## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.dim = c(6, 4)
## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packages that are NOT automatically installed when bakR is installed
# Packages which are installed when bakR is installed
# Set the seed for reproducibility
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Simulate a nucleotide recoding dataset
sim_data <- Simulate_bakRData(1000,
num_kd_DE = c(0, 0),
num_ks_DE = c(0, 200))
# This will simulate 500 features, 2 experimental conditions
# and 3 replicates for each experimental condition
# See ?Simulate_bakRData for details regarding tunable parameters
# Extract simulated bakRData object
bakRData <- sim_data$bakRData
# Extract simualted ground truths
sim_truth <- sim_data$sim_list
## Run the efficient model
# We'll tell it what the mutation rates are just for efficiency's sake
Fit <- bakRFit(bakRData, pnew = rep(0.05, times = 6), pold = 0.001)
## ----results = 'hide'---------------------------------------------------------
# Get the count matrix from bakR
Counts <- Fit$Data_lists$Count_Matrix
# Experimental conditions for each sample
# There are 6 s4U treated samples (3 replicates of each condition)
# In addition, there are 2 -s4U control samples (1 for each condition)
## s4U conditions
# 1st three samples are reference (ref) samples
# Next three samples are experimental (exp) samples
conditions_s4U <- as.factor(rep(c("ref", "exp"), each = 3))
## -s4U control conditions
# 1st sample is reference, next is experimental
conditions_ctl <- as.factor(c("ref", "exp"))
# Combined s4U and -s4U control conditions
conditions <- c(conditions_s4U, conditions_ctl)
# Make the colData input for DESeq2
colData <- data.frame(conditions = conditions)
rownames(colData) <- colnames(Counts)
# Take a look at the colData object
## ----echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE--------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = Counts,
colData = colData,
design = ~conditions)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ddso <- DESeq(dds)
# Extract results of experimental vs. reference comparison
reso <- results(ddso, contrast = c("conditions", "exp", "ref"))
# Look at the column names of the reso object
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ksyn_df <- data.frame(L2FC = reso$log2FoldChange + Fit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df$L2FC_kdeg,
Gene = Fit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df$XF)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ksyn_df$se <- sqrt(reso$lfcSE^2 + (Fit$Fast_Fit$Effects_df$se*log2(exp(1)))^2 )
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate p-value using asymptotic Wald test
ksyn_df <- ksyn_df %>%
mutate(pval = 2*pnorm(-abs(L2FC/se)),
padj = p.adjust(pval, method = "BH"))
## ----fig.align='center'-------------------------------------------------------
# Add conclusion at 0.01 FDR control
ksyn_df <- ksyn_df %>%
mutate(conclusion = as.factor(ifelse(padj < 0.01,
ifelse(L2FC < 0, "Decreased txn", "Increased txn"),
"Not sig.")))
# Make volcano plot
ksyn_volc <- ggplot(ksyn_df, aes(x = L2FC, y = -log10(padj), color = conclusion)) +
theme_classic() +
geom_point(size = 1) +
xlab("L2FC(ksyn)") +
ylab("-log10(padj)") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("blue", "orange", "gray"))
# Observe volcano plot
## ----fig.align='center'-------------------------------------------------------
# Add conclusion at 0.01 FDR control
ksyn_df <- ksyn_df %>%
mutate(result = as.factor(ifelse(padj < 0.01,
ifelse(as.integer(Gene) <= 800, "FP", "TP"),
ifelse(as.integer(Gene) <= 800, "TN", "FN"))))
# Make volcano plot
ksyn_results <- ggplot(ksyn_df, aes(x = L2FC, y = -log10(padj), color = result)) +
theme_classic() +
geom_point(size = 1) +
xlab("L2FC(ksyn)") +
ylab("-log10(padj)") +
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "gray", "forestgreen", "blue"))
# Observe volcano plot
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