## compute undirected K-L divergence across all draws
## (each draw paired with one from another chain)
samp_kls <- function(lavjags = NULL,
lavmodel = NULL,
lavpartable = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL,
lavoptions = NULL,
lavcache = NULL,
lavdata = NULL,
lavmcmc = NULL,
lavobject = NULL,
thin = 1,
conditional = FALSE){
## need to implement plummer's approach of generating y_rep
##mis <- FALSE
##if(any( mis <- TRUE
##if(mis | lavInspect(lavobject, "categorical")) stop("blavaan ERROR: K-L divergence not implemented for missing data or ordinal variables.")
itnums <- sampnums(lavjags, thin = thin)
lavmcmc <- lapply(lavmcmc, function(x) x[itnums,])
draws <-"rbind", lavmcmc)
ndraws <- nrow(draws)
halfdraws <- floor(ndraws/2)
ngroups <- lavsamplestats@ngroups
klres <- rep(NA, halfdraws)
for(i in 1:halfdraws){
lavmodel0 <- fill_params(draws[i,], lavmodel, lavpartable)
lavmodel1 <- fill_params(draws[(halfdraws + i),], lavmodel,
eta0 <- fill_eta(draws[i,], lavmodel, lavpartable,
lavsamplestats, lavdata)
eta1 <- fill_eta(draws[(halfdraws + i),], lavmodel,
lavpartable, lavsamplestats, lavdata)
lavobject@Model <- lavmodel0
mnvec0 <- lavPredict(lavobject, type="ov", ETA=eta0)
if(inherits(mnvec0, "matrix")) mnvec0 <- list(mnvec0)
cmat0 <- lavInspect(lavobject, 'theta')
if(inherits(cmat0, "matrix")) cmat0 <- list(cmat0)
lavobject@Model <- lavmodel1
mnvec1 <- lavPredict(lavobject, type="ov", ETA=eta1)
if(inherits(mnvec1, "matrix")) mnvec1 <- list(mnvec1)
cmat1 <- lavInspect(lavobject, 'theta')
if(inherits(cmat1, "matrix")) cmat1 <- list(cmat1)
implied0 <- list(cov = cmat0, mean = mnvec0,
slopes = vector("list", ngroups),
th = vector("list", ngroups),
group.w = vector("list", ngroups))
implied1 <- list(cov = cmat1, mean = mnvec1,
slopes = vector("list", ngroups),
th = vector("list", ngroups),
group.w = vector("list", ngroups))
} else {
implied0 <- lav_model_implied(lavmodel0, delta = (lavmodel0@parameterization == "delta"))
implied1 <- lav_model_implied(lavmodel1, delta = (lavmodel1@parameterization == "delta"))
tmpkl <- 0
for(g in 1:lavsamplestats@ngroups){
## ensure symmetric:
cmat0 <- (implied0$cov[[g]] + t(implied0$cov[[g]]))/2
invcmat0 <- solve(cmat0)
det0 <- det(cmat0)
cmat1 <- (implied1$cov[[g]] + t(implied1$cov[[g]]))/2
invcmat1 <- solve(cmat1)
det1 <- det(cmat1)
mnvec0 <- implied0$mean[[g]]
mnvec1 <- implied1$mean[[g]]
for(j in 1:nrow(mnvec0)){
tmpkl <- tmpkl + kl_und(mnvec0[j,], mnvec1[j,],
cmat0, invcmat0, cmat1,
invcmat1, det0, det1)
} else {
mnvec0 <- as.numeric(implied0$mean[[g]])
mnvec1 <- as.numeric(implied1$mean[[g]])
if(length(mnvec0) == 0) {
mnvec0 <- mnvec1 <- lavsamplestats@mean[[g]]
tmpkl <- tmpkl + lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] *
kl_und(mnvec0, mnvec1, cmat0, invcmat0,
cmat1, invcmat1, det0, det1)
klres[i] <- tmpkl
## fill in eta matrices (1 per group, in list)
fill_eta <- function(postsamp, lavmodel, lavpartable, lavsamplestats, lavdata){
nlv <- nrow(lavmodel@GLIST$psi)
etapars <- grepl("^eta", names(postsamp))
cnums <- strsplit(names(postsamp)[etapars], "\\[|,|\\]")
cnums <- sapply(cnums, function(x) as.numeric(x[3]))
etavec <- postsamp[etapars][order(cnums)]
## need to worry about (1) excluding phantom lvs
## and (2) including dummy lvs
foundlvs <- sum(etapars)/lavsamplestats@ntotal
etamat <- matrix(etavec, lavsamplestats@ntotal, foundlvs)
if(foundlvs < nlv) etamat <- cbind(etamat, matrix(0, lavsamplestats@ntotal, (nlv - foundlvs)))
## fulleta needs to have rows for any excluded cases
if(sum(unlist(lavdata@norig)) > lavsamplestats@ntotal){
fulleta <- matrix(NA, sum(unlist(lavdata@norig)), ncol(etamat))
empties <- unlist(sapply(lavdata@Mp, function(x) x$empty.idx))
fulleta[-empties,] <- etamat
} else {
fulleta <- etamat
ngroups <- lavsamplestats@ngroups
eta <- vector("list", ngroups)
for(g in 1:ngroups){
eta[[g]] <- fulleta[lavdata@case.idx[[g]], 1:nlv, drop = FALSE]
## fill in eta with dummys, if needed
dummyov <- c(lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[g]], lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]])
dummylv <- c([[g]],[[g]])
if(length(dummyov) > 0){
eta[[g]][, dummylv] <- lavdata@X[[g]][, dummyov]
## compute undirected K-L divergence between two normal distributions
kl_und <- function(mn0, mn1, cov0, invcov0, cov1, invcov1,
det0, det1){
k <- nrow(cov0)
kl01 <- sum(diag(invcov1 %*% cov0)) +
t(mn1 - mn0) %*% invcov1 %*% (mn1 - mn0) -
k + log(det1/det0)
kl10 <- sum(diag(invcov0 %*% cov1)) +
t(mn0 - mn1) %*% invcov0 %*% (mn0 - mn1) -
k + log(det0/det1)
(1/2) * (kl01 + kl10)
cond_moments <- function(postsamp, lavmodel, lavpartable, lavsamplestats, lavdata, lavobject){
eta <- fill_eta(postsamp, lavmodel, lavpartable, lavsamplestats, lavdata)
## implied meanvec + covmat
##mnvec <- lavaan:::computeYHAT(lavmodel, lavmodel@GLIST,
## lavsamplestats, ETA = eta)
lavobject@Model <- lavmodel
mnvec <- lavPredict(lavobject, type="ov", ETA = eta)
if(inherits(mnvec, "matrix")) mnvec <- list(mnvec)
covmat <- lavInspect(lavobject, 'theta')
if(inherits(covmat, "matrix")) covmat <- list(covmat)
## to avoid warnings from mnormt::pd.solve
covmat <- lapply(covmat, function(x){
class(x) <- "matrix"
zvar <- which(diag(x) == 0L)
if(length(zvar) > 0) diag(x)[zvar] <- 1e-4
ngroups <- lavsamplestats@ngroups
implied <- list(cov = covmat, mean = mnvec,
slopes = vector("list", ngroups),
th = vector("list", ngroups),
group.w = vector("list", ngroups))
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