
Defines functions check_secondary_pars secondary_model_data

Documented in check_secondary_pars secondary_model_data

#' Metainformation of secondary growth models
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Provides different types of meta-data about the secondary growth models included
#' in biogrowth. This information is the basis of the automatic checks, and can also
#' help in the definition of models for [predict_growth()] and [fit_growth()].
#' @param model_name The name of the model or `NULL` (default).
#' @return
#' If model_name is `NULL`, returns a character string with the available models.
#' If is a valid identifier, it returns a list with metainformation about the model.
#' If model_name name is not a valid identifier, raises an error.
#' @export
secondary_model_data <- function(model_name=NULL) {

    model_data <- list(CPM = list(identifier = "CPM",
                                  name = "Cardinal Parameter Model",
                                  pars = c("xmin", "xopt", "xmax", "n"),
                                  model = CPM_model,
                                  ref = paste("Rosso, L., Lobry, J. R., Bajard, S., and Flandrois, J. P. (1995).",
                                  "Convenient Model To Describe the Combined Effects of Temperature and pH on",
                                  "Microbial Growth. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 61(2), 610-616.")
                       Zwietering = list(identifier = "Zwietering",
                                         name = "Zwietering gamma function",
                                         pars = c("xmin", "xopt", "n"),
                                         model = zwietering_gamma,
                                         ref = paste("Zwietering, Marcel H., Wijtzes, T., De Wit, J. C., and Riet,",
                                         "K. V. (1992). A Decision Support System for Prediction of the Microbial",
                                         "Spoilage in Foods. Journal of Food Protection, 55(12), 973-979.",
                       fullRatkowsky = list(identifier = "fullRatkowsky",
                                            name = "(Adapted) Full Ratkowsky model",
                                            pars = c("xmin", "xmax", "c"),
                                            model = full_Ratkowski,
                                            ref = paste("Ratkowsky, D. A., Lowry, R. K., McMeekin, T. A.,",
                                                        "Stokes, A. N., and Chandler, R. E. (1983). Model for",
                                                        "bacterial culture growth rate throughout the entire",
                                                        "biokinetic temperature range. Journal of Bacteriology,",
                                                        "154(3), 1222-1226.")

    if (is.null(model_name)) {

    my_model <- model_data[[model_name]]

    if (is.null(my_model)) {
        stop(paste("Unknown model name:", model_name))
    } else {


#' Basic checks of secondary parameters
#' Checks that the model names are correct, that no parameter is defined twice,
#' that every parameter is defined and that no unknown parameter has been defined.
#' Raises an error if any of these conditions is not met.
#' @inheritParams fit_secondary_growth
#' @param primary_pars Character vector with the parameter names of the primary model.
#' @return NULL
check_secondary_pars <- function(starting_point, known_pars, sec_model_names,
                                 primary_pars = "mu_opt") {
    ## Check no parameter is defined twice
    if (any(names(starting_point) %in% names(known_pars))) {
        stop("Parameters cannot be defined as both fixed and to be fitted.")
    par_names <- c(names(starting_point), names(known_pars))
    ## Check the primary_pars are defined
    missing_primary <- primary_pars[!primary_pars %in% par_names]
    if (length(missing_primary) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Parameter not defined:", missing_primary, "\n"))
    ## Get rid of primary parameters
    my_regex <- paste(primary_pars, collapse="|")
    par_names <- par_names[!grepl(my_regex, par_names)]
    # if (! "mu_opt" %in% par_names) {
    #     stop("Parameter not defined: mu_opt")
    # }
    # par_names <- par_names[!grepl("mu_opt", par_names)]  # We do not do further checks with it
    ## Checks for secondary model
    for (each_factor in names(sec_model_names)) {
        ## (Indirectly) check the model exists
        model_data <- secondary_model_data(sec_model_names[[each_factor]])
        req_pars <- paste0(each_factor, "_", model_data$pars)
        ## Check every required parameter is defined
        missing_pars <- req_pars[!req_pars %in% par_names]
        if (length(missing_pars) > 0) {
            stop(paste("Parameter not defined:", missing_pars, "\n"))
        ## Check there is no unrecognized parameter
        this_pars <- par_names[grepl(paste0(each_factor, "_"), par_names)]
        unknown_pars <- this_pars[!this_pars %in% req_pars]
        if (length(unknown_pars) > 0) {
            stop(paste("Unknown parameter: ", unknown_pars, "\n"))
    ## Check there is no parameter left
    my_regex <- paste(paste0(names(sec_model_names), "_"), collapse="|")
    wtpars <- par_names[!grepl(my_regex, par_names)]
    if (length(wtpars) > 0) {
        stop(paste("Unknown parameter: ", wtpars, "\n"))


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biogrowth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:17 a.m.