
## $Id: backtest.R 1622 2010-02-18 17:50:34Z enos $
## Result object for a backtest

## "in.var", "ret.var", "by.var", and "date.var" are character
## strings, often used as labels by the accessor method.  Because the
## original data from which the backtest object was constructed is not
## preserved, they do not refer to actual variables.  "buckets" is a
## numeric vector of length 2, specifying the number of in.var and
## by.var buckets.  "results" is a five dimensional array storing the
## results of the backtest.

setClass("backtest", representation(in.var        = "character",
                                    ret.var       = "character",
                                    by.var        = "character",
                                    date.var      = "character",
                                    buckets       = "numeric",
                                    results       = "array",
                                    ret.stats     = "array",
                                    turnover      = "array",
                                    natural       = "logical",
                                    do.spread     = "logical",
                                    by.period     = "logical",
                                    overlaps      = "numeric"),
         prototype(in.var        = "in.var",
                   ret.var       = "ret.var",
                   by.var        = character(),
                   date.var      = character(),
                   buckets       = numeric(),
                   results       = array(dim = c(1,1,1,1,1)),
                   ret.stats     = array(dim = c(1,6)),
                   turnover      = array(),
                   natural       = FALSE,
                   do.spread     = TRUE,
                   by.period     = TRUE,
                   overlaps      = 1),

         validity = function(object){

           if(length(object@in.var) == 0){
             return("in.var not specified")

           if(length(object@ret.var) == 0){
             return("ret.var not specified")

           if(length(object@by.var) > 0 && length(object@date.var) > 0){
             return("Both by.var and date.var specified")

           if(length(dim(object@results)) != 5){
             return("Incorrect number of dimensions in results slot")


## Lists the .vars used in the backtest

          signature(object = "backtest"),
            cat("An object of class backtest:\nin.vars: ",
                paste(object@in.var, collapse = ", "), " (buckets: ",
                object@buckets[1], ")\n",
                sep = "")
            if(length(object@by.var) > 0){
              cat("by.var: ", object@by.var, " (buckets: ",
                  object@buckets[2], ")\n", sep = "")

            if(length(object@date.var) > 0){
              cat("date.var: ", object@date.var, " (buckets: ",
                  object@buckets[2], ")\n", sep = "")
            cat("ret.vars: ", paste(object@ret.var, collapse = ", "),
                "\n", sep = "")

## Prints a header listing the .vars, then prints the table returned
## by the "spreads" method

          signature(object = "backtest"),
          function(object, ...){
            ## Header
            cat("Backtest conducted with:\n\n",
                length(object@in.var), ifelse(length(object@in.var) == 1,
                                              " in.var: ", " in.vars: "),
                paste(object@in.var, collapse = ", "), ";\n",
                length(object@ret.var), ifelse(length(object@ret.var) == 1,
                                               " ret.var: ", " ret.vars: "),
                paste(object@ret.var, collapse = ", "), ";\nand ",
                ifelse(length(object@by.var) > 0,
                       paste("by.var: ", object@by.var, sep = ""), "no by.var"), ";\n",
                       "do.spread: TRUE", "do.spread: FALSE"), ";\n",
                       "by.period: TRUE", "by.period: FALSE"),
                ".\n\n", sep = "")

            ## Matrix

            print(summaryStats(object)[, !names(summaryStats(object))
                                       %in% c("CI(low)",

                if(length(object@in.var) == 1){
                  cat("average turnover: ", .bt.mean(turnover(object)),
                      "\nmean spread: ", mean(summaryStats(object)[, "spread"]),
                      "\nsd spread: ", sd(summaryStats(object)[, "spread"]),
                      "\nraw sharpe ratio: ", .bt.sharpe(object), "\n\n",
                      sep = "")
                  for(i in object@in.var){
                    x <- summaryStats(object)
                    cat("summary stats for in.var = ", i,
                        ":\n\naverage turnover: ",
                        "\nmean spread: ",
                        colMeans(summaryStats(object), na.rm = TRUE)[i],
                        "\nsd spread: ", sd(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE),
                        "\nraw sharpe ratio: ", .bt.sharpe(object)[,i],
                        "\n\n", sep = "")

## Returns a data frame summarizing the results of the backtest.  The
## entries of the data frame contain means in cases 1, 2, and 4, and
## spreads in cases 3 and 5.  When a table of means is returned, the
## ".bt.spread" function is called and summary spread data is attached
## to the right side of the data frame.  If a date.var is used,
## ".bt.mean" is called and mean summary data are attached to bottom
## of the data frame.

          signature(object = "backtest"),
          function(object, mean = FALSE){

            num.in <- length(object@in.var)
            num.ret <- length(object@ret.var)

            if(length(object@by.var > 0)){
              by.present <- TRUE
              date.present <- FALSE
              by.present <- FALSE
              if(length(object@date.var > 0)){
                date.present <- TRUE
                date.present <- FALSE
            ## Case 1: 1 in.var, 1 ret.var
            if(num.in == 1 && num.ret == 1){

              output <- object@results[1,1, , ,"means"]

              n <- object@results[1,1, , ,"counts"]

              ## When one dimension of a 2D matrix has length 1,
              ## the subsets above return vectors. 
                output <- array(output, dim = c(1, length(output)),
                                dimnames = list("pooled", names(output)))

                n <- array(n, dim = dim(output),
                           dimnames = dimnames(output))
                spread <- .bt.spread(output, n, object@ret.stats[1,"sd"])
                output <- cbind(output, spread)
                turnover <- object@turnover
                dimnames(turnover)[[2]] <- "TURNOVER"
                output <- cbind(output, turnover)
                output <- rbind(output, .bt.mean(output))


            ## Case 2: multiple in.vars, no by.var

            if(num.in > 1 && num.ret == 1 && !by.present &&
              output <- object@results[1, ,1, ,"means"]

              n <- object@results[1, ,1, ,"counts"]

              spread <- .bt.spread(output, n, object@ret.stats[1,"sd"])
              output <- cbind(output, spread)
            ## Case 3: multiple in.vars, with by.var or date.var

            if(num.in > 1 && num.ret == 1 && (by.present || date.present)){

              output <- t(object@results[1, , ,dim(object@results)[4],1] -
                          object@results[1, , ,1,1])

              if(date.present && mean){
                output <- rbind(output, .bt.mean(output))

            ## Case 4: single in.var, multiple ret.vars

            if(num.in == 1 && num.ret > 1){

              output <- object@results[ ,1,1, ,"means"]

              n <- object@results[ ,1,1, ,"counts"]
                spread <- .bt.spread(output, n, object@ret.stats[ ,"sd"])
                output <- cbind(output, spread)
            ## Case 5: multiple in.vars and ret.vars

            if(num.in > 1 && num.ret > 1){
              output <- object@results[ , ,1,dim(object@results)[4],1] -
                object@results[ , ,1,1,1]

            x <- data.frame(output)
            names(x) <- dimnames(output)[[2]]

## Returns a list of matrices, with one matrix for each in.var,
## containing the means data.

          signature(object = "backtest"),

            mean.list <- list()

            for(i in object@in.var){
              mean.list <- append(mean.list,
                                  list(object@results[ ,i, , ,"means"]))

            names(mean.list) <- object@in.var

## Returns a list of matrices, one matrix for each in.var, containing
## the counts data

          signature(object = "backtest"),

            count.list <- list()
            for(i in object@in.var){
              count.list <- append(count.list,
                                   list(object@results[1,i, , ,"counts"]))
            names(count.list) <- object@in.var


## This function computes the counts of non-NA values that went into
## the calculation of spreads displayed by backtests's summary()
## function. It is different from counts because it displays the sum
## of counts from all buckets (or lowest and highest only), thus
## allowing for output that matches the format of spreads output.

          signature(object = "backtest"),
          function(object, low.high.only = FALSE){

            counts <- data.frame(do.call("cbind",
                        lapply(counts(object), function(x){
                            x <- x[c("low", "high")]

## Same as the "counts" method, except that the total counts for each
## row and column are added to the margins.

          signature(object = "backtest"),

            body <- counts(object)

            for(i in 1:length(body)){
                total <- sum(body[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
                body[[i]] <- append(body[[i]], total)
                names(body[[i]])[length(body[[i]])] <- "TOTAL"
                total <- rowSums(body[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
                body[[i]] <- cbind(body[[i]], TOTAL = total)  
                total <- colSums(body[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
                body[[i]] <- rbind(body[[i]], TOTAL = total)

## Returns a list of matrices, one matrix for each in.var, containing
## the NAs data

          signature(object = "backtest"),

            na.list <- list()

            for(i in object@in.var){
              na.list <- append(na.list, list(object@results[ ,i, , ,"NAs"]))
            names(na.list) <- object@in.var

## Accessor Methods

## Returns the turnover for natural portfolios.  Passing a "mean"
## argument will append the mean of the turnover(s) as the last row of
## the matrix

          signature(object = "backtest"),
          function(object, mean = FALSE){
              stop("Cannot calculate turnover if not a natural backtest.")

              return(rbind(object@turnover, .bt.mean(turnover(object))))



## Returns the confidence intervals for each spread if for all cases
## except multiple in.var and a by.var or multiple in.var and multiple
## ret.var.  Must vectorize or loop to get these.

          signature(object = "backtest"),
##          array(dim = c(1, length(object@ret.var), length(object@in.var)))

            if((length(object@in.var) == 1 && length(object@ret.var) == 1)
               || (length(object@in.var) == 1 && length(object@ret.var > 1))){
              summaryStats(object)[, c("CI(low)", "spread", "CI(high)")]

## Plotting methods

          signature(x = "backtest", y = "missing"),
          function(x, type = "return", ...){

              stop("Can only plot natural backtests")

            if(type == "return"){
              btplot <- .plot.return(x, ...)
            else if(type == "turnover"){
              btplot <- .plot.turnover(x, ...)
            else if(type == "cumreturn"){
              btplot <- .plot.cumreturn(x, ...)
            else if(type == "cumreturn.split"){
              btplot <- .plot.cumreturn.split(x, ...)
              stop("Unknown type specified.")



## Plots turnover for each period specified by "date.var"

.plot.turnover <- function(object, main = "Turnover",
                          xlab = "Date", ylab = "Turnover (%)", ...){
  turnovers <- object@turnover[-1,]

  turnovers <- 100 * as.data.frame(turnovers)

  ## Stop informatively if we can't call as.Date on what was the
  ## contents of the date.var column.
  if(inherits(try(as.Date(rownames(turnovers)), silent = TRUE), "try-error")){
    stop(paste("Error converting dates: Please ensure contents of date.var",
               "column cate be converted to Date's via as.Date."))
  datevar <- as.Date(rownames(turnovers))
  invars <- names(turnovers)[1]
  if(length(names(turnovers)) > 1){
    for(i in 2:length(names(turnovers))){
      invars <- paste(invars, "+",  names(turnovers)[i])
  form <- as.formula(paste(invars, "~", "datevar"))
  btplot <- xyplot(form, turnovers, type = "b", horizontal = FALSE,
                  auto.key = TRUE, scales = list(tick.number = 10),
          ylim = c(0, 100), main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)



## Plots returns for each period specified by "date.var"

.plot.return <- function(object, main = "Spread Return",
                         xlab = "Date", ylab = "Return (%)", ...){
  spreads <- object@results[1, , ,dim(object@results)[4],1] -
    object@results[1, , ,1,1]

  ## Fix for 1D array
    spreads <- array(spreads, dim = c(1, length(spreads)),
                     dimnames = list(object@in.var,

  spreads <- 100 * data.frame(t(spreads))  
  invars <- names(spreads)[1]
  if(length(names(spreads)) > 1){
    for(i in 2:length(names(spreads))){
      invars <- paste(invars, "+",  names(spreads)[i])
  form <- as.formula(paste(invars, "~", "date"))

  spreads$date <- rownames(spreads)

  btplot <- barchart(form, spreads, horizontal = FALSE, stack = FALSE,
                     auto.key = TRUE,
                     scale = list(
                       y = list(tick.number = 10),
                       x = list(tick.number = 10, rot = 90)),
                     origin = 0,
                     main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)


.plot.cumreturn <- function(object, main = "Backtest Fanplot", xlab = "Date",
                            ylab = "Cumulative Returns", ...){
  ## Function to compute cumsums of a matrix, by columns
  cum.matrix <- function(x){
    for(i in 1:dim(x)[2]){
      x[ ,i] <- cumsum(x[ ,i])
  returns <- means(object)
  ## Calculate cumulative returns
  returns <- lapply(returns, cum.matrix)
  new.returns <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:length(returns)){

    this.returns <- data.frame(returns[[i]])
    ## We need quantile names that don't begin with a number so that
    ## the formula used with lattice graphics works.  But, the "Xn"
    ## naming scheme that is data.frame's default needs to get changed
    ## to "Qn".
    names(this.returns) <- gsub("X([1-9]+)", "Q\\1",
                                perl = TRUE)

    this.returns$group <- names(returns)[i]

    if(inherits(try(as.Date(rownames(this.returns)), silent = TRUE), "try-error")){
      stop(paste("Error converting dates: Please ensure contents of date.var",
                 "column cate be converted to Date's via as.Date."))

    this.returns$date <- as.Date(rownames(this.returns))
    new.returns <- rbind(new.returns, this.returns)

  invars <- names(new.returns)[1:(length(names(new.returns)) - 2)]
  lhs    <- paste(rev(invars), collapse = " + ")
  form   <- as.formula(paste(lhs, "~ date | group"))
  btplot <- xyplot(form, new.returns,
                   type  = "l", horizontal = FALSE,
                   auto.key = list(
                     space     = "right",
                     points    = FALSE,
                     lines     = TRUE,
                     cex       = 0.75,
                     title     = "quantile",
                     cex.title = 1),
                   as.table = TRUE,
                   main     = "Cumulative Quantile Return",
                   xlab     = xlab,
                   ylab     = ylab, ...)


.plot.cumreturn.split <- function(object,
                                  xlab = "Date",
                                  ylab = "Return (%)", ...){

  ## No notion of spread return without 2 or more buckets.

  stopifnot(isTRUE(object@buckets[1] >= 2))

  ## Data setup.  Calculate cumulative returns and spread returns
  ## before plotting.
  ## Function to compute the cumulative return of each quantile, and
  ## the spread cumulative return.  Since we're dealing with portfolio
  ## return and fixed theoretical assets, we take a cumulative sum
  ## without compounding.

  ## Also, convert return into percent.
  cumulate <- function(x){
    x <- data.frame(x)

    for(i in 1:ncol(x)){
      x[[i]] <- 100 * cumsum(x[[i]])

    x$spread <- x[[ncol(x)]] - x[[1]]

  returns <- means(object)

  ## Calculate cumulative returns
  returns <- lapply(returns, cumulate)
  new.returns <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:length(returns)){
    this.returns <- returns[[i]]

    ## We need quantile names that don't begin with a number so that
    ## the formula used with lattice graphics works.  But, the "Xn"
    ## naming scheme that is data.frame's default needs to get changed
    ## to "Qn".
    names(this.returns) <- gsub("X([1-9]+)", "Q\\1",
                                perl = TRUE)
    this.returns$group <- names(returns)[i]

    if(inherits(try(as.Date(rownames(this.returns)), silent = TRUE), "try-error")){
      stop(paste("Error converting dates: Please ensure contents of date.var",
                 "column cate be converted to Date's via as.Date."))

    this.returns$date <- as.Date(rownames(this.returns))
    new.returns <- rbind(new.returns, this.returns)

  ## Plotting
  ## There are two regions to this plot, the top plot of spread return
  ## and the bottom, larger plot of cumulative quantile return.

  ## Compute ylim as 50% more space than we would need normally.

  y.max <- max(new.returns$spread)
  y.min <- min(new.returns$spread)
  y.dist <- y.max - y.min
  ylim <- c(y.min - 0.5 * y.dist, y.max + 0.05 * y.dist)

  ## Panel function
  top.panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, ...){

    op <- options(digits = 2)

    ## Annotate panel with total return.

    pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.05, y = 0.95))
    grid.text(paste("Total return:", format(tail(y, n = 1))),
              hjust = 0, vjust = 1, gp = gpar(cex = 0.75))

    ## Annotate panel with worst drawdown.  Remember, y is now in pct.
    dd       <- 1 - (y/100 + 1)/cummax(y/100 + 1)
    dd.max   <- max(dd)

    ## If there are two troughs of equal value the below makes the
    ## largest drawdown extend to the furthest trough.

    dd.end.idx   <- max(which.max(dd), length(dd) - which.max(rev(dd)) + 1)
    dd.end       <- x[dd.end.idx]
    dd.start.idx <- max(which(dd == 0 & seq(dd) < dd.end.idx))
    dd.start     <- x[dd.start.idx]
    dd.ret       <- y[dd.end.idx] - y[dd.start.idx]

    if(all(dd == 0)) dd.ret <- "--"
    pushViewport(viewport(x = 0.05, y = 0.05))
    grid.text(paste("Worst drawdown:", format(dd.ret)),
              hjust = 0, vjust = 0, gp = gpar(cex = 0.75))

    panel.xyplot(x, y, col.line = "black", ...)

    if(!all(dd == 0)){
      panel.lines(x[dd.start.idx:dd.end.idx], y = y[dd.start.idx:dd.end.idx],
                  col ="red", default.units = "native",...)

  ## I'm fixing the layout of the top and bottom plots to have one row
  ## of panels.  The layout of date labels doesn't seem to fare very
  ## well using a layout other than the default, however.  That said,
  ## this plot is most useful with a couple in.var's.  I should allow
  ## the user to be able to modify such layout characteristics.
  top.plot <- xyplot(formula("spread ~ date | group"), new.returns,
                     panel = top.panel,
                     type       = "l",
                     horizontal = FALSE,
                     as.table   = TRUE,
                     layout = c(length(object@in.var),1),
                     scale      = list(x = list(alternating = 1)),
                     main       = "Cumulative Spread Return",
                     ylim       = ylim,
                     xlab       = NULL,
                     ylab       = ylab,
  ## The bottom plot doesn't use spread, so subtract the last _3_
  ## columns when computing in.var's.
  invars <- names(new.returns)[1:(length(names(new.returns)) - 3)]
  lhs    <- paste(rev(invars), collapse = " + ")
  form   <- as.formula(paste(lhs, "~ date | group"))

  bottom.panel <- function(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...){
    panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
  bottom.plot <- xyplot(form, new.returns,
                        panel = bottom.panel,
                        type  = "l", horizontal = FALSE,
                        auto.key = list(
                          x         = 0.1,
                          y         = 0.8,
                          corner    = c(0,1),
                          points    = FALSE,
                          lines     = TRUE,
                          cex       = 0.75,
                          title     = "quantile",
                          cex.title = 1),
                        as.table = TRUE,
                        layout   = c(length(object@in.var),1),
                        scale    = list(x = list(alternating = 1)),
                        main     = "Cumulative Quantile Return",
                        xlab     = xlab,
                        ylab     = ylab, ...)

  ## Calculate panel width.  Assuming 0.15 npc used for margins (not a
  ## very safe assumption).  So far I don't have any other good way to
  ## ensure that the aspects of the panels in the two lattice plots
  ## are the same.

  panel.width <- 0.85 / length(object@in.var)

  print(top.plot, position = c(0, 0.6, 1, .98),
        panel.width = list(panel.width, "npc"), more = TRUE)
  print(bottom.plot, position = c(0, 0,   1, 0.6),
        panel.width = list(panel.width, "npc"))

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backtest documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:58 a.m.