Man pages for asremlPlus
Augments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages Generally in Exploring Prediction Differences

addBacktransforms.alldiffsAdds or recalculates the backtransforms component of an...
addSpatialModel.asrtestsAdds, to a supplied model, a spatial model that accounts for...
addSpatialModelOnIC.asrtestsUses information criteria to decide whether to add a spatial...
addto.test.summaryAdds a row to a 'test.summary' 'data.frame'. supplied predictions and standard errors of pairwise...
alldiffs.objectDescription of an alldiffs object
angularApplies the angular transformation to proportions.
angular.modApplies the modified angular transformation to a vector of...
as.alldiffsForms an 'alldiffs.object' from the supplied predictions,...
as.asrtestsForms an asrtests object that stores (i) a fitted asreml...
as.predictions.frameForms a 'predictions.frame' from a 'data.frame', ensuring...
asremlPlus-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in the Package asremlPlus
asremlPlus-packageAugments 'ASReml-R' in Fitting Mixed Models and Packages...
asremlPlusTipsThe randomly-presented, startup tips.
asrtests.objectDescription of an asrtests object
bootREMLRT.asremlUses the parametric bootstrap to calculate the p-value for a...
changeModelOnIC.asrtestsUses information criteria to decide whether to change an...
changeTerms.asrtestsAdds and drops terms from one or both of the fixed or random...
ChickpeaEndA large data set comprising the end of imaging data from a...
chooseModelDetermines the set of significant terms using p-values and...
chooseModel.asrtestsDetermines and records the set of significant terms using an... the set of significant terms from results stored...
chooseSpatialModelOnIC.asrtestsUses information criteria to choose the best fitting spatial...
convAsremlobj.asremlRecreates an 'asreml' object so that it is compatible with...
convEffectNames2DataFrame.asremlConverts the effects names for a term stored in the component...
estimateV.asremlForms the estimated variance, random or residual matrix for...
exploreLSDs.alldiffsExplores the computed LSD values for pairwise differences...
facCombine.alldiffsCombines several factors into one in the components of an...
facRecast.alldiffsReorders and/or revises the factor levels using the order of...
facRename.alldiffsRenames 'factor's in the 'prediction' component of an...
getASRemlVersionLoadedFinds the version of asreml that is loaded and returns the...
getFormulae.asremlGets the formulae from an asreml object.
getTestEntry.asrtestsGets the entry for a test recorded in the test.summary...
getTestPvalue.asrtestsGets the p-value for a test recorded in the test.summary...
infoCriteria.asremlComputes AIC and BIC for models.
is.alldiffsTests whether an object is of class alldiffs
is.asrtestsTests whether an object is of class asrtests
isCompoundSymmetric.matrixTests whether an object of class matrix is compound symmetric
is.predictions.frameTests whether an object is of class predictions.frame
iterate.asrtestsSubject the fitted 'asreml.obj' stored in an...
Ladybird.datData for an experiment to investigate whether ladybirds...
linTransform.alldiffsCalculates a linear transformation of the predictions stored...
loadASRemlVersionEnsures that a specific version of 'asreml' is loaded.
LSD.frameDescription of an LSD frame the spline basis matrices and data needed to fit Tensor...
newfit.asremlRefits an 'asreml' model with changed arguments by...
num.recodeRecodes the unique values of a vector using the values in a...
Oats.datData for an experiment to investigate nitrogen response of 3...
pairdiffsTransform.alldiffsCalculates the differences between nominated pairs of...
permute.squarePermutes the rows and columns of a square matrix. a square matrix until all the lower triangular...
pickLSDstatistics.alldiffsPick LSDstatistics whose values minimize the number of errors...
plotLSDerrors.alldiffsPlots a map of the errors that occur in using the computed... a map of the supplied errors that occur in using the...
plotLSDs.alldiffsPlots a heat map of computed LSD values for pairwise... a heat map of computed LSD-values for pairwise... the predictions for a term, possibly with error bars.
plotPvalues.alldiffsPlots a heat map of p-values for pairwise differences between... a heat map of p-values for pairwise differences between... empirical variogram faces, including envelopes, from...
powerTransformPerforms a combination of a linear and a power transformation...
predictions.frameDescription of a predictions object
predictPlus.asremlForms the predictions for a term, their pairwise differences...
predictPresent.asremlForms the predictions for each of one or more terms and...
print.alldiffsPrints the values in an 'alldiffs.object' in a nice format.
print.asrtestsPrints the values in an 'asrtests.object'
printFormulae.asremlPrints the formulae from an asreml object.
print.LSDdataPrints the components of a list containing data on the LSDs...
print.predictions.framePrints the values in a 'predictions.frame', with or without...
print.test.summaryPrints a data.frame containing a test.summary.
print.wald.tabPrints a data.frame containing a Wald or pseudoanova table.
R2adj.asremlCalculates the adjusted coefficient of determination for a...
ratioTransform.alldiffsCalculates the ratios of nominated pairs of predictions...
recalcLSD.alldiffsAdds or recalculates the 'LSD.frame' that is a component of...
recalcWaldTab.asrtestsRecalculates the denDF, and P values for a table of...
redoErrorIntervals.alldiffsAdds or replaces the error intervals stored in a prediction...
REMLRT.asremlPerforms a REML ratio test to compare two models.
renewClassify.alldiffsRenews the components in an 'alldiffs.object' according to a...
reparamSigDevn.asrtestsReparamterizes each random (deviations) term involving...
rmboundary.asrtestsRemoves any boundary or singular variance components from the...
setvarianceterms.callallows the setting of bounds and initial values for terms in...
simulate.asremlProduce sets of simulated data from a multivariate normal...
sort.alldiffsSorts the components in an 'alldiffs.object' according to the...
sort.predictions.frameSorts a 'predictions.frame' according to the predicted values...
subset.alldiffsSubsets the components in an 'alldiffs.object' according to...
subset.listForms a 'list' that contains a subset of the components of...
testranfix.asrtestsTests for a single fixed or random term in model fitted using...
testresidual.asrtestsFits a new residual formula, tests whether the change is...
testswapran.asrtestsTests, using a REMLRT, the significance of the difference...
validAlldiffsChecks that an object is a valid alldiffs object.
validAsrtestsChecks that an object is a valid asrtests object.
validPredictionsFrameChecks that an object is a valid predictions.frame.
variofaces.asremlPlots empirical variogram faces, including envelopes, as...
WaterRunoff.datData for an experiment to investigate the quality of water...
Wheat.datData for a 1976 experiment to investigate 25 varieties of...
asremlPlus documentation built on Oct. 27, 2024, 5:06 p.m.