
Defines functions funSource

Documented in funSource

#' Source code of a function
#' open source code of a function in a loaded or specified package on 
#' github.com/cran or github.com/wch/r-source
#' @return links that are also opened with \code{\link{browseURL}}
#' @author Berry Boessenkool, \email{berry-b@@gmx.de}, Jan+Dec 2016, May 2017, April 2019
#' @importFrom utils browseURL find getAnywhere
#' @export
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/brry/rskey#rskey} to add this as a keyboard shortcut
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ ## browser windows should not be opened in CRAN checks
#' funSource("head")
#' funSource(message()) # handles brackets if fun can be evaluated without input
#' funSource("require", local=TRUE) # usefull when offline
#' funSource("OSMscale::earthDist") # works even for non-installed CRAN packages
#' is.error(funSource("earthDist"), TRUE, TRUE) # Error for unloaded package
#' require(plotrix); require(scales)
#' funSource(rescale) # from the last loaded package
#' tail <- function(...) stop("This is a dummy function. Type: rm(tail)")
#' funSource("tail")
#' rm(tail)
#' }
#' @param x              Function name, with or without quotation marks.
#'                       Trailing brackets are removed: \code{xx()} -> \code{"xx"}.\cr
#'                       Can be \code{package::function}, which must be quoted for
#'                       non-loaded packages.
#' @param character.only If TRUE, look for \code{SomeFun} instead of \code{MyFun}
#'                       in case \code{MyFun <- "SomeFun"}. 
#'                       DEFAULT: \code{\link{is.character}(x)}
#' @param local          Open offline version of the code? Lacks comments and
#'                       original formatting of source code. DEFAULT: FALSE
funSource <- function(
# change input to character:
xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
xname <- gsub('"', "", xname)
if(!character.only) x <- xname
if(length(x)>1) stop("length(x) must be 1, not ", length(x))

# remove empty brackets at the end:
x <- sub("\\(\\)$", "", x)

# check input for non-valid characters in function names:
if(grepl("[^[:alnum:]|^_|^.|^:]", x)) 
warning("funSource accepts only a function name as input (without brackets etc).\n",
        "The code will be tried anyway, but expect an error.", 
        immediate.=TRUE, call.=FALSE)

# Get package name -------------------------------------------------------------

# if package is specified: -----
if(grepl("::", x))
  pn <- strsplit(x, "::")[[1]][1]
  x  <- strsplit(x, "::")[[1]][2]
  } else
# find locations of x: -----
locs <- find(x)
if(length(locs)<1) stop("A package containing '", x,"' was not found on the search path.")
  warning(x," exists in .GlobalEnv, is ignored.")
  locs <- locs[-1]
# get package name
pn <- strsplit(locs, ":")
pn <- sapply(pn, "[", 2)
if(all(is.na(pn))) stop("A package containing '", x,"' was not found on the search path.")
  warning("Using ", x, " in ", pn[1], ". It was also found in ", toString(pn[-1]))
  pn <- pn[1]

# return offline function content ----------------------------------------------
# reformatted by R, not original source
  File <- paste0(tempdir(), "/", xname, ".R")
  dd <- getAnywhere(x)
  # Open the file with the program associated with its file extension
  message("Now opening (in default viewer): ", File)

# select mirror (base R or CRAN) -----------------------------------------------

if(pn %in% c("base", "compiler", "datasets", "grDevices", "graphics", "grid",
             "methods", "parallel", "profile", "splines", "stats", "stats4",
             "tcltk", "tools", "translations", "utils"))
  baselink <- "https://github.com/wch/r-source/tree/trunk/src/library/"
  finallink <- paste0(baselink,pn,"/R/", x,".R")
  slink <- paste0("wch/r-source+path:src/library/",pn,"/R")
  } else
  baselink <- "https://github.com/cran/"
  finallink <- paste0(baselink,pn,"/blob/master/R/", x,".R")
  slink <- paste0("cran/",pn,"+path:R")

# open link in Browser ---------------------------------------------------------

# Search github repo query link
searchlink <- paste0("https://github.com/search?q=",x," function repo:",slink)

# little helper function to determine existence of a link:
canBeRead <- function(url)
 rl <- suppressWarnings(try(readLines(url, n=1), silent=TRUE))
 !inherits(rl, "try-error")

# Option 1: If the link can be read, open it in the browser and return output:
 return(c(searchlink, finallink))

# Option 2: Try with lowercase r:
finallink <- sub("\\.R$", '\\.r', finallink)
 return(c(searchlink, finallink))

# Option 3: open the searchlink:
# this would also occur if R has no internet acces, but the browser does


Try the berryFunctions package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

berryFunctions documentation built on April 12, 2023, 12:36 p.m.