
Defines functions StatsCovariate

Documented in StatsCovariate

#' @title Covariate
#' @description Covariate estimations (including correlation and Cronbach's alpha)
#' @param y criterion variable(s), Default: NULL
#' @param y.names optional names for criterion variable(s), Default: NULL
#' @param x predictor variable(s), Default: NULL
#' @param x.names optional names for predictor variable(s), Default: NULL
#' @param DF data to analyze
#' @param params define parameters to observe, Default: NULL
#' @param job.group for some hierarchical models with several layers of parameter names (e.g., latent and observed parameters), Default: NULL
#' @param initial.list initial values for analysis, Default: list()
#' @param jags.model specify which module to use
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return covariate, correlation and (optional) Cronbach's alpha
#' @examples
#' ## Create normal distributed data with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
#' ### r = 0.5
#' #data <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=100,
#' #                      mu=c(0, 0),
#' #                      Sigma=matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 2),
#' #                      empirical=TRUE)
#' ## Add names
#' #colnames(data) <- c("X","Y")
#' ## Create noise with mean = 10 / -10 and sd = 1
#' ### r = -1.0
#' #noise <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=2,
#' #                       mu=c(10, -10),
#' #                       Sigma=matrix(c(1, -1, -1, 1), 2),
#' #                       empirical=TRUE)
#' ## Combine noise and data
#' #biased.data <- rbind(data,noise)
#' #
#' #
#' ## Run analysis on normal distributed data
#' #mcmc <- bfw(project.data = data,
#' #            y = "X,Y",
#' #            saved.steps = 50000,
#' #            jags.model = "covariate",
#' #            jags.seed = 100,
#' #            silent = TRUE)
#' ## Run robust analysis on normal distributed data
#' #mcmc.robust <- bfw(project.data = data,
#' #                   y = "X,Y",
#' #                   saved.steps = 50000,
#' #                   jags.model = "covariate",
#' #                   run.robust = TRUE,
#' #                   jags.seed = 101,
#' #                   silent = TRUE)
#' ## Run analysis on data with outliers
#' #biased.mcmc <- bfw(project.data = biased.data,
#' #                   y = "X,Y",
#' #                   saved.steps = 50000,
#' #                   jags.model = "covariate",
#' #                   jags.seed = 102,
#' #                   silent = TRUE)
#' ## Run robust analysis on data with outliers
#' #biased.mcmc.robust <- bfw(project.data = biased.data,
#' #                          y = "X,Y",
#' #                          saved.steps = 50000,
#' #                          jags.model = "covariate",
#' #                          run.robust = TRUE,
#' #                          jags.seed = 103,
#' #                          silent = TRUE)
#' ## Print frequentist results
#' #stats::cor(data)[2]
#' ## [1] 0.5
#' #stats::cor(noise)[2]
#' ## [1] -1
#' #stats::cor(biased.data)[2]
#' ## [1] -0.498
#' ## Print Bayesian results
#' #mcmc$summary.MCMC
#' ##                   Mean Median  Mode   ESS HDIlo HDIhi   n
#' ## cor[1,1]: X vs. X 1.000  1.000 0.999     0 1.000 1.000 100
#' ## cor[2,1]: Y vs. X 0.488  0.491 0.496 19411 0.337 0.633 100
#' ## cor[1,2]: X vs. Y 0.488  0.491 0.496 19411 0.337 0.633 100
#' ## cor[2,2]: Y vs. Y 1.000  1.000 0.999     0 1.000 1.000 100
#' #mcmc.robust$summary.MCMC
#' ##                   Mean Median  Mode   ESS HDIlo HDIhi   n
#' ## cor[1,1]: X vs. X 1.00  1.000 0.999     0 1.000 1.000 100
#' ## cor[2,1]: Y vs. X 0.47  0.474 0.491 18626 0.311 0.626 100
#' ## cor[1,2]: X vs. Y 0.47  0.474 0.491 18626 0.311 0.626 100
#' ## cor[2,2]: Y vs. Y 1.00  1.000 0.999     0 1.000 1.000 100
#' #biased.mcmc$summary.MCMC
#' ##                    Mean Median   Mode   ESS  HDIlo  HDIhi   n
#' ## cor[1,1]: X vs. X  1.000  1.000  0.999     0  1.000  1.000 102
#' ## cor[2,1]: Y vs. X -0.486 -0.489 -0.505 19340 -0.627 -0.335 102
#' ## cor[1,2]: X vs. Y -0.486 -0.489 -0.505 19340 -0.627 -0.335 102
#' ## cor[2,2]: Y vs. Y  1.000  1.000  0.999     0  1.000  1.000 102
#' #biased.mcmc.robust$summary.MCMC
#' ##                   Mean Median  Mode   ESS HDIlo HDIhi   n
#' ## cor[1,1]: X vs. X 1.000  1.000 0.999     0 1.000 1.000 102
#' ## cor[2,1]: Y vs. X 0.338  0.343 0.356 23450 0.125 0.538 102
#' ## cor[1,2]: X vs. Y 0.338  0.343 0.356 23450 0.125 0.538 102
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[stats]{complete.cases}}
#' @rdname StatsCovariate
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
StatsCovariate <- function(y = NULL,
                           y.names = NULL,
                           x = NULL,
                           x.names = NULL,
                           params = NULL,
                           job.group = NULL,
                           initial.list = list(),
) { 

  # Select variables to analyze
  y <- TrimSplit(y)
  x <- TrimSplit(x)
  # If empty create name list
  y.names <- if (!is.null(y.names)) TrimSplit(y.names) else CapWords(y)
  x.names <- if (!is.null(x.names)) TrimSplit(x.names) else CapWords(x)
  job.names <- c(y.names,x.names)
  # If y.names and y are of unequal length
  if ( length(y.names) != length(y) ) {
    warning("y.names and y have unequal length. Using variable names.")
    y.names <- CapWords(y)
  # If x.names and x are of unequal length
  if ( length(x.names) != length(x) ) {
    warning("x.names and x have unequal length. Using variable names.")
    x.names <- CapWords(x)
  # Select columns from data frame
  y.data <- DF[, c(y,x)]
  # Number of items
  q <- ncol(y.data)
  # Create pairwise combinations if y and x are defined
  if (length(x)) {
    m1 <- as.matrix(do.call(rbind,lapply(y, function (z) {
      m <- expand.grid(z,x)
      matrix(unlist(lapply(unlist(m), function (m) { 
        which(m == colnames(y.data))
      } )), ncol = 2 )
    # Or permutations if only y is defined
  } else {
    # Number of dimension permutations
    m1 <- t(combn(1:q, 2))
  # Permutations as a continuous matrix
  m2 <- matrix(1:length(m1), length(m1) / 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
  # Create matrix of pairwise combinations of variables
  y.data <- lapply(1:nrow(m1), function (i) {
    m <- cbind( y.data[ , m1[i,1] ] , y.data[ , m1[i,2] ] )
    m[stats::complete.cases(m) , ]
  } )
  # Number of observations in each y
  n <- unlist(lapply(y.data,nrow))
  # Max length of y
  n.max <- max(n)
  # Final data matrix
  y.data <- do.call(cbind,lapply(y.data, function(x) {
    rbind(x, matrix(NA, nrow=n.max-nrow(x), ncol=2) )
  # Create n data for y and x variables
  if (length(x)) {
    n.data <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,lapply(y.names, function (z) {
      m <- expand.grid(z,x.names)
      data.frame(m,n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  } else {
    # Create n data for y variables
    n.data <- data.frame(t(combn(job.names, 2)),n, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Paramter(s) of interest
  params <- if(length(params)) TrimSplit(params) else c("cor")
  # Create data for Jags
  data.list <- list(
    n = n,
    q = q,
    y = y.data,
    m1 = m1,
    m2 = m2
  # Define name group
  if (is.null(job.group)) job.group <- list ( c("cov","cor") , c("Alpha") )
  # Add Cronbach's alpha if requested
  if ("Alpha" %in% params) {
    alpha <- "Alpha <- q / (q - 1) * (1 - sum(diag[]) / (sum(cov)))"
    jags.model <- gsub("\\#ALPHA", alpha , jags.model)
    job.names <- list(list(job.names) , list("Tau-equivalent reliability"))
    alpha.n <- c( rep("Tau-equivalent reliability" ,  ncol(n.data)-1) , 
                  mean(n.data[ ,  ncol(n.data)]) )
    n.data <- rbind(n.data , alpha.n)
  # Make certain n column in n.data is numeric
  n.data$n <- as.numeric(n.data$n)
  # Create name list
  name.list <- list(
    job.group = job.group,
    job.names = job.names
  # Return data list
  return (list(
    data.list = data.list,
    name.list = name.list,
    params = params,
    jags.model = jags.model,
    n.data = n.data

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