
Defines functions add_cta_button

Documented in add_cta_button

#' Create an HTML fragment for a CTA button
#' Create the HTML fragment for a call to action button. This can be used as
#' part of the email body but, since this HTML, it must be contained within
#' [md()]. There are options to specify the button text, the URL, and the
#' button's alignment.
#' @param url A URL for the button.
#' @param text The text that is placed atop the CTA button.
#' @param align The alignment of the button inside the main content area.
#'   Options are `"center"` (the default), `"left"`, and `"right"`.
#' @return A character object with an HTML fragment that can be placed inside
#'   the message body wherever the CTA button should appear.
#' @examples
#' # Create the button as an HTML fragment
#' cta_button <-
#'   add_cta_button(
#'     url = "http://www.website.net",
#'     text = "Press This Button"
#'   )
#' # Include the button in the email
#' # message body by using it as part of
#' # a vector inside of `md()`
#' email <-
#'   compose_email(
#'     body = md(
#'       c(
#'   "Pressing the button will take
#'   you to an example website",
#'   cta_button
#'       )
#'     )
#'   )
#' if (interactive()) email
#' @export
add_cta_button <- function(
    align = "center"
) {

        align = align,
            style = css(
              background_color = "#2288DD",
              border_radius = "6px",
              padding = "10px 20px"
              style = css(
                color = "white",
                text_decoration = "none",
                font_weight = "bold"
              href = url,

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

blastula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:22 a.m.