
Defines functions CDpca

Documented in CDpca

#             Function CDpca                #

CDpca <- function(data, class = NULL,  P, Q, SDPinitial = FALSE,  tol=10^(-5), maxit, r, cdpcaplot= TRUE) {
        # CDpca performs a clustering and disjoint principal components analysis
        # on the given numeric data matrix and returns a list of results 
        # Args:
        #  data: data frame (numeric). 
        #  class: vector (numeric) or 0, if classes of objects are unknown.
        #  fixAtt: vector (numeric) or 0, for a selection of attributes.
        #  SDPinitial: 1 or 0, for random initialization of U and V
        #  nnloads: 1 or 0, for nonnegative loadings
        #  cdpcaplot: integer: 1 or 0, if no plot is displayed.
        #  Q: integer, number of clusters of variables.
        #  P: integer, number of clusters of objects.
        #  tol: real number, small positive tolerance.
        #  maxit: integer, maximum of iterations.
        #  r: number of runs of the cdpca algoritm for the final solution.
        # Returns:
        #  iter: iterations used in the best loop for computing the best solution
        #  loop: best loop number
        #  timebestloop: computation time on the best loop
        #  timeallloops: computation time for all loops
        #  Y: the component score matrix
        #  Ybar: the object centroids matrix in the reduced space
        #  A: the component loading matrix
        #  U: the partition of objects
        #  V: the partition of variables
        #  F: function to maximize
        #  bcdev: between cluster deviance
        #  bcdevTotal: between cluster deviance over the total variability
        #  tableclass: cdpca classification
        #  pseudocm: pseudo confusion matrix of the real and cdpca classifications
        #  Enorm: error norm for the obtained cdpca model
        #CDPCA is applied on normalized data (mean zero and unit variance)
        #             Function RandMat              #
        RandMat <- function(dim1, dim2) {
                # Generates a random binary and row stochastic matrix.
                # Args:
                #  dim1: number of rows.
                #  dim2: number of columns.
                # Returns:
                #  The random matrix (dim1xdim2) with only one nonzero element per row.
                U0 <- matrix(0, dim1, dim2)
                U0[1:dim2, 1:dim2] <- diag(dim2)
                for (j in (dim2+1):dim1){
                        p <- sample(1:dim2, 1)
                        U0[j, p] <- 1
        }  # end RandMat function
        # SDP initialization 
        SDPinitialization <- function(dim1,dim2,D,data){
                # Generates a binary and row stochastic matrix
                # using SDP-based approach
                # Args:
                #  dim1: number of rows.
                #  dim2: number of columns.
                # Returns:
                #  The random matrix (dim1xdim2) with only one nonzero element per row.
                # approximate solution for clustering
                em <- cbind(rep(1,dim1))
                matIem <- diag(dim1)-(1/dim1)*em%*%t(em)
                if (dim1 == dim(data)[1]){
                        data <- D
                        data <- t(D)
                So <- matIem%*%data%*%t(data)%*%matIem
                matF <- matrix(svd(So)$v[, 1:(dim2-1)], ncol = dim2-1)
                matFFT <- matF%*%t(matF)
                # approximate solution to the SDP-based model for clustering
                Z.bar <- matFFT + 1/dim1 *em%*%t(em)
                # refine solutions
                cent <- Z.bar%*%data
                centunique <- unique(cent)
                t <- dim(centunique)[1]
                # initial kmeans step
                indcentroids <- sort(sample(1:t, dim2, replace=FALSE), decreasing=FALSE)
                centroids <- centunique[indcentroids, ] 
                solkmeans <- kmeans(data, centroids, iter.max = 100000)
                M <- matrix(0, dim1, dim2)
                for (i in 1:dim1){
                        M[i, solkmeans$cluster[i]] <- 1
        data.sd <- data.frame(scale(data, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))  
        I <- dim(data)[1]  					# number of objects I
        J <- dim(data)[2]  					# number of variables J
        Xs <- as.matrix(data.sd*sqrt(I/(I-1)))  	# matrix of normalized data (with variance divided by I)
        # matriz X (I x J) (obs x vars), numeric matrix argument
        tfbest <- matrix(0, r, 1)  # computational time at each loop
        # Run CDPCA ALS algorithm r times
        for (loop in 1:r) {
                t1 <- proc.time()
                # Initialization
                iter <- 0
                # SDP initialization or not?
                if (SDPinitial){
                        U <- SDPinitialization(I, P, Xs, data)
                        V <- SDPinitialization(J, Q, Xs, data)
                        U <- RandMat(I, P)
                        V <- RandMat(J, Q)
                #Set of the variables
                X.bar <- diag(1/colSums(U))%*%t(U)%*%Xs  	# (PxJ) object centroid matrix. It identifies the P centroids in the variable space
                X.group <- U%*%X.bar  				# (IxJ) matrix. Each object in the data matrix is replaced by its centroid.
                vJ <- matrix(1:J, ncol = 1)
                zJ <- matrix(0, J, 1)
                zQ <- matrix(0, 1, Q)
                # matrix A
                A <- matrix(0, J, Q)	
                for (j in 1: Q) {
                        Jxx <- which(V[, j] == 1)
                        len.Jxx <- length(Jxx)
                        if (sum(V[, j])>1) {
                                if (I >= len.Jxx) {
                                        # CASE 1: I >= J (more observations than variables)
                                        S.group <- t(X.group[, Jxx])%*%X.group[, Jxx] 
                                        A[Jxx, j] <- powerMethod(S.group)$vector							
                                        # CASE 2: I < J ( more variables than observations)
                                        SS.group <- X.group[, Jxx]%*%t(X.group[, Jxx])
                                        PMinitial <- powerMethod(SS.group)							
                                        A[Jxx, j] <- t(X.group[, Jxx])%*%PMinitial$vector/sqrt(PMinitial$value)
                                }  # end if	
                                A[Jxx, j] <- 1
                        }  # end if
                }  # end for
                A0 <- A
                Y.bar <- X.bar%*%A  				# (PxQ) object centroid matrix. It identifies the P centroids in the reduced space of the Q principal components.
                F0 <- sum(diag(t(U%*%Y.bar)%*%U%*%Y.bar))   # Objective function to maximize.
                Fmax <- F0  
                conv <- 2*tol
                while (conv > tol) {	
                        iter <- iter+1
                        Y <- Xs%*%A 					 # (IxQ) component score matrix. It identifies the I objects in the reduced space of the Q principal components.
                        U <- matrix(0, I, P)
                        # update U
                        for (i in 1:I) {	
                                dist <- rep(0, P)
                                for (p in 1:P) {	
                                        dist[p] <- sum((Y[i, ]-Y.bar[p, ])^2)
                                } # end for	
                                min.dist <- which.min(dist)
                                U[i, min.dist] <- 1
                        }  # end for
                        su <- colSums(U)
                        while (sum(su == 0) > 0) {
                                ind.max <- which.max(su)  # p2
                                su.max <- max(su)  # m2
                                ind.min <- which.min(su)  # p1
                                su.min <- min(su)  # m1
                                ind.nzU <- which(U[, ind.max] == 1)
                                ind.sel <- ind.nzU[1:floor(su.max)/2]
                                U[ind.sel, ind.min] <- 1
                                U[ind.sel, ind.max] <- 0
                                su <- colSums(U)
                        }  # end while
                        # Given U and A compute X.bar
                        X.bar <- diag(1/colSums(U))%*%t(U)%*%Xs
                        Y.bar <- X.bar%*%A
                        X.group <- U%*%X.bar
                        # Update V and A
                        for (j in 1:J) {
                                posmax <- which(V[j, ] == 1)
                                for (g in 1:Q) {
                                        V[j, ] <- diag(Q)[g, ]
                                        if (g!=posmax) {  ### if 1
                                                for (gg in c(g,posmax)) {      	   
                                                        xx <- V[, gg]
                                                        Jxx <- which(xx == 1)
                                                        len.Jxx <- length(Jxx)
                                                        A[, gg] <- zJ
                                                        if (sum(xx) > 1) {
                                                                if (I >= len.Jxx) {
                                                                        # CASE 1: I >= J (more observations than variables)
                                                                        S.group <- t(X.group[, Jxx])%*%X.group[, Jxx]
                                                                        A[Jxx, gg] <- matrix(powerMethod(S.group)$vector, nrow = len.Jxx)					
                                                                        # CASE 2: I < J (more variables than observations)
                                                                        SS.group <- X.group[, Jxx]%*%t(X.group[, Jxx])
                                                                        PMgeneral <- powerMethod(SS.group)										
                                                                        A[Jxx, gg] <- matrix((t(X.group[, Jxx])%*%PMgeneral$vector/sqrt(PMgeneral$value))[, 1], nrow = len.Jxx)
                                                                }  # end if
                                                                if (sum(xx)==1) {
                                                                        A[Jxx, gg] <- 1
                                                                }  # end if
                                                        }  # end if
                                                }  # end for
                                        }  # end ### if 1
                                        Y.bar <- X.bar%*%A
                                        F <- sum(diag(t(U%*%Y.bar)%*%U%*%Y.bar))
                                        if (F > Fmax) {
                                                Fmax <- F
                                                posmax <- g
                                                A0 <- A
                                                A <- A0
                                        }  # end if
                                }  # end for
                                V[j, ]=diag(Q)[posmax, ]
                        }  # end for
                        Y <- Xs%*%A
                        Y.bar <- X.bar%*%A
                        F <- sum(diag(t(U%*%Y.bar)%*%U%*%Y.bar))
                        conv <- F-F0
                        if (conv > tol) {
                                F0 <- F
                                A0 <- A
                        }  # end if
                        if (iter == maxit) {
                                print("Maximum iterations reached.")
                        }  # end if
                }  # end while
                # Computation time for each loop
                t2 <- proc.time()
                tfinal <- t2-t1
                tfbest[loop] <- tfinal[3]  
                #Results to be observed in each run of CDpca
                # BetClusDevTotal <- F/(I*J)*100  			# between cluster deviance (two different formula for the same thing)
                BetClusDev <- (F/sum(diag(t(Y)%*%Y)))*100  		# between cluster deviance
                tabperloop <- data.frame(cbind(loop, iter, tfinal[3], BetClusDev, F, conv))  
                rownames(tabperloop) <- c(" ")
                colnames(tabperloop) <- c("Loop", "Iter", "Loop time", "Between cluster deviance(%):", "F", "Convergence")
                print(tabperloop)  # Loop display
                if (loop == 1) {
                        Vcdpca <- V
                        Ucdpca <- U
                        X.barcdpca <- diag(1/colSums(Ucdpca))%*%t(Ucdpca)%*%Xs
                        Acdpca <- A
                        Ycdpca <- Xs%*%Acdpca
                        Y.barcdpca <- X.barcdpca%*%Acdpca
                        Fcdpca <- F
                        loopcdpca <- 1	
                        itercdpca <- iter
                        convcdpca <- conv
                }  # end if
                if (F > Fcdpca) {
                        Vcdpca <- V
                        Ucdpca <- U
                        X.barcdpca <- diag(1/colSums(Ucdpca))%*%t(Ucdpca)%*%Xs
                        Acdpca <- A
                        Ycdpca <- Xs%*%Acdpca
                        Y.barcdpca <- X.barcdpca%*%Acdpca
                        Fcdpca <- F
                        loopcdpca <- loop	
                        itercdpca <- iter
                        convcdpca <- conv
                }  # end if
        }  # end for loop
        # Computation time for all loops
        # maximum between cluster deviance
        BetClusDevTotal <- Fcdpca/(I*J)*100  # (sum(diag(var(Y)))*(I-1))*100
        BetClusDev <- (sum(diag(t(Ucdpca%*%Y.barcdpca)%*%(Ucdpca%*%Y.barcdpca)))/sum(diag(t(Ycdpca)%*%Ycdpca)))*100
        # error in cdpca model
        Enormcdpca <- 1/I*norm(Xs-Ucdpca%*%Y.barcdpca%*%t(Acdpca), "F")
        # Table Real vs CDPCA classification
        classcdpca <- Ucdpca%*%as.matrix(1:ncol(Ucdpca))
        if (!is.null(class)){  
                class <- data.frame(class)
                maxclass <- max(class)
        # Variability of Ycdpca and in decreasing order 
        varYcdpca <- var(Ycdpca)
        d <- round(diag(varYcdpca)*100/J, 2)
        dorder <- d[order(d, decreasing = TRUE)]
        tablevar <- data.frame(1:Q, d)
        colnames(tablevar) <- c("Dim", "Var (%)")
        # Presentation of the matrices associated to the CDPCA component sorted by their variances.
        Yorder <- t(t(rbind(d, Ycdpca))[order(d, decreasing = TRUE), ])[-1, ]
        Ybarorder <- t(t(rbind(d, Y.barcdpca))[order(d, decreasing=TRUE),])[-1, ]
        Aorder <- t(t(rbind(d, Acdpca))[order(d, decreasing = TRUE), ])[-1, ]
        Vorder <- t(t(rbind(d, Vcdpca))[order(d, decreasing = TRUE), ])[-1, ]
        # We can check the model using these column sort matrices and observe that
        # Ucdpca%*%Y.barcdpca%*%t(Acdpca) = Ucdpca%*%Ybarorder%*%t(Aorder)
        if ( is.null(class) ) {
                realclasstrue <- 2
                pseudocm <- NULL
                tabrealcdpca <- data.frame(classcdpca)
                colnames(tabrealcdpca) <- c("CDPCA Class")
                realclasstrue <- 3
                tabrealcdpca <- data.frame(class, classcdpca)
                colnames(tabrealcdpca) <- c("Real Class", "CDPCA Class")		
                # pseudo-confusion matrix
                pseudocm <- table(tabrealcdpca)
        }  # end if
        # PLOTS: CDPCA classification
        if (cdpcaplot) {													
                displaygraphics <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
                par(mfrow = c(1, realclasstrue))
                if (realclasstrue == 3) {
                        # plot1
                        matplot(Yorder[, 1], Yorder[, 2], xlab = "Dim 1", ylab = "Dim 2", type = "n", main = "Real classification")
                        for (i in 1:maxclass) { points(Yorder[, 1][class == i], Yorder[, 2][class == i], pch = 1, col = i+1) }
                        # plot2
                        matplot(Yorder[, 1], Yorder[, 2], xlab = paste(" Dim 1  (", (dorder[1]), " % )"), ylab = paste(" Dim 2  (", (dorder[2]), " % )"), type = "n", main = "CDPCA classification")
                        for (i in 1:P) { points(Yorder[, 1][classcdpca == i], Yorder[, 2][classcdpca == i], pch = 2, col = i+1) }
                        points(Ybarorder[, 1], Ybarorder[, 2],pch = 15)  # introduce the centroids into the plot
                        # plot3 (legend)
                        matplot(Y.barcdpca, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
                        legend("topleft", pch = 1, col=c(2:(maxclass+1)), legend = c(1:maxclass), ncol = maxclass)
                        legend("bottomleft", pch = 2, col=c(2:(P+1)), legend = 1:P, ncol = P)
                        # plot2
                        matplot(Yorder[, 1], Yorder[, 2], xlab = paste(" Dim 1  (", (dorder[1]), " % )"), ylab = paste(" Dim 2  (", (dorder[2]), " % )"),type = "n", main = "CDPCA classification")
                        for (i in 1:P) { points(Yorder[, 1][classcdpca == i], Yorder[, 2][classcdpca == i], pch = 2, col = i+1)}
                        points(Ybarorder[, 1],Ybarorder[, 2], pch = 15)  # introduce the centroids into the plot
                        # plot3 (legend)
                        matplot(Y.barcdpca, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
                        legend("bottomleft", pch = 2, col=c(2:(P+1)), legend = 1:P, ncol = P)		
                }	 # end if	
        } #end if cdpcaplot
        # OUTPUT
        list(timeallloops = tftotal,
             timebestloop = tfbest[loopcdpca],
             loop = loopcdpca,
             iter = itercdpca,
             bcdevTotal = BetClusDevTotal ,
             bcdev = BetClusDev ,
             V = Vorder,
             U = Ucdpca,
             A = Aorder,
             F = Fcdpca,
             Enorm = Enormcdpca,
             tableclass = tabrealcdpca,
             pseudocm = pseudocm,
             Y = Yorder,
             Ybar = Ybarorder,
             dorder = dorder,
             Xscale = Xs)
}  # end CDpca function

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