
Defines functions get_mod_funs eDNA_lm_shared eDNA_zinf_lmer eDNA_zinf_lm load_slots_model run_model eDNA_lmer eDNA_lm

Documented in eDNA_lm eDNA_lmer eDNA_zinf_lm eDNA_zinf_lmer

##' @rdname eDNA_lmer
##' @export
eDNA_lm = function(formula, data, 
                   std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                   upper_Cq = 40, 
                   prior_intercept = normal(location = -15, scale = 10),
                   priors = normal(),
    eDNA_lm_shared(model_type = "lm",
                   formula, data, 
                   std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                   probability_zero = 0,

##' Fit eDNA model
##' These functions fit a Bayesian latent variable model to data
##' collected from a eDNA sampling experiment. These data have a few
##' particular characteristics that justify using a specialized
##' model. More details on these characteristics and the model
##' structure, please refer to the "Getting Started" vignette for the
##' artemis package.
##' There are four different modeling functions in the artemis
##' package, \code{eDNA_lm}, \code{eDNA_lmer}, \code{eDNA_zinf_lm},
##' \code{eDNA_zinf_lmer}.  \code{eDNA_lm} is for fitting a fixed
##' effects model, while \code{eDNA_lmer} is for fitting a mixed or
##' random effects model. The *_zinf versions implement a
##' zero-inflated version of their respective lm function. All models
##' are fit using the \code{rstan::sampling} function, which uses a
##' Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate parameters for the
##' model. Users are encouraged to refer to the documentation for Stan
##' and RStan at \url{https://mc-stan.org/users/documentation/} for
##' details about how models are fit.
##' @section Diagnosing warning and error messages:
##' The models have been written in Stan with key focus on robustness
##' and speed. However, it is possible that users might encounter
##' issues. Typically, these issues will be highlighted by warning
##' messages coming from \code{rstan::sampling}. Often times, these
##' warnings can be resolved by increasing the number of iterations
##' that the HMC algorithm runs by specifying \code{iters} to be a
##' larger value. This should be the first action attempted, as
##' increasing the \code{iters} increases both the warm-up and
##' sampling iterations. If users continue to have issues, additional
##' control arguments can be passed to \code{rstan::sampling} via the
##' \code{...} argument.
##' @title Fit eDNA Model
##' @aliases eDNA_lm
##' @param formula a formula, specifying the relationship between the
##'     predictors and the latent variable eDNA concentration.
##' @param data data.frame, with the response and predictors
##' @param std_curve_alpha the alpha (intercept) value for the formula for
##'     converting between log(eDNA concentration) and CQ value
##' @param std_curve_beta the beta (slope) value for the formula for
##'     converting between log(eDNA concentration) and CQ value
##' @param upper_Cq numeric, the upper limit on CQ detection. Any
##'     value of log(concentration) which would result in a value
##'     greater than this limit is instead recorded as the limit.
##' @param probability_zero numeric, between 0 and 1. The probability
##'     of a non-detection from a source other than low concentration
##'     of eDNA, e.g. a filter failure. Defaults to 8% (0.08), which
##'     was the estimated p(zero) from a daily sampling experiment.
##' @param prior_intercept named list such as created by
##'     \code{rstanarm::normal}. The list must contain elements named
##'     "location" and "scale", which are the location and scale for a
##'     normal prior over the intercept. Ignored when the intercept is
##'     omitted in the model formula.
##' @param prior_random_variance the prior on variance of the random
##'     effects. Defaults to exponential distribution with rate 1.
##' @param priors named list such as created by
##'     \code{rstanarm::normal}. The list must contain elements named
##'     "location" and "scale", which are the location and scale for a
##'     normal prior over the betas, and "autoscale". If a single
##'     value is provided, this value will be repeated for each
##'     beta. If \code{autoscale = TRUE}, the scale of the priors is
##'     scaled by the sd of the predictors similar to rstanarm handles
##'     them.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to
##'     \code{\link[rstan]{sampling}}
##' @return S4 object, with the following slots:
##' \describe{
##'   \item{ln_conc}{matrix, the posterior samples for the latent
##'     variable, eDNA concentration}
##' \item{Cq_star}{matrix, the
##'     posterior prediction for the observed response}
##' \item{betas}{array, the posterior estimates for the betas for
##'     the linear model}
##' \item{sigma_ln_eDNA}{array, the posterior
##'     estimates for the measurement error of ln_eDNA}
##' \item{formula}{formula, the original formula used in the
##'     model}
##' \item{x}{data.frame, the model matrix used in the
##'     model}
##' \item{std_curve_alpha}{numeric, the std. curve intercept value
##'     used}
##' \item{std_curve_beta}{numeric, the std. curve slope value
##'     used}
##' \item{upper_Cq}{numeric, the upper limit for observed CQ
##'     used}
##' \item{stanfit}{stanfit, the original results from
##'     \code{rstan::sampling}} }
##' @author Matt Espe
##' @examples
##' ## Fixed effect model
##' ans = eDNA_lm(Cq ~ Distance_m, eDNA_data,
##'               std_curve_alpha = 21.2, std_curve_beta = -1.5)
##' \donttest{
##' ## Mixed-effect model
##' ## This takes a while to run
##' ans2 = eDNA_lmer(Cq ~ Distance_m + (1|FilterID), eDNA_data,
##'                  std_curve_alpha = 21.2, std_curve_beta = -1.5)
##' }
##' @export
eDNA_lmer = function(formula, data, 
                     std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                     upper_Cq = 40, 
                     prior_intercept = normal(location = -15, scale = 10),
                     priors = normal(),
                     prior_random_variance = exponential(), 
    eDNA_lm_shared(model_type = "lmer",
                   formula, data, 
                   std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                   probability_zero = 0,

run_model = function(model,
                     data, ...)
    ### XXXX FIX THIS!!! ####
    fit = sampling(model, data = data, ...)
    fit = as(fit, "eDNA_model")

load_slots_model = function(obj)
    obj@formula = get("formula", parent.frame())
    obj@x = as.data.frame(get("md", parent.frame())$X)
    obj@std_curve_alpha = get("std_curve_alpha", parent.frame())
    obj@std_curve_beta = get("std_curve_beta", parent.frame())
    obj@upper_Cq = get("upper_Cq", parent.frame())

##' @rdname eDNA_lmer
##' @export
eDNA_zinf_lm = function(formula, data, 
                        std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                        upper_Cq = 40,
                        probability_zero = 0.08,
                        prior_intercept = normal(location = -15, scale = 10),
                        priors = normal(), 
    # from lm
    eDNA_lm_shared(model_type = "zero_inf_lm",
                          formula, data, 
                          std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
##' @rdname eDNA_lmer
##' @export
eDNA_zinf_lmer = function(formula, data, 
                          std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                          upper_Cq = 40,
                          probability_zero = 0.08,
                          prior_intercept = normal(location = -15, scale = 10),
                          priors = normal(),
                          prior_random_variance = exponential(),
    # from lm
    eDNA_lm_shared(model_type = "zero_inf_lmer",
                   formula, data, 
                   std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,

# houses most lm() code, which is similar between the lm, lmer, and
# zero-inflated
eDNA_lm_shared = function(model_type, 
                          formula, data, 
                          std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                          upper_Cq = 40,
                          probability_zero = 0.08,
                          prior_intercept = normal(location = -15, scale = 10),
                          priors = normal(), 
                          prior_random_variance = exponential(),
    md_pars = get_mod_funs(model_type)
    # from lm
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]

    mf[[1]] = md_pars$gen_fun

    ml = eval(mf, parent.frame(1L))
    # This works because Stan ignores extra input data
    md = md_pars$prep_fun(ml, std_curve_alpha, std_curve_beta,
                          Cq_upper = upper_Cq, prob_zero = probability_zero,
                          prior_int = prior_intercept,
                          prior_b = priors, rand_sd = prior_random_variance)
    # md$y = ml$y
    fit = run_model(model = md_pars$mod,
                    data = md, ...)
    fit = load_slots_model(fit)
    fit = as(fit, md_pars$model_class)

# Put this here to allow us to easily swap out pieces later
get_mod_funs = function(model_type)
        mod = with(stanmodels, switch(model_type,
                lm = eDNA_lm,
                lmer = eDNA_lmer,
                zero_inf_lm = eDNA_lm_zinf,
                zero_inf_lmer = eDNA_lmer_zinf,
                stop("Unknown model type"))),
    mn = switch(model_type,
                lm = "eDNA_lm.stan",
                lmer = "eDNA_lmer.stan",
                zero_inf_lm = "eDNA_lm_zinf.stan",
                zero_inf_lmer = "eDNA_lmer_zinf.stan",
                stop("Unknown model type")),
    gen_fun = switch(model_type,
                     lm = quote(gen_model_list_lm),
                     lmer = quote(gen_model_list_lmer),
                     zero_inf_lm = quote(gen_model_list_lm),
                     zero_inf_lmer = quote(gen_model_list_lmer)),
    prep_fun = switch(model_type,
                      lm = prep_data.lm,
                      lmer = prep_data.lmer,
                      zero_inf_lm = prep_data.lm, 
                      zero_inf_lmer = prep_data.lmer),

    model_class = switch(model_type,
                      lm = "eDNA_model_lm",
                      lmer = "eDNA_model_lmer",
                      zero_inf_lm = "eDNA_model_zip", 
                      zero_inf_lmer = "eDNA_model_ziper")

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artemis documentation built on Sept. 9, 2021, 1:07 a.m.