
Defines functions .addDimnames getCType is.nil mpermuteCols mpermute morderCols morder attach.big.matrix DescribeBigMatrix deepcopy cleanuprows cleanupcols mwhich.internal SetAll.bm SetRows.bm SetCols.bm SetIndivVectorElements.bm SetIndivElements.bm SetElements.bm GetAll.bm GetRows.bm GetCols.bm GetIndivVectorElements.bm GetIndivElements.bm GetElements.bm rownames.bm colnames.bm filebacked.big.matrix big.matrix checkReadOnly mmap format_path

Documented in attach.big.matrix big.matrix deepcopy filebacked.big.matrix is.nil morder morderCols mpermute mpermuteCols

#' @useDynLib bigmemory, .registration = TRUE
#' @import methods bigmemory.sri Rcpp
#' @importFrom utils head tail

# puts an '/' at the end if there isn't
format_path <- function(path) {
  paste0(sub(file.path("", "$"), "", path), .Platform$file.sep)

# This function is used to match up a vector of column names to the
# entire set of column names, providing the proper column indices.
# The name choice was based on the phrase "multiple map" though
# perhaps we should have made a different choice.

mmap <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
  ans <- match(x, y)
  if (any(is.na(ans))) stop("Couldn't find a match to one of the arguments.")

checkReadOnly <- function(x)
  if (is.readonly(x)) {
    stop("you may not modify a read-only big.matrix object")


#' @template big.matrix_class_template
#' @export
setClass('big.matrix', representation(address='externalptr'))

setClass('descriptor', representation(description='list'))

#' @template big.matrix.descriptor_class_template
#' @export
setClass('big.matrix.descriptor', contains='descriptor')

setGeneric('description', function(x) standardGeneric('description'))

#' @rdname attach.big.matrix
#' @export
setMethod('describe', signature(x='big.matrix'),
    return(new('big.matrix.descriptor', description=DescribeBigMatrix(x)))

#' @importFrom uuid UUIDgenerate
#' @template core_template
#' @export
big.matrix <- function(nrow, ncol, type=options()$bigmemory.default.type,
                       init=NULL, dimnames=NULL, separated=FALSE,
                       backingfile=NULL, backingpath=NULL, descriptorfile=NULL,
  if (!is.null(backingfile))
    if (!shared) warning("All filebacked objects are shared.")
    return(filebacked.big.matrix(nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, type=type, init=init,
                               dimnames=dimnames, separated=separated,
                               backingfile=backingfile, backingpath=backingpath,
  if (nrow < 1 | ncol < 1)
    stop('A big.matrix must have at least one row and one column')

  typeVal <- NULL
  if (type == 'integer') typeVal <- 4
  if (type == 'float') typeVal <- 6
  if (type == 'double') typeVal <- 8
  if (type == 'short') typeVal <- 2
  if (type == 'char') typeVal <- 1
  if (type == 'raw' || type == 'byte') typeVal <- 3

  if (is.null(typeVal)) stop('invalid type')
  if (!is.null(dimnames)) {
    rownames <- dimnames[[1]]
    colnames <- dimnames[[2]]
  } else {
    rownames <- NULL
    colnames <- NULL
  if (is.null(init)) init <- NA
  if (shared) {
      bunk <- UUIDgenerate()
      address <- CreateSharedMatrix(as.double(nrow),
                  as.integer(typeVal), as.double(init), as.logical(separated))
  } else {
    address <- CreateLocalMatrix(as.double(nrow),
                as.double(ncol), as.character(colnames), as.character(rownames),
                as.integer(typeVal), as.double(init), as.logical(separated))
  if (is.null(address)) {
    stop(paste("Error: memory could not be allocated for instance",
               "of type big.matrix"))
  x <- new("big.matrix", address=address)
  if (is.null(x)) {
    stop("Error encountered when creating instance of type big.matrix")

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
filebacked.big.matrix <- function(nrow, ncol,
                                init=NULL, dimnames=NULL, separated=FALSE,
                                backingfile=NULL, backingpath=NULL,
                                descriptorfile=NULL, binarydescriptor=FALSE) {

  if (nrow < 1 | ncol < 1)
    stop('A big.matrix must have at least one row and one column')

  typeVal <- NULL
  if (type == 'integer') typeVal <- 4
  if (type == 'float') typeVal <- 6
  if (type == 'double') typeVal <- 8
  if (type == 'short') typeVal <- 2
  if (type == 'char') typeVal <- 1
  if (type == 'raw' || type == 'byte') typeVal <- 3

  if (is.null(typeVal)) stop('invalid type')

  if (!is.null(dimnames)) {
    rownames <- dimnames[[1]]
    colnames <- dimnames[[2]]
  } else {
    rownames <- NULL
    colnames <- NULL

  if (is.null(backingfile)) {
    stop('You must specify a backing file')

  anon.backing <- ifelse( backingfile == '', TRUE, FALSE )

  if (anon.backing) {
    backingfile <- tempfile()
    backingpath <- ""

  if (is.null(descriptorfile) && !anon.backing)
    warning(paste("No descriptor file given, it will be named",
                  paste(backingfile, '.desc', sep='')))
    descriptorfile <- paste(backingfile, '.desc', sep='')

  if ( !anon.backing && ((basename(backingfile) != backingfile) ||
       (basename(descriptorfile) != descriptorfile)) ) {
    stop(paste("The path to the descriptor and backing file are",
               "specified with the backingpath option"))

  if (is.null(backingpath)) backingpath <- ''

  backingpath <- path.expand(backingpath)

  if (backingpath != "") {
    backingpath <- paste(backingpath, '', sep=.Platform$file.sep)

  if(file.exists(paste(backingpath, backingfile, sep=.Platform$file.sep))){
      stop("Backing file already exists! Either remove or specify
           different backing file")

  if (backingpath == "" && dirname(backingfile) == ".") {
    backingpath <- paste(getwd(), "", sep=.Platform$file.sep)

  address <- CreateFileBackedBigMatrix(as.character(backingfile),
                   as.character(backingpath), as.double(nrow),
                   as.double(ncol), as.character(colnames),
                   as.character(rownames), as.integer(typeVal),
                   as.double(init), as.logical(separated))

  if (is.null(address)) {
      stop("Error encountered when creating instance of type big.matrix")

  x <- new("big.matrix", address=address)

  if (is.null(x)) {
      stop("Error encountered when creating instance of type big.matrix")

  if (is.null(descriptorfile) && !anon.backing) {
      warning(paste("A descriptor file has not been specified.  ",
                    "A descriptor named ", backingfile,
                    ".desc will be created.", sep=''))
      descriptorfile <- paste(backingfile, ".desc", sep='' )

  if (!anon.backing) {
    descriptorfilepath <- paste(backingpath, descriptorfile,
    if(binarydescriptor) {
        saveRDS(describe(x), file=descriptorfilepath)
    } else {
        dput(describe(x), descriptorfilepath)

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
           function(x, type=NULL, separated=FALSE,
                    backingfile=NULL, backingpath=NULL,
                    descriptorfile=NULL, binarydescriptor=FALSE,
                    shared=options()$bigmemory.default.shared) {

#' @title Convert to base R matrix
#' @description Extract values from a \code{big.matrix} object
#' and convert to a base R matrix object
#' @param x A big.matrix object
#' @export
setMethod('as.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix'),
          function(x) return(x[,]))

#' @template as.big.matrix_methods_template

setMethod('as.big.matrix', signature(x='matrix'),
          function(x, type, separated, backingfile, backingpath, descriptorfile,
                   binarydescriptor, shared)
              if (!is.numeric(x) && !is.raw(x)) {
                  warning("Casting to numeric type")
                  x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), nrow=nrow(x), dimnames=dimnames(x))

              if (is.null(type)) type <- typeof(x)

              if (type %in% c("integer","double", "short", "char", "float",
                              "raw")) {
                  y <- big.matrix(nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x), type=type,
                                  init=NULL, dimnames=dimnames(x),
                  y[seq_len(nrow(x)),seq_len(ncol(x))] <- x
                  junk <- gc()
              } else stop('bigmemory: that type is not implemented.')

setMethod('as.big.matrix', signature(x='data.frame'),
          function(x, type, separated, backingfile, backingpath, descriptorfile,
                   binarydescriptor, shared)
              warning(paste("Coercing data.frame to matrix via factor",
                            "level numberings."))
              if (is.null(type)) type <- options()$bigmemory.default.type
              if (type %in% c("integer","double", "short", "char", "raw",
                              "float")) {
                  y <- big.matrix(nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x), type=type,
                                  init=NULL, dimnames=dimnames(x),
                  oldbtw <- options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning
                  for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))) {
                      if (is.character(x[,i])) x[,i] <- factor(x[,i])
                      if (is.factor(x[,i])) x[,i] <- as.numeric(x[,i])
                      y[,i] <- x[,i]
                  junk <- gc()
              } else stop('bigmemory: that type is not implemented.')


setMethod('as.big.matrix', signature(x='vector'),
          function(x, type, separated, backingfile, backingpath, descriptorfile,
                   binarydescriptor, shared) {
              if (!is.numeric(x)) {
                  warning("Casting to numeric type")
                  x <- as.numeric(x)
              x <- matrix(x, length(x), 1)
              warning("Coercing vector to a single-column matrix.")
              return(as.big.matrix(x, type, separated, backingfile,
                                   backingpath, descriptorfile,
                                   binarydescriptor, shared))

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.big.matrix', function(x) standardGeneric('is.big.matrix'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.big.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(TRUE))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.big.matrix', definition=function(x) return(FALSE))

colnames.bm <- function(x) {
  ret <- GetColumnNamesBM(x@address)
  if (length(ret)==0) return(NULL)

rownames.bm <- function(x) {
  ret <- GetRowNamesBM(x@address)
  if (length(ret)==0) return(NULL)

  function(x, value) {
      if (is.character(value)) {
        if (any(value=="")) {
          stop("empty strings prohibited in column names")
      } else {
        if (!is.null(value)) {
          value <- as.character(value)
          warning("column names coerced to character")
      if (!is.null(value) & length(value) != ncol(x))
        stop("length of 'colnames' not equal to array extent.")
      SetColumnNames(x@address, value)

  function(x,value) {
      if (is.character(value)) {
        if (any(value=="")) {
          stop("empty strings prohibited in row names")
      } else {
        if (!is.null(value)) {
          value <- as.character(value)
          warning("row names coerced to character")
      if (length(value) != nrow(x) & !is.null(value))
        stop("length of 'rownames' not equal to array extent.")
      SetRowNames(x@address, value)

#' @title The Number of Rows/Columns of a big.matrix
#' @description \code{nrow} and \code{ncol} return the number of
#' rows or columns present in a \code{big.matrix} object.
#' @param x A big.matrix object
#' @return An integer of length 1
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname ncol-methods
#' @export
setMethod('ncol', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x) return(CGetNcol(x@address)))

#' @rdname ncol-methods
#' @export
setMethod('nrow', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x) return(CGetNrow(x@address)))

#' @title Dimensions of a big.matrix object
#' @description Retrieve the dimensions of a \code{big.matrix} object
#' @param x A \code{big.matrix} object
#' @export
setMethod('dim', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x) return(c(nrow(x), ncol(x))))

#' @title Length of a big.matrix object
#' @description Get the length of a \code{big.matrix} object
#' @param x A \code{big.matrix} object
#' @export
setMethod('length', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x) return(prod(dim(x))))

GetElements.bm <- function(x, i, j, drop=TRUE) {
  if (!is.numeric(i) & !is.character(i) & !is.logical(i))
    stop("row indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (!is.numeric(j) & !is.character(j) & !is.logical(j))
    stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(i))
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    else i <- mmap(i, rownames(x))
  if (is.character(j))
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    else j <- mmap(j, colnames(x))
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    if (length(i) != nrow(x))
      stop("row vector length must match the number of rows of the matrix.")
    i <- which(i)
  if (is.logical(j)) {
    if (length(j) != ncol(x))
      stop(paste("column vector length must match the number of",
                 "columns of the matrix."))
    j <- which(j)

  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i <- tempi[[2]]
  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(j), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) j <- tempj[[2]]

  retList <- GetMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(i))
  mat <- .addDimnames(retList, length(i), length(j), drop)

# Function contributed by Peter Haverty at Genentech.
GetIndivElements.bm <- function(x,i) {
  # Check i
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    stop("Logical indices not allowed when subsetting by a matrix.")
  if (ncol(i) != 2) {
    stop("When subsetting with a matrix, it must have two columns.")
  if (is.character(i)) {
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    i <- matrix(c(mmap(i[,1], rownames(x)), mmap(i[,2], colnames(x))), ncol=2)
  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i[,1]), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i[,1] <- tempi[[2]]
  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i[,2]), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) i[,2] <- tempj[[2]]

  return(GetIndivMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(i[,2]),

# Function contributed by Charles Determan Jr.
GetIndivVectorElements.bm <- function(x,i) {
  # Check i
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    stop("Logical indices not allowed when subsetting by a matrix.")
  if(any(i > length(x))){
    stop("indices out of range.")
  return(GetIndivVectorMatrixElements(x@address, as.integer(i)))

GetCols.bm <- function(x, j, drop=TRUE) {
  if (!is.numeric(j) & !is.character(j) & !is.logical(j))
    stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(j))
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    else j <- mmap(j, colnames(x))
  if (is.logical(j)) {
    if (length(j) != ncol(x))
      stop(paste("column vector length must match the number of",
                 "columns of the matrix."))
    j <- which(j)

  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(j), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) j <- tempj[[2]]

  retList <- GetMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(j))
  mat <- .addDimnames(retList, nrow(x), length(j), drop)

GetRows.bm <- function(x, i, drop=TRUE) {
  if (!is.numeric(i) & !is.character(i) & !is.logical(i))
    stop("row indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(i))
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    else i <- mmap(i, rownames(x))
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    if (length(i) != nrow(x))
      stop("row vector length must match the number of rows of the matrix.")
    i <- which(i)
  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i <- tempi[[2]]

  retList <- GetMatrixRows(x@address, as.double(i))
  mat <- .addDimnames(retList, length(i), ncol(x), drop)

GetAll.bm <- function(x, drop=TRUE) {
  retList <- GetMatrixAll(x@address)
  mat <- .addDimnames(retList, nrow(x), ncol(x), drop)

#' @title Extract or Replace
#' @description Extract or replace big.matrix elements
#' @name Extract,big.matrix
#' @param x A \code{big.matrix object}
#' @param i Indices specifying the rows
#' @param j Indices specifying the columns
#' @param drop Logical indication if reduce to minimum dimensions
#' @param value typically an array-like R object of similar class
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @aliases [,big.matrix,ANY,ANY,missing-method
#' @aliases [<-,big.matrix,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", drop = "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetElements.bm(x, i, j)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", drop = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetElements.bm(x, i, j, drop)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", drop = "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetCols.bm(x, j)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", drop = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetCols.bm(x, j, drop)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", j="missing", drop = "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., drop){
    # print(nargs())
    if(nargs() == 2){
      return(GetRows.bm(x, i))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", j="missing", drop = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetRows.bm(x, i, drop)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", j="missing", drop = "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetAll.bm(x)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", j="missing", drop = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetAll.bm(x, drop)))

# Function contributed by Peter Haverty at Genentech.
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix",i="matrix",j="missing",drop="missing"),
  function(x, i, j, drop) return(GetIndivElements.bm(x, i)))

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
SetElements.bm <- function(x, i, j, value) {
  if (!is.numeric(i) & !is.character(i) & !is.logical(i))
    stop("row indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (!is.numeric(j) & !is.character(j) & !is.logical(j))
    stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(i))
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    else i <- mmap(i, rownames(x))
  if (is.character(j))
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    else j <- mmap(j, colnames(x))
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    if (length(i) != nrow(x))
      stop("row vector length must match the number of rows of the matrix.")
    i <- which(i)
  if (is.logical(j)) {
    if (length(j) != ncol(x))
      stop(paste("column vector length must match the number of",
                 "columns of the matrix."))
    j <- which(j)

  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i <- tempi[[2]]
  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(j), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) j <- tempj[[2]]

  if ( options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning &&
       ((typeof(value) == "double") && (typeof(x) != "double") ||
       (typeof(value) == "integer" && (typeof(x) != "double" &&
                                           typeof(x) != "float" &&
                                           typeof(x) != "integer")) ||
       (typeof(value) == "double" && (typeof(x) == "float")) ||
       (typeof(value) == "raw" && (typeof(x) != "raw"))
    warning(paste0("Assignment will down cast from ", typeof(value), " to ",
                typeof(x), "\nHint: To remove this warning type:  ",
                "options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)\n", sep=''))

  totalts <- as.double(length(i)) * as.double(length(j))
  # If we are assigning from a matrix, make sure the dimensions agree.
  if (is.matrix(value))
    if (ncol(value) != length(j) || nrow(value) != length(i))
      stop("Matrix dimensions do not agree with big.matrix instance set size.")
  } else if (length(value) != totalts) {
    # Otherwise, make sure we are assigning the correct number of things
    # (rep if necessary)
    numReps <- totalts / length(value)
    if (numReps != round(numReps))
      stop("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
         'double' = {SetMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(i), as.double(value))},
         'float' = {SetMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(i), as.double(value))},
         #Don't convert raw before assigning them
         'raw' = {SetMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(i), value)},
         SetMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(i), to_int_checked(value))

SetIndivElements.bm <- function(x, i, value) {
  # Check i
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    stop("Logical indices not allowed when subsetting by a matrix.")
  if (ncol(i) != 2) {
    stop("When subsetting with a matrix, it must have two columns.")
  if (is.character(i)) {
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    i <- matrix(c(mmap(i[,1], rownames(x)), mmap(i[,2], colnames(x))), ncol=2)
  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i[,1]), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i[,1] <- tempi[[2]]
  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i[,2]), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in assignment.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) i[,2] <- tempj[[2]]

  # Check value length, rep as necessary
  if (length(value) > nrow(i) || nrow(i) %% length(value) != 0) {
    stop("number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length")
  if (length(value) < nrow(i)) {
    value <- rep(value, nrow(i) %/% length(value))

  # Give typecast warning if necessary
  if ( options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning &&
       ((typeof(value) == "double") && (typeof(x) != "double") ||
       (typeof(value) == "integer" &&
        (typeof(x) != "double" && typeof(x) != "integer"))) ||
       (typeof(value) == "double" && (typeof(x) == "float")) ||
  		 (typeof(value) == "raw" && (typeof(x) != "raw"))) {
    warning(cat("Assignment will down cast from ", typeof(value), " to ",
                typeof(x), "\nHint: To remove this warning type:  ",
                "options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)\n", sep=''))

    'double' = {SetIndivMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(i[,2]),
                                       as.double(i[,1]), as.double(value))},
    'float' = {SetIndivMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(i[,2]),
                                      as.double(i[,1]), as.single(value))},
    #Don't convert raw before assigning them
    'raw' = {SetIndivMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(i[,2]),
  																	as.double(i[,1]), value)},
     SetIndivMatrixElements(x@address, as.double(i[,2]),
                            as.double(i[,1]), as.integer(value)))

# Function contributed by Charles Determan Jr.
SetIndivVectorElements.bm <- function(x, i, value) {
  # Check i
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    stop("Logical indices not allowed when subsetting by a matrix.")
  if(any(i > length(x))){
    stop("indices out of range.")

  if(length(value) > length(i)) {
    stop("value elements longer than indices")

  if(length(value) < length(i)) {
    if(length(value) != 1){
      stop("value must be of length equal to 'i' or 1")

  if(length(value) == 1) {
    value <- rep(value, length(i))

  SetIndivVectorMatrixElements(x@address, as.integer(i), value)


#' @importFrom stats na.omit
SetCols.bm <- function(x, j, value)
  if (!is.numeric(j) & !is.character(j) & !is.logical(j))
    stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(j))
    if (is.null(colnames(x))) stop("column names do not exist.")
    else j <- mmap(j, colnames(x))
  if (is.logical(j)) {
    if (length(j) != ncol(x))
      stop(paste("column vector length must match the number of",
                 "columns of the matrix."))
    j <- which(j)

  tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(j), as.double(ncol(x)))
  if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempj[[1]]) j <- tempj[[2]]

  if ( options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning &&
       ((typeof(value) == "double") && (typeof(x) != "double") ||
       (typeof(value) == "integer" &&
        (typeof(x) != "double" && typeof(x) != "integer")) ||
       (typeof(value) == "double" && (typeof(x) == "float"))) ||
  		 (typeof(value) == "raw" && (typeof(x) != "raw"))) {
    warning(cat("Assignment will down cast from ", typeof(value), " to ",
                typeof(x), "\nHint: To remove this warning type:  ",
                "options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)\n", sep=''))

  totalts <- as.double(nrow(x)) * as.double(length(j))
  # If we are assigning from a matrix, make sure the dimensions agree.
  if (is.matrix(value)) {
    if (ncol(value) != length(j) | nrow(value) != nrow(x)) {
      stop("Matrix dimensions do not agree with big.matrix instance set size.")
  else if (length(value) != totalts) {
    # Otherwise, make sure we are assigning the correct number of things
    # (rep if necessary)
    numReps <- totalts / length(value)
    if (numReps != round(numReps)) {
      stop(paste("number of items to replace is not a multiple of",
                 "replacement length"))
  if (typeof(x) != 'double') {
    integerVals <- na.omit(as.integer(value))
    if ( sum(integerVals == na.omit(as.integer(value))) !=
         length(integerVals) | is.factor(value)) {
      warning("non-integer (possibly Inf or -Inf) typecast to integer")

    'double' = {SetMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(j), as.double(value))},
    'float' = {SetMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(j), as.single(value))},
  	#Don't convert raw before assigning them
  	'raw' = {SetMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(j), value)},
  	SetMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(j), as.integer(value)))


#' @importFrom stats na.omit
SetRows.bm <- function(x, i, value) {
  if (!is.numeric(i) & !is.character(i) & !is.logical(i))
    stop("row indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
  if (is.character(i))
    if (is.null(rownames(x))) stop("row names do not exist.")
    else i <- mmap(i, rownames(x))
  if (is.logical(i)) {
    if (length(i) != nrow(x)) {
      stop("row vector length must match the number of rows of the matrix.")
    i <- which(i)

  tempi <- CCleanIndices(as.double(i), as.double(nrow(x)))
  if (is.null(tempi[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in extraction.\n")
  if (tempi[[1]]) i <- tempi[[2]]

  if ( options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning &&
       ((typeof(value) == "double") && (typeof(x) != "double") ||
       (typeof(value) == "integer" &&
        (typeof(x) != "double" && typeof(x) != "integer"))  ||
       (typeof(value) == "double" && (typeof(x) == "float"))) ||
  		 (typeof(value) == "raw" && (typeof(x) != "raw"))) {
    warning(cat("Assignment will down cast from ", typeof(value), " to ",
                typeof(x), "\nHint: To remove this warning type:  ",
                "options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)\n", sep=''))

  # Note: i may be a mwhich statement in which case we _must_ ensure
  # that we disable read locking before it is evaluated or we will
  # have a race condition.  - Jay and Mike.

  totalts <- as.double(length(i)) * as.double(ncol(x))

  # If we are assigning from a matrix, make sure the dimensions agree.
  if (is.matrix(value)) {
    if (ncol(value) != ncol(x) | nrow(value) != length(i)) {
      stop("Matrix dimensions do not agree with big.matrix instance set size.")
  else if (length(value) != totalts) {
    # Otherwise, make sure we are assigning the correct number of things
    # (rep if necessary)
    numReps <- totalts / length(value)
    if (numReps != round(numReps))
      stop(paste("number of items to replace is not a multiple of",
                 "replacement length"))
  if (typeof(x) != 'double') {
    integerVals <- na.omit(as.integer(value))
    if ( sum(integerVals == na.omit(as.integer(value))) !=
         length(integerVals) | is.factor(value)) {
      warning("non-integer (possibly Inf or -Inf) typecast to integer")

    'double' = {SetMatrixRows(x@address, as.double(i), as.double(value))},
    'float' = {SetMatrixRows(x@address, as.double(i), as.single(value))},
  	#Don't convert raw before assigning them
  	'raw' = {SetMatrixRows(x@address, as.double(i), value)},
    SetMatrixRows(x@address, as.double(i), as.integer(value)))


#' @importFrom stats na.omit
SetAll.bm <- function(x, value) {
  if ( options()$bigmemory.typecast.warning &&
       ((typeof(value) == "double") && (typeof(x) != "double") ||
       (typeof(value) == "integer" &&
        (typeof(x) != "double" && typeof(x) != "integer"))  ||
       (typeof(value) == "double" && (typeof(x) == "float"))) ||
  		 (typeof(value) == "raw" && (typeof(x) != "raw"))) {
    warning(cat("Assignment will down cast from ", typeof(value), " to ",
                typeof(x), "\nHint: To remove this warning type:  ",
                "options(bigmemory.typecast.warning=FALSE)\n", sep=''))

  totalts <- as.double(nrow(x)) * as.double(ncol(x))
  # If we are assigning from a matrix, make sure the dimensions agree.
  if (is.matrix(value)) {
    if (ncol(value) != ncol(x) | nrow(value) != nrow(x)) {
      stop("Matrix dimensions do not agree with big.matrix instance set size.")
  else if (length(value) != totalts) {
    # Otherwise, make sure we are assigning the correct number of things
    # (rep if necessary)
    numReps <- totalts / length(value)
    if (numReps != round(numReps)) {
      stop(paste("number of items to replace is not a multiple of",
                 "replacement length"))
  if (typeof(x) != 'double')
    integerVals <- na.omit(as.integer(value))
    if ( sum(integerVals == na.omit(as.integer(value))) !=
         length(integerVals) | is.factor(value)) {
      warning("non-integer (possibly Inf or -Inf) typecast to integer")

    'double' = {SetMatrixAll(x@address, as.double(value))},
    'float' = {SetMatrixAll(x@address, as.single(value))},
  	#Don't convert raw before assigning them
  	'raw' = {SetMatrixAll(x@address, value)},
  	SetMatrixAll(x@address, as.integer(value)))


#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "numeric", j = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "numeric", j = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "logical", j = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "logical", j = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "logical", j = "character"),
  function(x, i, j, value) {
    if (any(duplicated(j))) {
      stop("Column names can't be duplicated.")
    ms <- match(j, colnames(x))
    if (any(is.na(ms))) {
      stop("Column names don't appear in the big.matrix.")
    return(SetElements.bm(x, i, ms, value))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "numeric", j = "character"),
  function(x, i, j, value) {
    if (any(duplicated(j))) {
      stop("Column names can't be duplicated.")
    ms <- match(j, colnames(x))
    if (any(is.na(ms))) {
      stop("Column names don't appear in the big.matrix.")
    return(SetElements.bm(x, i, ms, value))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "missing", j = "missing"),
  function(x, i, j, value){
    i <- seq(nrow(x))
    j <- seq(ncol(x))
    return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", j = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetCols.bm(x, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", j = "logical"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetCols.bm(x, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "numeric", j="missing", value = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value){

    if (nargs() == 3){
      SetIndivVectorElements.bm(x, i, value)
    } else {
      SetRows.bm(x, i, value)

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "logical", j="missing", value = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value){

    if (nargs() == 3) {
      SetIndivVectorElements.bm(x, i, value)
    } else {
      SetRows.bm(x, i, value)

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "numeric", j="missing", value = "matrix"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value){

    if (nargs() == 3) {
      SetIndivVectorElements.bm(x, i, value)
    } else {
      SetRows.bm(x, i, value)

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i = "logical", j="missing", value = "matrix"),
  function(x, i, j, ..., value){

    if (nargs() == 3) {
      SetIndivVectorElements.bm(x, i, value)
    } else {
      SetRows.bm(x, i, value)

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x="big.matrix", i="character", j="character"),
  function(x, i, j, value) return(SetElements.bm(x, i, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x="big.matrix", i="missing", j="character"),
  function(x, j, value) return(SetCols.bm(x, j, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x="big.matrix", i="character", j="missing"),
  function(x, i, value) return(SetRows.bm(x, i, value)))

#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix", i="missing", j="missing", value = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, value) SetAll.bm(x, value))

# Function contributed by Peter Haverty at Genentech.
#' @rdname extract-methods
#' @export
  signature(x = "big.matrix",i="matrix",j="missing", value = "numeric"),
  function(x, i, j, value) SetIndivElements.bm(x, i, value))

#' @title The Type of a big.matrix Object
#' @description \code{typeof} returns the storage type of a
#' \code{big.matrix} object
#' @param x A \code{big.matrix} object
#' @export
setMethod('typeof', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x) {

#' @title Check if Float
#' @description Check to see if the elements of a big.matrix object are floats.
#' @param x An object to be evaluated if float
#' @export
setGeneric('is.float', function(x) standardGeneric('is.float'))

#' @title Is Float?
#' @description Check if R numeric value has float flag
#' @param x A numeric value
setMethod('is.float', signature(x='numeric'),
    if (is.null(attr(x, 'Csingle'))) {
    } else {
      bool <- attr(x, 'Csingle')

#' @title Return First or Last Part of a big.matrix Object
#' @description Returns the first or last parts of a \code{big.matrix}
#' object.
#' @param x A big.matrix object
#' @param n A single integer for the number of rows to return
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname head-methods
#' @export
setMethod('head', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x, n = 6) {
    n <- min(as.integer(n), nrow(x))
    if ( n < 1 | n > nrow(x) ) {
      stop("n must be between 1 and nrow(x)")

#' @rdname head-methods
#' @export
setMethod('tail', signature(x="big.matrix"),
  function(x, n = 6) {
    n <- min(as.integer(n), nrow(x))
    if ( n < 1 | n > nrow(x) ) {
      stop("n must be between 1 and nrow(x)")

#' @title Print Values
#' @description \code{print} will print out the elements within
#' a \code{big.matrix} object.
#' @note By default, this will only return the \code{head} of a big.matrix
#' to prevent console overflow.  If you turn off the bigmemory.print.warning
#' option then it will convert to a base R matrix and print all elements.
#' @param x A \code{big.matrix} object
#' @export
setMethod('print', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) {
    if (options()$bigmemory.print.warning==TRUE)
      cat("Warning: This is not advised.  Here is the head of the matrix:\n")
      # Should change this to a C print function, unfortunately, for proper
      # formatting, this means we would also have to pass the terminal
      # width.

# mwhich()
# x big.matrix
# cols  is.numeric or is.character
# vals  list of scalar or 2-vectors otherwise
# comps could be missing, in which case we'll fill in 'eq' in signature,
#       a list of comparisons matching dim of associated vals component

#' @template mwhich_template
#' @export
setGeneric('mwhich', function(x, cols, vals, comps, op = 'AND')

# add mwhich-methods roxygen
# setting to NULL avoids the redundant usage statements
#' @template mwhich_methods_template

  signature(x='big.matrix', op='character'),
  function(x, cols, vals, comps, op) {
    return(mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op, MWhichBigMatrix))

# @rdname mwhich-methods
  signature(x='matrix', op='character'),
  function(x, cols, vals, comps, op)
    if (is.integer(x)) {
      mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op, MWhichRIntMatrix)
    } else if (is.numeric(x)) {
      mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op, MWhichRNumericMatrix)
    } else {
      stop("Unsupported matrix type given to mwhich")

# @rdname mwhich-methods
  signature(x='big.matrix', op='missing'),
  function(x, cols, vals, comps)
    return(mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op='AND',

# @rdname mwhich-methods
  signature(x='matrix', op='missing'),
  function(x, cols, vals, comps)
    if (is.integer(x))
      return(mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op='AND',
    if (is.numeric(x))
      return(mwhich.internal(x, cols, vals, comps, op='AND',
    stop("Unsupported matrix type given to mwhich")

mwhich.internal <- function(x, cols, vals, comps, op, whichFuncName)
  cols <- cleanupcols(cols, ncol(x), colnames(x))
  if (length(setdiff(cols, seq_len(ncol(x)))) > 0)
    stop('Invalid column(s) in which()')

  # if vals or comps are not lists but are length 1 or 2, make them
  # trivial lists.
  if ( !is.list(vals) &
       (length(vals)==1 || length(vals)==2) ) {
    vals <- list(vals)
  } else {
    if (!is.list(vals)) stop('vals should be a list')
  if ( !is.list(comps) &
       (length(comps)==1 || length(comps)==2)) {
    comps <- list(comps)
  } else {
    if (!is.list(comps)) stop('comps should be a list')

  # Replicate vals or comps if appropriate.
  if (length(cols)!=length(vals)) {
    if (length(vals)==1) {
      vals <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(vals), length(vals), length(cols)))
    } else stop('length(vals) must be 1 or length(cols)')
  if (length(cols)!=length(comps)) {
    if (length(comps)==1) {
      comps <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(comps), length(comps), length(cols)),
    } else stop('length(comps) must be 1 or length(cols)')
  if (length(comps)!=length(vals))
    stop('length of comps must equal length of vals')
  if (any(!unlist(lapply(comps, is.character))) ||
      any(!(unlist(comps) %in% c('eq', 'neq', 'le', 'lt', 'ge', 'gt')))) {
    stop('comps must contain eq, neq, le, lt, ge, or gt')

  testCol <- cols
  opVal <- 0
  if (op == 'OR') opVal <- 1
  minVal <- rep(NA, length(cols))
  maxVal <- rep(NA, length(cols))
  chkmin <- rep(0, length(cols))
  chkmax <- rep(0, length(cols))

  for (i in seq_len(length(cols))) {

    if (length(vals[[i]])==1) {
      # Here, we have the easy comparisons.
      if (is.na(vals[[i]]) && (comps[[i]]!='eq' && comps[[i]]!='neq'))
        stop('NA comparison limited to eq and neq, not le, lt, gt, or ge')
      if (length(comps[[i]])==1) {
        if (comps[[i]]=='eq' || comps[[i]]=='neq') {
          minVal[i] <- vals[[i]]
          maxVal[i] <- vals[[i]]
        if (comps[[i]]=='neq') {
          chkmin[i] <- -1
          chkmax[i] <- -1            # Not used, but....
        if (comps[[i]]=='ge' || comps[[i]]=='gt') {
          minVal[i] <- vals[[i]]
          maxVal[i] <- Inf
          if (comps[[i]]=='gt') chkmin[i] <- 1
        if (comps[[i]]=='le' || comps[[i]]=='lt') {
          minVal[i] <- -Inf
          maxVal[i] <- vals[[i]]
          if (comps[[i]]=='lt') chkmax[i] <- 1
      } else stop('vals/comps must be componentwise of same dimension')
    } else {
      # Here, we have two vals and two comps
      if (any(is.na(vals[[i]]))) stop('NAs not allowed in interval comparison')
      minVal[i] <- vals[[i]][1]
      maxVal[i] <- vals[[i]][2]
      if (comps[[i]][1]=='gt') chkmin[i] <- 1
      if (comps[[i]][2]=='lt') chkmax[i] <- 1
      if (comps[[i]][1]!='gt' && comps[[i]][1]!='ge')
        stop('invalid comparison of lower bound')
      if (comps[[i]][2]!='lt' && comps[[i]][2]!='le')
        stop('invalid comparison of upper bound')

  } # End of the for loop

  ##### The new C function has new vectors chkmin and chkmax;
  ##### the value 0 indicates comparison with equality,
  ##### the value 1 indicates a strict inequality,
  ##### the value -1 indicates a 'neq' check;
  ##### if is.na checking is required, only the minVal needs to be
  ##### used, with chkmin = 0 being is.na and chkmin = 1 being !is.na.

  ret <- NULL
  if (is.big.matrix(x)) {
    ret <- whichFuncName(x@address, as.double(testCol),
                as.double(minVal), as.double(maxVal),
                as.integer(chkmin), as.integer(chkmax), as.integer(opVal))
  } else {
    ret <- whichFuncName(x, nrow(x),
                as.double(minVal), as.double(maxVal),
                as.integer(chkmin), as.integer(chkmax), as.integer(opVal))

#' @title Dimnames of a big.matrix Object
#' @description Retrieve or set the dimnames of an object
#' @param x A big.matrix object
#' @param value A possible value for \code{dimnames(x)}
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname dimnames-methods
#' @export
setMethod('dimnames', signature(x = "big.matrix"),
  function(x) return(list(rownames.bm(x), colnames.bm(x))))

#' @rdname dimnames-methods
#' @export
setMethod('dimnames<-', signature(x = "big.matrix", value='list'),
  function(x, value) {
    if (options()$bigmemory.allow.dimnames) {
      rownames.bm(x) <- value[[1]]
      colnames.bm(x) <- value[[2]]
    } else {
      stop(paste("Changing dimnames is not allowed; to override, please set",

#' @template write.big.matrix_template
#' @export
           function(x, filename, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep=",")

#' @rdname write.big.matrix
setMethod('write.big.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix',filename='character'),
          function(x, filename, row.names, col.names, sep)
            if (is.character(row.names))
                stop("You must set the row names before writing.\n")
            if (is.character(col.names))
                stop("You must set the column names before writing.\n")
            if (row.names & !HasRowColNames(x@address)[1]) {
                row.names <- FALSE
                warning(paste("No row names exist, overriding your",
                              "row.names option.\n"))
            if (col.names & !HasRowColNames(x@address)[2]) {
                col.names <- FALSE
                warning(paste("No column names exist, overriding your",
                              "col.names option.\n"))
            WriteMatrix(x@address, filename, as.logical(row.names),
                        as.logical(col.names), sep)

#' @rdname write.big.matrix
#' @export
  function(filename, sep=',', header=FALSE, col.names=NULL, row.names=NULL,
           has.row.names=FALSE, ignore.row.names=FALSE, type=NA, skip=0,
           separated=FALSE, backingfile=NULL, backingpath=NULL,
           descriptorfile=NULL, binarydescriptor=FALSE, extraCols=NULL,

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @rdname write.big.matrix
setMethod('read.big.matrix', signature(filename='character'),
  function(filename, sep, header, col.names, row.names, has.row.names,
           ignore.row.names, type, skip, separated, backingfile, backingpath,
           descriptorfile, binarydescriptor, extraCols,
           shared=options()$bigmemory.default.shared) {

    if (!is.logical(header))
      stop("header argument must be logical")
    if (is.logical(col.names) || is.logical(row.names))
      stop(paste("row.names and col.names, if used, must only be vectors",
                 "of names (not logicals)."))
    if ( (header || is.character(col.names)) && is.numeric(extraCols) ) {
      stop(paste("When column names are specified, extraCols must be the names",
                 "of the extra columns."))
    if (!header && is.null(col.names) && is.character(extraCols))
      stop(paste("No header and no column names were specified, so extraCols",
           "must be an integer."))
    if (!file.exists(filename))
      stop(paste("The file", filename, "could not be found"))
    headerOffset <- as.numeric(header)
    colNames <- NULL
    if (header) {
      colNames <- unlist(strsplit(
        scan(filename, what='character', skip=skip, nlines=1, sep="\n",
             quiet=TRUE), split=sep))
      colNames <- gsub("\"", "", colNames, perl=TRUE)
      colNames <- gsub("\'", "", colNames, perl=TRUE)
      if (is.na(colNames[1])) colNames <- colNames[-1]
      if (is.character(col.names)) {
        warning("Using supplied column names and skipping the header row.\n")
        colNames <- col.names
      } else {
        if (!is.null(col.names)) {
          stop(paste("Invalid header/col.names usage (col.names must be",
                     "a vector of names if used).\n"))
    } else {
      if (is.character(col.names)) colNames <- col.names

    # Get the first line of data
    firstLine <- scan(filename, what='character', skip=(skip+headerOffset),
      nlines=1, sep="\n", quiet=TRUE)
    firstLineVals <- unlist(strsplit(firstLine, split=sep))
    numFields <- length(firstLineVals)
    firstLineVals[firstLineVals=="NA"] <- NA
    if (length(firstLineVals) < numFields) {
      firstLineVals <- c(firstLineVals, NA)

    # At this point, we assume there are length(colNames) columns of data if
    # available, otherwise, figure it out.
    if (!is.null(colNames)) numCols <- length(colNames)
    else {
      numCols <- length(firstLineVals) - has.row.names

    if (length(firstLineVals) - has.row.names != numCols)
      stop("Dimension mismatch between header row and first data row.\n")

    rowNames <- NULL
    if (!is.null(row.names)) {
      if (is.character(row.names)) {
        rowNames <- row.names
        ignore.row.names <- TRUE
      } else {
        stop("Invalid row.names (must be a vector of names if used).\n")

    if (is.na(type)) {
      type <- 'double'
      if (has.row.names) firstLineVals <- firstLineVals[-1]
      if (sum(na.omit(as.integer(firstLineVals)) ==
              na.omit(as.double(firstLineVals))) ==
            numCols ) {
        type <- 'integer'
      warning(paste("Because type was not specified, we chose", type,
                    "based on the first line of data."))

    lineCount <- CCountLines(filename) - skip - headerOffset
    numRows <- lineCount
    createCols <- numCols
    if (is.numeric(extraCols)) createCols <- createCols + extraCols
    if (is.character(extraCols)) {
      createCols <- createCols + length(extraCols)
      colNames <- c(colNames, extraCols)

    bigMat <- big.matrix(nrow=numRows, ncol=createCols, type=type,
                         dimnames=list(rowNames, colNames), init=NULL,
                         separated=separated, backingfile=backingfile,

    # has.row.names indicates whether or not there are row names;
    # we take ignore.row.names from the user, but pass (essentially)
    # use.row.names (which is !ignore.row.names) to C:


#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.separated', function(x) standardGeneric('is.separated'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.separated', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(IsSeparated(x@address)))

cleanupcols <- function(cols=NULL, nc=NULL, colnames=NULL) {
  if (is.null(cols)) cols <- 1:nc
  else {
    if (!is.numeric(cols) & !is.character(cols) & !is.logical(cols))
      stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
    if (is.character(cols))
      if (is.null(colnames)) stop("column names do not exist.")
      else cols <- mmap(cols, colnames)
    if (is.logical(cols)) {
      if (length(cols) != nc)
        stop(paste("column vector length must match the number of",
                   "columns of the matrix."))
      cols <- which(cols)
    tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(cols), as.double(nc))
    if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal column index usage in extraction.\n")
    if (tempj[[1]]) cols <- tempj[[2]]

cleanuprows <- function(rows=NULL, nr=NULL, rownames=NULL) {
  if (is.null(rows)) rows <- 1:nr
  else {
    if (!is.numeric(rows) & !is.character(rows) & !is.logical(rows))
      stop("column indices must be numeric, logical, or character vectors.")
    if (is.character(rows))
      if (is.null(rownames)) stop("row names do not exist.")
      else rows <- mmap(rows, rownames)
    if (is.logical(rows)) {
      if (length(rows) != nr)
        stop(paste("row vector length must match the number of",
                   "rows of the matrix."))
      rows <- which(rows)
    tempj <- CCleanIndices(as.double(rows), as.double(nr))
    if (is.null(tempj[[1]])) stop("Illegal row index usage in extraction.\n")
    if (tempj[[1]]) rows <- tempj[[2]]

#' @template deepcopy_template
#' @export
deepcopy <- function(x, cols=NULL, rows=NULL,
                     y=NULL, type=NULL, separated=NULL,
                     backingfile=NULL, backingpath=NULL,
                     descriptorfile=NULL, binarydescriptor=FALSE,
  cols <- cleanupcols(cols, ncol(x), colnames(x))
  rows <- cleanuprows(rows, nrow(x), rownames(x))
  if (nrow(x) > 2^31-1)
    stop(paste("Too many rows to copy at this point in time;",
               "this may be fixed in the future."))
  if (is.null(type)) type <- typeof(x)
  if (is.big.matrix(x)) {
    if (is.null(separated)) separated <- is.separated(x)
  } else {
    separated <- FALSE
  if (is.null(y)) {
    y <- big.matrix(nrow=length(rows), ncol=length(cols), type=type, init=NULL,
                  dimnames=dimnames(x), separated=separated,
                  backingfile=backingfile, backingpath=backingpath,
                  binarydescriptor=binarydescriptor, shared)
  if (is.big.matrix(x) && is.big.matrix(y)) {
    CDeepCopy(x@address, y@address, as.double(rows), as.double(cols),
  } else {
    for (i in seq_len(length(cols))) y[,i] <- x[rows,cols[i]]


# Following the R convention we are going to assume Unix directory
# separators '/' as opposed to the Windows convention '\'.

#' @rdname sub.big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.sub.big.matrix', function(x)

#' @rdname sub.big.matrix
setMethod('is.sub.big.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(CIsSubMatrix(x@address)) )

# For now a submatrix only goes over a range of columns and a range
# of row.  This could be made more sophiticated but it would probably
# take a lot of work.

#' @template sub.big.matrix_template
#' @export
setGeneric('sub.big.matrix', function(x, firstRow=1, lastRow=NULL,
  firstCol=1, lastCol=NULL, backingpath=NULL) standardGeneric('sub.big.matrix'))

#' @rdname sub.big.matrix
setMethod('sub.big.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x, firstRow, lastRow, firstCol, lastCol, backingpath)
    return(sub.big.matrix(describe(x), firstRow, lastRow, firstCol, lastCol,

#' @title Retrieve a big.matrix "view"
#' @rdname sub.big.matrix
#' @param x A descriptor object
#' @param firstRow the first row of the submatrix
#' @param lastRow the last row of the submatrix if not NULL
#' @param firstCol the first column of the submatrix
#' @param lastCol of the submatrix if not NULL
#' @param backingpath required path to the filebacked object, if applicable
setMethod('sub.big.matrix', signature(x='big.matrix.descriptor'),
  function( x, firstRow, lastRow, firstCol, lastCol, backingpath) {
    rowOffset <- firstRow-1
    colOffset <- firstCol-1
    rbm <- attach.resource(x, path=backingpath)
    if (is.null(lastRow)) lastRow <- nrow(rbm)
    if (is.null(lastCol)) lastCol <- ncol(rbm)
    numCols <- lastCol-firstCol+1
    numRows <- lastRow-firstRow+1
    if (colOffset < 0 || rowOffset < 0 || numCols < 1 || numRows < 1 ||
        colOffset+numCols > ncol(rbm) || rowOffset+numRows > nrow(rbm))
      stop(paste("A sub.big.matrix object could not be created",
                 "with the specified parameters"))
          as.double(rowOffset + GetRowOffset(rbm@address)),
          as.double(numRows) )
          as.double(colOffset + GetColOffset(rbm@address)),

setMethod('description', signature(x='big.matrix.descriptor'),
  function(x) return(x@description))

DescribeBigMatrix <- function(x) {
  if (!is.filebacked(x)) {
    if (is.shared(x)) {
      list(sharedType = 'SharedMemory',
           sharedName = shared.name(x),
           totalRows = GetTotalRows(x@address),
           totalCols = GetTotalColumns(x@address),
           rowOffset = GetRowOffset(x@address),
           colOffset = GetColOffset(x@address),
           nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x),
    } else {
      stop("you can't describe a non-shared big.matrix.")
  } else {
    list(sharedType = 'FileBacked',
         filename = file.name(x),
         dirname = format_path(dir.name(x)), # need extra '/' on Windows
         totalRows = GetTotalRows(x@address),
         totalCols = GetTotalColumns(x@address),
         rowOffset = GetRowOffset(x@address),
         colOffset = GetColOffset(x@address),
         nrow=nrow(x), ncol=ncol(x),

#' @template attach.big.matrix_template
# @rdname attach.big.matrix
#' @export
attach.big.matrix <- function(obj, ...) {
  back <- list(...)[['backingpath']]
  if (is.null(back)) {
    attach.resource(obj, ...)
  } else {
    attach.resource(obj, path = back, ...)

#' @rdname big.matrix.descriptor-class
#' @param obj The filename of the descriptor for a filebacked matrix,
#' assumed to be in the directory specified
#' @param ... possibly \code{path} which gives the path where the descriptor
#' and/or filebacking can be found.
#' @export
setMethod('attach.resource', signature(obj = 'character'),
  function(obj, ...) {
    path <- list(...)[['path']]

    if (is.null(path) || path == "") { # unspecified path extra argument
      fileWithPath <- path.expand(obj)
    } else {
      if (dirname(obj) != ".") { # path also specified in obj
        warning(paste("Two paths were specified in attach.resource.",
                      "The one associated with the file will be used.",
        fileWithPath <- path.expand(obj)
      } else {
        fileWithPath <- path.expand(file.path(path, obj))

    if (!file.exists(fileWithPath))
      stop( paste("The file", fileWithPath, "could not be found") )
    if (dir.exists(fileWithPath))
      stop( paste(fileWithPath, "is a directory") )

    info <- tryCatch(readRDS(fileWithPath),
                     error = function(er) dget(fileWithPath))
    if (info@description$sharedType == "FileBacked") {
      info@description$dirname <- format_path(dirname(fileWithPath))

    attach.resource(info, path = NULL, ...)

#' @rdname big.matrix.descriptor-class
#' @export
setMethod('attach.resource', signature(obj='big.matrix.descriptor'),
  function(obj, ...) {
    # path <- list(...)[['path']]
    info <- description(obj)
    typeLength <- NULL
    if (info$type == 'char') typeLength <- 1
    if (info$type == 'short') typeLength <- 2
    if (info$type == 'integer') typeLength <- 4
    if (info$type == 'float') typeLength <- 6
    if (info$type == 'double') typeLength <- 8
    if (info$type == 'raw' ) typeLength <- 3

    if (is.null(typeLength))
      stop('invalid type')

    readonly <- list(...)[['readonly']]
    readOnly <- `if`(is.null(readonly), FALSE, readonly)
    if (!is.logical(readOnly)) {
      stop("The readOnly argument must be of type logical")

    if (info$sharedType == 'SharedMemory') {
      address <- CAttachSharedBigMatrix(as.character(info$sharedName),
    } else {
      file <- file.path(info$dirname, info$filename)
      if (!info$separated) {
        if (!file.exists(file))
          stop(paste("The backing file", file, "could not be found"))
      } else {
        # It's separated and we need to check for each column.
        fn <- paste0(file, "_column_", 1:info$ncol - 1)
        noexists <- which(!file.exists(fn))
        if (length(noexists)) # report the first non-existing
          stop(paste("The backing file", fn[noexists[1]],
                     "could not be found"))
      address <- CAttachFileBackedBigMatrix(
    if (!is.null(address)) {
      SetRowOffsetInfo(address, info$rowOffset, info$nrow)
      SetColumnOffsetInfo(address, info$colOffset, info$ncol)
      ret <- new('big.matrix', address=address)
      # If the user did not specify read-only but the big matrix could
      # only be opened read-only then issue a warning.
      if (readOnly != is.readonly(ret)) {
        warning("big.matrix object could only be opened read-only.")
    } else {
      stop("Fatal error in attach: big.matrix could not be attached.")

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.filebacked', function(x) standardGeneric('is.filebacked'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.filebacked', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(IsFileBackedBigMatrix(x@address)))

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('shared.name', function(x) standardGeneric('shared.name'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('shared.name', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(SharedName(x@address)))

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('file.name', function(x) standardGeneric('file.name'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('file.name', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) {
    if (!is.filebacked(x)) {
      stop("The argument is not a file backed big.matrix.")

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('dir.name', function(x) standardGeneric('dir.name'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('dir.name', signature(x='big.matrix'),
          function(x) {
            if (!is.filebacked(x)) {
              stop("The argument is not a file backed big.matrix.")

#' @template flush_template
#' @export
setGeneric('flush', function(con) standardGeneric('flush'))

#' @rdname flush-methods
setMethod('flush', signature(con='big.matrix'),
  function(con) {
    if (!is.filebacked(con)) {
      warning("You cannot call flush on a non-filebacked big.matrix")

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.shared', function(x) standardGeneric('is.shared'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.shared', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) return(IsShared(x@address)))

#' @template morder_template
#' @export
morder <- function(x, cols, na.last=TRUE, decreasing = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(cols)) cols <- mmap( cols, colnames(x) )
  if (sum(cols > ncol(x)) > 0 | sum(cols < 1) > 0 | sum(is.na(cols) > 0))
    stop("Bad column indices.")

    "big.matrix"=OrderBigMatrix(x@address, as.double(cols),
                                  as.integer(na.last), as.logical(decreasing) ),
    "matrix" = switch(typeof(x),
      'integer'=OrderRIntMatrix(x, nrow(x), as.double(cols),
                                as.logical(decreasing) ),
      'double'=OrderRNumericMatrix(x, nrow(x), as.double(cols),
                                   as.logical(decreasing) ),
      stop("Unsupported matrix value type.")),
    stop("unsupported matrix type")

#' @rdname morder
#' @export
morderCols <- function(x, rows, na.last=TRUE, decreasing = FALSE) {
  if (is.character(rows)) rows <- mmap( rows, rownames(x) )

  if (sum(rows > nrow(x)) > 0 | sum(rows < 1) > 0 | sum(is.na(rows) > 0)) {
    stop("Bad row indices.")

    "big.matrix"=OrderBigMatrixCols(x@address, as.double(rows),
                                    as.logical(decreasing) ),
      'integer'=OrderRIntMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x),
                                    as.logical(decreasing) ),
      'double'=OrderRNumericMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x),
                                       as.logical(decreasing) ),
       'raw' = OrderRIntMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), as.double(rows),
                                   as.logical(decreasing) ),
        stop("Unsupported matrix value type.")),
    stop("unsupported matrix type"))

#' @rdname morder
#' @export
mpermute <- function(x, order=NULL, cols=NULL, allow.duplicates=FALSE, ...)
  if (is.null(order) && is.null(cols))
    stop("You must specify either order or cols.")

  if (!is.null(order) && !is.null(cols))
    stop("You must specify either order or cols.")

  if (!is.null(order)) {
    if (length(order) != nrow(x))
      stop("order parameter must have the same length as nrow(x)")

    if (!allow.duplicates && sum(duplicated(order)) > 0)
      stop("order parameter contains duplicated entries.")

    r <- range(order)
    if (is.na(r[1]))
      stop("order parameter contains NAs")
    if (r[1] < 1 || r[2] > nrow(x))
      stop("order parameter contains values that are out-of-range.")
  else {
    order <- morder(x, cols, ...)

         "big.matrix" = ReorderBigMatrix(x@address, order),
         "matrix" = switch(typeof(x),
            'integer' = ReorderRIntMatrix(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
            'double' = ReorderRNumericMatrix(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
         		'raw' = ReorderRIntMatrix(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
         		stop("Unsupported matrix value type.")),
         stop("invalid class")



#' @rdname morder
#' @export
mpermuteCols <- function(x, order=NULL, rows=NULL,
                         allow.duplicates=FALSE, ...) {

  if (is.null(order) && is.null(rows))
    stop("You must specify either order or cols.")

  if (!is.null(order) && !is.null(rows))
    stop("You must specify either order or cols.")

  if (!is.null(order)) {
    if (length(order) != ncol(x))
      stop("order parameter must have the same length as ncol(x)")

    if (!allow.duplicates && sum(duplicated(order)) > 0)
      stop("order parameter contains duplicated entries.")

    r <- range(order)
    if (is.na(r[1]))
      stop("order parameter contains NAs")
    if (r[1] < 1 || r[2] > nrow(x))
      stop("order parameter contains values that are out-of-range.")
  } else {
    order <- morderCols(x, rows, ...)

    "big.matrix" = {
      ReorderBigMatrixCols(x@address, order)
      SetColumnNames(x@address, colnames(x)[order])
    "matrix" = {
             'integer' = ReorderRIntMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
             'raw' = ReorderRRawMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
             'double' = ReorderRNumericMatrixCols(x, nrow(x), ncol(x), order),
             stop("Unsupported matrix value type."))
    stop("unimplemented class")



#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
setGeneric('is.readonly', function(x) standardGeneric('is.readonly'))

#' @rdname big.matrix
setMethod('is.readonly', signature(x='big.matrix'),
  function(x) IsReadOnly(x@address))

#' @rdname big.matrix
#' @export
is.nil <- function(address) {
  if (!inherits(address, "externalptr")) {
    stop("address is not an externalptr.")

getCType <- function(x) {
  if (!inherits(x, "big.matrix"))
    stop("getCType takes a big.matrix as an argument.")


.addDimnames <- function(retList, nrow, ncol, drop) {
  if (drop && !is.matrix(retList[[1]]) ) {
    if (length(retList[[1]]) > 1) {
      if (ncol == 1) {
        thesenames <- retList[[2]]
      } else if (nrow == 1)
        thesenames <- retList[[3]]
    } else {
      thesenames <- NULL
    if (!is.null(thesenames)) {
      names(retList[[1]]) <- thesenames
  } else {
    if (!is.matrix(retList[[1]])) { dim(retList[[1]]) <- c(nrow, ncol) }
    if (!is.null(retList[[2]]) || !is.null(retList[[3]])) {
      dimnames(retList[[1]]) <- list( retList[[2]], retList[[3]] )

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