
Defines functions predict_isothermal_growth richards_model logistic_model trilinear_model iso_repGompertz iso_Baranyi

Documented in iso_Baranyi iso_repGompertz logistic_model predict_isothermal_growth richards_model trilinear_model

#' Isothermal Baranyi model
#' Baranyi growth model as defined by Baranyi and Roberts (1994). We use the solution
#' calculated by Poschet et al. (2005, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2004.10.008)
#' after log-transformation according to MONTE CARLO ANALYSIS FOR MICROBIAL GROWTH CURVES,
#' by Oksuz and Buzrul.
#' @param times Numeric vector of storage times
#' @param logN0 Initial log microbial count
#' @param mu Maximum specific growth rate (in ln CFU/[t])
#' @param lambda Lag phase duration
#' @param logNmax Maximum log microbial count
#' @return Numeric vector with the predicted microbial count.
iso_Baranyi <- function(times, logN0, mu, lambda, logNmax) {
    ## Comprobation using the "other" formulation  --> it does return the same
    # mu <- mu*log(10)  # This one is defined in a different scale
    # inside <- exp(-mu * times) + exp(-mu*lambda) - exp(-mu*times - mu*lambda)
    # A <- times + 1/mu*log(inside)
    # logN <- logN0 + mu/log(10)*A - 1/log(10)*log(1 + (exp(mu*A) - 1)/(10^(logNmax - logN0)))
    num <- 1 + exp(log(10)*mu*(times - lambda)) - exp(-log(10)*mu*lambda)
    den <- exp(log(10)*mu*(times-lambda)) - exp(-log(10)*mu*lambda) + 10^(logNmax - logN0)
    logN <- logNmax + log10(num/den)



#' Reparameterized Gompertz model
#' Reparameterized Gompertz growth model defined by Zwietering et al. (1990).
#' @inheritParams iso_Baranyi
#' @param C Difference between `logN0` and the maximum log-count.
#' @return Numeric vector with the predicted microbial count.
#' @aliases modGompertz gompertz
iso_repGompertz <- function(times, logN0, C, mu, lambda) {
    # mu <- mu/log(10)
    exponent <- (mu/C)*exp(1)*(lambda - times) +1
    logN <- logN0 + C*exp( -exp( exponent ) )

    # logN <- logN0 + C*(exp(-exp( exp(1)*(mu/C)*(lambda-times)+1 )))



#' Trilinear growth model
#' Trilinear growth model defined by Buchanan et al. (1997).
#' @inheritParams iso_Baranyi
#' @return Numeric vector with the predicted microbial count.
trilinear_model <- function(times, logN0, mu, lambda, logNmax) {
    # mu <- mu/log(10)

    logN <- logN0 + mu*(times - lambda)
    logN[times < lambda] <- logN0
    logN[logN>logNmax] <- logNmax



#' Logistic growth model
#' @inheritParams iso_repGompertz
#' @return Numeric vector with the predicted microbial count
logistic_model <- function(times, logN0, mu, lambda, C) {
    # mu <- mu/log(10)
    logN <- logN0 + C/(1 + exp(4*mu/C*(lambda-times) + 2))

#' Richards growth model
#' @inheritParams iso_repGompertz
#' @param nu Parameter describing the transition between growth phases
richards_model <- function(times, logN0, mu, lambda, C, nu) {
    # mu <- mu/log(10)
    exp_part <- 1 + nu + mu/C*(1+nu)^(1 + 1/nu)*(lambda-times)
    logN <- logN0 + C*(1 + nu*exp(exp_part))^(-1/nu)

#' Isothermal microbial growth
#' @description 
#' `r lifecycle::badge("superseded")`
#' The function [predict_isothermal_growth()] has been superseded by the top-level
#' function [predict_growth()], which provides a unified approach for growth modelling.
#' Regardless of that, it can still be used to predict population growth under static 
#' environmental conditions (i.e. using primary models).
#' @param model_name Character defining the growth model.
#' @param times Numeric vector of storage times for the predictions.
#' @param model_pars Named vector or list defining the values of the model parameters.
#' @param check Whether to do basic checks (TRUE by default).
#' @param logbase_mu Base of the logarithm the growth rate is referred to. 
#' By default, the same as logbase_logN. See vignette about units for details. 
#' @param logbase_logN Base of the logarithm for the population size. By default,
#' 10 (i.e. log10). See vignette about units for details.
#' @return An instance of [IsothermalGrowth()].
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Define the simulations parameters
#' my_model <- "modGompertz"
#' my_pars <- list(logN0 = 2, C = 6, mu = .2, lambda = 25)
#' my_time <- seq(0, 100, length = 1000)
#' ## Do the simulation
#' static_prediction <- predict_isothermal_growth(my_model, my_time, my_pars)
#' ## Plot the results
#' plot(static_prediction)
predict_isothermal_growth <- function(model_name, times, model_pars, check = TRUE,
                                      logbase_mu = 10, logbase_logN = 10) {

    ## Check the model parameters
    model_pars <- as.list(model_pars)

    if (isTRUE(check)) {

        check_primary_pars(model_name, model_pars)

    ## Apply the logbase transformation to mu
    simul_pars <- model_pars
    simul_pars$mu <- simul_pars$mu/log(10, base = logbase_mu)
    ## Convert logN0, C and logNmax to log10
    simul_pars$C <- simul_pars$C*log10(logbase_logN)
    simul_pars$logN0 <- simul_pars$logN0*log10(logbase_logN)
    simul_pars$logNmax <- simul_pars$logNmax*log10(logbase_logN)

    ## Calculate the prediction

    logN <- switch(model_name,
           modGompertz = iso_repGompertz(times, simul_pars$logN0, simul_pars$C,
                                         simul_pars$mu, simul_pars$lambda),
           Baranyi = iso_Baranyi(times, simul_pars$logN0, simul_pars$mu,
                                 simul_pars$lambda, simul_pars$logNmax),
           Trilinear = trilinear_model(times, simul_pars$logN0, simul_pars$mu,
           Logistic = logistic_model(times, simul_pars$logN0, simul_pars$mu,
                                     simul_pars$lambda, simul_pars$C),
           Richards = richards_model(times, simul_pars$logN0, simul_pars$mu,
                                     simul_pars$lambda, simul_pars$C,
           stop(paste("Unknown model:", model_name))
    ## Convert logN to logbase_logN
    logN <- logN/log10(logbase_logN)

    ## Prepare the output

    my_sim <- tibble(time = times, logN = logN)

    out <- list(simulation = my_sim,
                model = model_name,
                pars = model_pars,
                logbase_mu = logbase_mu,
                logbase_logN = logbase_logN

    class(out) <- c("IsothermalGrowth", class(out))



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