#' @name read_bib
#' @title Read BibTeX Databases
#' @description
#' Reading BibTeX databases and importing into R as a data frame. All the fields
#' will be inserted as character values.
#' @param x A single character value with the path to a BibTeX file.
#' Alternativelly it can be a character vector containing the lines of a
#' BibTeX library, for instance after using [readLines()].
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [readLines()].
#' @return
#' An object of class [lib_df-class].
#' @example examples/read_bib.R
#' @export
read_bib <- function(x, ...) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
x <- readLines(x, ...)
# skip empty lines, lines with a single closing curly brace and comments
x <- x[!grepl("^\\s*$|^\\s*\\}$|^%", x)]
# get index for reference
x <- data.frame(refid = cumsum(substring(x, 1, 1) == "@"), content = x)
# get bibtype, key and id
bib_type <- data.frame(
refid = x$refid[grepl("^@\\w+", x$content)],
bibtype = regmatches(x$content, regexpr("^@\\K\\w+(?=\\{)",
perl = TRUE
bibtexkey = regmatches(x$content, regexpr("^@\\w+\\{\\K([^,]+|)",
perl = TRUE
# skip comment Notice
bib_type <- bib_type[tolower(bib_type$bibtype) != "comment", ]
x <- x[x$refid %in% bib_type$refid, ]
# warn duplicated bibtexkeys
d_keys <- with(bib_type, bibtexkey[bibtexkey != "" & duplicated(bibtexkey)])
if (length(d_keys)) {
"Following bibtexkeys are duplicated: '",
paste0(d_keys, collapse = "', '"), "'."
# getting list of entry fields
pattern <- "^\\s+(\\w+)\\s*=\\s*.*"
x$field <- sub(pattern, "\\1", x$content)
x$field[!grepl(pattern, x$content)] <- ""
# clean the content
x$content[grepl("^@", x$content)] <- ""
x <- x[x$content != "", ]
idx <- x$field != ""
x$content <- gsub("\\s+", " ", str_trim(x$content))
x$content[idx] <- str_replace(x$content[idx], paste(x$field[idx], "= "), "")
x$content[idx] <- sub("^\\{", "", x$content[idx])
idx2 <- c(idx[-1], TRUE)
x$content[idx2] <- sub("(},)$|(})$", "", x$content[idx2])
# For fields without braces
x$content[idx2] <- sub(",$", "", x$content[idx2])
# Necessary loop to fill fields
for (i in seq_along(x$field[-1])) {
if (x$field[i + 1] == "") x$field[i + 1] <- x$field[i]
x <- aggregate(content ~ refid + field,
data = x,
FUN = function(x) paste0(x, collapse = "\n")
# Output table
fields <- unique(x$field)
new_x <- expand.grid(
field = fields, refid = bib_type$refid,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
new_x$value <- with(new_x, x$content[match(
paste(refid, field, sep = "_"),
paste(x$refid, x$field, sep = "_")
new_x <- with(new_x,, split(value, refid)))
colnames(new_x) <- fields
new_x <-
new_x <- data.frame(
bib_type[, c("bibtype", "bibtexkey")],
new_x[match(bib_type$refid, rownames(new_x)), ]
# Defining S3 class
class(new_x) <- c("lib_df", "data.frame")
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