#' Bayes factors for informative hypotheses
#' \code{bain} is an acronym for "Bayesian informative hypotheses evaluation".
#' It uses the Bayes factor to evaluate hypotheses specified using equality and
#' inequality constraints among (linear combinations of) parameters in a wide
#' range of statistical models. A \strong{tutorial} by Hoijtink, Mulder, van Lissa,
#' and Gu (2018), was published in Psychological Methods.
#' The preprint of that tutorial is available on PsyArxiv
#' (\doi{10.31234/}) or on the bain
#' website at
#' \url{}
#' \strong{Users are
#' advised to read the tutorial AND the vignette that is provided
#' with this package before using} \code{bain}.
#' @param x An R object containing the outcome of a statistical analysis.
#' Currently, the following objects can be processed: \code{lm()},
#' \code{t_test()}, \code{lavaan} objects created with the
#' \code{sem()}, \code{cfa()}, and \code{growth()} functions, and named
#' vector objects. See the vignette for elaborations.
#' @param hypothesis A character string containing the informative hypotheses
#' to evaluate. See the vignette for elaborations.
#' @param fraction A number representing the fraction of information
#' in the data used to construct the prior distribution.
#' The default value 1 denotes the
#' minimal fraction, 2 denotes twice the minimal fraction, etc. See the
#' vignette for elaborations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments. See the vignette for elaborations.
#' @return The main output resulting from analyses with \code{bain} are
#' Bayes factors and posterior model probabilities associated with the
#' hypotheses that are evaluated. See the \strong{tutorial} and the
#' \strong{vignette} for further elaborations.
#' @author The main authors of the bain package are Xin Gu, Caspar
#' van Lissa, Herbert Hoijtink and Joris Mulder with smaller contributions
#' by Marlyne Bosman, Camiel van Zundert, and Fayette Klaassen.
#' Contact information can be found on the bain website at
#' \url{}
#' @references
#' For a tutorial on this method, see:
#' Hoijtink, H., Mulder, J., van Lissa, C., & Gu, X. (2019). A tutorial on
#' testing hypotheses using the Bayes factor. *Psychological methods, 24*(5),
#' 539. \doi{10.31234/}
#' For applications in structural equation modeling, see:
#' Van Lissa, C. J., Gu, X., Mulder, J., Rosseel, Y., Van Zundert, C., &
#' Hoijtink, H. (2021). Teacher’s corner: Evaluating informative hypotheses
#' using the Bayes factor in structural equation models.
#' *Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 28*(2), 292-301.
#' \doi{10.1080/10705511.2020.1745644}.
#' For the statistical underpinnings, see:
#' Gu, Mulder, and Hoijtink (2018). Approximated adjusted fractional Bayes
#' factors: A general method for testing informative hypotheses.
#' *British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 71*(2), 229-261.
#' \doi{10.1111/bmsp.12110}.
#' Hoijtink, H., Gu, X., & Mulder, J. (2019). Bayesian evaluation of informative
#' hypotheses for multiple populations.
#' *British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 72*(2), 219-243.
#' \doi{10.1111/bmsp.12145}.
#' Hoijtink, H., Gu, X., Mulder, J., & Rosseel, Y. (2019). Computing Bayes
#' factors from data with missing values. *Psychological Methods, 24*(2), 253.
#' \doi{10.31234/}
#' @examples
#' # Evaluation of informative hypotheses for an ANOVA
#' # make a factor of variable site
#' sesamesim$site <- as.factor(sesamesim$site)
#' # execute an analysis of variance using lm() which, due to the -1, returns
#' # estimates of the means of postnumb per group
#' anov <- lm(postnumb~site-1,sesamesim)
#' # take a look at the estimated means and their names
#' coef(anov)
#' # set a seed value
#' set.seed(100)
#' # use the names to formulate and test hypotheses with bain
#' results <- bain(anov, "site1=site2=site3=site4=site5; site2>site5>site1>
#' site3>site4")
#' #
#' @rdname bain
#' @export
#' @useDynLib bain, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom stats as.formula coef complete.cases cov lm model.frame
#' model.matrix pt qt sd setNames summary.lm var vcov
#' @md
bain <- function(x, hypothesis, fraction = 1, ...) {
UseMethod("bain", x)
# Herbert has applied the following changes to bain_methods:
# 1. The calls to lm, t_test, lavaan, and default have an extra parameter
# gocomplement that by default is true. This parameter is needed because
# in complement2.R a call to bain is implemented which makes bain "recursive"
# in complement2.R gocomplement is set to FALSE to create an exit from
# the recursive algorithm.
# 2. gocomplement is added to the bain output object. When PMPcomplement
# which is contained in complement2.R is called, it is set to FALSE
# 3. a call to PMPcomplement from complement2.R has been added
# that computes the fit and complexity
# of the complement of all the hypotheses under consideration, adds a row and
# a column to the bain output object, and removes gocomplement from the
# bain output object.
# 4. Note that, Bain.print.R has been modified such that the row and column
# added to the bain output object are nicely printed. Also an extra table
# label has been added if the complexity of "the complement of all
# hypotheses" is smaller than .05.
# 5. gocomplement is added to the output object Bainres. After calling
# PMPcomplement it is removed again.
#' @method bain lm
#' @export
bain.lm <-
fraction = 1,
standardize = FALSE
) {
cl <-
Args <- as.list(cl[-1])
if(!("numeric" %in% class(x$coefficients)) | !is.null(dim(x$coefficients))){
stop("It appears that you are trying to run a multivariate linear model. This cannot be done using a lm() object as input for bain. Instead use a named numeric vector. See vignette('Introduction_to_bain') for further information")
# Checken of het factor OF ordered factor is!!!!!!
# Nu wordt overal (?) factor_variables[-1] gebruikt. Kan het niet gewoon één keer hier [-1]?
factor_variables <- sapply(x$model[-1], inherits, what = "factor")
Warnings <- NULL
# Checken of het factor OF ordered factor is!!!!!!
which_model <- if(any(factor_variables)){
if(ncol(x$model) == 2){
} else {
if(sum(factor_variables) == 1 & # If there's only one factor
!grepl(":", paste(names(x$coefficients), collapse = ""))){ # AND no interactions between that factor and continuous predictors
} else {
Warnings <- c(Warnings,
"Calling bain on an object of type 'lm' with mixed predictors (factors and numeric predictors) may result in untrustworthy results. Please interpret with caution."
"mixed predictors"
} else {
"continuous predictors"
if(names(x$coefficients)[1] == "(Intercept)"){
Warnings <- c(Warnings, "Your ANOVA model included an intercept, which was dropped by bain. Please specify your hypothesis in terms of group means.")
n <- table(x$model[, 2])
anovafm <- lm(x$model[, 1] ~ -1 + x$model[, 2])
Args$x <- anovafm$coefficients
names(Args$x) <- paste0(names(x$model)[2], levels(x$model[, 2]))
Args$Sigma <- lapply((1/n * summary.lm(anovafm)$sigma**2), matrix)
Args$group_parameters <- 1
Args$joint_parameters <- 0
Args$n <- n
if(names(x$coefficients)[1] == "(Intercept)"){
Warnings <- c(Warnings, "Your ANCOVA model included an intercept, which was dropped by bain. Please specify your hypothesis in terms of group means.")
df <- x$model
var_factor <- which(factor_variables)+1
var_numeric <- c(FALSE, sapply(x$model[-1], is.numeric))
# Altijd scalen? Waarom? Dit gaat er vanuit dat de gebruiker nooit de gecontrolleerde gemiddelden wil weten
df[, var_numeric] <- scale(df[, var_numeric], scale = FALSE)
ancovafm <- lm(as.formula(paste0(names(df)[1], "~ -1 + ",
names(x$model)[var_factor], " + ",
paste(names(x$model)[var_numeric], collapse = " + ")
)), df)
Args$x <- ancovafm$coefficients
resvar <- summary(ancovafm)$sigma**2
Args$Sigma <- by(cbind(1, df[, var_numeric]), df[[var_factor]], function(x){
resvar * solve(t(as.matrix(x)) %*% as.matrix(x))
Args$group_parameters <- 1
Args$joint_parameters <- sum(var_numeric)
Args$n <- table(df[[var_factor]])
dependent <- x$model[, 1]
predictor <- model.matrix(as.formula(x$call[2]), x$model)
hyp_params <- params_in_hyp(hypothesis)
# Partial matching implemented here
coef_in_hyp <- charmatch(rename_function(hyp_params),
stop("Some of the parameters referred to in the 'hypothesis' do not correspond to parameter names of object 'x'.\n The following parameter names in the 'hypothesis' did not match any parameters in 'x': ",
paste(reverse_rename_function(hyp_params[]), collapse = ", "),
"\n The parameters in object 'x' are named: ",
paste(reverse_rename_function(names(x$coefficients)), collapse = ", "))
if(any(coef_in_hyp == 0)){
stop("Some of the parameters referred to in the 'hypothesis' matched multiple parameter names of object 'x'.\n The following parameter names in the 'hypothesis' matched multiple parameters in 'x': ",
paste(reverse_rename_function(hyp_params[coef_in_hyp == 0]), collapse = ", "),
"\n The parameters in object 'x' are named: ",
paste(reverse_rename_function(names(x$coefficients)), collapse = ", "))
if (!standardize) {
estimate <- coef(x)[coef_in_hyp]
Sigma <- vcov(x)[coef_in_hyp, coef_in_hyp]
} else{
ses <- seBeta(
Nobs = sum(complete.cases(x$model)),
alpha = .05,
estimator = 'Normal'
select_parameters <- match(names(x$coefficients)[coef_in_hyp], colnames(predictor)[-1], )
#select_parameters <- select_parameters[na.omit(select_parameters)]
estimate <- ses$CIs$estimate[select_parameters]
names(estimate) <- colnames(predictor)[-1][select_parameters]
Sigma <- ses$cov.mat[select_parameters, select_parameters, drop = FALSE]
rownames(Sigma) <- colnames(Sigma) <- names(estimate)
Args$x <- estimate
Args$Sigma <- Sigma
Args$group_parameters <- 0
Args$joint_parameters <- length(coef_in_hyp)
Args$n <- nrow(x$model)
Bain_res <-, Args)
Bain_res$call <- cl
Bain_res$model <- x
Bain_res$Warnings <- Warnings
class(Bain_res) <- c("bain_lm", class(Bain_res))
attr(Bain_res, "which_model") <- which_model
#' @method bain lavaan
#' @importFrom lavaan parTable lavInspect
#' @export
bain.lavaan <- function(x, hypothesis, fraction = 1, ..., standardize = FALSE) {
cl <-
Args <- as.list(cl[-1])
if(any(parTable(x)$op == "==")) stop("Cannot yet evaluate hypothesis on standardized model coefficients if there are equality constraints in the model.")
num_levels <- lavInspect(x, what = "nlevels")
if(grepl("~~", hypothesis)){
stop("Bain cannot yet handle hypotheses about (co)variance parameters in lavaan models.")
if (num_levels > 1) {
# Multilevel structure in data: Gives warning since this aspect is not integrated.
"Lavaan object contains",
num_levels ,
"levels. Multilevel structures are not yet integrated in Lav_in_Bain."
Args[c("x", "Sigma", "n", "group_parameters", "joint_parameters")] <- lav_get_estimates(x, standardize)
Args$hypothesis <- hypothesis
Bain_res <-, Args)
Bain_res$call <- cl
Bain_res$model <- x
class(Bain_res) <- c("bain_lavaan", class(Bain_res))
Bain_res$hypotheses <- reverse_rename_function(Bain_res$hypotheses)
names(Bain_res$estimates) <- reverse_rename_function(names(Bain_res$estimates))
#' @method bain htest
#' @export
bain.htest <-
fraction = 1,
) {
stop("The standard t.test() function from the 'stats' package does not return variance and sample size, which are required to run bain. Please use the function t_test() from the 'bain' package instead. It accepts the same arguments.")
#' @method bain t_test
#' @export
bain.t_test <-
fraction = 1,
) {
cl <-
Args <- as.list(cl[-1])
ests <- get_estimates(x)
Args$x <- ests$estimate
Args$n <- x$n
if(length(x$estimate) == 1){
Args$Sigma <- x$v/x$n
Args$group_parameters <- 0
Args$joint_parameters <- 1
} else {
if (!x$method %in% c(" Two Sample t_test", " Two Sample t-test")) {
Args$Sigma <- lapply(x$v/x$n, as.matrix)
} else {
df <- sum(x$n) - 2
v <- 0
if (x$n[1] > 1)
v <- v + (x$n[1] - 1) * x$v[1]
if (x$n[2] > 1)
v <- v + (x$n[2] - 1) * x$v[2]
v <- v/df
Args$Sigma <- lapply(v / x$n, as.matrix)
Args$group_parameters <- 1
Args$joint_parameters <- 0
Bain_res <-, Args)
Bain_res$call <- cl
Bain_res$model <- x
class(Bain_res) <- c("t_test", class(Bain_res))
#' @method bain default
#' @export
bain.default <- function(x,
fraction = 1,
group_parameters = 0,
joint_parameters = 0,
gocomplement = TRUE
# gocomplement is the exit for the
# recursive use of bain when calling
# PMPcomplement at the end of bain_methods
cl <-
Args <- as.list(cl[-1])
n_estimates <- length(x)
# Parse hypotheses --------------------------------------------------------
#ren_estimate <- rename_estimate(x)
parsed_hyp <- parse_hypothesis(names(x), hypothesis)
hyp_mat <-, parsed_hyp$hyp_mat)
n_hyp <- length(parsed_hyp$original_hypothesis)
n_constraints <- parsed_hyp$n_constraints
# Check legal input -------------------------------------------------------
# if(group_parameters > 1 & joint_parameters > 0){
# stop("Bain can not yet evaluate hypotheses where group_parameters is larger than 1 and joint_parameters is larger than 0.")
# }
rank_hyp <- qr(hyp_mat)$rank
##for unit group
if (group_parameters == 0) {
if (length(n) != 1) {
stop("Argument 'n' should be vector of length 1, with value equal to sample size, when 'group_parameters' = 0.")
if (is.list(Sigma)) {
stop("Argument 'Sigma' should be a matrix or number when 'group_parameters' = 0.")
if (nrow(as.matrix(Sigma)) != n_estimates ||
ncol(as.matrix(Sigma)) != n_estimates) {
stop("The rank of covariance matrix 'Sigma' did not match the number of estimates in 'x'.")
if (checkcov(Sigma) == 1) {
# CJ: Please give a more informative error here DONE-HH
stop("Your covariance matrix ('Sigma') is not positive definite.")
b <- rank_hyp / (n / fraction)
thetacovpost <- Sigma
thetacovprior <- thetacovpost / b
##for multiple groups
if (group_parameters != 0) {
#if(length(n)==1){stop("n should be a vector when group_parameters>0")}
if (!is.list(Sigma)) {
stop("Argument 'Sigma' should be a list of covariance matrices, with a number of elements equal to the number of 'group_parameters'.")
if (any(unlist(lapply(Sigma, checkcov)) == 1)) {
# CJ: Please replace with a more informative error message
stop("One of your covariance matrices ('Sigma') is not positive definite.")
dim_group_parameters <- sapply(Sigma, dim)
if (any(dim_group_parameters != mean(dim_group_parameters))) {
stop("Argument 'Sigma' should be a list of covariance matrices, and each covariance matrix should have the same dimensions.")
n_Sigma <- length(Sigma)
if (n_Sigma != length(n)) {
stop("Length of the vector of sample sizes is not equal to the number of covariance matrices in 'Sigma'.")
if (n_estimates != group_parameters * n_Sigma + joint_parameters) {
stop("The length of the vector of estimates (parameter 'x') is not correct for multiple groups")
if (any(dim_group_parameters != group_parameters + joint_parameters)) {
stop("The dimensions (rows and columns) of each covariance matrix in 'Sigma' should be equal to the number of group-specific parameters, plus the number of joint parameters ('group_parameters' + 'joint_parameters').")
b <- rep(0, n_Sigma)
prior_cov <- vector("list", length = n_Sigma)
for (p in 1:n_Sigma) {
b[p] <- 1 / n_Sigma * rank_hyp / (n[p] / fraction)
prior_cov[[p]] <- Sigma[[p]] / (b[p])
inv_prior <- lapply(prior_cov, solve)
inv_post <- lapply(Sigma, solve)
thetacovprior <- covmatrixfun(inv_prior, group_parameters, joint_parameters, n_Sigma)
thetacovpost <- covmatrixfun(inv_post, group_parameters, joint_parameters, n_Sigma)
# Check legality of constraints -------------------------------------------
#check about equality constraints or the comparability issue
About <- .Fortran(
numH = as.integer(n_hyp),
numSP = as.integer(n_estimates),
numR = as.integer(n_constraints),
totalRr = hyp_mat,
numARi = as.integer(rep(0, n_hyp)),
error = as.integer(0)
hyp_matadjust <- About$totalRr
numAR <- About$numARi
error <- About$error
if (qr(hyp_matadjust)$rank > (qr(hyp_matadjust[1:sum(n_constraints), 1:n_estimates])$rank + sum(numAR))) {
error <- 2
for (i in 1:sum(n_constraints)) {
for (j in 1:sum(n_constraints)) {
if (all(hyp_matadjust[i, 1:n_estimates] == hyp_matadjust[j, 1:n_estimates]) &&
abs(hyp_matadjust[i, n_estimates + 1] - hyp_matadjust[j, n_estimates +
1]) > 0) {
error = 2
if (all(hyp_matadjust[i, 1:n_estimates] == -hyp_matadjust[j, 1:n_estimates]) &&
abs(hyp_matadjust[i, n_estimates + 1] + hyp_matadjust[j, n_estimates +
1]) > 0) {
error = 2
#Hypotheses are not comparable.
if (error == 1) {
"Your hypotheses are not compatible, that is, they cannot be jointly
evaluated, OR, one of your hypotheses is impossible. See the vignette
for an explanation of compatibility and possibility.
if (error == 2) {
"Your hypotheses are not compatible, that is, they cannot be jointly
evaluated, OR, one of your hypotheses is impossible. See the vignette
for an explanation of compatibility and possibility.
# End check legality of constraints ---------------------------------------
fit <- com <- BF <- rep(0, n_hyp)
fiteq <- fitin <- comeq <- comin <- rep(1, n_hyp)
results <- rep(0, 5 * n_hyp)
# Start of a mega loop along the hypotheses -------------------------------
for (h in 1:n_hyp) {
ERr <- IRr <- constant <- 0
if (n_constraints[2 * h - 1] != 0) {
ERr <-
matrix(hyp_mat[(sum(n_constraints[1:(2 * h - 1)]) - n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + 1):sum(n_constraints[1:(2 *
h - 1)]), 1:(n_estimates + 1)], n_constraints[2 * h - 1], n_estimates + 1)
if (n_constraints[2 * h] != 0) {
IRr <-
matrix(hyp_mat[(sum(n_constraints[1:(2 * h)]) - n_constraints[2 * h] + 1):sum(n_constraints[1:(2 *
h)]), 1:(n_estimates + 1)], n_constraints[2 * h], n_estimates + 1)
constant = IRr[, n_estimates + 1]
#compute the rowrank of IRr and the linear combiniation of independent constraints
Mrank <- .Fortran(
numIR = n_constraints[2 * h],
numSP = n_estimates,
rowrank = as.integer(0),
IRr = IRr,
transR = diag(0, n_constraints[2 * h], n_constraints[2 * h]),
transcon = rep(0, n_constraints[2 * h])
rowrank <- Mrank$rowrank
IRr <- Mrank$IRr
transR <- Mrank$transR
transcon <- Mrank$transcon
if (n_constraints[2 * h - 1] == 0) {
Rr = IRr
if (n_constraints[2 * h] == 0) {
Rr = ERr
if (n_constraints[2 * h - 1] != 0 && n_constraints[2 * h] != 0) {
Rr = rbind(ERr, IRr)
#parameter transformation for the estimates of theta
thetar <- c(x, -1)
betapost <- Rr[1:(n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank), 1:(n_estimates + 1)] %*%
#parameter transformation for the covariance matrix of theta
betacovpost <-
Rr[1:(n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank), 1:n_estimates] %*% thetacovpost %*% t(matrix(Rr[1:(n_constraints[2 *
h - 1] + rowrank), 1:n_estimates], nrow = n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank, ncol =
betacovpri <-
Rr[1:(n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank), 1:n_estimates] %*% thetacovprior %*% t(matrix(Rr[1:(n_constraints[2 *
h - 1] + rowrank), 1:n_estimates], nrow = n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank, ncol =
#specify prior mean
betapri <- rep(0, n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank)
#adjust prior mean for about equality constraints
if (numAR[h] > 0) {
for (i in (n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + 1):(n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank)) {
for (j in (sum(n_constraints[1:(2 * h)]) - n_constraints[2 * h] + 1):sum(n_constraints[1:(2 * h)])) {
if (all(Rr[i, 1:n_estimates] == hyp_matadjust[j, 1:n_estimates]) &&
Rr[i, n_estimates + 1] != hyp_matadjust[j, n_estimates + 1])
betapri[i] = hyp_matadjust[j, n_estimates + 1] - Rr[i, n_estimates +
invbetadiagpost <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste(e, "\nOne of the following issues caused an error. It could be that:\n* One or more of the constraints you specified is redundant. You have to delete one or more of the constraints without changing the hypothesis. For example, a = b & a > 0 & b > 0 is equivalent to a = b & a > 0\n* Your hypotheses are not compatible, that is, they cannot be jointly evaluated\n* One of your hypotheses is impossible. See the vignette for an explanation of compatibility and possibility.\n* Your covariance matrix is not positive definite, that is, it cannot exist and therefore contains errors. See the vignette for further explanations."), call. = FALSE)
invbetadiagpri <- diag(solve(as.matrix(betacovpri)))
Bpost <-
diag(1, n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank) - solve(diag(invbetadiagpost, n_constraints[2 *
h - 1] + rowrank, n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank)) %*% solve(betacovpost)
Bpri <-
diag(1, n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank) - solve(diag(invbetadiagpri, n_constraints[2 *
h - 1] + rowrank, n_constraints[2 * h - 1] + rowrank)) %*% solve(betacovpri)
#equality constraints
if (n_constraints[2 * h - 1] > 0) {
fiteq[h] <-
1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ^ n_constraints[2 * h - 1] * abs(det(as.matrix(betacovpost[1:n_constraints[2 *
h - 1], 1:n_constraints[2 * h - 1]])))) * exp(-1 / 2 * (betapost[1:n_constraints[2 * h - 1]] %*%
solve(betacovpost[1:n_constraints[2 * h - 1], 1:n_constraints[2 * h - 1]]) %*% betapost[1:n_constraints[2 *
h - 1]]))
comeq[h] <-
1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ^ n_constraints[2 * h - 1] * abs(det(as.matrix(betacovpri[1:n_constraints[2 *
h - 1], 1:n_constraints[2 * h - 1]]))))
#inequality constraints
if (n_constraints[2 * h] > 0) {
# function for the computation of complexity or fit for inequality constraints
fitcom <- function(bet, invbetadiag, B, seed) {
forc = .Fortran(
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h - 1]),
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h]),
f_or_c = as.double(0),
Numfc = as.integer(0),, 1)
return(c(forc$f_or_c, forc$Numfc))
forc_post <- .Fortran(
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h - 1]),
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h]),
f_or_c = as.double(0),
Numfc = as.integer(0),, 1)
forc_prior <- .Fortran(
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h - 1]),
as.integer(n_constraints[2 * h]),
f_or_c = as.double(0),
Numfc = as.integer(0),, 1)
fitin[h] <- forc_post$f_or_c
numf <- forc_post$Numfc
comin[h] <- forc_prior$f_or_c
numc <- forc_prior$Numfc
# End of mega loop --------------------------------------------------------
#total fit and complexity
fit <- fitin * fiteq
com <- comin * comeq
#return(list(fit, com, n_constraints,n_hyp))
#Bayes factor for a hypothesis vs its complement
BF <- fit/com
no_eq <- n_constraints[seq(1, n_hyp*2, by = 2)] == 0
BF[no_eq] <- BF[no_eq] / ((1 - fit[no_eq]) / (1 - com[no_eq]))
# Create matrix of Bayes factors
BFmatrix <- fit %*% t(1/fit) / com %*% t(1/com)
rownames(BFmatrix) <- colnames(BFmatrix) <- paste0("H", 1:n_hyp)
# Create table of fit indices
res <- cbind("Fit_eq" = fiteq, "Com_eq" = comeq, "Fit_in" = fitin, "Com_in" = comin, "Fit" = fit, "Com" = com, "BF" = BF, "PMPa" = fit / com / sum(fit / com), "PMPb" = fit / com / (1 + sum(fit / com)), "BF.u" = fit / com, "BF.c" = BF)
res <- rbind(res, NA)
res[nrow(res), match("PMPb", colnames(res))] <- 1 / (1 + sum(fit / com))
#res <- rbind(res, c(rep(NA, ncol(res)-1), 1 / (1 + sum(fit / com))))
rownames(res) <- c(paste("H", 1:n_hyp, sep = ""), "Hu")
# Either provide these as rownames, but can take a lot of space, or print a 'legend' below the table
# rownames(res) <- parsed_hyp$original_hypothesis
Bainres <- list(
fit = data.frame(res),
BFmatrix = BFmatrix,
b = b,
prior = thetacovprior,
posterior = as.matrix(thetacovpost),
call = cl,
model = x,
hypotheses = gsub("___X___", ":", parsed_hyp$original_hypothesis),
independent_restrictions = rank_hyp,
estimates = x,
n = as.vector(n),
Sigma = Sigma,
group_parameters = group_parameters,
joint_parameters = joint_parameters,
# 29-11-2021 fraction has temporarily been added to the bain output object
# will be removed again later
fraction = fraction,
gocomplement = gocomplement
# gocomplement is added to avoid an eternal loop caused by calling
# bain from within bain. gocomplement is the exit for this
# recursive use of bain. Below the call to PMPcomplement that adds
# an extra row and column to the bain output object.
if (Bainres$gocomplement == TRUE){
Bainres <- PMPcomplement(results = Bainres)}
class(Bainres) <- "bain"
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