## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
## ----setup--------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----out.width = '100%', echo = FALSE-----------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hierarchy composed by 3060 time series: 3049 bottom and 11 upper
n_b <- 3049
n_u <- 11
n <- n_b + n_u
# Load matrix A
A <- M5_CA1_basefc$A
# Load base forecasts:
base_fc_upper <- M5_CA1_basefc$upper
base_fc_bottom <- M5_CA1_basefc$bottom
# We will save all the results in the list rec_fc
rec_fc <- list(
Gauss = list(),
Mixed_cond = list(),
TD_cond = list()
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters of the upper base forecast distributions
mu_u <- unlist(lapply(base_fc_upper, "[[", "mu")) # upper means
# Compute the (shrinked) covariance matrix of the residuals
residuals.upper <- lapply(base_fc_upper, "[[", "residuals")
residuals.upper <- t("rbind", residuals.upper))
Sigma_u <- schaferStrimmer_cov(residuals.upper)$shrink_cov
# Parameters of the bottom base forecast distributions
mu_b <- c()
sd_b <- c()
for (fc_b in base_fc_bottom) {
pmf <- fc_b$pmf
mu_b <- c(mu_b, PMF.get_mean(pmf))
sd_b <- c(sd_b, PMF.get_var(pmf)**0.5)
Sigma_b <- diag(sd_b**2)
# Mean and covariance matrix of the base forecasts <- c(mu_u,mu_b)
base_forecasts.Sigma <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
base_forecasts.Sigma[1:n_u,1:n_u] <- Sigma_u
base_forecasts.Sigma[(n_u+1):n,(n_u+1):n] <- Sigma_b
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gaussian reconciliation
start <- Sys.time()
gauss <- reconc_gaussian(A,, base_forecasts.Sigma)
stop <- Sys.time()
rec_fc$Gauss <- list(mu_b = gauss$bottom_reconciled_mean,
Sigma_b = gauss$bottom_reconciled_covariance,
mu_u = A %*% gauss$bottom_reconciled_mean,
Sigma_u = A %*% gauss$bottom_reconciled_covariance %*% t(A))
Gauss_time <- as.double(round(difftime(stop, start, units = "secs"), 2))
cat("Time taken by Gaussian reconciliation: ", Gauss_time, "s")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
seed <- 1
N_samples_IS <- 5e4
# Base forecasts
fc_upper_4rec <- list(mu=mu_u, Sigma=Sigma_u)
fc_bottom_4rec <- lapply(base_fc_bottom, "[[", "pmf") # list of PMFs
# MixCond reconciliation
start <- Sys.time()
mix_cond <- reconc_MixCond(A, fc_bottom_4rec, fc_upper_4rec, bottom_in_type = "pmf",
num_samples = N_samples_IS, return_type = "pmf", seed = seed)
stop <- Sys.time()
rec_fc$Mixed_cond <- list(
bottom = mix_cond$bottom_reconciled$pmf,
upper = mix_cond$upper_reconciled$pmf,
ESS = mix_cond$ESS
MixCond_time <- as.double(round(difftime(stop, start, units = "secs"), 2))
cat("Computational time for Mix-cond reconciliation: ", MixCond_time, "s")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
N_samples_TD <- 1e4
# TDcond reconciliation
start <- Sys.time()
td <- reconc_TDcond(A, fc_bottom_4rec, fc_upper_4rec,
bottom_in_type = "pmf", num_samples = N_samples_TD,
return_type = "pmf", seed = seed)
stop <- Sys.time()
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rec_fc$TD_cond <- list(
bottom = td$bottom_reconciled$pmf,
upper = td$upper_reconciled$pmf
TDCond_time <- as.double(round(difftime(stop, start, units = "secs"), 2))
cat("Computational time for TD-cond reconciliation: ", TDCond_time, "s")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters for computing the scores
alpha <- 0.1 # MIS uses 90% coverage intervals
jitt <- 1e-9 # jitter for numerical stability
# Save actual values
actuals_u <- unlist(lapply(base_fc_upper, "[[", "actual"))
actuals_b <- unlist(lapply(base_fc_bottom, "[[", "actual"))
actuals <- c(actuals_u, actuals_b)
# Scaling factor for computing MASE
Q_u <- M5_CA1_basefc$Q_u
Q_b <- M5_CA1_basefc$Q_b
Q <- c(Q_u, Q_b)
# Initialize lists to save the results
mase <- list()
mis <- list()
rps <- list()
## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# Functions for computing the scores of a PMF
AE_pmf <- function(pmf, actual) {
return(abs(PMF.get_quantile(pmf,p=0.5) - actual))
MIS_pmf <- function(pmf, actual, alpha) {
u <- PMF.get_quantile(pmf, p=1-(alpha/2))
l <- PMF.get_quantile(pmf, p=alpha/2)
return(u - l + (2/alpha)*(l - actual)*(actual < l) +
(2/alpha)*(actual - u)*(actual > u) )
RPS_pmf <- function(pmf, actual) {
cdf <- cumsum(pmf) / sum(pmf)
M <- length(cdf)
# if actual is outside the supp of pmf, add ones to the end of the cdf:
if (actual >= M) {
cdf <- c(cdf, rep(1, (actual-M+1)))
M <- length(cdf)
cdf_act <- (0:(M-1)) >= actual # unit step function in actual
crps_ <- sum((cdf - cdf_act)**2)
# Function for computing the MIS of (possibly truncated) Gaussian forecasts
MIS_gauss <- function(mus, sds, actuals, alpha, trunc=FALSE) {
z <- qnorm(1-(alpha/2))
u <- mus + z * sds
l <- mus - z * sds
# If it is truncated, set negative quantiles to zero
if (trunc) {
l[l<0] <- 0
u[u<0] <- 0
return(u - l + (2/alpha)*(l - actuals)*(actuals < l) +
(2/alpha)*(actuals - u)*(actuals > u) )
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compute scores for the base forecasts
# Upper
mu_u <- unlist(lapply(base_fc_upper, "[[", "mu"))
sd_u <- unlist(lapply(base_fc_upper, "[[", "sigma"))
mase$base[1:n_u] <- abs(mu_u - actuals_u) / Q_u
mis$base[1:n_u] <- MIS_gauss(mu_u, sd_u, actuals_u, alpha)
rps$base[1:n_u] <- scoringRules::crps(actuals_u, "norm", mean=mu_u, sd=sd_u)
# Bottom
pmfs = lapply(base_fc_bottom, "[[", "pmf")
mase$base[(n_u+1):n] <- mapply(AE_pmf, pmfs, actuals_b) / Q_b
mis$base[(n_u+1):n] <- mapply(MIS_pmf, pmfs, actuals_b, MoreArgs = list(alpha=alpha))
rps$base[(n_u+1):n] <- mapply(RPS_pmf, pmfs, actuals_b)
# Compute scores for Gauss reconciliation
mu <- c(rec_fc$Gauss$mu_u, rec_fc$Gauss$mu_b)
sd <- c(diag(rec_fc$Gauss$Sigma_u), diag(rec_fc$Gauss$Sigma_b))**0.5
sd <- sd + jitt
mase$Gauss <- abs(mu - actuals) / Q
mis$Gauss <- MIS_gauss(mu, sd, actuals, alpha)
rps$Gauss <- scoringRules::crps(actuals, "norm", mean=mu, sd=sd)
# Compute scores for Mix-cond reconciliation
pmfs <- c(rec_fc$Mixed_cond$upper, rec_fc$Mixed_cond$bottom)
mase$MixCond <- mapply(AE_pmf, pmfs, actuals) / Q
mis$MixCond <- mapply(MIS_pmf, pmfs, actuals, MoreArgs = list(alpha=alpha))
rps$MixCond <- mapply(RPS_pmf, pmfs, actuals)
# Compute scores for TD-cond reconciliation
pmfs <- c(rec_fc$TD_cond$upper, rec_fc$TD_cond$bottom)
mase$TDcond <- mapply(AE_pmf, pmfs, actuals) / Q
mis$TDcond <- mapply(MIS_pmf, pmfs, actuals, MoreArgs = list(alpha=alpha))
rps$TDcond <- mapply(RPS_pmf, pmfs, actuals)
## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# Function for computing the skill score
skill.score <- function(ref, met) {
s <- (2 * (ref - met) / (ref + met)) * 100
s[] <- 0 # if both numerator and denominator are 0, set skill score to 0
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
scores <- list(
mase = mase,
mis = mis,
rps = rps
scores_ = names(scores)
ref_met <- "base"
methods_ <- c("Gauss", "MixCond", "TDcond")
# For each score and method we compute the skill score with respect to the base forecasts
skill_scores <- list()
for (s in scores_) {
skill_scores[[s]] <- list()
for (met in methods_) {
skill_scores[[s]][["upper"]][[met]] <- skill.score(scores[[s]][[ref_met]][1:n_u],
skill_scores[[s]][["bottom"]][[met]] <- skill.score(scores[[s]][[ref_met]][(n_u+1):n],
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mean_skill_scores <- list()
for (s in scores_) {
mean_skill_scores[[s]] <- rbind(data.frame(lapply(skill_scores[[s]][["upper"]], mean)),
data.frame(lapply(skill_scores[[s]][["bottom"]], mean))
rownames(mean_skill_scores[[s]]) <- c("upper","bottom")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(mean_skill_scores$mase,digits = 2,caption = "Mean skill score on MASE.",align = 'lccc')
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(mean_skill_scores$mis,digits = 2,caption = "Mean skill score on MIS.")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
knitr::kable(mean_skill_scores$rps,digits = 2,caption = "Mean skill score on RPS.")
## ----fig.width=7,fig.height=8-------------------------------------------------
custom_colors <- c("#a8a8e4",
# Boxplots of MASE skill scores
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
boxplot(skill_scores$mase$upper, main = "MASE upper time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-80,80))
boxplot(skill_scores$mase$bottom, main = "MASE bottom time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-200,200))
## ----eval=TRUE,include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
## ----fig.width=7,fig.height=8-------------------------------------------------
# Boxplots of MIS skill scores
par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
boxplot(skill_scores$mis$upper, main = "MIS upper time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-150,150))
boxplot(skill_scores$mis$bottom, main = "MIS bottom time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-200,200))
## ----eval=TRUE,include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
## ----fig.width=7,fig.height=8-------------------------------------------------
# Boxplots of RPS skill scores
par(mfrow = c(2,1))
boxplot(skill_scores$rps$upper, main = "RPS upper time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-80,80))
boxplot(skill_scores$rps$bottom, main = "RPS bottom time series",
col = custom_colors, ylim = c(-200,200))
## ----eval=TRUE,include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
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