
Defines functions argonTabSet argonTab

Documented in argonTab argonTabSet

#' Create a Boostrap 4 tabs
#' Build an argon tabs
#' @param ... Slot for \link{argonTab}.
#' @param id argonTabs id. Should be unique. 
#' @param card_wrapper Whether to embed tab content in a card. FALSE by default.
#' @param horizontal Whether to display tabs horizontally. TRUE by default.
#' @param circle Whether to display circled design. FALSE by default.
#' @param size Tabs size. "sm" by default. "md", "lg".
#' @param width Tabs width. Between 1 and 12.
#' @param iconList A list of \link{argonIcon} or \link[shiny]{icon}. 
#' The lenght must have the same length as the number of tabs. NULL by default.
#' @examples 
#' if (interactive()) {
#'  library(argonR)
#'  argonTabSet(
#'   id = "tabset1",
#'   card_wrapper = TRUE,
#'   horizontal = TRUE,
#'   circle = FALSE,
#'   size = "sm",
#'   width = 6,
#'   iconList = list(
#'    argonIcon("cloud-upload-96"), 
#'    argonIcon("bell-55"), 
#'    argonIcon("calendar-grid-58")
#'   ),
#'   argonTab(
#'     tabName = "Tab 1",
#'     active = FALSE,
#'     "tabText1"
#'   ),
#'   argonTab(
#'     tabName = "Tab 2",
#'     active = TRUE,
#'     "tabText2"
#'   ),
#'   argonTab(
#'     tabName = "Tab 3",
#'     active = FALSE,
#'     "tabText3"
#'   )
#'  )
#' }
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @export
argonTabSet <- function(..., id, card_wrapper = FALSE, horizontal = TRUE, circle = FALSE,
                      size = "sm", width = 6, iconList = NULL) {
  ns <- NS(id)
  tabCl <- "nav nav-pills nav-fill flex-column"
  if (horizontal) {
    if (!is.null(size)) tabCl <- paste0(tabCl, " flex-", size, "-row")
  if (circle) tabCl <- paste0(tabCl, " nav-pills-circle")
  tabItems <- list(...)
  len_items <- length(tabItems)
  found_active <- FALSE
  # generate the menu
  tabMenu <- htmltools::tags$div(
    class = "nav-wrapper",
      class = tabCl,
      id = paste0(id, "-menu"),
      role = "tablist",
      lapply(X = 1:len_items, FUN = function(i) {
        current_item <- tabItems[[i]]
        current_item_name <- current_item[[1]]
        current_item_tag <- current_item[[2]]
        current_item_cl <- current_item_tag$attribs$class
        current_item_id <- current_item_tag$attribs$id
        current_item_label <- paste0(current_item_id, "-tab")

        # make sure that if the user set 2 tabs active at the same time, 
        # only the first one is selected
        if (!found_active) {
          active <- sum(grep(x = current_item_cl, pattern = "show active")) == 1
          if (active) found_active <<- TRUE
          # if there is already an active panel, set all other to inactive
        } else {
          active <- FALSE
          class = "nav-item",
            class = if (active) "nav-link mb-sm-3 mb-md-3 active" else "nav-link mb-sm-3 mb-md-3",
            id = ns(current_item_label),
            `data-toggle` = "tab",
            href = paste0("#", ns(current_item_id)), 
            role = "tab",
            `aria-controls` = ns(current_item_id),
            `aria-selected` = "true",
            if (!is.null(iconList)) iconList[[i]],
  # generate the container
  tabContent <- htmltools::tags$div(
    class = "tab-content",
    id = id,
    lapply(X = 1:len_items, FUN = function(i) {
      tabItems[[i]][[2]]$attribs$id <- ns(tabItems[[i]][[2]]$attribs$id)
  tabWrapper <- if (card_wrapper) {
      class = "card shadow",
      htmltools::tags$div(class = "card-body", tabContent)
  } else {
  argonColumn(width = width, tabMenu, tabWrapper)

#' Create a Boostrap 4 tab item
#' Build an argon tab item
#' @param ... Tab content
#' @param tabName Tab name: it will be also passed as the id argument. Should be unique.
#' @param active Whether the tab is active or not. FALSE bu default. 
#' @author David Granjon, \email{dgranjon@@ymail.com}
#' @export
argonTab <- function(..., tabName, active = FALSE) {
  tabCl <- if (active) "tab-pane fade show active" else "tab-pane fade"
  id <- tabName
  # handle punctuation
  id <- gsub(x = id, pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "")
  # handle tab names with space
  id <- gsub(x = id, pattern = " ", replacement = "")
  tabTag <- htmltools::tags$div(
    class = tabCl,
    role = "tabpanel",
    id = id,
    `aria-labelledby` = paste0(id, "-tab"),
  return(list(tabName, tabTag))

Try the argonR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

argonR documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 1:15 a.m.