
audioSplom <- function (x = NULL, data, purge.plots = FALSE,
                        bins = 30, aspect = 1, radius = floor (sqrt(bins)) - 1,
                        key = "C", quality = "Major", tempo = 115,
                        directory = file.path (Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER"), "audiolyzR"),
                        output = file.path (tempdir(), "json_matrix"), write.to.home = NULL, ...)
  if (bins > 32) cat("WARNING: audiolyzR only supports 32 distinct notes, so /n bin values over 32 will generate strange results.")
  #checks whether audiolyzR is installed correctly
  if( is.null(get("write.to.home", envir=asNamespace("audiolyzR"), inherits = FALSE) ) ) {
    message("R would like permission to write audioplot data files to: \n    ",
            file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME")),"  during this session.", 
            "\nOtherwise you will have to manually drag that folder to the synthesizer.",
            "\nIs that OK?")
    ANSWER <- readline("Type y or n")
    if (ANSWER %in% c("y","Y","yes","Yes","YES") )
      write.to.home <- TRUE else write.to.home <- FALSE
    unlockBinding("write.to.home", env = asNamespace("audiolyzR") )
    assign("write.to.home", write.to.home, envir = asNamespace("audiolyzR"))
  } else write.to.home <- get("write.to.home", envir = asNamespace("audiolyzR"), inherits=FALSE)
  #if a vector of variables is not provided
    #obtain class of variables
    class.data <- data.frame(class=sapply(data,class), 
                             n.unique=sapply(data,function(x) length(unique(x)))) 
    #requires that at least 2 numeric variables exist
    if(nrow(class.data) < 3)
      stop("audioSplom requires at least 3 numeric variables")
    #take only numeric with more than 10 uniques
    data <- data[,which(class.data$class %in% c("numeric","integer") & class.data$n.unique >= 10)] 
    if(ncol(data) >= 20)
      stop("audioSplom only supports up to 20 variables")
  #otherwise use the given variables
    if(length(x) < 3) stop("audioSplom requires at least 3 numeric variables")
    else data <- data[x] 
    data <- as.data.frame(sapply(all.vars(x), function(y) data[y]))
  print(hexplom(~data,xbins=bins,colramp = BTY,upper.panel = panel.hexboxplot, ...))
  mat.index <- combn(1:ncol(data),2) #combinations of plots for splom
  #defines reverb for each combination according to correlation
  reverb <- apply(mat.index[,(1:ncol(mat.index))],2,
                  function(x) abs(cor(data[x[1]],
                                      data[x[2]], use="complete.obs")))
  #applies the matricize function to each combination and joins the results into one data.frame
  matrices <- list()
  matrices <- apply(mat.index[,(1:ncol(mat.index))],2,
                    function(x) matrices[[which(mat.index[1,]==x[1] & mat.index[2,]==x[2])]] <- 
                      matricize(data[x[2]],data[x[1]],bins,radius,aspect,type="splom", ...))
  #remove rows that are all 0s
  matrices <- lapply(matrices, function(x) x[-which(x[3]==0),])  
  #extract label names for axes in the synth
  labels <- lapply(matrices, function(x) data.frame(main.x=unlist(strsplit(names(x[3]), "\\_"))[1],
                                                    main.y=unlist(strsplit(names(x[3]), "\\_"))[2]))   
  #store actual names in separate list
  for (i in 1:length(matrices))
    names(matrices[[i]]) <- c("Xcoord","Ycoord","plot.1","dist.1")
  global.options <- lapply(1:length(matrices), function(i)
  data.frame(key = paste(key), 
             quality = paste(quality), 
             reverb = reverb[i], 
             tempo = tempo, 
             maxdist = max(matrices[[i]][,4]),
             maxcount = max(matrices[[i]][,3])))
  #split each row frame into a list for each row
  matrices.main <- lapply(matrices, function(x) split(x, 1:nrow(x))) 
  #define overall dimensions of the json list
  if(aspect != 1) dimensions <- data.frame(X=max(matrices[[1]][1])+1,Y=max(matrices[[1]][2])+1) else
    dimensions <- data.frame(X=max(matrices[[1]][c(1,2)])+1,Y=max(matrices[[1]][c(1,2)])+1)
  #populate a list with all info for each graph
  max.out <- lapply(1:length(matrices), function(i)
  for (i in 1:length(matrices)) {
    names(max.out[[i]]) <- c("matrix","dimensions","globaloptions","labels")
  if (write.to.home)
    output <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"),"json_matrix")
  if (purge.plots)
    unlink(output, recursive=TRUE)
  dir.create(output, showWarnings=FALSE)
  file <- lapply(labels, function(x) paste(x[1,2],"~",x[1,1],".json",sep=""))
  max.out <- lapply(max.out, function(x) toJSON(x, .withNames=TRUE))
  #write one file per plot to the json_matrix folder
  sapply(1:length(matrices), function(i) writeLines(max.out[[i]], paste(output,file[[i]],sep="/")))
  #launch synth
  systemRun(directory, output, write.to.home)

Try the audiolyzR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

audiolyzR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:15 a.m.