spectra.wide[, '10YR 3/3'])
#' # attempt several
#' cols <- c('10YR 6/2', '5YR 5/6', '10B 4/4', '5G 4/4', '2.5Y 8/2', '10YR 3/3', '7.5YR 2.5/2')
#' # most are exact or very close
#' z <-
#' 'rbind',
#' lapply(cols, function(i) {
#' spec2Munsell(munsell.spectra.wide[, i])
#' })
#' )
#' # format Munsell notation from pieces
#' z$m <- sprintf("%s %s/%s", z$hue, z$value, z$chroma)
#' # compare
#' colorContrastPlot(
#' m1 = cols,
#' m2 = z$m,
#' labels = c('original', 'spectral\ninterpretation')
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' if(requireNamespace("gower")) {
#' # mix colors, return spectra, convert to color
#' cols <- c('10YR 6/2', '5YR 5/6', '10B 4/4')
#' res <- mixMunsell(cols, keepMixedSpec = TRUE, mixingMethod = 'reference')
#' # note that they are slightly different
#' res$mixed
#' spec2Munsell(res$spec)
#' }
#' }
spec2Munsell <- function(x, res = 10, convert = TRUE, SO = c('CIE1931', 'CIE1964'), illuminant = c('D65', 'F2'), ...) {
# D65 and CIE1931 reference data at 5nm
spectral.reference <- NULL
load(system.file("data/spectral.reference.rda", package="aqp")[1])
# select standard observer
SO <- match.arg(SO)
# select illuminant
illuminant <- match.arg(illuminant)
# this is the range of wavelengths we have to work with
# in the Munsell spectra libraries
# * munsell.spectra
# * munsell.spectra.wide
.wl <- seq(from = 380, to = 730, by = res)
## 10nm res: length(x) == 36
## 5nm res: length(x) == 71
# sanity check
if(length(.wl) != length(x)) {
stop('inconsistent spectral limits / resolution', call. = FALSE)
# spline interpolator: reflectance ~ wavelength
.sf <- splinefun(.wl, x)
## TODO: interpolate spectral.refernce to match resolution of x
# spectral reference is 5nm resolution
# interpolate to 5nm res
w.5 <- seq(from = 380, to = 730, by = 5)
R <- data.frame(
w = w.5,
x = .sf(w.5)
# reflectance spectra * illuminant
S <- R$x * spectral.reference[[illuminant]]
# select the appropriate standard observer
SO.vars <- switch(SO,
'CIE1931' = c('xbar_2', 'ybar_2', 'zbar_2'),
'CIE1964' = c('xbar_10', 'ybar_10', 'zbar_10')
# A-matrix: these are the color-matching functions of the standard observer
A <- spectral.reference[, SO.vars]
# apply A-matrix to spectra
XYZ <- t(A) %*% S
# convert to vector
XYZ <- t(XYZ)[1, ]
# apply A-matrix to illuminant
k <- t(A) %*% spectral.reference[[illuminant]]
# convert to vector
k <- t(k)[1, ]
# re-scale by "photopic response"
col.XYZ <- XYZ / k[2]
# convert to sRGB
col.srgb <- convertColor(
from = 'XYZ',
to = 'sRGB',
from.ref.white = 'D65',
to.ref.white = 'D65'
# convert sRGB to closest Munsell chip
if(convert) {
m <- col2Munsell(col.srgb, ...)
} else {
# return sRGB coordinates
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