# Copyright (C) 2013 Peter D. Wilson (
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 WavX, inc. (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# See for a copy of the license.
# Originally written in C by Chris Corben (
# Available here:
# More here:
# Ported in R by Peter Wilson (
# Available here:
# Further improvements and additions by WavX inc. (
#' Read Zero-Crossing files
#' Read Zero-Crossing files (.zc, .#) from various bat recorders
#' @param file a Zero-Crossing file.
#' @return an object of class 'zc'.
#' @export
#' @import moments
#' @import stringr
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' zc <- read_zc("file")
#' }
#' @rdname read_zc
read_zc <- function(file)
zc_data <- list(raw = raw <- readBin(file, what = "integer", n = 16384, size = 1, signed = FALSE))
nBytes <- length(raw)
md <- list( file = list(FTYPE = FTYPE <- raw[4]) )
if (FTYPE < 0x81 || FTYPE > 0x84)
stop("File type must be betwen 129 and 132.")
# Set Pointer to parameter table:
p <- raw[1] + raw[2] * 256 + 1L
if(p != 0x11a + 1)
stop("File is corrupted!")
md$file <- c(
read_header.zc(raw), # Read text header
read_settings.zc(p, raw) # Read settings
if (md$file$RES1 > 60000 || md$file$RES1 < 10000) stop("File is corrupted!")
if (raw[p + 4] > 64 || raw[p + 4] < 1) stop("File is corrupted!")
# Status byte:
# if 0 dot is out of range
# if 1 dot switched off
# if 2 dot normal
# if 3 dot is maindot (has been selected as part of call body)
zc_data$S <- rep_len(NA_integer_, 16384)
if (FTYPE == 129)
# Set pointer to data block
p <- raw[p] + raw[p + 1] * 256 + 1L
# Read data from old 129 file
zc_data <- read_zc.129(zc_data, p, md$file, raw)
if (FTYPE == 132)
md$file$DATE <- read_date_time.zc(p, raw)
md$file$GPS <- read_gps_data.zc(p, raw)
md$file$ALTITUDE <- read_altitude_data.zc(p, raw)
md$file$DATE <- NA # Time data stored in the filename
# Set pointer to data block
p <- raw[p] + raw[p + 1] * 256 + 1L
# Test for the existence of GUANO metadata
if (p != 0x150 + 1 && FTYPE == 0x84)
# Parse GUANO data
raw <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[(0x150+1):(p - 1)]))
split <- strsplit(raw, "[|]")[[1]]
try_coerce_to_numeric <- function(x)
suppressWarnings(y <- as.numeric(x))
ifelse( | grepl("[.]0$", x), x, y)
format_val <- function(val_split)
clean <- gsub("[\"]|[[]|[{]|[}]|[]]", "", val_split)
is_uneven <- as.logical(1:length(clean) %% 2)
lapply(clean[!is_uneven], try_coerce_to_numeric),
tmp <- lapply(
split[split != "Kaleidoscope"][-1],
if (grepl(x, pattern = "[:]"))
tmp2 <- strsplit(x, "[\n]")[[1L]]
tmp2 <- tmp2[!tmp2 %in% c("Anabat", "SB", "WA")]
tmp3 <- lapply(
split <- strsplit(x, "[:]")[[1L]]
if (length(split) > 2L)
if (grepl("^[[][{]", val <- paste(split[-1], collapse = ":")))
val_split <- strsplit(val, "[:]|[,]")[[1L]]
val <- format_val(val_split)
else if (grepl("^[{]", val))
val_split <- strsplit(val, '(\\[[^)]*\\](*SKIP)(*F)|\\,)|\\:', perl = TRUE)[[1L]]
val <- format_val(val_split)
return( setNames(list(val), split[1L]) )
return( setNames(list(try_coerce_to_numeric(split[2L])), split[1L]) )
unlist(tmp3, recursive = FALSE)
setNames(list(NULL), x)
tmp <- unlist(tmp, recursive = FALSE)
names(tmp)[1L] <- paste0(split[1L], "|", names(tmp)[1L])
md$guano <- tmp
# Read data from file types 130, 131 & 132
zc_data <- read_zc.130(zc_data, p, md$file, FTYPE, raw)
zc_data <- calc_freq.zc(zc_data, md$file) # Add frequency results to zc
# zc_data$S[zc_data$N] <- -2
md$file$n_data_points <- zc_data$N - 1
zc_data$N <- NULL
zc <- list(data = zc_data, metadata = md)
class(zc) <- "zc"
read_zc.129 <- function(zc_data, p, md_file, raw)
if(p != 0x120 + 1L) stop("File is corrupted!")
RES1 <- md_file$RES1
time_factor <- md_file$time_factor
t <- 1L
prevtime_interval <- s <- time <- 0L
time_data <- integer(16384)
nBytes <- length(raw)
t <- t + 1L # C/C++ indexing to R indexing
while (p <= nBytes)
if (raw[p] < 0x80)
# If bit8 = 0 (same as raw < 0x80 or 128):
# only one byte is used. The remaining 7 bits form a signed, two
# complement number (between -64 and 63) which is added to the value of
# the previous time interval to derive the value of the current time interval.
time_interval <- raw[p]
if (time_interval > 63) time_interval <- time_interval - 128
prevtime_interval <- prevtime_interval + time_interval
time_interval <- if (RES1 != 25000) floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + .5) else prevtime_interval
time_data[t] <- time <- time + time_interval
t <- t + 1
p <- p + 1
if (raw[p] > 0xf8)
# If bits 8 to 4 are all 1 (same as raw > 0xf8 or 248):
# the first 3 bits tell us how many of the following data points should
# be turned off, even if they represent valid signal times. This is
# because these points were edited off before the file was saved, but
# they are needed to correctly calculate the positions of following points.
s <- raw[p] - 0xf8
zc_data$S[t + 1:s] <- 1
p <- p + 1
# Bits 4 to 7 form an unsigned value n, and bits 1 to 3 form a value H.
# The 8 bits of the next data byte form a value L. The resulting time interval
# is: (H * 256 + L) shifted left n times.
n <- raw[p]
n <- bitwShiftR(n, 3) # Integer division
n <- bitwAnd(n, 0x0f)
time_interval <- bitwAnd(raw[p], 7) * 256 + raw[p + 1]
if (n > 0) time_interval <- bitwShiftL(time_interval, n)
prevtime_interval <- time_interval
if (RES1 != 25000) time_interval <- floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + .5)
time_data[t] <- time <- time_interval + time
t <- t + 1
p <- p + 2
zc_data$time_data <- time_data
zc_data$N <- t
read_zc.130 <- function(zc_data, p, md_file, FTYPE, raw)
time <- time_interval <- prevtime_interval <- s <- 0L
n <- 1 # Number of data points
time_data <- integer(16384)
n <- n + 1 # C indexing to R indexing
RES1 <- md_file$RES1
raw <- zc_data$raw
time_factor <- md_file$time_factor
if (p != 0x120 + 1 && FTYPE < 0x84) stop("File is corrupted!")
nBytes <- length(raw) # File length in bytes
while (p <= nBytes && n <= 16384)
if (raw[p] < 0x80)
# If bit8 = 0 (same as raw < 0x80 or 128):
# only one byte is used. The remaining 7 bits form a signed, two
# complement number (between -64 and 63) which is added to the value of
# the previous time interval to derive the value of the current time interval.
time_interval <- raw[p]
if (time_interval > 63) time_interval <- time_interval - 128
prevtime_interval <- time_interval <- prevtime_interval + time_interval
if (RES1 != 25000) time_interval <- floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + 0.5)
time_data[n] <- time <- time + time_interval
n <- n + 1
p <- p + 1
if (raw[p] >= 0xe0) # Indicates status change
# If bits 8 to 4 are all 1 (same as raw > 0xf8 or 248):
# the first 3 bits tell us how many of the following data points should
# be turned off, even if they represent valid signal times. This is
# because these points were edited off before the file was saved, but
# they are needed to correctly calculate the positions of following points.
if (FTYPE > 130) # File types 131 and 132
if (p + 1 >= nBytes) break
c <- bitwAnd(raw[p], 3)
s <- raw[p + 1]
if ((n + s - 1) > 16383) s <- 16384 - n # limit index to arrays
zc_data$S[n + 1:s] <- c
p <- p + 2
else # File type 130
s <- raw[p] - 0xe0
if ((n + s - 1) > 16383) s <- 16384 - n # limit index to arrays
zc_data$S[n + 1:s - 1] <- 1
p <- p + 1
# Bits 6 and 7 indicate the case:
# 0: time interval encoded in one byte
# 32: time interval encoded in two bytes
# 64: time interval encoded in three bytes
case <- bitwAnd(raw[p], 0x60)
if (case == 0)
zc_data$S[n] <- 2
if (p + 1 >= nBytes) break
prevtime_interval <- time_interval <- bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(raw[p], 0x1f), 8) + raw[p + 1]
if (RES1 != 25000) time_interval <- floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + 0.5)
time_data[n] <- time <- time + time_interval
n <- n + 1
p <- p + 2
else if (case == 0x20) # 32
if (p + 2 >= nBytes) break
prevtime_interval <- time_interval <- bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(raw[p], 0x1f), 16) + bitwShiftL(raw[p + 1], 8) + raw[p + 2]
if (RES1 != 25000) time_interval <- floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + 0.5)
time_data[n] <- time <- time + time_interval
n <- n + 1
p <- p + 3
else if (case == 0x40) # 64
if (p + 3 >= nBytes) break
prevtime_interval <- time_interval <- bitwShiftL(bitwAnd(raw[p], 0x1f), 24) + bitwShiftL(raw[p + 1], 16) + bitwShiftL(raw[p + 2], 8) + raw[p + 3]
if (RES1 != 25000) time_interval <- floor(time_factor * prevtime_interval + 0.5)
time_data[n] <- time <- time + time_interval
n <- n + 1
p <- p + 4
zc_data$time_data <- time_data
zc_data$N <- n
read_altitude_data.zc <- function(p, raw)
as.integer(rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 50:53])))
read_date_time.zc <- function(p, raw)
# Date and time at start of file
# 0x120 word year (eg 2001)
# 0x122 byte month (Jan=1, Dec=12)
# 0x123 byte day (1st=1 etc)
# 0x124 byte hour (0-23)
# 0x125 byte minute (0-59)
# 0x126 byte second (0-59)
# 0x127 byte hundredsth of a second (0-99)
# 0x128 word microseconds (0-9999)
YEAR <- raw[p + 6] + 256 * raw[p + 7]
MON <- stringr::str_pad(raw[p + 8], width = 2, pad = 0)
DAY <- stringr::str_pad(raw[p + 9], width = 2, pad = 0)
HOURS <- stringr::str_pad(raw[p + 10], width = 2, pad = 0)
MINS <- stringr::str_pad(raw[p + 11], width = 2, pad = 0)
SECS <- stringr::str_pad(raw[p + 12], width = 2, pad = 0)
HUNDS <- raw[p + 13]
MICROS <- raw[p + 14] + 256 * raw[p + 15]
paste0(YEAR, MON, DAY, "_", HOURS, ":", MINS, ":", SECS, ".", str_pad(HUNDS * 100 + MICROS, width = 6, pad = 0))
read_gps_data.zc <- function(p, raw)
# 0x0130-0x014f 32 bytes GPS position data
# 0x0130-0x0139 10 bytes specifying datum
# 0x013a if numeric, specifies UTM data
# 0x013a-0x013c 3 bytes for Zone (eg "10S")
# 0x013d char(32)
# 0x013e-0x0143 6 bytes for Easting in metres
# 0x0144 char(32)
# 0x0145-0x014b 7 bytes for Northing in metres
# 0x013a if 'N' or 'S', specifies Degree data
# 0x013b-0x013c 2 bytes for latitude Degrees
# 0x013d-0x0141 5 bytes for decimal Degrees
# 0x0142 char(32)
# 0x0143 'W' or 'E'
# 0x0144-0x0146 3 bytes for longitude Degrees
# 0x0147-0x014b 5 bytes for decimal Degrees
# 0x014c-0x014f 4 bytes for Altitude in metres (-999 to 9999)
DATUM <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 22:31])))
UTM_OR_DEGREE <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 32]))
if (UTM_OR_DEGREE %in% c('N', 'S'))
LAT_DEG <- as.integer(rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 33:34])))
LAT_DEC_DEG <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 35:39]))
LAT <- paste0(as.integer(LAT_DEG), ".", LAT_DEC_DEG, " ", UTM_OR_DEGREE)
W_OR_E <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 41]))
LONG_DEG <- as.integer(rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 42:44])))
LONG_DEC_DEG <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 45:49]))
LONG <- paste0(LONG_DEG, ".", LONG_DEC_DEG, " ", W_OR_E)
GPS <- paste0(DATUM, " ", LAT, ", ", LONG)
ZONE <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 32:34]))
EASTING <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 36:41]))
NORTHING <- rawToChar(as.raw(raw[p + 43:49]))
GPS <- paste0(DATUM, " ", ZONE, " ", EASTING, ", ", NORTHING)
read_header.zc <- function(raw)
raw <- as.raw(raw[7:281])
# At some point in the past it appears that there was a bug in the Anabat
# software so that null or zero bytes would be written into the text header
# fields instead of ASCII 32 for a space. It only shows up in a few files for
# example in the NSW Bat Call Library data set. This patch should fix this
# problem. Patch contributed by Peter Wilson (
raw[raw == 0] <- charToRaw(" ")
TAPE <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[1:8]))
DATE <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[9:16]))
LOC <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[17:56]))
SPECIES <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[57:106]))
SPEC <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[107:122]))
NOTE <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[123:196]))
NOTE1 <- stringr::str_trim(rawToChar(raw[197:275]))
read_settings.zc <- function(p, raw)
RES1 <- raw[p + 2] + 256 * raw[p + 3] # Number of counts (derived from ZCAIM) which represent a time interval
# of 25ms = 25000 unless recalibration is in effect
time_factor <- RES1 / 25000
DIVRAT <- raw[p + 4] # Division ratio
VRES <- raw[p + 5] # This value is used to determine what value of SCALE is to be used.
# The value (VRES AND 0x70) / 16 is used to lookup a table which gives SCALE, ie:
# (VRES AND 70h)/16 SCALE
# 0 10
# 1 25
# 2 50
# 3 100
# 4 250
# 5 500
# 6 1000
# 7 2500
list(RES1 = RES1, DIVRAT = DIVRAT, VRES = VRES, time_factor = time_factor)
# Calculates the frequency data from the time data
# filling F with data derived from DIVRAT and time_data
calc_freq.zc <- function(zc_data, md_file)
DIVRAT <- md_file$DIVRAT # Division ratio
time_data <- zc_data$time_data
N <- zc_data$N
freq_data <- rep_len(NA, length(time_data)) # Frequency data (Hz)
zc_data$S[1:2] <- if (md_file$FTYPE == 129) 0 else 0:1
Tmin <- ceiling(DIVRAT * 4) # corresponds to 4 kHz
Tmax <- floor(DIVRAT * 250) # corresponds to 250 kHz
if (Tmin < 48) Tmin <- 48
if (Tmax > 12859) Tmax <- 12859
time_diff <- diff(time_data[1:N], lag = 2)
freq_data[3:N][time_diff >= Tmin & time_diff <= Tmax] <- (DIVRAT * 1e6) %/% time_diff[time_diff >= Tmin & time_diff <= Tmax]
# zc$S[3:N][td >= Tmin & td <= Tmax] <- 2
zc_data$freq_data <- freq_data
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