
Defines functions delete.isolates histPlot

Documented in histPlot

#' Plotting historical co-citation network
#' \code{histPlot} plots a historical co-citation network.
#' The function \code{\link{histPlot}} can plot a historical co-citation network previously created by \code{\link{histNetwork}}.
#' @param histResults is an object of \code{class} "list" containing the following components:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' NetMatrix \tab  \tab the historical citation network matrix\cr
#' Degree \tab       \tab the min degree of the network\cr
#' histData \tab      \tab the set of n most cited references\cr
#' M \tab      \tab the bibliographic data frame}
#' is a network matrix obtained by the function \code{\link{histNetwork}}. 
#' @param n is integer. It defines the number of vertices to plot.
#' @param size is an integer. It defines the point size of the vertices. Default value is 5.
#' @param labelsize is an integer. It indicates the label size in the plot. Default is \code{labelsize=5}
#' @param title_as_label is a logical. DEPRECATED
#' @param label is a character. It indicates which label type to use as node id in the historiograph. It can be \code{label=c("short", "title", "keywords", "keywordsplus")}. 
#' Default is \code{label = "short"}.
#' @param verbose is logical. If TRUE, results and plots are printed on screen.
#' @return It is list containing: a network object of the class \code{igraph} and a plot object of the class \code{ggraph}.
#' @examples
#' # EXAMPLE Citation network
#' \dontrun{
#' data(management, package = "bibliometrixData")
#' histResults <- histNetwork(management, sep = ";")
#' net <- histPlot(histResults, n=20, labelsize = 5)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{histNetwork}} to compute a historical co-citation network.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cocMatrix}} to compute a co-occurrence matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{biblioAnalysis}} to perform a bibliometric analysis.
#' @export
histPlot<-function(histResults, n=20, size = 5, labelsize = 5, title_as_label = FALSE, label = "short", verbose = TRUE){
  params <- list(n = n,
                 size = size,
                 labelsize = labelsize,
                 title_as_label = title_as_label,
                 label = label)
  colorlist <-  colorlist()
    #c(brewer.pal(9, 'Set1')[-6], brewer.pal(8, 'Set2')[-7], brewer.pal(12, 'Paired')[-11],brewer.pal(12, 'Set3')[-c(2,8,12)])
  ## legacy with old argument size
  if (isTRUE(size)){
    size <- 5
  LCS <- colSums(histResults$NetMatrix)
  NET <- histResults$NetMatrix
  ## selecting the first n vertices or all if smaller
  s=sort(LCS,decreasing = TRUE)[min(n, length(LCS))]
  # Create igraph object
  bsk.network <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(NET, mode = c("directed"),weighted = NULL)
  R <- strsplit(names(V(bsk.network)),",")
  RR <- lapply(R,function(l){
  # add label to nodes
  V(bsk.network)$title <- histResults$histData$Title[ind]
  V(bsk.network)$keywords <- histResults$histData$Author_Keywords[ind]
  V(bsk.network)$keywordsplus <- histResults$histData$KeywordsPlus[ind]
           title <- strsplit(stringi::stri_trans_totitle(V(bsk.network)$title), " ")
           V(bsk.network)$id <- unlist(lapply(title, function(l){
             n <- floor(length(l)/2)
             paste0(paste(l[1:n], collapse=" ", sep=""),"\n",paste(l[(n+1):length(l)], collapse=" ", sep=""))
           kw <- strsplit(stringi::stri_trans_totitle(V(bsk.network)$keywords), ";")
           kw[is.na(kw)] <- "Not Available"
           V(bsk.network)$id <- unlist(lapply(kw, function(l){
             if (length(l)>1){
               n <- floor(length(l)/2)
               l <- trimws(l)
               paste0(paste(l[1:n], collapse="; ", sep=""),"\n",paste(l[(n+1):length(l)], collapse="; ", sep=""))
           kw <- strsplit(stringi::stri_trans_totitle(V(bsk.network)$keywordsplus), ";")
           kw[is.na(kw)] <- "Not Available"
           V(bsk.network)$id <- unlist(lapply(kw, function(l){
             if (length(l)>1){
               n <- floor(length(l)/2)
               l <- trimws(l)
               paste0(paste(l[1:n], collapse="; ", sep=""),"\n",paste(l[(n+1):length(l)], collapse="; ", sep=""))
           V(bsk.network)$id <- tolower(unlist(RR))
  # Compute node degrees (#links) and use that to set node size:
  deg <- LCS
  V(bsk.network)$size <- size
  Years <- as.numeric(unlist(stringi::stri_extract_all_regex(unlist(RR),"[[:digit:]]{4}$")))
  V(bsk.network)$years <- Years
  # Remove loops
  bsk.network <- igraph::simplify(bsk.network, remove.multiple = T, remove.loops = T) 
  # define network layout
  E(bsk.network)$color <- "slategray1"
  bsk.network <- delete.isolates(bsk.network)
  dg <- decompose.graph(bsk.network)

  layout_m <- as.data.frame(layout.fruchterman.reingold(bsk.network))
  names(layout_m) <- c("x","y")
  layout_m$name <- V(bsk.network)$name
  layout_m$years <- V(bsk.network)$years
  layout_m$cluster <- 0
  rr <- 0
  for (k in 1:length(dg)){
    bsk <- dg[[k]]
    a <- ifelse(layout_m$name %in% V(bsk)$name,k,0)
    layout_m$cluster <- layout_m$cluster+a
    Min <- min(layout_m$y[layout_m$cluster==k])-1
    layout_m$y[layout_m$cluster==k] <- layout_m$y[layout_m$cluster==k]+(rr-Min)
    rr <- max(layout_m$y[layout_m$cluster==k])
  #bsk <- bsk.network
  wp <- membership(cluster_infomap(bsk.network,modularity = FALSE))
  layout_m$color <- colorlist[wp]
  layout_m$x <- layout_m$years
  layout_m$y <- (diff(range(layout_m$x))/diff(range(layout_m$y)))*layout_m$y

  # df_net <- dataFromIgraph(bsk.network, layout=as.matrix(layout_m[c("x","y")]), niter=50000, arrow.gap=0)
  # df_net$color <- "slategray1"
  # df_net <- left_join(df_net,layout_m[c("name","color")], by = "name") %>% 
  #   rename(
  #     color = .data$color.x,
  #     color_v =.data$color.y
  #   )
  # #names(df_net)[10:11] <- c("color", "color_v")
  df_net <- igraph::as_long_data_frame(bsk.network) 
  df_net$color <- "slategray1"
  ID <- setdiff(df_net$to,df_net$from)
  df_from <- df_net %>%   
    select(.data$from,.data$to,.data$color,.data$from_name, .data$from_title, .data$from_keywords, .data$from_keywordsplus, .data$from_id, .data$from_size, .data$from_years)
  df_to <- df_net %>% dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% ID) %>% 
    mutate(from2=.data$to) %>% 
    select(.data$from2,.data$to,.data$color,.data$to_name, .data$to_title, .data$to_keywords, .data$to_keywordsplus, .data$to_id, .data$to_size, .data$to_years)
  df_to <- df_to[!duplicated(df_to$to),]
  label <- c("from", "to", "color","name", "title", "keywords", "keywordsplus", "id", "size", "years")
  names(df_from) <- label
  names(df_to) <- label
  df_net <- rbind(df_from,df_to)
  layout_norm <- layout_m %>% 
    mutate(x = (.data$x-min(.data$x))/(max(.data$x)-min(.data$x)),
           y = (.data$y-min(.data$y))/(max(.data$y)-min(.data$y)))
  df_net <- left_join(df_net,layout_norm[c("name","color","x","y")], by = c("name" ="name")) %>% 
      color = .data$color.x,
      color_v =.data$color.y
  df_coord <- layout_norm %>%
    mutate(to=row_number()) %>% 
    select(.data$to,.data$x,.data$y) %>% 
  df_net <- df_net %>% 
    left_join(df_coord, by="to") 
  ylength <- diff(range(df_net$years))+1
  Ylabel <- (as.character(seq(min(df_net$years),max(df_net$years),length.out=ylength)))
  Breaks <- (seq(0,1,length.out=ylength))
  df_net <- df_net %>% 
    left_join(histResults$histData, by = c("name" = "Paper")) #%>%
#  Title <- strsplit(df_net$title, "(?<=.{40})", perl = TRUE)
  Title <- gsub("(.{40})", "\\1\n",df_net$title) 
  df_net$Title <- unlist(lapply(Title, function(x){
    paste(x,"\n",collapse="", sep="")
  df_net <- df_net %>%
    mutate(text = paste(tolower(.data$Title), "doi: ",
                        .data$DOI, "\nLCS: ",
                        .data$LCS, "    GCS: ",
                        .data$GCS, sep=""))
  g <- ggplot(df_net, aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, xend = .data$xend, yend = .data$yend, text=.data$text)) +
    geom_network_edges(color = "grey", size=0.4, alpha=0.4) +
    geom_network_nodes(aes(color = .data$color_v), size = size, alpha=0.5) +
    geom_text(aes(label=.data$id, color=.data$color_v),  size=labelsize,
              nudge_x = 0,
              nudge_y = 0.02,
              check_overlap = FALSE,alpha=0.7)+
    guides(size="none", color="none") +
    theme(legend.position='none', panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', color='white'),
          axis.line.y = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(),axis.ticks.y=element_blank(),
          axis.title.y = element_blank(), axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(), panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.major.x = element_line(adjustcolor(col="grey", alpha.f = 0.2), linetype = 2, size = 0.5),
          panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(), 
          axis.text.x=element_text(face="bold", angle = 90, size=labelsize+4)) +
    labs(title = "Historical Direct Citation Network") 
  ### logo coordinates
   <- grid::rasterGrob(,interpolate = TRUE)
  a <- ggplot_build(g)$data
  ymin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){
    if ("y" %in% names(l)){
  })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE)
  ymax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){
    if ("y" %in% names(l)){
  })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE)
  xmin <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){
    if ("x" %in% names(l)){
  })) %>% min(na.rm=TRUE)
  xmax <- unlist(lapply(a, function(l){
    if ("x" %in% names(l)){
  })) %>% max(na.rm=TRUE)
  x <- c(xmax-0.02-diff(c(xmin,xmax))*0.125, xmax-0.02)
  y <- c(ymin,ymin+diff(c(ymin,ymax))*0.125)+0.02
  g <- g +
    annotation_custom(, xmin = x[1], xmax = x[2], ymin = y[1], ymax = y[2]) 

  label <- data.frame(Label = names(V(bsk.network)))
  Data <-  histResults$histData
  Data <- left_join(label,Data, by = c("Label" = "Paper"))
  if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
    cat("\n Legend\n\n")
  results <- list(net=bsk.network, g=g, graph.data=Data, layout=layout_m, axis=data.frame(label=Ylabel,values=Breaks), params=params)

# ### layout function
# histLayout <- function(NET,bsk.network,Years,edgesize=edgesize){
#   diag(NET)=0
#   up=triu(NET)
#   A=apply(NET,2,function(x){
#     x[x>0]=sum(x)
#     return(x)
#   })
#    E(bsk.network)$width=log(t(A)[t(A)>0],base=exp(1))*edgesize
#    return(bsk.network)
# }

delete.isolates <- function(graph, mode = 'all') {
  isolates <- which(degree(graph, mode = mode) == 0) - 1
  delete.vertices(graph, names(isolates))

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bibliometrix documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:44 p.m.