
Defines functions BayesChiFit blavFitIndices summary.blavFitIndices summary.bfi

Documented in blavFitIndices summary.bfi

### Mauricio Garnier-Villareal and Terrence D. Jorgensen
### Last updated: 31 January 2023
### functions applying traditional SEM fit criteria to Bayesian models.
### Inspired by, and adpated from, Rens van de Schoot's idea for BRMSEA, as
### published in http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013164417709314

## -----------------
## Class and Methods
## -----------------

         representation(details = "list",
                        # chisq = "numeric", df = "numeric", # Bayesian analogs
                        # pD = "character", rescale = "character", # store choices
                        # list of vectors, each storing the posterior of 1 index
                        indices = "list"))

summary.bfi <- function(object,
                        central.tendency = c("mean","median","mode"),
                        hpd = TRUE, prob = .90) {
  if (!is.character(central.tendency)) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: central.tendency must be a character vector')
  central.tendency <- tolower(central.tendency)
  invalid <- setdiff(central.tendency, c("mean","median","mode","eap","map"))
  if (length(invalid)) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: Invalid choice(s) of central.tendency:\n"',
         paste(invalid, collapse = '", "'), '"')
  ## collect list of functions to apply to each index
  FUN <- function(x) {
    out <- numeric(0)

    if ("mean" %in% central.tendency || "eap" %in% central.tendency) {
      out <- c(out, EAP = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))

    if ("median" %in% central.tendency) {
      out <- c(out, Median = median(x, na.rm = TRUE))

    if ("mode" %in% central.tendency || "map" %in% central.tendency) {
      ## can the modeest package be used?
      if (suppressMessages(requireNamespace("modeest", quietly = TRUE)) & length(unique(x[!is.na(x)])) > 1) {
        out <- c(out, MAP =  modeest::mlv(x, method = "kernel", na.rm = TRUE))
      } else if(!all(is.na(x))) {
        ## if not, use the quick-and-dirty way
        dd <- density(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        out <- c(out, MAP = dd$x[which.max(dd$y)])
      } else {
        out <- c(out, NA)

    out <- c(out, SD = sd(x, na.rm = TRUE))

    if (hpd & !all(is.na(x))) {
      if (!"package:coda" %in% search()) attachNamespace("coda")
      out <- c(out, HPDinterval(as.mcmc(x), prob = prob)[1, ] )

  ## apply function to each fit index
  indexSummaries <- lapply(object@indices, FUN)
  out <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, indexSummaries))
  class(out) <- c("lavaan.data.frame","data.frame")
  attr(out, "header") <- paste0("Posterior summary statistics and highest",
                                " posterior density (HPD) ", round(prob*100, 2),
                                "% credible intervals for ",
                                "-based fit indices:", sep = "")

summary.blavFitIndices <- function(object, ...) {
  summary.bfi(object, ...)

setMethod("summary", "blavFitIndices", summary.blavFitIndices)

setMethod("show", "blavFitIndices", function(object) {
  cat("Posterior mean (EAP) of ", object@details$rescale,
      "-based fit indices:\n\n", sep = "")
  fits <- getMethod("summary","blavFitIndices")(object, "mean", hpd = FALSE)
  out <- fits$EAP
  if (!length(out)) stop('No fit indices were calculated')
  names(out) <- rownames(fits)
  class(out) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")

## --------------------
## Constructor Function
## --------------------

## Public function
blavFitIndices <- function(object, thin = 1, pD = c("loo","waic","dic"),
                           rescale = c("devM","ppmc","mcmc"),
                           fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL) {
  ## check arguments
  pD <- tolower(as.character(pD[1]))
  if (!pD %in% c("loo","waic","dic")) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: Invalid choice of "pD" argument')

  if (blavInspect(object, "options")$test == "none") {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: Cannot compute indices when the model was fit with test="none"')
  if (blavInspect(object, "categorical")) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: Fit indices are currently unavailable for ordinal models')
  if (blavInspect(object, "nlevels") > 1) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: Fit indices are currently unavailable for multilevel models')
  rescale <- tolower(as.character(rescale[1])) #FIXME: make sure references to "devM" check for "devm"
  if (rescale == "ppmc" && blavInspect(object, 'ntotal') < 1000)
    warning("blavaan WARNING: ",
            "Hoofs et al.'s proposed BRMSEA (and derivative indices based on",
            " the posterior predictive distribution) was only proposed for",
            " evaluating models fit to very large samples (N > 1000).", call. = FALSE)

  chisqs <- as.numeric(apply(object@external$samplls, 2,
                             function(x) 2*(x[,2] - x[,1])))
  fit_pd <- fitMeasures(object, paste0('p_', pD))

  if (rescale == "mcmc") {
    ## WARNING: This would ONLY make sense with uninformative priors,
    ##          when pD approximately = npar used by lavaan::fitMeasures.
    ##    e.g., With small-variance priors on all of theta, df could be negative.
    warning('rescale="MCMC" is purely experimental, and surely inappropriate ',
            'with informative priors, to the degree that the estimated pD ',
            'deviates from the number of estimated parameters (the latter of ',
            'which are used by lavaan::fitMeasures() to calculate the df).', call. = FALSE)

    ## no need to call hidden BayesChiFit(), use lavaan to calculate
    postDist <- postpred(lavobject = object, measure = fit.measures, thin = thin)$ppdist$obs
    indexMat <- do.call(rbind, postDist)
    indexList <- sapply(colnames(indexMat), function(cc) indexMat[ , cc],
                        simplify = FALSE)
    out <- new("blavFitIndices",
               details = list(chisq = numeric(0), df = numeric(0),
                              pD = character(0), rescale = rescale),
               indices = indexList)
    ## for print methods
    class(out@details$chisq) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")
    class(out@details$df) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")
    for (i in seq_along(out@indices)) {
      class(out@indices[[i]]) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")

    #FIXME: if (!is.null(baseline.model))
    ##      - Pass baseline model (parTable?) as argument? (priors?!)
    ##      - Or update postpred() to apply independence model using
    ##        that iteration's model-implied variances?

  } else if (rescale == "ppmc") {
    reps <- unlist(postpred(samplls = object@external$samplls,
                            lavobject = object)$ppdist[["reps"]])
  } else reps <- NULL

  if (is.null(baseline.model)) {
    null_model <- FALSE
    chisq_null <- NULL
    reps_null <- NULL
    pD_null <- NULL
  } else if (rescale != "mcmc") {
    if (blavInspect(baseline.model, "options")$test == "none") {
      stop('blavaan ERROR: Cannot use a baseline model fit with test="none"')
    null_model <- TRUE
    chisq_null <- as.numeric(apply(baseline.model@external$samplls, 2,
                                   function(x) 2*(x[,2] - x[,1])))
    if (length(chisqs) != length(chisq_null)) {
      null_model <- FALSE
      chisq_null <- NULL
      reps_null <- NULL
      pD_null <- NULL
      warning("Incremental fit indices were not calculated.",
              " Save equal number of draws from the posterior of both",
              " the hypothesized and null models.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      if (rescale == "ppmc") {
        reps_null <- unlist(postpred(samplls = baseline.model@external$samplls,
                                     lavobject = baseline.model)$ppdist[["reps"]])
      pD_null <- fitMeasures(baseline.model, paste0('p_', pD))

  if (rescale != "mcmc") {
    out <- BayesChiFit(obs = chisqs, reps = reps,
                       nvar = object@Model@nvar, pD = fit_pd,
                       N = blavInspect(object, 'ntotal'),
                       Ngr = blavInspect(object, 'ngroups'),
                       Min1 = blavInspect(object, 'options')$mimic == "EQS",
                       ms = blavInspect(object, 'meanstructure'),
                       rescale = rescale, fit.measures = fit.measures,
                       null_model = null_model, obs_null = chisq_null,
                       reps_null = reps_null, pD_null = pD_null)

  nChains <- blavInspect(object, 'n.chains')
  out@details <- c(out@details, list(n.chains = nChains))

## ----------------
## Hidden functions
## ----------------

### function to calculate fit indices from posterior distribution chi-squared
### Rens: Bayesian RMSEA adapted from http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013164417709314
### MGV:  change the correction method, not longer like Rens
### TDJ:  added argument to select Rens' method ("ppmc") vs. ours ("devM")
### MGV:  modified to also calculate gammahat, adjusted gammahat
### TDJ:  added McDonald's centrality index
### MGV:  If a null model information provided, it calculates CFI, TLI, NFI
### TDJ:  rescale="mcmc" not executed within public function, not here
BayesChiFit <- function(obs, reps = NULL, nvar, pD, N, Ngr = 1,
                        ms = TRUE, Min1 = FALSE,
                        rescale = c("devM","ppmc"), fit.measures = "all",
                        null_model = TRUE, obs_null = NULL,
                        reps_null = NULL, pD_null = NULL) {
  if (!is.character(fit.measures)) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: fit.measures must be a character vector')
  fit.measures <- tolower(fit.measures)
  if (any(fit.measures == "all")) {
    fit.measures <- c("brmsea","bgammahat","adjbgammahat","bmc")
    if (null_model) fit.measures <- c(fit.measures, "bcfi","btli","bnfi")

  if (Min1) N <- N - Ngr

  rescale <- tolower(as.character(rescale[1]))
  if (rescale == "devm") {
    reps <- pD
    if (!is.null(null_model)) reps_null <- pD_null
  if (rescale == "ppmc" && (is.null(reps) || (null_model && is.null(reps_null)))) {
    stop('blavaan ERROR: rescale="ppmc" requires non-NULL reps argument (and reps_null, if applicable).')

  ## ensure number of variables is a vector with length == Ngr
  #FIXME: This shouldn't be necessary.  
  #       Is object@Model@nvar always a vector, even when equal across groups?
  if (Ngr > 1L) {
    if (length(nvar) == 1L) nvar <- rep(nvar, Ngr)
  ## Compute number of modeled moments
  p <- sum(sapply(nvar, function(nv) {
    nMoments <- nv * (nv + 1) / 2      # sample (co) variances
    if (ms) nMoments <- nMoments + nv  # plus means
  } ))
  ## Difference between number of moments and effective number of parameters
  dif.ppD <- p - pD

  if (dif.ppD[1] < 0) warning("blavaan WARNING: The effective number of parameters exceeds the number of sample statistics (covariances, etc.), so fit index calculations may lead to uninterpretable results.", call. = FALSE)
  nonc <- obs - reps - dif.ppD # == obs - p when rescale == "devm" because reps = pD
  ## Correct if numerator is smaller than zero
  nonc[nonc < 0] <- 0

  ## assemble results in a vector
  result <- list()

  ## Compute BRMSEA
  if ("brmsea" %in% fit.measures) {
    result[["BRMSEA"]] <- sqrt(nonc / (dif.ppD * N)) * sqrt(Ngr)

  ## compute GammaHat and adjusted GammaHat
  if ("bgammahat" %in% fit.measures) {
    result[["BGammaHat"]] <- sum(nvar) / (sum(nvar) + 2*nonc/N)
    if ("adjbgammahat" %in% fit.measures) {
      result[["adjBGammaHat"]] <- 1 - (p / dif.ppD) * (1 - result[["BGammaHat"]])
  } else if ("adjbgammahat" %in% fit.measures) {
    gammahat <- sum(nvar) / (sum(nvar) + 2*nonc/N)
    result[["adjBGammaHat"]] <- 1 - (p / dif.ppD) * (1 - gammahat)

  ## compute McDonald's centrality index
  if ("bmc" %in% fit.measures) {
    result[["BMc"]] <- exp(-.5 * nonc/N)

  ## calculate incremental fit when null model is provided
  if (null_model) {
    dif.ppD_null <- p - pD_null
    nonc_null <- (obs_null - reps_null) - dif.ppD_null

    if ("bcfi" %in% fit.measures) {
      result[["BCFI"]] <- 1 - (nonc / nonc_null)
    if ("btli" %in% fit.measures) {
      tli_null_part <- (obs_null - reps_null) / dif.ppD_null
      result[["BTLI"]] <- (tli_null_part - (obs - reps) / dif.ppD) / (tli_null_part - 1)
    if ("bnfi" %in% fit.measures) {
      result[["BNFI"]] <- ((obs_null - reps_null) - (obs - reps)) / (obs_null - reps_null)

  out <- new("blavFitIndices",
             details = list(chisq = obs - reps, df = dif.ppD,
                            pD = pD, rescale = rescale),
             indices = result)
  ## for print methods
  class(out@details$chisq) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")
  class(out@details$df) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")
  for (i in seq_along(out@indices)) {
    class(out@indices[[i]]) <- c("lavaan.vector","numeric")


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blavaan documentation built on Sept. 26, 2023, 1:09 a.m.