
Defines functions stsm_ssm stsm_bdiag

Documented in stsm_bdiag stsm_ssm

#' Build a block diagonal matrix from two matrices
#' @param A The top left matrix
#' @param B The bottom right matrix
#' @return A block diagonal matrix
stsm_bdiag = function(A, B){
  A = cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(A), ncol = ncol(B), dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(B))))
  A = rbind(A, cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(B), ncol = ncol(A) - ncol(B)), B))

#' State space model
#' Creates a state space model in list form
#' yt = H*B + B^O X^O_t + e_t
#' B = F*B_\{t-1\} + B^S X^S_t + u_t
#' @param par Vector of named parameter values, includes the harmonics
#' @param yt Univariate time series of data values
#' @param decomp Decomposition model ("tend-cycle-seasonal", "trend-seasonal", "trend-cycle", "trend-noise")
#' @param trend Trend specification ("random-walk", "random-walk-drift", "double-random-walk", "random-walk2"). The default is NULL which will choose the best of all specifications based on the maximum likelihood.
#' "random-walk" is the random walk trend.
#' "random-walk-drift" is the random walk with constant drift trend.
#' "double-random-walk" is the random walk with random walk drift trend.
#' "random-walk2" is a 2nd order random walk trend as in the Hodrick-Prescott filter.
#' @param init Initial state values for the Kalman filter
#' @param prior Model prior built from stsm_prior. Only needed if prior needs to be built for initial values
#' @param freq Frequency of the data. Only needed if prior needs to be built for initial values and prior = NULL
#' @param seasons Numeric vector of seasonal frequencies. Only needed if prior needs to be built for initial values and prior = NULL
#' @param cycle Numeric value for the cycle frequency. Only needed if prior needs to be built for initial values and prior = NULL
#' @param model a stsm_estimate model object
#' @param interpolate Character string of how to interpolate
#' @param interpolate_method Character string for the method of interpolation
#' @import data.table
#' @return List of space space matrices
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #GDP Not seasonally adjusted
#' library(autostsm)
#' data("NA000334Q", package = "autostsm") #From FRED
#' NA000334Q = data.table(NA000334Q, keep.rownames = TRUE)
#' colnames(NA000334Q) = c("date", "y")
#' NA000334Q[, "date" := as.Date(date)]
#' NA000334Q[, "y" := as.numeric(y)]
#' NA000334Q = NA000334Q[date >= "1990-01-01", ]
#' stsm = stsm_estimate(NA000334Q)
#' ssm = stsm_ssm(model = stsm)
#' }
#' @export
stsm_ssm = function(par = NULL, yt = NULL, decomp = NULL,
                    trend = NULL, init = NULL, model = NULL, 
                    prior = NULL, freq = NULL, seasons = NULL, cycle = NULL,
                    interpolate = NULL, interpolate_method = NULL){
    par = eval(parse(text = paste0("c(", model$coef, ")")))
    trend = model$trend
    decomp = model$decomp
    freq = model$freq
    seasons = as.numeric(strsplit(model$seasons, ", ")[[1]])
    cycle = model$cycle
    interpolate = model$interpolate
    interpolate_method = model$interpolate_method
  #Bind data.table variables to the global environment
  drift = remainder = NULL
    yt = matrix(yt[!is.na(yt)], nrow = 1)
    yt = matrix(rep(0, 2), ncol = 1)
  #Define the transition and observation equation matrices based on the trend specification
  if(trend  == "random-walk"){
    #T_t = T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = matrix(c(1), nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    colnames(Fm) = "Tt_1"
    rownames(Fm) = "Tt_0"
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
  }else if(trend %in% c("random-walk-drift", "double-random-walk")){
    #T_t = M_{t-1} + T_{t-1} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #D_t = D_{t-1} + n_t, n_t ~ N(0, sig_d^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = rbind(c(1, 1),
               c(0, 1))
    colnames(Fm) = c("Tt_1", "Dt_1")
    rownames(Fm) = c("Tt_0", "Dt_0")
    if(trend == "random-walk-drift"){
      Fm["Dt_0", "Dt_1"] = par["phi_d"]
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
  }else if(trend %in% c("random-walk2")){
    #T_t = 2T_{t-1} - T_{t-2} + e_t, e_t ~ N(0, sig_t^2)
    #Transition matrix
    Fm = rbind(c(2, -1),
               c(1, 0))
    colnames(Fm) = c("Tt_1", "Tt_2")
    rownames(Fm) = c("Tt_0", "Tt_1")
    #Observation matrix
    Hm = matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1)
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
  #Define the transition error covariance matrix
  Qm = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = ncol(Fm))
  colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  Qm[rownames(Qm) == "Tt_0", colnames(Qm) == "Tt_0"] = par["sig_t"]^2
  Qm[rownames(Qm) == "Dt_0", colnames(Qm) == "Dt_0"] = par["sig_d"]^2
  #Define the cycle component
  if(any(grepl("lambda", names(par)))){
    Cm = par["phi_c"]*rbind(c(cos(par["lambda"]), sin(par["lambda"])),
                            c(-sin(par["lambda"]), cos(par["lambda"])))
    colnames(Cm) = c("Ct_1", "Cts_1")
    rownames(Cm) = c("Ct_0", "Cts_0")
    Fm = stsm_bdiag(Fm, Cm)
    Hm = cbind(Hm, matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1))
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    Qm2 = diag(2)
    diag(Qm2) = par["sig_c"]^2
    Qm = stsm_bdiag(Qm, Qm2)
    colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  }else if(sum(grepl("phi_c\\.\\d+|theta_c\\.\\d+", names(par))) > 0){
    #Define the ARMA part of the cycle/noise component
    len = sum(grepl("phi_c\\.\\d+|theta_c\\.\\d+", names(par))) 
    Cm = rbind(par[grepl("phi_c|theta_c", names(par))], 
               matrix(0, nrow = len - 1, ncol = len))
    colnames_c = rownames_c = c()
    if(sum(grepl("phi_c\\.\\d+", names(par))) > 0){
      colnames_c = c(colnames_c, paste0("Ct_", gsub("phi_c\\.", "", names(par)[grepl("phi_c\\.\\d+", names(par))])))
      rownames_c = c(rownames_c, paste0("Ct_", as.numeric(gsub("phi_c\\.", "", names(par)[grepl("phi_c\\.\\d+", names(par))])) - 1))
    if(sum(grepl("theta_c\\.\\d+", names(par))) > 0){
      colnames_c = c(colnames_c, paste0("et_", gsub("theta_c\\.", "", names(par)[grepl("theta_c\\.\\d+", names(par))])))
      rownames_c = c(rownames_c, paste0("et_", as.numeric(gsub("theta_c\\.", "", names(par)[grepl("theta_c\\.\\d+", names(par))])) - 1))
    colnames(Cm) = colnames_c
    rownames(Cm) = rownames_c
    Cm[rownames(Cm) %in% colnames(Cm), colnames(Cm) %in% rownames(Cm)] = diag(sum(rownames(Cm) %in% colnames(Cm)))
    Fm = stsm_bdiag(Fm, Cm)
    Hm = tryCatch(cbind(Hm, matrix(as.numeric(rownames(Cm) == "Ct_0"), nrow = 1)), 
                  error = function(err){matrix(as.numeric(rownames(Cm) == "Ct_0"), nrow = 1)})
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    Qm2 = diag(as.numeric(rownames(Cm) %in% c("Ct_0", "et_0")))
    Qm2[Qm2 == 1] = par["sig_c"]^2
    Qm = stsm_bdiag(Qm, Qm2)
    colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  #Define the seasonal component
  if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)) {
    jiter = as.numeric(unique(gsub("[[:alpha:]]|_", "", names(par)[grepl("sig_s", names(par))])))
    for(j in jiter) {
      Sm = rbind(c(cos(2*pi*1/j), sin(2*pi*1/j)),
                 c(-sin(2*pi*1/j), cos(2*pi*1/j)))
      colnames(Sm) = paste0(c("St", "Sts"), j, "_1")
      rownames(Sm) = paste0(c("St", "Sts"), j, "_0")
      Fm = stsm_bdiag(Fm, Sm)
    Hm = cbind(Hm, matrix(rep(c(1, 0), length(jiter)), nrow = 1))
    colnames(Hm) = rownames(Fm)
    Qm2 = diag(unlist(lapply(jiter, function(j){rep(par[paste0("sig_s", j)]^2, 2)})))
    Qm = stsm_bdiag(Qm, Qm2)
    colnames(Qm) = rownames(Qm) = rownames(Fm)
  #Transition equation intercept matrix
  Dm = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm), dimnames = list(rownames(Fm), NULL))
  if(trend == "random-walk-drift"){
    Dm[rownames(Dm) == "Dt_0", ] = par["d"]
  #Observation equation intercept matrix
  Am = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  #Observation equation error covariance matrix
  Rm = matrix(par["sig_e"]^2, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    if(interpolate == "quarterly"){
      int = 4
    }else if(interpolate == "monthly"){
      int = 12
    }else if(interpolate == "weekly"){
      int = 365.25/7
    }else if(interpolate == "daily"){
      int = 365.25
    int_per = floor(int/freq)
    rownames_int = paste0("It_", 0:(int_per - 1))
    colnames_int =  paste0("It_", 1:int_per)
    #Define the transition equation intercept matrix
    Dm = rbind(matrix(0, nrow = int_per, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(rownames_int, NULL)), 
    #Define the transition equation matrix
    Fm = rbind(matrix(0, nrow = int_per, ncol = ncol(Fm), dimnames = list(rownames_int, colnames(Fm))), 
    Fm = cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = int_per, dimnames = list(rownames(Fm), colnames_int)), 
    Fm["It_0", gsub("_0", "_1", colnames(Hm)[Hm == 1])] = 1
    diag(Fm[rownames(Fm)[rownames(Fm) %in% colnames(Fm)[grepl("It_", colnames(Fm))]], 
            rownames(Fm)[rownames(Fm) %in% colnames(Fm)[grepl("It_", colnames(Fm))]]]) = 1
    #Define the transition error covariance matrix
    Qm = rbind(matrix(0, nrow = int_per, ncol = ncol(Qm), dimnames = list(rownames_int, colnames(Qm))), 
    Qm = cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Qm), ncol = int_per, dimnames = list(rownames(Qm), rownames_int)), 
    #Define the observation equation matrix
    Hm = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = int_per + ncol(Hm), dimnames = list(NULL, c(rownames_int, colnames(Hm))))
    #Define the observation error covariance matrix
    Rm = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Rm), ncol = ncol(Rm), dimnames = dimnames(Rm))
    int_per = 1
  #Get the parameters on exogenous data
  if(any(grepl("betaO_", names(par)))){
    betaO = matrix(par[grepl("betaO_", names(par))], nrow = 1, ncol = length(par[grepl("betaO_", names(par))]))
    colnames(betaO) = gsub("betaO_", "", names(par[grepl("betaO_", names(par))]))
    betaO = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, "Xo"))
  if(any(grepl("betaS_", names(par)))){
    betaS = matrix(par[grepl("betaS_", names(par))], nrow = nrow(Fm))
    colnames(betaS) = unique(gsub("\\.", "", gsub(paste(rownames(Fm), collapse = "|"), "", 
                           gsub("betaS_", "", names(par[grepl("betaS_", names(par))])))))
    rownames(betaS) = rownames(Fm)
    betaS = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(rownames(Fm), "Xs"))
  #Initial guess for unobserved vector
  if(all(rownames(Fm)[grepl("_0", rownames(Fm))] %in% names(par))){
    B0 = matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(Fm), dimnames = list(rownames(Fm), NULL))
    if(any(grepl("Tt_", rownames(B0)))){
      B0[grepl("Tt_", rownames(B0)), ] = par[grepl("Tt_", names(par))]
    if(any(grepl("Ct_", rownames(B0)))){
      B0[grepl("Ct_|Cts_", rownames(B0)), ] = par[grepl("Ct_", names(par))]
    if(any(grepl("Dt_", rownames(B0)))){
      B0[grepl("Dt_", rownames(B0)), ] = par[grepl("Dt_", names(par))]
    if(any(grepl("et_", rownames(B0)))){
      B0[grepl("et_", rownames(B0)), ] = par[grepl("et_", names(par))]
    if(any(grepl("It_", rownames(B0)))){
      B0[grepl("It_", rownames(B0)), ] = par[grepl("It_", names(par))]
    if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)){
        for(j in seasons){
          B0[grepl(paste(paste0(c("St", "Sts"), j), collapse = "|"), rownames(B0)), ] = 
            par[grepl(paste0("St", j), names(par))]
  }else if(!is.null(init)) {
    B0 = init[["B0"]]
    #Build the prior
      prior = tryCatch(stsm_prior(c(yt), freq, decomp, seasons, cycle), 
                       error = function(err){NULL})
      prior = copy(prior)
    B0 = matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(Fm), dimnames = list(rownames(Fm), NULL))
      if(any(grepl("Tt_", rownames(B0)))){
        B0[grepl("Tt_", rownames(B0)), ] = prior[!is.na(trend), ]$trend[1]
      if(any(grepl("Ct_", rownames(B0)))){
        B0[grepl("Ct_|Cts_", rownames(B0)), ] = prior[!is.na(cycle), ]$cycle[1]
      if(any(grepl("Dt_", rownames(B0)))){
        B0[grepl("Dt_", rownames(B0)), ] = prior[!is.na(drift), ]$drift[1]
      if(any(grepl("et_", rownames(B0)))){
        B0[grepl("et_", rownames(B0)), ] = prior[!is.na(remainder), ]$remainder[1]
      if(grepl("seasonal", decomp)){
          for(j in seasons){
            B0[grepl(paste(paste0(c("St", "Sts"), j), collapse = "|"), rownames(B0)), ] = 
              prior[!is.na(eval(parse(text = paste0("seasonal", j)))), c(paste0("seasonal", j)), with = FALSE][[1]][1]
  #Initial guess for variance of the unobserved vector
  if("P0" %in% names(par)){
    P0 = diag(par["P0"]^2, nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = nrow(Fm))
    rownames(P0) = colnames(P0) = rownames(Fm)
  }else if(!is.null(init)){
    P0 = init[["P0"]]
    P0 = diag(ifelse(ncol(yt) > 2, stats::var(c(yt), na.rm = TRUE), 100), nrow = nrow(Fm), ncol = nrow(Fm))
    rownames(P0) = colnames(P0) = rownames(Fm)
    if(interpolate_method == "eop"){
      Hm[, "It_0"] = 1
      B0["It_0", ] = c(yt)[1]
    }else if(interpolate_method == "avg"){
      Hm[, grepl("It_", colnames(Hm))] = 1/int_per
      B0[grepl("It_", rownames(B0)), ] = c(yt)[1]
    }else if(interpolate_method == "sum"){
      Hm[, grepl("It_", colnames(Hm))] = 1
      B0[grepl("It_", rownames(B0)), ] = c(yt)[1]/int_per
    P0[grepl("It_", rownames(P0)), grepl("It_", colnames(P0))] = 0
  ret = list(B0 = B0, P0 = P0, Am = Am, Dm = Dm, Hm = Hm, Fm = Fm, Rm = Rm, Qm = Qm, 
             betaO = betaO, betaS = betaS, int_per = int_per)

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