
Defines functions getPostQuantilesStratified getPostQuantilesPooled applicablePreviousTrials

applicablePreviousTrials <- function(
) {
  ## analyze only unique trials that have not been previously analyzed,
  ## i.e. trials that were updated with continueRecruitment(),
  ## i.e. trials that have an overall go decision from a previous decision rule
  ## i.e. trials that have quantiles stored for each cohort that is to be analysed
  applicable_previous_trials <-
    ## check that in each scenario the same analysis methods were analyzed previously
    all(sapply(seq_along(scenario_list), function (i) {
    })) &
    ## check that the current analysis method names match the method names of the previous analyses
    isTRUE(all.equal(names(scenario_list[[1]]$previous_analyses$post_quantiles), method_names)) &
    ## check that the stored quantiles are the same across all scenarios
    all(sapply(seq_along(scenario_list), function (i) {
    })) &
    ## check that the new quantiles are within the stored quantiles
    all(paste0(as.character(quantiles * 100), "%") %in%
          rownames(scenario_list[[1]]$previous_analyses$post_quantiles[[1]][[1]])) &
    ## check that there are stored quantiles for each cohort that is to be analysed
    all(paste0("p_", seq_len(n_cohorts)) %in%
  ## check that all differences have been previously calculated
  if (!is.null(calc_differences)) {
    applicable_previous_trials <- applicable_previous_trials &
      all(apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
        paste0("p_diff_", paste0(as.character(x), collapse = ""))
      }) %in% colnames(scenario_list[[1]]$previous_analyses$post_quantiles[[1]][[1]]))
  return (applicable_previous_trials)

calcDiffsMCMC <- function (
) {
  org_names <- colnames(posterior_distributions)
  diffs <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
    matrix(posterior_distributions[, grepl(x[1], org_names) & grepl("p", org_names)] -
             posterior_distributions[, grepl(x[2], org_names) & grepl("p", org_names)],
           ncol = 1)
  diff_names <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
    paste0("p_diff_", paste0(as.character(x), collapse = ""))
  colnames(diffs) <- diff_names
  posterior_distributions <- cbind(posterior_distributions, diffs)
  return (posterior_distributions)

getModelFile <- function (method_name) {
  if (method_name == "berry") {
    model_file <- "berry.txt"
  } else if (method_name == "berry_mix") {
    model_file <- "berry_mix.txt"
  } else if (method_name == "exnex") {
    model_file <- "exnex.txt"
  } else if (method_name == "exnex_adj") {
    model_file <- "exnex_adj.txt"
  } else {
    stop ("method_name must be one of berry, berry_mix, exnex, exnex_adj")
  model_file <- system.file(package = "bhmbasket", "jags_models", model_file, mustWork = TRUE)
  return (model_file)

getPosteriors <- function (
) {
  jags_fit <- R2jags::jags(data               = j_data,
                           parameters.to.save = j_parameters,
                           model.file         = j_model_file,
                           n.chains           = 2,
                           n.iter             = n_mcmc_iterations,
                           n.burnin           = floor(n_mcmc_iterations / 3),
                           n.thin             = 1,
                           DIC                = FALSE,
                           progress.bar       = "none",
                           jags.module        = NULL,#"mix",
                           quiet              = TRUE)
  ## Adaption and burn-in not included in sims.array
  posterior_distributions <- rbind(jags_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[, 1, ],
                                   jags_fit$BUGSoutput$sims.array[, 2, ])
  ## replace squarebrackets provided by R2jags with workable characters
  colnames(posterior_distributions) <- gsub("\\[", "_", colnames(posterior_distributions))
  colnames(posterior_distributions) <- gsub("\\]", "", colnames(posterior_distributions))
  weights_indices <- grepl("exch", colnames(posterior_distributions))
  if (any(weights_indices)) {
    superfluous_weights <- !grepl(",1", colnames(posterior_distributions))
    colnames(posterior_distributions)[weights_indices] <-
      paste0("w_", seq_along(j_data$n))
    posterior_distributions <- posterior_distributions[, !(weights_indices & superfluous_weights)]
  return (posterior_distributions)

getPostQuantiles <- function (
  ## The method to be applied to the likelihood and the quantiles of the posterior
  ## Scenario data
  ## Differences between cohorts
  calc_differences  = NULL,
  ## JAGS parameters
  ## MCMC Parameters
  n_mcmc_iterations = 1e4,
  ## Where to save one of the posterior response rates approximations provided by JAGS
  save_path         = NULL,
  save_trial        = NULL
) {
  if (is.null(dim(scenario_data$n_responders))) {
    scenario_data$n_responders <- t(convertVector2Matrix(scenario_data$n_responders))
    scenario_data$n_subjects   <- t(convertVector2Matrix(scenario_data$n_subjects))
  n_analyses <- nrow(scenario_data$n_responders)
  ## Create random index for saving one of the posterior response rates
  if (is.null(save_trial) && !is.null(save_path)) {
    # set.seed(seed)
    save_trial <- sample(seq_len(n_analyses), size = 1)
  ## Run parallel loops
  ## prepare foreach loop over 
  exported_stuff <- c(
    # "scenario_data", "j_data", "post_mean", "quantiles",
    # "calc_differences", "j_parameters", "j_model_file", "n_mcmc_iterations",
    # "save_path", "save_trial", "method_name",
    "posteriors2Quantiles", "getPosteriors", "getPostQuantilesOfTrial",
  ## prepare chunking
  chunks_outer <- chunkVector(seq_len(n_analyses), foreach::getDoParWorkers())
  "%dorng%" <- doRNG::"%dorng%"
  "%dopar%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
  posterior_quantiles_list <- foreach::foreach(
    k = chunks_outer,
    .combine  = c,
    .verbose  = FALSE,
    .packages = c("R2jags"),
    .export   = exported_stuff) %dorng% {
      chunks_inner <- chunkVector(k, foreach::getDoParWorkers())
      foreach::foreach(i = chunks_inner, .combine = c) %dorng% {
        lapply(i, function (j) {
          ## Calculate the posterior quantiles for the kth unique trial outcome
            n_responders      = as.numeric(scenario_data$n_responders[j, ]),
            n_subjects        = as.numeric(scenario_data$n_subjects[j, ]),
            j_data            = j_data,
            j_parameters      = j_parameters,
            j_model_file      = j_model_file,
            method_name       = method_name,
            quantiles         = quantiles,
            post_mean         = post_mean,
            calc_differences  = calc_differences,
            n_mcmc_iterations = n_mcmc_iterations,
            save_path         = save_path,
            save_trial        = save_trial)
  return (posterior_quantiles_list)

getPostQuantilesOfTrial <- function (
) {
  j_data$r <- n_responders
  j_data$n <- n_subjects
  if (method_name == "stratified") {
    posterior_quantiles <- getPostQuantilesStratified(
      j_data            = j_data,
      quantiles         = quantiles,
      post_mean         = post_mean,
      calc_differences  = calc_differences,
      n_mcmc_iterations = n_mcmc_iterations)
  } else if (method_name == "pooled") {
    posterior_quantiles <- getPostQuantilesPooled(
      j_data           = j_data,
      quantiles        = quantiles,
      post_mean        = post_mean,
      calc_differences = calc_differences)
  } else {
    ## Get posterior response rates per indication
    posterior_distributions <- getPosteriors(
      j_parameters      = j_parameters,
      j_model_file      = j_model_file,
      j_data            = j_data,
      n_mcmc_iterations = n_mcmc_iterations)
    ## Calculate differences between response rates of cohorts
    if (!is.null(calc_differences)) {
      posterior_distributions <- calcDiffsMCMC(
        posterior_distributions = posterior_distributions,
        calc_differences        = calc_differences)
    ## Save posterior response rates per indication for one randomly selected simulation,
    ## due to time and storage space constraints only one simulation
    if (!is.null(save_path)) {
      if (k == save_trial) {
                file = file.path(save_path, paste0("posterior_distributions_",
                                                   k, "_", method_name, "_rds")))
    ## Calculate the required quantiles for the decision rules
    posterior_quantiles <- posteriors2Quantiles(
      quantiles  = quantiles,
      post_mean  = post_mean,
      posteriors = posterior_distributions)
  return (posterior_quantiles)

getPostQuantilesPooled <- function(
) {
  shape_1 <- j_data$a + sum(j_data$r)
  shape_2 <- j_data$b + sum(j_data$n) - sum(j_data$r)
  posterior_quantiles <- stats::qbeta(quantiles, shape1 = shape_1, shape2 = shape_2)
  posterior_quantiles <- matrix(posterior_quantiles,
                                ncol = length(j_data$r), nrow = length(quantiles))
  colnames(posterior_quantiles) <- paste0("p_", seq_along(j_data$r))
  rownames(posterior_quantiles) <- paste0(quantiles * 100, "%")
  if (post_mean) {
    posterior_mean      <- shape_1 / (shape_1 + shape_2)
    posterior_sd        <- shape_1 * shape_2 / ((shape_1 + shape_2)^2 * (shape_1 + shape_2 + 1))
    posterior_quantiles <- rbind(posterior_quantiles,
                                 Mean = posterior_mean,
                                 SD   = posterior_sd)
  if (!is.null(calc_differences)) {
    diff_quantiles <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
      matrix(rep(0, nrow(posterior_quantiles)), ncol = 1)
    diff_names <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
      paste0("p_diff_", paste0(as.character(x), collapse = ""))
    colnames(diff_quantiles) <- diff_names
    posterior_quantiles <- cbind(posterior_quantiles, diff_quantiles)
  return (posterior_quantiles)

getPostQuantilesStratified <- function(
) {
  shape_1 <- j_data$a_j + j_data$r
  shape_2 <- j_data$b_j + j_data$n - j_data$r
  posterior_quantiles <- t(sapply(quantiles, function (x)
    stats::qbeta(x, shape1 = shape_1, shape2 = shape_2)))
  if (nrow(posterior_quantiles) == 1) {
    posterior_quantiles <- t(posterior_quantiles)
  colnames(posterior_quantiles) <- paste0("p_", seq_along(j_data$a_j))
  rownames(posterior_quantiles) <- paste0(quantiles * 100, "%")
  if (post_mean) {
    posterior_mean      <- shape_1 / (shape_1 + shape_2)
    posterior_sd        <- shape_1 * shape_2 / ((shape_1 + shape_2)^2 * (shape_1 + shape_2 + 1))
    posterior_quantiles <- rbind(posterior_quantiles,
                                 Mean = posterior_mean,
                                 SD   = posterior_sd)
  if (!is.null(calc_differences)) {
    diff_quantiles <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
        quantiles  = quantiles,
        post_mean  = post_mean,
        x_1_shape1 = shape_1[x[1]],
        x_1_shape2 = shape_2[x[1]],
        x_2_shape1 = shape_1[x[2]],
        x_2_shape2 = shape_2[x[2]],
        n_mcmc     = n_mcmc_iterations), ncol = 1)
    diff_names <- apply(calc_differences, 1, function (x) {
      paste0("p_diff_", paste0(as.character(x), collapse = ""))
    colnames(diff_quantiles) <- diff_names
    posterior_quantiles <- cbind(posterior_quantiles, diff_quantiles)
  return (posterior_quantiles)

is.analysis_list <- function (x) {
  if (missing(x)) stop ("Please provide an object for the argument 'x'")
  inherits(x, "analysis_list")

#' @title loadAnalyses
#' @md
#' @description This function loads an analysis performed with
#' \code{\link[bhmbasket]{performAnalyses}}
#' @param load_path A string providing a path where the scenarios are being stored,
#' Default: \code{\link[base]{tempfile}}
#' @param scenario_numbers A (vector of) positive integer(s) for the scenario number(s)
#' @param analysis_numbers A (vector of) positive integer(s) for the analysis number(s),
#' Default: `rep(1, length(scenario_numbers))`
#' @return Returns an object of class `analysis_list`
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{performAnalyses}}
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{saveAnalyses}}
#'  \code{\link[base]{tempfile}}
#' @rdname loadAnalyses
#' @examples
#'   trial_data <- createTrial(
#'     n_subjects   = c(10, 20, 30),
#'     n_responders = c(1, 2, 3))
#'   analysis_list <- performAnalyses(
#'     scenario_list      = trial_data,
#'     target_rates       = rep(0.5, 3),
#'     n_mcmc_iterations  = 100)
#'   save_info     <- saveAnalyses(analysis_list)
#'   analysis_list <- loadAnalyses(scenario_numbers = save_info$scenario_numbers,
#'                                 analysis_numbers = save_info$analysis_numbers,
#'                                 load_path        = save_info$path)
#' @author Stephan Wojciekowski
#' @export
loadAnalyses <- function (
  analysis_numbers = rep(1, length(scenario_numbers)),
  load_path        = tempdir()
) {
  error_scenario_numbers <- simpleError(
    "Please provide a vector of positive integers for the argument 'scenario_numbers'")
  error_analysis_numbers <- simpleError(
    "Please provide a vector of positive integers for the argument 'analysis_numbers'")
  error_load_path        <- simpleError(
    "Please provide a string containing a path for the argument 'load_path'")
  if (missing(scenario_numbers)) stop (error_scenario_numbers)
  if (!is.character(load_path) || length(load_path) > 1) stop (error_load_path)
  if (!identical(length(scenario_numbers), length(analysis_numbers))) {
    stop (simpleError("'scenario_numbers' and 'analysis_numbers' must have equal length"))
  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
  analyses_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(scenario_numbers))
  for (s in seq_along(scenario_numbers)) {
    analyses_list[[s]] <- readRDS(
                paste0("analysis_data_", scenario_numbers[s], "_", analysis_numbers[s], ".rds"))
  names(analyses_list) <- paste0("scenario_", scenario_numbers)
  class(analyses_list) <- "analysis_list"
  return (analyses_list)

makeUniqueRows <- function (
) {
  n_rows      <- nrow(matrix)
  n_cols      <- ncol(matrix)
  unique_rows <- stats::aggregate(id ~ .,
                                  data = cbind(id = seq_along(n_rows), matrix),
                                  FUN  = length)
  return (unique_rows[, seq_len(n_cols)])

mapUniqueTrials <- function (
) {
  method_names     <- names(method_quantiles_list)
  scenario_numbers <- sapply(scenario_list, function (x) x$scenario_number)
  ## Create hash tables for results for easy retrieval
  hash_keys        <- getHashKeys(trials_unique_calc)
  hash_tables_list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(method_quantiles_list))
  for (n in seq_along(hash_tables_list)) {
    hash_tables_list[[n]] <- createHashTable(hash_keys, method_quantiles_list[[n]])
  ## prepare foreach
  exported_stuff <- c("convertVector2Matrix")
  ## run foreach
  "%do%" <- foreach::"%do%"
  scenario_method_quantiles_list <- foreach::foreach(k = seq_along(scenario_numbers),
                                                     .verbose  = FALSE,
                                                     .export   = exported_stuff
  ) %do% {
    ## Find the indices of the trials of a specific scenario for go trials
    scenario_data_matrix <- cbind(scenario_list[[k]]$n_responders,
    ## check whether there where previous analyses
    if (applicable_previous_trials) {
      scenario_go_flags         <- scenario_list[[k]]$previous_analyses$go_decisions[, 1] > 0
      scenario_method_quantiles <- scenario_list[[k]]$previous_analyses$post_quantiles
    } else {
      scenario_go_flags         <- rep(TRUE, length = nrow(scenario_data_matrix))
      scenario_method_quantiles <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(method_names))
      names(scenario_method_quantiles) <- method_names
    ## In case there are trial realizations that need updating
    ## This should only not be the case if all trial realizations of a scenario have a NoGo decision
    ## and there are applicable previous trials.
    if (any(scenario_go_flags)) {
      ## Get search keys
      scenario_data_matrix_go <- convertVector2Matrix(scenario_data_matrix[scenario_go_flags, ])
      search_keys             <- getHashKeys(scenario_data_matrix_go)
      ## Save scenario specific posterior quantiles for each method
      for (n in seq_along(method_names)) {
        scenario_method_quantiles[[method_names[n]]][scenario_go_flags] <-
          getHashValues(search_keys, hash_tables_list[[n]])
    return (scenario_method_quantiles)
  names(scenario_method_quantiles_list) <- paste0("scenario_", scenario_numbers)
  return (scenario_method_quantiles_list)

## Wrapper of getPostQuantiles() for specifying several scenarios
## Returns a list of quantiles of posterior distributions according to supplied methods.
#' @title performAnalyses
#' @md
#' @description This function performs the analysis of simulated or observed trial data with the
#' specified methods
#' and returns the quantiles of the posterior response rates
#' @param scenario_list An object of class `scenario_list`,
#' as e.g. created with \code{\link[bhmbasket]{simulateScenarios}}
#' @param evidence_levels A vector of numerics in `(0, 1)` for the
#' `1-evidence_levels`-quantiles of the posterior response rates to be saved.
#' Default: `c(0.025, 0.05, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975)`
#' @param method_names A vector of strings for the names of the methods to be used. Must
#' be one of the default values, Default: `c("berry", "exnex", "exnex_adj", "pooled", "stratified")`
#' @param target_rates A vector of numerics in `(0, 1)` for the
#' target rates of each cohort, Default: `NULL`
#' @param prior_parameters_list An object of class `prior_parameters_list`,
#' as e.g. created with \code{\link[bhmbasket]{getPriorParameters}}
#' @param calc_differences A matrix of positive integers with 2 columns.
#' For each row the differences will be calculated.
#' Also a vector of positive integers can be provided for a single difference.
#' The integers are the numbers for the cohorts to be subtracted from one another.
#' E.g. providing `c(2, 1)` calculates the difference between cohort `2` and cohort `1`.
#' If `NULL`, no subtractions are performed, Default: `NULL`
#' @param n_mcmc_iterations A positive integer for the number of MCMC iterations,
#' see Details, Default: `10000`.
#' If `n_mcmc_iterations` is present in `.GlobalEnv` and `missing(n_mcmc_iterations)`,
#' the globally available value will be used.
#' @param n_cores Argument is deprecated and does nothing as of version 0.9.3.
#' A positive integer for the number of cores for the parallelization,
#' Default: `1`
#' @param seed Argument is deprecated and does nothing as of version 0.9.3.
#' A numeric for the random seed, Default: `1`
#' @param verbose A logical indicating whether messages should be printed, Default: `TRUE`
#' @return An object of class `analysis_list`.
#' @details
#' This function applies the following analysis models to (simulated) scenarios of class
#' `scenario_list`:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Bayesian hierarchical model (BHM) proposed by Berry et al. (2013): `"berry"`
#'   \item BHM proposed by Neuenschwander et al. (2016): `"exnex"`
#'   \item BHM that combines above approaches: `"exnex_adj"`
#'   \item Pooled beta-binomial approach: `"pooled"`
#'   \item Stratified beta-binomial approach: `"stratified"`
#' }
#' The posterior distributions of the BHMs are approximated with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
#' methods implemented in JAGS.
#' Two independent chains are used with each `n_mcmc_iterations` number of MCMC iterations.
#' The first `floor(n_mcmc_iterations / 3)` number of iterations are discarded as burn-in period.
#' No thinning is applied.
#' Note that the value for `n_mcmc_iterations` required for a good approximation of the posterior
#' distributions depends on the analysis model, the investigated scenarios, and the use case.
#' The default value might be a good compromise between run-time and approximation for
#' the estimation of decision probabilities, but
#' it should definitively be increased for the analysis of a single trial's outcome.
#' The analysis models will only be applied to the unique trial realizations across 
#' all simulated scenarios.
#' The models can be applied in parallel by registering a parallel backend for the 'foreach'
#' framework, e.g. with `doFuture::registerDoFuture()` and `future::plan(future::multisession)`.
#' The parallelization is nested, so that the resources of a HPC environment can be used
#' efficiently.
#' For more on this topic, kindly see the respective vignette.
#' The tasks that are to be performed in parallel are chunked according to the number of workers
#' determined with `foreach::getDoParWorkers()`.
#' The JAGS code for the BHM `"exnex"` was taken from Neuenschwander et al. (2016).
#' The JAGS code for the BHM `"exnex_adj"` is based on the JAGS code for `"exnex"`.
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{simulateScenarios}}
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{createTrial}}
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{getPriorParameters}}
#' @rdname performAnalyses
#' @author Stephan Wojciekowski
#' @examples
#'  trial_data <- createTrial(
#'    n_subjects   = c(10, 20, 30),
#'    n_responders = c(1, 2, 3))
#'  analysis_list <- performAnalyses(
#'    scenario_list      = trial_data,
#'    target_rates       = rep(0.5, 3),
#'    calc_differences   = matrix(c(3, 2, 1, 1), ncol = 2),
#'    n_mcmc_iterations  = 100)
#' @references Berry, Scott M., et al. "Bayesian hierarchical modeling of patient subpopulations:
#' efficient designs of phase II oncology clinical trials."
#' \emph{Clinical Trials} 10.5 (2013): 720-734.
#' @references Neuenschwander, Beat, et al. "Robust exchangeability designs
#' for early phase clinical trials with multiple strata."
#' \emph{Pharmaceutical statistics} 15.2 (2016): 123-134.
#' @references Plummer, Martyn. "JAGS: A program for analysis of Bayesian graphical models
#' using Gibbs sampling."
#' \emph{Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on distributed statistical computing.}
#' Vol. 124. No. 125.10. 2003.
#' @export
performAnalyses <- function (
  evidence_levels       = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975),
  method_names          = c("berry", "exnex", "exnex_adj", "pooled", "stratified"),
  target_rates          = NULL,
  prior_parameters_list = NULL,
  calc_differences      = NULL,
  n_mcmc_iterations     = 1e4,
  n_cores               = 1,
  seed                  = 1,
  verbose               = TRUE
) {
  error_scenario_list <-
    simpleError("Please provide an object of class scenario_list for the argument 'scenario_list'")
  error_evidence_levels <-
    simpleError("Please provide a vector of numerics in (0, 1) for the argument 'evidence_levels'")
  error_method_names <-
    simpleError(paste("Please provide a (vector of) strings for the argument 'method_names'\n",
                      "Must be one of 'berry', 'exnex', 'exnex_adj', 'pooled', 'stratified'"))
  error_target_rates <-
    simpleError(paste("Please provide either 'NULL' or a vector of numerics in (0, 1)",
                      "for the argument 'target_rates'"))
  error_prior_parameters_list <-
    simpleError("Please provide either 'NULL' or an object of class 'prior_parameters_list'")
  error_calc_differences <-
    simpleError(paste("Please provide either 'NULL' or a matrix of integers with ncol = 2.",
                      "The values of the integers must be less than or equal to the number",
                      "of cohorts"))
  error_n_mcmc_iterations <-
    simpleError("Please provide a positive integer for the argument 'n_mcmc_iterations'")
  error_verbose <-
    simpleError("Please provide a logical for the argument 'verbose'")
  warning_n_cores <- "The argument 'n_cores' is deprecated as of version 0.9.3."
  warning_seed    <- "The argument 'seed' is deprecated as of version 0.9.3."
  if (!missing(n_cores)) warning(warning_n_cores)
  if (!missing(seed))    warning(warning_seed)
  if (missing(scenario_list)) stop (error_scenario_list)
  method_names <- tryCatch({
      choices    = c('berry', 'exnex', 'exnex_adj', 'pooled', 'stratified'),
      several.ok = TRUE)
  }, error = function (e) e)
  if (!is.scenario_list(scenario_list))                   stop (error_scenario_list)
  if (!is.numeric.in.zero.one(evidence_levels))           stop (error_evidence_levels)
  if (inherits(method_names, "error"))                    stop (error_method_names)
  if (!is.null(target_rates) &&
      !is.numeric.in.zero.one(target_rates))              stop (error_target_rates)
  if (!is.null(prior_parameters_list) &&
      !is.prior_parameters_list(prior_parameters_list))   stop (prior_parameters_list)
  if (is.null(target_rates)) {
    if (any(c("berry", "exnex_adj") %in% method_names)) stop (simpleError(
      "Please provide 'target_rates' when using the methods 'berry' and/or 'exnex_adj'"))
    if (is.null(prior_parameters_list)) stop (simpleError(
      "Please provide at least one of 'prior_parameters_list' or 'target_rates'"))
  } else {
    if (!identical(length(target_rates), ncol(scenario_list[[1]]$n_subjects))) stop (simpleError(
      "The length of 'target_rates' does not match the number of cohorts"))
  if (!is.null(prior_parameters_list)) {
    if (!all(method_names %in% names(prior_parameters_list))) stop (simpleError(
      paste("Not all specified methods in 'method_names'",
            "have prior parameters specified in 'prior_parameters_list'")))
    if (any(sapply(names(prior_parameters_list), function (name) {
      if (name %in% c('exnex', 'exnex_adj', 'stratified')) {
        !identical(max(sapply(prior_parameters_list[[name]], length)),
      } else FALSE
    }))) stop (simpleError(paste(
      "The number of cohorts specified in 'prior_parameters_list' does not match",
      "the number of cohorts specified in 'scenario_list'")))
  n_cohorts_min <- min(sapply(scenario_list, function (x) {
  if (!is.null(calc_differences) && (
    !is.numeric(calc_differences) ||
    !(identical(length(calc_differences), 2L) ||
      identical(ncol(calc_differences), 2L)) ||
    !is.positive.wholenumber(calc_differences) ||
    max(calc_differences) > n_cohorts_min))            stop (error_calc_differences)
  rm (n_cohorts_min)
  ## check whether n_mcmc_iterations is present in global environment
  if ("n_mcmc_iterations" %in% ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) & missing(n_mcmc_iterations)) {
    n_mcmc_iterations <- get("n_mcmc_iterations", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  if (!is.single.positive.wholenumber(n_mcmc_iterations)) stop (error_n_mcmc_iterations)
  if (!is.logical(verbose))                               stop (error_verbose)
  ## check for parallel backend
  "%dopar%" <- foreach::"%dopar%"
  if(!foreach::getDoParRegistered()) {
    message("\nCaution: No parallel backend detected for the 'foreach' framework.",
            " For execution in parallel, register a parallel backend, e.g. with:\n",
            "   doFuture::registerDoFuture()\n",
            "   future::plan(future::multisession)\n")
    tt <- suppressWarnings(foreach::foreach(k = 1:2) %dopar% {k^k^k})
  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
  ## message to user
  if (verbose) message(format(Sys.time(), "%d-%h-%Y"), " Performing Analyses")
  ## some housekeeping
  method_names <- sort(method_names)
  quantiles    <- sort(unique(round(1 - c(0.025, 0.05, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975,
                                          evidence_levels), 9)))
  if (!is.null(calc_differences)) {
    calc_differences <- convertVector2Matrix(calc_differences)
  ## get scenario numbers
  scenario_numbers <- sapply(scenario_list, function (x) x$scenario_number)
  ## get unique trials over all scenarios
  all_scenarios_n_responders <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scenario_list, function (x) x$n_responders))
  all_scenarios_n_subjects   <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scenario_list, function (x) x$n_subjects))
  all_scenarios_overall_gos  <- do.call(rbind, lapply(scenario_list, function (x) 
    x$previous_analyses$go_decisions))[, 1]
  n_cohorts     <- ncol(all_scenarios_n_responders)
  trials_unique <- makeUniqueRows(cbind(all_scenarios_n_responders,
                                        go_flag = all_scenarios_overall_gos))
  ## analyze only unique trials that have not been previously analyzed
  applicable_previous_trials <- applicablePreviousTrials(
    scenario_list    = scenario_list,
    method_names     = method_names,
    quantiles        = quantiles,
    n_cohorts        = n_cohorts,
    calc_differences = calc_differences)
  ## only get previous go indices if all conditions for previous trials are met
  if (applicable_previous_trials) {
    calc_trial_indices <- trials_unique[, ncol(trials_unique)] > 0
  } else {
    calc_trial_indices <- rep(TRUE, nrow(trials_unique))
  ## get resulting unique number of responders and number of subjects
  trials_unique_calc <- trials_unique[calc_trial_indices, -ncol(trials_unique)]
  n_responders       <- trials_unique_calc[, seq_len(n_cohorts)]
  n_subjects         <- trials_unique_calc[, seq_len(n_cohorts) + n_cohorts]
  ## message to user
  if (verbose) {
    scenarios_message <- paste0(as.character(scenario_numbers), sep = ", ", collapse = "")
    message("         Analyzing Scenario", ifelse(length(scenario_numbers) == 1, "", "s")," ",
            substr(scenarios_message, 1, nchar(scenarios_message) - 2),
            " (", nrow(n_responders), " unique", ifelse(applicable_previous_trials, " updated ", " "),
            "trial realization", ifelse(nrow(trials_unique) == 1, "", "s"),")")
  ## get default prior parameters if needed
  if(is.null(prior_parameters_list)) {
    prior_parameters_list <- getPriorParameters(
      method_names = method_names,
      target_rates = target_rates)
  ## Create lists to save all results of the unique trials
  method_quantiles_list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(method_names))
  names(method_quantiles_list) <- method_names
  ## For each method
  for (n in seq_along(method_names)) {
    ## message to user
    if (verbose) {
      start_time  <- Sys.time()
      out_message <- paste0(format(start_time, "   %H:%M", digits = 1),
                            " - with ", firstUpper(method_names[n]), " ...")
      message(out_message, rep(".", 33 - nchar(out_message)))
    ## prepare analysis
    prepare_analysis <- prepareAnalysis(
      method_name       = method_names[n],
      target_rates      = target_rates,
      prior_parameters  = prior_parameters_list[[method_names[n]]])
    ## run analysis
    method_quantiles_list[[method_names[n]]] <- getPostQuantiles(
      method_name       = method_names[n],
      quantiles         = quantiles,
      post_mean         = TRUE,
      scenario_data     = list(n_subjects   = n_subjects,
                               n_responders = n_responders),
      calc_differences  = calc_differences,
      j_parameters      = prepare_analysis$j_parameters,
      j_model_file      = prepare_analysis$j_model_file,
      j_data            = prepare_analysis$j_data,
      n_mcmc_iterations = n_mcmc_iterations,
      save_path         = NULL,
      save_trial        = NULL)
    ## message to user
    if (verbose) {
      message("             finished after ", round(Sys.time() - start_time, 1), " ",
              units(Sys.time() - start_time), ".")
  ## message to user
  if (verbose) {
    start_time  <- Sys.time()
    message("         Processing Scenarios ...")
  ## Process scenarios
  scenario_method_quantiles_list <- mapUniqueTrials(
    scenario_list              = scenario_list,
    method_quantiles_list      = method_quantiles_list,
    trials_unique_calc         = trials_unique_calc,
    applicable_previous_trials = applicable_previous_trials)
  ## message to user
  if (verbose) {
    message("             finished after ", round(Sys.time() - start_time, 1), " ",
            units(Sys.time() - start_time), ".")
  ## combine results from all scenarios & return
  analyses_list        <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(scenario_numbers))
  names(analyses_list) <- paste0("scenario_", scenario_numbers)
  for (s in seq_along(scenario_numbers)) {
    analyses_list[[s]] <- list(
      quantiles_list      = scenario_method_quantiles_list[[s]],
      scenario_data       = scenario_list[[s]],
      analysis_parameters = list(
        quantiles             = quantiles,
        method_names          = method_names,
        prior_parameters_list = prior_parameters_list,
        n_mcmc_iterations     = n_mcmc_iterations))
  class(analyses_list) <- "analysis_list"
  return (analyses_list)

posteriors2Quantiles <- function (
  post_mean = TRUE
) {
  posterior_quantiles <- apply(posteriors, 2, function (x) stats::quantile(x, probs = quantiles))
  if (post_mean) {
    posterior_mean      <- apply(posteriors, 2, mean)
    posterior_sd        <- apply(posteriors, 2, stats::sd)
    posterior_quantiles <- rbind(posterior_quantiles,
                                 Mean = posterior_mean,
                                 SD   = posterior_sd)
  return (posterior_quantiles)

prepareAnalysis <- function (


  prior_parameters = NULL,
  target_rates     = NULL

) {

  if (method_name == "berry") {

    j_data <- list(mean_mu       = prior_parameters$mu_mean,
                   precision_mu  = prior_parameters$mu_sd^-2,
                   precision_tau = prior_parameters$tau_scale^-2,
                   p_t           = target_rates,
                   J             = length(target_rates))

    # j_model_file <- writeTempModel(method_name = "berry")
    j_model_file <- getModelFile(method_name = "berry")

    j_parameters <- c("p", "mu", "tau")

  } else if (method_name == "exnex" | method_name == "exnex_adj") {
    # Nexch: number of exchangeable mixture components
    # Nmix:  number of mixture components
    j_data <- list(Nexch        = length(prior_parameters$mu_mean),
                   Nmix         = length(prior_parameters$mu_mean) + 1L,
                   Nstrata      = length(prior_parameters$mu_j),
                   mu_mean      = prior_parameters$mu_mean,
                   mu_prec      = prior_parameters$mu_sd^-2,
                   tau_HN_scale = rep(prior_parameters$tau_scale,
                                      length(prior_parameters$mu_mean)), # rep(..., Nexch)
                   nex_mean     = prior_parameters$mu_j,
                   nex_prec     = prior_parameters$tau_j^-2)

    if (identical(length(prior_parameters$w_j), 1L)) {
      j_data$pMix <- c(prior_parameters$w_j, 1 - prior_parameters$w_j)
    } else {
      j_data$pMix <- prior_parameters$w_j

    if (method_name == "exnex") {

      j_model_file    <- getModelFile(method_name = "exnex")

    } else {

      j_data$p_target <- target_rates
      j_model_file    <- getModelFile(method_name = "exnex_adj")


    j_parameters <- c("p", "mu", "tau", "exch")

  } else if (method_name == "stratified" | method_name == "pooled") {

    ## For methods "stratified" and "pooled" no MCMC simulations are necessary,
    ## as the posterior response rates of the cohorts follow known beta distributions.

    j_model_file <- "dummy path to JAGS model"
    j_parameters <- "dummy JAGS parameters"
    j_data       <- prior_parameters

  } else {

    stop ("method_name must be one of berry, exnex, exnex_adj, stratified, pooled")


  return (list(j_parameters = j_parameters,
               j_model_file = j_model_file,
               j_data       = j_data))

qbetaDiff <- function (




  n_mcmc = 1e6

) {

  sample_1   <- stats::rbeta(n_mcmc, shape1 = x_1_shape1, shape2 = x_1_shape2)
  sample_2   <- stats::rbeta(n_mcmc, shape1 = x_2_shape1, shape2 = x_2_shape2)
  difference <- sample_1 - sample_2

  quantiles_diff <- stats::quantile(difference, probs = quantiles)

  if (post_mean) {

    mean_diff      <- mean(difference)
    sd_diff        <- stats::sd(difference)
    quantiles_diff <- c(quantiles_diff, mean_diff, sd_diff)


  return (quantiles_diff)


#' @title saveAnalyses
#' @md
#' @description This function saves an object of class `analysis_list`
#' @param analyses_list An object of class `analysis_list`,
#' as created with \code{\link[bhmbasket]{performAnalyses}}
#' @param save_path A string for the path where the scenarios are being stored,
#' Default: \code{\link[base]{tempfile}}
#' @param analysis_numbers A positive integer naming the analysis number.
#' If `NULL`, the function will look for the number of saved analyses of the scenario
#' in the directory and add 1, Default: `NULL`
#' @return A named list of length 3 of vectors with scenario and analysis numbers and
#' the `save_path`
#' @seealso
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{performAnalyses}}
#'  \code{\link[bhmbasket]{loadAnalyses}}
#'  \code{\link[base]{tempfile}}
#' @rdname saveAnalyses
#' @examples
#'   trial_data <- createTrial(
#'     n_subjects   = c(10, 20, 30),
#'     n_responders = c(1, 2, 3))
#'   analysis_list <- performAnalyses(
#'     scenario_list      = trial_data,
#'     target_rates       = rep(0.5, 3),
#'     n_mcmc_iterations  = 100)
#'   save_info     <- saveAnalyses(analysis_list)
#'   analysis_list <- loadAnalyses(scenario_numbers = save_info$scenario_numbers,
#'                                 analysis_numbers = save_info$analysis_numbers,
#'                                 load_path        = save_info$path)
#' @author Stephan Wojciekowski
#' @export
saveAnalyses <- function (

  save_path        = tempdir(),
  analysis_numbers = NULL

) {

  error_analyses_list <- simpleError(
    "Please provide an object of class analysis_list for the argument 'analyses_list'")
  error_save_path     <- simpleError(
    "Please provide a string containing a path for the argument 'save_path'")
  error_analysis_numbers <- simpleError(paste(
    "Please provide a vector of positive integers for the argument 'analysis_numbers'",
    "with length equal to the length of 'analyses_list'"))

  if (missing(analyses_list))                                     stop (error_analyses_list)

  if (!is.analysis_list(analyses_list))                           stop (error_analyses_list)
  if (!is.character(save_path) || length(save_path) > 1)          stop (error_save_path)
  if (!is.null(analysis_numbers) && (
    any(!is.positive.wholenumber(analysis_numbers)) ||
    !identical(length(analyses_list), length(analysis_numbers)))) stop(error_analysis_numbers)

  ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###

  scenario_numbers <- sapply(analyses_list, function (x) x$scenario_data$scenario_number)

  if (is.null(analysis_numbers)) {
    analysis_numbers <- rep(0, length(analyses_list))

  for (s in seq_along(analyses_list)) {

    ## Get analysis number
    if (identical(analysis_numbers[s], 0)) {

      analysis_numbers[s] <- sum(grepl(paste0("analysis_data_", scenario_numbers[s], "_"),
                                       list.files(save_path))) + 1L


    ## Save the analysis
    file_name <- paste0("analysis_data_", scenario_numbers[s], "_", analysis_numbers[s],".rds")
    saveRDS(analyses_list[[s]], file = file.path(save_path, file_name),
            compress = "xz")


  return (list(scenario_numbers = scenario_numbers,
               analysis_numbers = analysis_numbers,
               path             = save_path))


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bhmbasket documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:46 p.m.