
Defines functions ebma_mc_draws ebma_mc_tol ebma

Documented in ebma ebma_mc_draws ebma_mc_tol

#' Bayesian Ensemble Model Averaging EBMA
#' \code{ebma} tunes EBMA and generates weights for classifier averaging.
#' @inheritParams auto_MrP
#' @param ebma.fold New data for EBMA tuning. A list containing the the data
#'   that must not have been used in classifier training.
#' @param pc.names Principal Component Variable names. A character vector
#'   containing the names of the context-level principal components variables.
#' @param post.strat Post-stratification results. A list containing the best
#'   models for each of the tuned classifiers, the individual level predictions
#'   on the data classifier trainig data and the post-stratified context-level
#'   predictions.
#' @param n.draws EBMA number of samples. An integer-valued scalar specifying
#'   the number of bootstrapped samples to be drawn from the EBMA fold and used
#'   for tuning EBMA. Default is \eqn{100}. Passed on from \code{ebma.n.draws}.
#' @param tol EBMA tolerance. A numeric vector containing the tolerance values
#'   for improvements in the log-likelihood before the EM algorithm stops
#'   optimization. Values should range at least from \eqn{0.01} to \eqn{0.001}.
#'   Default is \code{c(0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005, 0.0001, 0.00005, 0.00001)}.
#'   Passed on from \code{ebma.tol}.
#' @param best.subset.opt Tuned best subset parameters. A list returned from
#'   \code{run_best_subset()}.
#' @param pca.opt Tuned best subset with principal components parameters. A list
#'   returned from \code{run_pca()}.
#' @param lasso.opt Tuned lasso parameters. A list returned from
#'   \code{run_lasso()}.
#' @param gb.opt Tuned gradient tree boosting parameters. A list returned from
#'   \code{run_gb()}.
#' @param svm.opt Tuned support vector machine parameters. A list returned from
#'   \code{run_svm()}.

ebma <- function(ebma.fold, y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg, pc.names,
                 post.strat, n.draws, tol, best.subset.opt, pca.opt,
                 lasso.opt, gb.opt, svm.opt, verbose, cores){

  # Run EBMA if at least two classifiers selected
  if (sum(unlist(lapply(X = post.strat$models, FUN = function(x) !is.null(x)))) > 1){

    if (verbose) {
      message("Starting bayesian ensemble model averaging tuning")

    # EBMA wihtout L2.x variables
    if (all(L2.x == "")) L2.x <- NULL

    # Models
    model_bs <- post.strat$models$best_subset
    model_pca <- post.strat$models$pca
    model_lasso <- post.strat$models$lasso
    model_gb <- post.strat$models$gb
    model_svm <- post.strat$models$svm
    model_mrp <- post.strat$models$mrp

    # Training predictions
    train_preds <- post.strat$predictions$Level1 %>%

    # Training set outcomes
    train_y <- dplyr::pull(.data = post.strat$predictions$Level1, var = y)

    # Parallel tuning, if cores > 1
    if (cores > 1){

      # Distribute clusters over tolerance values or n.draws
      if(length(tol) <= n.draws*3){

        final_model_weights <- ebma_mc_draws(
          train.preds = train_preds,
          train.y = train_y,
          ebma.fold = ebma.fold,
          y = y,
          L1.x = L1.x,
          L2.x = L2.x,
          L2.unit = L2.unit,
          L2.reg = L2.reg,
          pc.names = pc.names,
          model.bs = model_bs,
          model.pca = model_pca,
          model.lasso = model_lasso,
          model.gb = model_gb,
          model.svm = model_svm,
          model.mrp = model_mrp,
          tol = tol,
          n.draws = n.draws,
          cores = cores)

      } else {

        final_model_weights <- ebma_mc_tol(
          train.preds = train_preds,
          train.y = train_y,
          ebma.fold = ebma.fold,
          y = y,
          L1.x = L1.x,
          L2.x = L2.x,
          L2.unit = L2.unit,
          L2.reg = L2.reg,
          pc.names = pc.names,
          model.bs = model_bs,
          model.pca = model_pca,
          model.lasso = model_lasso,
          model.gb = model_gb,
          model.svm = model_svm,
          model.mrp = model_mrp,
          tol = tol,
          n.draws = n.draws,
          cores = cores)
    } else{

      # Counter for verbose screen output
      counter <- 0

      # Container to store the MSE on the test folds
      # Bootstrap draws in rows and tolerance values in columns
      mse_collector <- matrix(
        NA, nrow = n.draws,
        ncol = length(tol),
        dimnames = list( c(paste0("Ndraw_", seq(1:n.draws))),
                         c(paste0("Tol: ", tol) )))

      # container for model weights for each draw and tolerance value
      # Dimension 1 (rows): Bootstrap draws
      # Dimension 2 (columns): Classifiers
      # Dimension 3 (layers): Tolerance values
      weights_box <- array(
        dim = c(n.draws, ncol(train_preds), length(tol)),
        dimnames = list( c(paste0("Ndraw_", seq(1:n.draws))),
                         c(paste0("Tol: ", tol))))

      # loop over tolerance values
      for (idx.tol in 1:length(tol)){

        # loop over Ndraws wit equal obs/state
        for (idx.Ndraws in 1:n.draws){

          # Increase counter
          counter <- counter +1

          # Determine number per group to sample
          n_per_group <- as.integer(nrow(ebma.fold) / length(levels(ebma.fold[[L2.unit]])))

          # Test set with n_per_group persons per state (with resampling)
          test <- ebma.fold %>%
            dplyr::group_by_at( .vars = L2.unit ) %>%
            dplyr::sample_n( n_per_group, replace = TRUE) %>%
            dplyr::ungroup() %>%
            dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c( L1.x, L2.unit, L2.reg), .funs = as.factor) %>%
            dplyr::select( dplyr::one_of(c(y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg, pc.names))) %>%

          # predict outcomes in test set
          test_preds <- dplyr::tibble(
            best_subset = if(!is.null(model_bs)){
              predict(object = model_bs, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
            } else{NA},
            pca = if(!is.null(model_pca)){
              predict(object = model_pca, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
            } else{NA},
            lasso = if(!is.null(model_lasso)){
              predict_glmmLasso(census = test, m = model_lasso, L1.x = L1.x,
                                lasso.L2.x = L2.x, L2.unit = L2.unit, L2.reg = L2.reg)
              #predict(object = model_lasso, newdata = as.data.frame(test), type = "response",
              #        allow.new.levels = TRUE)
            } else{NA},
            gb = if(!is.null(model_gb)){
              gbm::predict.gbm(object = model_gb, newdata = test, n.trees = model_gb$n.trees, type = "response")
            } else{NA},
            svm = if(!is.null(model_svm)){
              as.numeric(attr(predict(object = model_svm, newdata = test, probability = TRUE),"probabilities")[,"1"])
            } else{NA},
            mrp = if(!is.null(model_mrp)){
              predict(object = model_mrp, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
            } else{NA}
          # remove NA's
          test_preds <- test_preds[,apply(X = test_preds, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){

          # outcome on the test
          # test_y <- dplyr::select(.data = test, dplyr::one_of(y))
          test_y <- dplyr::pull(.data = test, y)

          # EBMA
            forecast.data <- EBMAforecast::makeForecastData(
              .predCalibration = data.frame(train_preds),
              .outcomeCalibration = train_y,
              .predTest = data.frame(test_preds),
              .outcomeTest = test_y)

            # vector of initial model weights
            # Note: On some Mac versions the model weights do not sum to exactly
            # 1 for repeating decimal weights
            W <- rep(x = 1 / ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration),
                     times = ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration))
            W[length(W)] <- 1 - sum(W[-length(W)])

            # calibrate EBMA ensemble
            forecast.out <- EBMAforecast::calibrateEnsemble(
              model = "normal",
              useModelParams = FALSE,
              tol = tol[idx.tol],
              W = W)

          } else {
            forecast.data <- quiet(
                .predCalibration = data.frame(train_preds),
                .outcomeCalibration = as.numeric(unlist(train_y)),
                .predTest = data.frame(test_preds),
                .outcomeTest = as.numeric(unlist(test_y)))

            # vector of initial model weights
            # Note: On some Mac versions the model weights do not sum to exactly
            # 1 for repeating decimal weights
            W <- rep(x = 1 / ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration),
                     times = ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration))
            W[length(W)] <- 1 - sum(W[-length(W)])

            # calibrate EBMA ensemble
            forecast.out <- quiet(EBMAforecast::calibrateEnsemble(
              model = "normal",
              useModelParams = FALSE,
              tol = tol[idx.tol],
              W = W))


          # mse
          mse_collector[idx.Ndraws, idx.tol] <- mean(( as.numeric(unlist(test_y)) -
                                                         as.numeric( attributes(forecast.out)$predTest[,1,1]))^2)

          # model weights
          weights_box[idx.Ndraws, , idx.tol] <- attributes(forecast.out)$modelWeights

          # progress
          if (verbose) cat(paste("\n","EBMA: ", round(counter / (length(tol) * n.draws),2)*100, "% done",sep=""))

      # which tolerance value minimizes the mse on the test set
      best_tolerance <- apply(mse_collector, 1, function(x) which.min(x))

      # container of best model weights
      weights_mat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.draws, ncol = ncol(train_preds))

      # model weights; rows = observations, columns = model weights, layers = tolerance values
      if (length(tol)>1){
        for (idx.tol in 1:length(best_tolerance)){
          weights_mat[idx.tol, ] <- weights_box[idx.tol, ,][ ,best_tolerance[idx.tol]]
      } else{
        weights_mat <- weights_box[, , 1]

      # average model weights
      if (is.null(dim(weights_mat))){
        final_model_weights <- as.numeric(weights_mat)
      } else{
        final_model_weights <- apply(weights_mat, 2, mean)

      names(final_model_weights) <- names(train_preds)


    # weighted average
    model_preds <- as.matrix(post.strat$predictions$Level2[,names(final_model_weights)])
    w_avg <- as.numeric(model_preds %*% final_model_weights)

    # deal with missings
    if (any(is.na(w_avg))){

      # missing row indexes
      m_idx <- which(is.na(w_avg))

      # which classifiers contain missings
      NA_classifiers <- which(apply(model_preds, 2, function(x) any(is.na(x))))

      # readjust weights without that classifier
      NA_adj_weights <- final_model_weights[-NA_classifiers] / sum(final_model_weights[-NA_classifiers])

      # remove columns with NAs
      no_Na_preds <- model_preds[
        m_idx, # rows
        apply(X = model_preds, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){all(!is.na(x))}) # columns

      # predictions for rows with NAs on at least 1 classifier
      no_NA_avg <- as.numeric(no_Na_preds %*% NA_adj_weights)

      # replace predictions
      w_avg[m_idx] <- no_NA_avg

    # L2 preds object
    L2_preds <- dplyr::tibble(
      !! rlang::sym(L2.unit) := dplyr::pull(.data = post.strat$predictions$Level2, var = L2.unit),
      ebma = w_avg)

    # function output
    return(list(ebma = L2_preds, classifiers = post.strat$predictions$Level2, weights = final_model_weights))

  } else{
    if (verbose) {
      message("\n Skipping EBMA (only 1 classifier selected) \n")

    # function output
    return(list(ebma = "EBMA step skipped (only 1 classifier run)", classifiers = post.strat$predictions$Level2))

#     Multicore tuning for EBMA - parallel over tolerance                      #
#' EBMA multicore tuning - parallelises over tolerance values.
#' \code{ebma_mc_tol} is called from within \code{ebma}. It tunes using
#' multiple cores.
#' @inheritParams auto_MrP
#' @inheritParams ebma
#' @param train.preds Predictions of classifiers on the classifier training data. A tibble.
#' @param train.y Outcome variable of the classifier training data. A numeric vector.
#' @param ebma.fold The data used for EBMA tuning. A tibble.
#' @param model.bs The tuned model from the multilevel regression with best
#'   subset selection classifier. An \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} object.
#' @param model.pca The tuned model from the multilevel regression with
#'   principal components as context-level predictors classifier. An
#'   \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} object.
#' @param model.lasso The tuned model from the multilevel regression with L1
#'   regularization classifier. A \code{\link[glmmLasso]{glmmLasso}} object.
#' @param model.gb The tuned model from the gradient boosting classifier. A
#'   \code{\link[gbm]{gbm}} object.
#' @param model.svm The tuned model from the support vector machine classifier.
#'   An \code{\link[e1071]{svm}} object.
#' @param model.mrp The standard MrP model. An \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} object
#' @param tol The tolerance values used for EBMA. A numeric vector.
#' @return The classifier weights. A numeric vector.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # not yet
#' }

ebma_mc_tol <- function(train.preds, train.y, ebma.fold,
                        y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg,
                        pc.names, model.bs, model.pca,
                        model.lasso, model.gb, model.svm,
                        model.mrp, tol, n.draws, cores){

  # Binding for global variables
  `%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`
  idx.tol <- NULL

  # list of draws
  draws <- vector("list", n.draws)

  # loop over Ndraws with equal obs/state
  for(idx.Ndraws in 1:n.draws){

    # Determine number per group to sample
    n_per_group <- as.integer(nrow(ebma.fold) / length(levels(ebma.fold[[L2.unit]])))

    # Test set with n_per_group persons per state (with resampling)
    test <- ebma.fold %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at( .vars = L2.unit ) %>%
      dplyr::sample_n( n_per_group, replace = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c( L1.x, L2.unit, L2.reg), .funs = as.factor) %>%
      dplyr::select( dplyr::one_of(c(y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg, pc.names))) %>%

    # predict outcomes in test set
    test_preds <- dplyr::tibble(
      best_subset = if(!is.null(model.bs)){
        predict(object = model.bs, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA},
      pca = if(!is.null(model.pca)){
        predict(object = model.pca, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA},
      lasso = if(!is.null(model.lasso)){
        predict_glmmLasso(census = test, m = model.lasso, L1.x = L1.x,
                          lasso.L2.x = L2.x, L2.unit = L2.unit, L2.reg = L2.reg)
        #predict(object = model.lasso, newdata = as.data.frame(test), type = "response",
        #        allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA},
      gb = if(!is.null(model.gb)){
        gbm::predict.gbm(object = model.gb, newdata = test, n.trees = model.gb$n.trees, type = "response")
      } else{NA},
      svm = if(!is.null(model.svm)){
        as.numeric(attr(predict(object = model.svm, newdata = test, probability = TRUE),"probabilities")[,"1"])
      } else{NA},
      mrp = if(!is.null(model.mrp)){
        predict(object = model.mrp, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA}
    # Remove NA's
    test_preds <- test_preds[,apply(X = test_preds, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){

    # Outcome on the test
    test_y <- dplyr::select(.data = test, dplyr::one_of(y))

    # Register cores
    cl <- multicore(cores = cores, type = "open", cl = NULL)

    # Loop over tolerance values
    ebma_tune <- foreach::foreach(idx.tol = 1:length(tol), .packages = c("glmmLasso", "e1071", "gbm")) %dorng% {

      # EBMA
      forecast.data <- suppressWarnings(
          .predCalibration = data.frame(train.preds),
          .outcomeCalibration = as.numeric(unlist(train.y)),
          .predTest = data.frame(test_preds),
          .outcomeTest = as.numeric(unlist(test_y)))

      # vector of initial model weights
      # Note: On some Mac versions the model weights do not sum to exactly
      # 1 for repeating decimal weights
      W <- rep(x = 1 / ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration),
               times = ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration))
      W[length(W)] <- 1 - sum(W[-length(W)])

      # calibrate EBMA ensemble
      forecast.out <- EBMAforecast::calibrateEnsemble(
        model = "normal",
        useModelParams = FALSE,
        tol = tol[idx.tol],
        W = W)

      # mse
      mse_collector <- mean(( as.numeric(unlist(test_y)) -
                                as.numeric( attributes(forecast.out)$predTest[,1,1]))^2)

      # model weights
      weights_box <- matrix(attributes(forecast.out)$modelWeights, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(train.preds))

      return(list(MSEs = mse_collector, weights = weights_box))

    # De-register cluster
    multicore(cores = cores, type = "close", cl = cl)

    # MSEs for each tolerance value
    MSEs <- unlist(lapply(ebma_tune, `[[`, 1))

    # weights
    weights <- lapply(ebma_tune, `[[`, 2)
    weights <- matrix(data = unlist(weights), ncol = ncol(train.preds), byrow = TRUE,
                      dimnames = list(c(
                        paste0("Tol_", tol)),

    # Store MSEs and weights in current draw
    draws[[idx.Ndraws]] <- list(MSEs = MSEs, weights = weights)


  # Container of best weights per draw
  wgt <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.draws, ncol = ncol(draws[[1]][["weights"]]) )

  # Select best weights per draw
  for(idx_w in 1:length(draws)){

    # Tolerance with lowest MSE in draw idx_w
    best_tolerance <- which(draws[[idx_w]]$MSEs == min(draws[[idx_w]]$MSEs))

    if (length(best_tolerance) > 1){
      wgt[idx_w, ] <- apply(draws[[idx_w]]$weights[best_tolerance, ], 2, mean)
    } else{
      wgt[idx_w, ] <- draws[[idx_w]]$weights[best_tolerance, ]

  # Average model weights
  final_model_weights <- apply(wgt, 2, mean)
  names(final_model_weights) <- names(train.preds)

  # Function output


#             Multicore tuning for EBMA - parallel over the draws              #
#' EBMA multicore tuning - parallelises over draws.
#' \code{ebma_mc_draws} is called from within \code{ebma}. It tunes using
#' multiple cores.
#' @inheritParams auto_MrP
#' @inheritParams ebma
#' @inheritParams ebma_mc_tol
#' @return The classifier weights. A numeric vector.

ebma_mc_draws <- function(
  train.preds, train.y, ebma.fold,
  y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg,
  pc.names, model.bs, model.pca,
  model.lasso, model.gb, model.svm,
  model.mrp, tol, n.draws, cores){

  # Binding for global variables
  `%>%` <- dplyr::`%>%`

  # Register cores
  cl <- multicore(cores = cores, type = "open", cl = NULL)

  ebma_tune <- foreach::foreach(idx.Ndraws = 1:n.draws, .packages = c("glmmLasso", "e1071", "gbm")) %dorng% {

    # Determine number per group to sample
    n_per_group <- as.integer(nrow(ebma.fold) / length(levels(ebma.fold[[L2.unit]])))

    # Test set with n_per_group persons per state (with resampling)
    test <- ebma.fold %>%
      dplyr::group_by_at( .vars = L2.unit ) %>%
      dplyr::sample_n( n_per_group, replace = TRUE) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::mutate_at(.vars = c( L1.x, L2.unit, L2.reg), .funs = as.factor) %>%
      dplyr::select( dplyr::one_of(c(y, L1.x, L2.x, L2.unit, L2.reg, pc.names))) %>%

    # predict outcomes in test set
    test_preds <- dplyr::tibble(
      best_subset = if(!is.null(model.bs)){
        predict(object = model.bs, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA},
      pca = if(!is.null(model.pca)){
        predict(object = model.pca, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA},
      lasso = if(!is.null(model.lasso)){
        #predict(object = model.lasso, newdata = as.data.frame(test), type = "response",
        #        allow.new.levels = TRUE)
        predict_glmmLasso(census = test, m = model.lasso, L1.x = L1.x,
                          lasso.L2.x = L2.x, L2.unit = L2.unit, L2.reg = L2.reg)
      } else{NA},
      gb = if(!is.null(model.gb)){
        gbm::predict.gbm(object = model.gb, newdata = test, n.trees = model.gb$n.trees, type = "response")
      } else{NA},
      svm = if(!is.null(model.svm)){
        as.numeric(attr(predict(object = model.svm, newdata = test, probability = TRUE),"probabilities")[,"1"])
      } else{NA},
      mrp = if(!is.null(model.mrp)){
        predict(object = model.mrp, newdata = test, type = "response", allow.new.levels = TRUE)
      } else{NA}
    # Remove NA's
    test_preds <- test_preds[,apply(X = test_preds, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){

    # Outcome on the test
    test_y <- dplyr::select(.data = test, dplyr::one_of(y))

    # Container of MSEs per tolerance value and draw combination
    mse_collector <- NA

    # Container of model weights over tolerances in current draw
    weights_box <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(tol), ncol = ncol(train.preds),
                          dimnames = list(c(paste0("Tol_" ,tol) ),

    # Loop over tolerance values
    for (idx.tol in 1:length(tol)){

      # EBMA
      forecast.data <- suppressWarnings(
          .predCalibration = data.frame(train.preds),
          .outcomeCalibration = as.numeric(unlist(train.y)),
          .predTest = data.frame(test_preds),
          .outcomeTest = as.numeric(unlist(test_y)))

      # vector of initial model weights
      # Note: On some Mac versions the model weights do not sum to exactly
      # 1 for repeating decimal weights
      W <- rep(x = 1 / ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration),
               times = ncol(forecast.data@predCalibration))
      W[length(W)] <- 1 - sum(W[-length(W)])

      # calibrate EBMA ensemble
      forecast.out <- EBMAforecast::calibrateEnsemble(
        model = "normal",
        useModelParams = FALSE,
        tol = tol[idx.tol],
        W = W)

      # mse
      mse_collector[idx.tol] <- mean(( as.numeric(unlist(test_y)) -
                                         as.numeric( attributes(forecast.out)$predTest[,1,1]))^2)

      # model weights
      weights_box[idx.tol, ] <- attributes(forecast.out)$modelWeights

    return(list(MSEs = mse_collector, weights = weights_box))


  # De-register cluster
  multicore(cores = cores, type = "close", cl = cl)

  # Container of best weights per draw
  wgt <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = n.draws, ncol = ncol(ebma_tune[[1]][["weights"]]) )

  # Select best weights per draw
  for(idx_w in 1:length(ebma_tune)){

    # Tolerance with lowest MSE in draw idx_w
    best_tolerance <- which(ebma_tune[[idx_w]]$MSEs == min(ebma_tune[[idx_w]]$MSEs))

    if (length(best_tolerance) > 1){
      wgt[idx_w, ] <- apply(ebma_tune[[idx_w]]$weights[best_tolerance, ], 2, mean)
    } else{
      wgt[idx_w, ] <- ebma_tune[[idx_w]]$weights[best_tolerance, ]

  # Average model weights
  final_model_weights <- apply(wgt, 2, mean)
  names(final_model_weights) <- names(train.preds)

  # Function output

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