#' Forests for Density Estimation
#' Uses a pre-trained ARF model to estimate leaf and distribution parameters.
#' @param arf Pre-trained \code{\link{adversarial_rf}}. Alternatively, any
#' object of class \code{ranger}.
#' @param x Training data for estimating parameters.
#' @param oob Only use out-of-bag samples for parameter estimation? If
#' \code{TRUE}, \code{x} must be the same dataset used to train \code{arf}.
#' @param family Distribution to use for density estimation of continuous
#' features. Current options include truncated normal (the default
#' \code{family = "truncnorm"}) and uniform (\code{family = "unif"}). See
#' Details.
#' @param finite_bounds Impose finite bounds on all continuous variables?
#' @param alpha Optional pseudocount for Laplace smoothing of categorical
#' features. This avoids zero-mass points when test data fall outside the
#' support of training data. Effectively parametrizes a flat Dirichlet prior
#' on multinomial likelihoods.
#' @param epsilon Optional slack parameter on empirical bounds when
#' \code{family = "unif"} or \code{finite_bounds = TRUE}. This avoids
#' zero-density points when test data fall outside the support of training
#' data. The gap between lower and upper bounds is expanded by a factor of
#' \code{1 + epsilon}.
#' @param parallel Compute in parallel? Must register backend beforehand, e.g.
#' via \code{doParallel}.
#' @details
#' \code{forde} extracts leaf parameters from a pretrained forest and learns
#' distribution parameters for data within each leaf. The former includes
#' coverage (proportion of data falling into the leaf) and split criteria. The
#' latter includes proportions for categorical features and mean/variance for
#' continuous features. The result is a probabilistic circuit, stored as a
#' \code{data.table}, which can be used for various downstream inference tasks.
#' Currently, \code{forde} only provides support for a limited number of
#' distributional families: truncated normal or uniform for continuous data,
#' and multinomial for discrete data. Future releases will accommodate a larger
#' set of options.
#' Though \code{forde} was designed to take an adversarial random forest as
#' input, the function's first argument can in principle be any object of class
#' \code{ranger}. This allows users to test performance with alternative
#' pipelines (e.g., with supervised forest input). There is also no requirement
#' that \code{x} be the data used to fit \code{arf}, unless \code{oob = TRUE}.
#' In fact, using another dataset here may protect against overfitting. This
#' connects with Wager & Athey's (2018) notion of "honest trees".
#' @return
#' A \code{list} with 5 elements: (1) parameters for continuous data; (2)
#' parameters for discrete data; (3) leaf indices and coverage; (4) metadata on
#' variables; and (5) the data input class. This list is used for estimating
#' likelihoods with \code{\link{lik}} and generating data with \code{\link{forge}}.
#' @references
#' Watson, D., Blesch, K., Kapar, J., & Wright, M. (2023). Adversarial random
#' forests for density estimation and generative modeling. In \emph{Proceedings
#' of the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and
#' Statistics}, pp. 5357-5375.
#' Wager, S. & Athey, S. (2018). Estimation and inference of heterogeneous
#' treatment effects using random forests. \emph{J. Am. Stat. Assoc.},
#' \emph{113}(523): 1228-1242.
#' @examples
#' arf <- adversarial_rf(iris)
#' psi <- forde(arf, iris)
#' head(psi)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{adversarial_rf}}, \code{\link{forge}}, \code{\link{lik}}
#' @export
#' @import ranger
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom stats predict runif
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do% %dopar%
forde <- function(
oob = FALSE,
family = 'truncnorm',
finite_bounds = FALSE,
alpha = 0,
epsilon = 0,
parallel = TRUE) {
# To avoid data.table check issues
tree <- n_oob <- cvg <- leaf <- variable <- count <- sd <- value <- psi_cnt <-
psi_cat <- f_idx <- sigma <- new_min <- new_max <- mid <- sigma0 <- prob <-
val <- val_count <- level <- all_na <- i <- k <- cnt <- . <- NULL
# Prelimz
if (isTRUE(oob) & !nrow(x) %in% c(arf$num.samples, arf$num.samples/2)) {
stop('Forest must be trained on x when oob = TRUE.')
if (!family %in% c('truncnorm', 'unif')) {
stop('family not recognized.')
if (alpha < 0) {
stop('alpha must be nonnegative.')
if (epsilon < 0) {
stop('epsilon must be nonnegative.')
# Prep data
input_class <- class(x)
x <-
inf_flag <- sapply(seq_along(x), function(j) any(is.infinite(x[[j]])))
if (any(inf_flag)) {
stop('x contains infinite values.')
n <- nrow(x)
d <- ncol(x)
colnames_x <- colnames(x)
classes <- sapply(x, class)
x <- suppressWarnings(prep_x(x))
factor_cols <- sapply(x, is.factor)
lvls <- arf$forest$covariate.levels[factor_cols]
lvl_df <- rbindlist(lapply(seq_along(lvls), function(j) {
melt([j]), measure.vars = names(lvls)[j], = 'val')[, level := .I]
names(factor_cols) <- colnames_x
deci <- rep(NA_integer_, d)
if (any(!factor_cols)) {
deci[!factor_cols] <- sapply(which(!factor_cols), function(j) {
if (any(grepl('\\.', x[[j]]))) {
tmp <- x[grepl('\\.', x[[j]]), j]
out <- max(nchar(sub('.*[.]', '', tmp)))
} else {
out <- 0L
# Compute leaf bounds and coverage
num_trees <- arf$num.trees
bnd_fn <- function(tree) {
num_nodes <- length(arf$forest$split.varIDs[[tree]])
lb <- matrix(-Inf, nrow = num_nodes, ncol = d)
ub <- matrix(Inf, nrow = num_nodes, ncol = d)
if (family == 'unif' | isTRUE(finite_bounds) & any(!factor_cols)) {
for (j in which(!factor_cols)) {
min_j <- min(x[[j]], na.rm = TRUE)
max_j <- max(x[[j]], na.rm = TRUE)
gap <- max_j - min_j
lb[, j] <- min_j - epsilon / 2 * gap
ub[, j] <- max_j + epsilon / 2 * gap
for (i in 1:num_nodes) {
left_child <- arf$forest$child.nodeIDs[[tree]][[1]][i] + 1L
right_child <- arf$forest$child.nodeIDs[[tree]][[2]][i] + 1L
splitvarID <- arf$forest$split.varIDs[[tree]][i] + 1L
splitval <- arf$forest$split.value[[tree]][i]
if (left_child > 1) {
ub[left_child, ] <- ub[right_child, ] <- ub[i, ]
lb[left_child, ] <- lb[right_child, ] <- lb[i, ]
if (left_child != right_child) {
# If no pruned node, split changes bounds
ub[left_child, splitvarID] <- lb[right_child, splitvarID] <- splitval
leaves <- which(arf$forest$child.nodeIDs[[tree]][[1]] == 0L)
colnames(lb) <- colnames(ub) <- colnames_x
merge(melt(data.table(tree = tree, leaf = leaves, lb[leaves, ]),
id.vars = c('tree', 'leaf'), = 'min'),
melt(data.table(tree = tree, leaf = leaves, ub[leaves, ]),
id.vars = c('tree', 'leaf'), = 'max'),
by = c('tree', 'leaf', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
bnds <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %dopar% bnd_fn(tree)
} else {
bnds <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %do% bnd_fn(tree)
# Compute coverage
pred <- stats::predict(arf, x, type = 'terminalNodes')$predictions + 1L
keep <- data.table('tree' = rep(seq_len(num_trees), each = n),
'leaf' = as.vector(pred))
if (isTRUE(oob)) {
keep[, oob := as.vector(sapply(seq_len(num_trees), function(b) {
arf$inbag.counts[[b]][seq_len(n)] == 0L
keep <- keep[oob == TRUE]
keep <- unique(keep[, cnt := .N, by = .(tree, leaf)])
keep[, n_oob := sum(oob), by = tree]
keep[, cvg := cnt / n_oob][, c('oob', 'cnt', 'n_oob') := NULL]
} else {
keep <- unique(keep[, cnt := .N, by = .(tree, leaf)])
keep[, cvg := cnt / n][, cnt := NULL]
bnds <- merge(bnds, keep, by = c('tree', 'leaf'), sort = FALSE)
# Create forest index
setkey(bnds, tree, leaf)
bnds[, f_idx := .GRP, by = key(bnds)]
# Calculate distribution parameters for each variable
setnames(x, colnames_x)
# Continuous case
if (any(!factor_cols)) {
psi_cnt_fn <- function(tree) {
dt <- data.table(x[, !factor_cols, drop = FALSE], leaf = pred[, tree])
if (isTRUE(oob)) {
dt <- dt[!]
dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = 'leaf', variable.factor = FALSE)[, tree := tree]
dt <- merge(dt, bnds[, .(tree, leaf, variable, min, max, f_idx)],
by = c('tree', 'leaf', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
if (family == 'truncnorm') {
if (any($value))) {
dt[, all_na := all(, by = .(leaf, variable)]
if (any(dt[, all_na == TRUE])) {
if (any(dt[all_na == TRUE, !is.finite(min)])) {
for (j in names(which(!factor_cols))) {
dt[all_na == TRUE & !is.finite(min) & variable == j, min := min(x[[j]], na.rm = TRUE)]
if (any(dt[all_na == TRUE, !is.finite(max)])) {
for (j in names(which(!factor_cols))) {
dt[all_na == TRUE & !is.finite(max) & variable == j, max := max(x[[j]], na.rm = TRUE)]
dt[all_na == TRUE, value := (max - min) / 2]
dt[, all_na := NULL]
dt[, c('mu', 'sigma') := .(mean(value, na.rm = TRUE), sd(value, na.rm = TRUE)),
by = .(leaf, variable)]
dt[, sigma := 0]
if (any(dt[, sigma == 0])) {
dt[, new_min := fifelse(!is.finite(min), min(value, na.rm = TRUE), min), by = variable]
dt[, new_max := fifelse(!is.finite(max), max(value, na.rm = TRUE), max), by = variable]
dt[, mid := (new_min + new_max) / 2]
dt[, sigma0 := (new_max - mid) / stats::qnorm(0.975)]
# This prior places 95% of the density within the bounding box.
# In addition, we set the prior degrees of freedom at nu0 = 2.
# Since the mode of a chisq is max(df-2, 0), this means that
# (1) with a single observation, the posterior reduces to the prior; and
# (2) with more invariant observations, the posterior tends toward zero.
dt[sigma == 0, sigma := sqrt(2 / .N * sigma0^2), by = .(variable, leaf)]
dt[, c('new_min', 'new_max', 'mid', 'sigma0') := NULL]
return(unique(dt[, c('tree', 'leaf', 'value') := NULL]))
if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
psi_cnt <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %dopar%
} else {
psi_cnt <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %do%
setkey(psi_cnt, f_idx, variable)
setcolorder(psi_cnt, c('f_idx', 'variable'))
# Categorical case
if (any(factor_cols)) {
psi_cat_fn <- function(tree) {
dt <- data.table(x[, factor_cols, drop = FALSE], leaf = pred[, tree])
if (isTRUE(oob)) {
dt <- dt[!]
dt <- melt(dt, id.vars = 'leaf', variable.factor = FALSE,
value.factor = FALSE, = 'val')[, tree := tree]
if (dt[, any(]) {
dt[, all_na := all(, by = .(leaf, variable)]
dt <- dt[!( & all_na == FALSE)]
if (any(dt[, all_na == TRUE])) {
all_na <- unique(dt[all_na == TRUE])
dt <- dt[all_na == FALSE]
dt[, all_na := NULL]
all_na <- merge(all_na, bnds[, .(tree, leaf, variable, min, max, f_idx)],
by = c('tree', 'leaf', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
all_na[!is.finite(min), min := 0.5]
for (j in names(which(factor_cols))) {
all_na[!is.finite(max) & variable == j, max := lvl_df[variable == j, max(level)]]
all_na[!grepl('\\.5', min), min := min + 0.5]
all_na[!grepl('\\.5', max), max := max + 0.5]
all_na[, min := min + 0.5][, max := max - 0.5]
all_na <- rbindlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(all_na)), function(i) {
leaf = all_na[i, leaf], variable = all_na[i, variable],
level = all_na[i, seq(min, max)]
all_na <- merge(all_na, lvl_df, by = c('variable', 'level'))
all_na[, level := NULL][, tree := tree]
setcolorder(all_na, colnames(dt))
dt <- rbind(dt, all_na)
} else {
dt[, all_na := NULL]
dt[, count := .N, by = .(leaf, variable)]
dt <- merge(dt, bnds[, .(tree, leaf, variable, min, max, f_idx)],
by = c('tree', 'leaf', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
dt[, c('tree', 'leaf') := NULL]
if (alpha == 0) {
dt <- unique(dt[, prob := .N / count, by = .(f_idx, variable, val)])
} else {
# Define the range of each variable in each leaf
dt <- unique(dt[, val_count := .N, by = .(f_idx, variable, val)])
dt[, k := length(unique(val)), by = variable]
dt[!is.finite(min), min := 0.5][!is.finite(max), max := k + 0.5]
dt[!grepl('\\.5', min), min := min + 0.5][!grepl('\\.5', max), max := max + 0.5]
dt[, k := max - min]
# Enumerate each possible leaf-variable-value combo
tmp <- dt[, seq(min[1] + 0.5, max[1] - 0.5), by = .(f_idx, variable)]
setnames(tmp, 'V1', 'level')
tmp <- merge(tmp, lvl_df, by = c('variable', 'level'),
sort = FALSE)[, level := NULL]
# Populate count, k
tmp <- merge(tmp, unique(dt[, .(f_idx, variable, count, k)]),
by = c('f_idx', 'variable'), sort = FALSE)
# Merge with dt, set val_count = 0 for possible but unobserved levels
dt <- merge(tmp, dt, by = c('f_idx', 'variable', 'val', 'count', 'k'),
all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
dt[, val_count := 0]
# Compute posterior probabilities
dt[, prob := (val_count + alpha) / (count + alpha * k), by = .(f_idx, variable, val)]
dt[, c('val_count', 'k') := NULL]
dt[, c('count', 'min', 'max') := NULL]
if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
psi_cat <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %dopar%
} else {
psi_cat <- foreach(tree = seq_len(num_trees), .combine = rbind) %do%
lvl_df[, level := NULL]
setkey(psi_cat, f_idx, variable)
setcolorder(psi_cat, c('f_idx', 'variable'))
# Add metadata, export
psi <- list(
'cnt' = psi_cnt,
'cat' = psi_cat,
'forest' = unique(bnds[, .(f_idx, tree, leaf, cvg)]),
'meta' = data.table('variable' = colnames_x, 'class' = classes,
'family' = fifelse(factor_cols, 'multinom', family),
'decimals' = deci),
'levels' = lvl_df,
'input_class' = input_class
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