
Defines functions isi2df

utils::globalVariables(c("Paper","Tag", "content", "cont"))
  #D <- D[nchar(D)>0]  # remove empty rows
  # remove empty rows and strange characters
  res <- try(D <- D[nchar(D)>1], silent = T)
  if(inherits(res, "try-error")){
    D <- removeStrangeChar(D)
    D <- res
  D <- D[!(substr(D,1,3) %in% c("FN ", "VR "))]
  for (i in 1:length(D)){
    if (substr(D[i],1,3)=="   ") substr(D[i],1,3) <- substr(D[i-1],1,3) 
  Papers <- which(substr(D,1,3)=="PT ") # first row of each document
  nP=length(Papers)  # number of documents
  rowPapers <- diff(c(Papers, length(D)+1))
  numPapers <- rep(1:nP,rowPapers)
  DATA <- data.frame(Tag = substr(D,1,3), content = substr(D,4,nchar(D)), Paper=numPapers)
  DATA$Tag <- gsub(" ","",DATA$Tag)
  df <- DATA %>% group_by(Paper, Tag) %>%
    summarise(cont=paste(content, collapse="---",sep="")) %>%
    arrange(Tag, Paper) %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from =  Tag,values_from = cont) %>%
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  df$PY <- as.numeric(df$PY)
  missingTags <- setdiff(c("AU","DE","C1","RP","CR","PY","SO","TI","TC"),names(df))
  if (length(missingTags)>0){
    cat("\nWarning:\nIn your file, some mandatory metadata are missing. Bibliometrix functions may not work properly!\n
Please, take a look at the vignettes:
- 'Data Importing and Converting' (https://www.bibliometrix.org/vignettes/Data-Importing-and-Converting.html)
- 'A brief introduction to bibliometrix' (https://www.bibliometrix.org/vignettes/Introduction_to_bibliometrix.html)\n\n")
    cat("\nMissing fields: ",missingTags,"\n")
  ### replace "---" with ";"
  tagsComma <- c("AU","AF","CR")
  nolab <- setdiff(tagsComma,names(df))
  tagsComma <- tagsComma[(!(tagsComma %in% nolab))]
  df1 <- data.frame(lapply(df[tagsComma],function(x){
  ### replace "---" with " "
  otherTags <- setdiff(names(df),tagsComma)
  df2 <- data.frame(lapply(df[otherTags],function(x){
    trimES(gsub("---"," ",x))
  df <- cbind(df1,df2)
  ### store raw affiliation format to extract link among authors and affiliations
  df$C1raw <- df$C1
  df$DB <- "ISI"
  # Authors
  df$AU <- trimES(gsub(","," ",df$AU))
  # Toupper
  DI <- df$DI
  df <- data.frame(lapply(df,toupper))
  df$DI <- DI
  # add sep ; to affiliations
  df$C1 <- trim(gsub("\\[.*?\\]", "", df$C1)) # to remove author info in square brackets
  df$C1 <- gsub("\\.",".;",df$C1)

  df <- df[names(df)!="Paper"]

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bibliometrix documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:07 p.m.