
set.convex <- function(f) {
  is.convex(f) <- TRUE

#' Loss functions to perform a regression
#' @name linearRegressionLoss
#' @param x matrix of training instances (one instance by row)
#' @param y numeric vector of values representing the training labels for each instance in x
#' @param loss.weights numeric vector of loss weights to incure for each instance of x. 
#'        Vector length should match length(y), but values are cycled if not of identical size.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization
#'   JMLR 2010
#' @seealso nrbm
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(intercept=100,data.matrix(iris[1:2]))
#'   y <- iris[[3]]
#'   w <- nrbm(lmsRegressionLoss(x,y))
#'   w <- nrbm(ladRegressionLoss(x,y))
#'   w <- nrbm(quantileRegressionLoss(x,y,q=0.5))
#'   w <- nrbm(epsilonInsensitiveRegressionLoss(x,y,epsilon=1))

#' @export
predict.linearRegressionLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  x %*% object

#' @describeIn linearRegressionLoss Least Mean Square regression
#' @export
lmsRegressionLoss <- function(x,y,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('y must be a numeric vector')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=length(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- cbind(matrix(numeric(),ncol(x),0),w)
    f <- x %*% w
    loss <- loss.weights * 0.5*(f-y)^2
    grad <- loss.weights * (f-y)
    lvalue(w) <- colSums(loss)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,grad)
    class(w) <- "linearRegressionLoss"

#' @describeIn linearRegressionLoss Least Absolute Deviation regression
#' @export
ladRegressionLoss <- function(x,y,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('y must be a numeric vector')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=length(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)

  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- cbind(matrix(numeric(),ncol(x),0),w)
    f <- x %*% w
    loss <- loss.weights * abs(f-y)
    grad <- loss.weights * sign(f-y)
    lvalue(w) <- colSums(loss)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,grad)
    class(w) <- "linearRegressionLoss"

#' @describeIn linearRegressionLoss Quantile Regression
#' @param q a numeric value in the range [0-1] defining quantile value to consider
#' @export
quantileRegressionLoss <- function(x,y,q=0.5,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('y must be a numeric vector')    
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  if (length(q)!=1 || q<0 || q>1) stop('q must be a length one numeric in the range [0-1]')
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=length(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- cbind(matrix(numeric(),ncol(x),0),w)
    f <- x %*% w
    loss <- loss.weights * pmax(q*(f-y),(1-q)*(y-f))
    grad <- loss.weights * ifelse(f>y,q,q-1)
    lvalue(w) <- colSums(loss)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,grad)
    class(w) <- "linearRegressionLoss"

#' @describeIn linearRegressionLoss epsilon-insensitive regression (Vapnik et al. 1997)
#' @param epsilon a numeric value setting tolerance of the epsilon-regression
#' @export
epsilonInsensitiveRegressionLoss <- function(x,y,epsilon,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!is.numeric(y)) stop('y must be a numeric vector')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=length(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- cbind(matrix(numeric(),ncol(x),0),w)
    f <- x %*% w
    loss <- loss.weights * pmax(abs(f-y)-epsilon,0)
    grad <- loss.weights * ifelse(abs(f-y)<epsilon,0,sign(f-y))
    lvalue(w) <- colSums(loss)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,grad)
    class(w) <- "linearRegressionLoss"

#' Loss functions for binary classification
#' @name binaryClassificationLoss
#' @param x matrix of training instances (one instance by row)
#' @param y a logical vector representing the training labels for each instance in x
#' @param loss.weights numeric vector of loss weights to incure for each instance of x. 
#'        Vector length should match length(y), but values are cycled if not of identical size.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   A Scalable Modular Convex Solver for Regularized Risk Minimization.
#'   KDD 2007
#' @seealso nrbm
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(intercept=100,data.matrix(iris[1:2]))
#'   w <- nrbm(hingeLoss(x,iris$Species=="setosa"));predict(w,x)
#'   w <- nrbm(logisticLoss(x,iris$Species=="setosa"));predict(w,x)
#'   w <- nrbm(rocLoss(x,iris$Species=="setosa"));predict(w,x)
#'   w <- nrbm(fbetaLoss(x,iris$Species=="setosa"));predict(w,x)

#' @export
predict.binaryClassificationLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  f <- x %*% object
  y <- f>0
  attr(y,"decision.value") <- f

#' @describeIn binaryClassificationLoss logistic regression
#' @export
logisticLoss <- function(x,y,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.logical(y)) stop("y must be logical")
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=length(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)

  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- cbind(matrix(numeric(),ncol(x),0),w)
    f <- x %*% w
    Y <- ifelse(array(y,dim(f)),-1,+1)
    loss <- loss.weights * log(1+exp(f*Y))
    grad <- loss.weights * (-Y/(1+exp(f*Y))+Y)
    lvalue(w) <- colSums(loss)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,grad)
    class(w) <- c("logisticLoss","binaryClassificationLoss")

#' @export
predict.logisticLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  y <- NextMethod()
  f <- attr(y,"decision.value")
  attr(y,"probability") <- exp(f) / (1+exp(f))

#' @describeIn binaryClassificationLoss Find linear weights maximize area under its ROC curve
#' @export
#' @import matrixStats
rocLoss <- function(x,y) {
  if (!is.logical(y)) stop("y must be logical")
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')

  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- rep(w,length.out=ncol(x))
    c <- x %*% w - ifelse(y,0.5,-0.5)
    o <- order(c)
    sp <- cumsum(y[o])
    sm <- sum(!y) - cumsum(!y[o])
    l <- numeric(length(o))
    l[o] <- ifelse(!y[o],sp,-sm)
    l <- l/(sum(!y)*sum(y))

    lvalue(w) <- as.vector(crossprod(l,c))
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,l)
    class(w) <- "rocLoss"

#' @export
predict.rocLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  f <- x %*% object

#' @describeIn binaryClassificationLoss F-beta score loss function
#' @param beta a numeric value setting the beta parameter is the f-beta score
#' @export
fbetaLoss <- function(x,y,beta=1) {
  if (!is.logical(y)) stop("y must be logical")
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')

  .fbeta <- function(TP,TN,P,N,beta) {
    beta2 <- beta*beta
    (1+beta2)*TP / (TP+N-TN+beta2*P)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- rep(w,length.out=ncol(x))
    f <- x %*% w
    o <- order(f,decreasing=TRUE)
    op <- o[y[o]]
    on <- rev(o[!y[o]])
    p <- 2*(sum(f[op]) - cumsum(c(0,f[op])))
    n <- 2*(sum(f[on]) - cumsum(c(0,f[on])))
    # warning: matrix R might be memory consuming
    R <- outer(seq_along(p),seq_along(n),function(i,j) {
      1 - .fbeta(i-1,j-1,length(op),length(on),beta) - p[i] + n[j]
    ij <- arrayInd(which.max(R),dim(R))
    Y <- -ifelse(y,1,-1)
    Y[op[seq_len(ij[1,1]-1L)]] <- 1L
    Y[on[seq_len(ij[1,2]-1L)]] <- -1L
    lvalue(w) <- R[ij]
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(x,Y-ifelse(y,1,-1))
    class(w) <- c("fbetaLoss","binaryClassificationLoss")

#' Ontology Loss Function
#' Ontology loss function may be used when the class labels are organized has an ontology structure
#' @param x instance matrix, where x(t,) defines the features of instance t
#' @param y target vector where y(t) is an integer encoding target of x(t,)
#' @param l loss matrix. l(t,p(t)) must be the loss for predicting target p(t) instead of y(t) 
#'        for instance t. By default, the parameter is set to a 0/1 loss matrix.
#' @param dag a numeric matrix defining the path in the Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) to each class label
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @export
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   A Scalable Modular Convex Solver for Regularized Risk Minimization.
#'   KDD 2007
#' @examples
#'   # -- Load the data
#'   x <- cbind(intercept=100,data.matrix(iris[1:4]))
#'   dag <- matrix(nrow=nlevels(iris$Species),byrow=TRUE,dimnames=list(levels(iris$Species)),c(
#'       1,0,0,0,
#'       0,1,1,0,
#'       0,1,0,1
#'   ))
#'   w <- nrbm(ontologyLoss(x,iris$Species,dag=dag))
#'   table(predict(w,x),iris$Species)
ontologyLoss <- function(x,y,l=1 - table(seq_along(y),y),dag=diag(nlevels(y))) {
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!is.factor(y)) stop('y must be a factor')
  if (!is.matrix(dag)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (nrow(dag)!=nlevels(y)) stop('ncol(dag) should match with nlevels(y)')
  if (nrow(dag)>ncol(dag)) stop('dag matrix must have more row than column (or equal)')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')
  if (!identical(nrow(x),nrow(l))) stop('dimensions of x and l mismatch')
  if (nlevels(y)!=ncol(l)) stop('ncol(l) do not match with nlevels(y)')
  set.convex(function(w) {
    W <- matrix(w,ncol(x),ncol(dag),dimnames = list(colnames(x),colnames(dag)))
    fp <- x %*% W
    z <- tcrossprod(fp,dag) + l
    Y <- max.col(z,ties.method = "first")
    G <- dag[Y,] - dag[y,]
    w <- as.vector(W)
    attr(w,"model.dim") <- dim(W)
    attr(w,"model.dimnames") <- dimnames(W)
    attr(w,"model.dag") <- dag
    lvalue(w) <- sum(z[cbind(seq_along(Y),Y)] - z[cbind(seq_along(y),y)])
    gradient(w) <- as.vector(crossprod(x,G))
    class(w) <- "ontologyLoss"

#' @export
predict.ontologyLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  W <- array(object,attr(object,"model.dim"))
  dimnames(W) <- attr(object,"model.dimnames")
  W <- tcrossprod(W,attr(object,"model.dag"))
  f <- x %*% W
  y <- max.col(f,ties.method="first")
  y <- factor(colnames(W)[y],colnames(W))
  attr(y,"decision.value") <- f

#' softmax Loss Function
#' softmax loss function may be used to predict probability distributions
#' @param x instance matrix, where x(t,) defines the features of instance t
#' @param y target matrix where y(t,) is a probability distribution that should sum to 1
#' @param loss.weights numeric vector of loss weights to incure for each instance of x. 
#'        Vector length should match nrow(y), but values are recycled if not of identical size.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @export
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization
#'   JMLR 2010
#' @examples
#'   # -- Load the data
#'   x <- cbind(intercept=100,data.matrix(iris[1:4]))
#'   y <- model.matrix(~iris$Species+0)
#'   w <- nrbm(softmaxLoss(x,y))
#'   P <- predict(w,x)
#'   table(max.col(P),iris$Species)
softmaxLoss <- function(x,y,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.matrix(y)) stop("y must be a numeric matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
  if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) stop("dimensions of x and y mismatch")
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights, length.out = nrow(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    W <- matrix(w, ncol(x), ncol(y), dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(y)))
    f <- x %*% W
    q <- exp(f-matrixStats::rowMaxs(f));q <- q/rowSums(q)
    lp <- -rowSums(y*log(q))*loss.weights
    grad <- local({
      Q <- array(q,c(dim(y),ncol(y)))
      E <- array(diag(ncol(y))[col(y),],c(dim(y),ncol(y)))
      Y <- array(y %x% matrix(1,1,ncol(y)),c(dim(y),ncol(y)))
    grad <- grad*loss.weights
    w <- as.vector(W)
    attr(w, "model.dim") <- dim(W)
    attr(w, "model.dimnames") <- dimnames(W)
    lvalue(w) <- mean(lp)
    gradient(w) <- as.vector(crossprod(x, grad))/length(lp)
    class(w) <- "softmaxLoss"

#' @export
predict.softmaxLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  W <- array(object,attr(object,"model.dim"),attr(object,"model.dimnames"))
  f <- x %*% W
  q <- exp(f-matrixStats::rowMaxs(f));q <- q/rowSums(q)

#' Compute or check the structure of a cost matrix 
#' @param y a factor representing the labels of the instances
#' @param C either a cost matrix to check for consistency with labels in y, or a character string defining the standard matrix to compute. 
#'        If a character string the accepted values are "0/1" for a 0-1 cost matrix or "linear" for linear cost.
#' @return the cost matrix object
#' @export
#' @seealso nrbm, ordinalRegressionLoss
costMatrix <- function(y,C=c("0/1","linear")) {
  y <- as.factor(y)
  if (is.character(C)) {
    C <- match.arg(C)
    C <- switch(C,
                "0/1" = {
                  C <- matrix(1,nlevels(y),nlevels(y),dimnames = list(levels(y),levels(y)))
                  diag(C) <- 0
                "linear" = abs(outer(levels(y),levels(y),'-'))
  } else {
    C <- as.matrix(C)
    if (nrow(C)!=ncol(C)) stop("C must be a square matrix")
    if (nlevels(y)!=nrow(C)) stop("dimension of the square matrix C doesn't match with number of levels in y")

#' The loss function for ordinal regression
#' @param x matrix of training instances (one instance by row)
#' @param y integer vector of positive values (>=1) representing the training labels for each instance in x
#' @param C the cost matrix to use, C[i,j] being the cost for predicting label i instead of label j.
#' @param impl either the string "loglin" or "quadratic", that define the implementation to use for the computation of the loss.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @export
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization
#'   JMLR 2010
#' @seealso nrbm
#' @import matrixStats
#' @examples
#' # -- Load the data
#' x <- data.matrix(iris[1:4])
#' y <- as.integer(iris$Species)
#' # -- Train the model
#' w <- nrbm(ordinalRegressionLoss(x,y),LAMBDA=0.001,EPSILON_TOL=0.0001)
#' w2 <- nrbm(ordinalRegressionLoss(x,y,impl="quadratic"),LAMBDA=0.001,EPSILON_TOL=0.0001)
#' # -- plot predictions
#' f <- x %*% w
#' f2 <- x %*% w2
#' layout(1:2)
#' plot(y,f)
#' plot(f,f2,main="compare predictions of quadratic and loglin implementations")
#' # -- Compute accuracy
#' ij <- expand.grid(i=seq(nrow(x)),j=seq(nrow(x)))
#' n <- tapply(f[ij$i] - f[ij$j]>0,list(y[ij$i],y[ij$j]),sum)
#' N <- table(y[ij$i],y[ij$j])
#' print(n/N)
ordinalRegressionLoss <- function(x,y,C="0/1",impl=c("loglin","quadratic")) {
  impl <- match.arg(impl)
  # check parameters at first call
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (nrow(x) != length(y)) stop('dimensions of x and y mismatch')  
  C <- costMatrix(y,C)
  y <- as.integer(y)
  m <- as.numeric(length(y))
  mi <- tabulate(y,nbins=ncol(C))
  M <- (m*m - sum(mi*mi))/2
  C <- C / M
  .loglin <- function(w) {
    w <- rep(w,length.out=ncol(x))
    f <- x %*% w
    c <- c(f-0.5,f+0.5)
    o <- order(c)
    j <- ((o-1)%%m)+1
    l <- matrix(0,2*m,length(mi))
    l[cbind(which(o<=m),y[j[o<=m]])] <- 1
    l <- matrixStats::colCumsums(l)
    u <- matrix(0,2*m,length(mi))
    u[cbind(which(o>m),y[j[o>m]])] <- 1
    u <- mi[col(u)] - matrixStats::colCumsums(u)
    Gu <- t(C)[y[j],] * u
    Gu[col(Gu)>=y[j]] <- 0
    Gl <- C[y[j],] * l
    Gl[col(Gl)<=y[j]] <- 0
    v <- ifelse(o<=m,-rowSums(Gu), rowSums(Gl))
    lvalue(w) <- sum(v*c[o])
    g <- matrix(NA,m,2)
    g[cbind(j,1 + (o-1)%/%m)] <- v
    g <- rowSums(g)
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(g,x)
    attr(w,"class") <- "ordinalRegressionLoss"
  .quadratic <- function(w) {
    w <- rep(w,length.out=ncol(x))
    f <- x %*% w
    # alternative computation in quadratic time for debugging purpose only
    z <- expand.grid(i=factor(1:m),j=factor(1:m))
    z <- z[y[z$i] < y[z$j],]
    z$Cij <- C[cbind(y[z$i],y[z$j])]
    lvalue(w) <- sum(z$Cij * pmax(1+f[z$i,drop=FALSE]-f[z$j,drop=FALSE],0))
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(z$Cij*(x[z$i,]-x[z$j,]),(1+f[z$i]-f[z$j])>0)
    attr(w,"class") <- "ordinalRegressionLoss"

#' @export
predict.ordinalRegressionLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  x %*% object

#' The loss function for Preference loss
#' @param x matrix of training instances (one instance by row)
#' @param P a data.frame with 3 fields (i,j,cost) that specify the cost for prefering sample j over sample i.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @export
#' @references Teo et al.
#'   Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization
#'   JMLR 2010
#' @seealso nrbm
#' @examples
#' x <- data.matrix(iris[1:4])
#' P <- expand.grid(i=which(iris$Species=="virginica"),j=which(iris$Species!="virginica"))
#' w <- nrbm(preferenceLoss(x,P),LAMBDA=0.001,EPSILON_TOL=0.0001)
preferenceLoss <- function(x,P) {
  # check parameters at first call
  P <- as.data.frame(P)
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop('x must be a numeric matrix')
  if (!all(c("i","j") %in% names(P))) stop('P must be a data.frame with fields "i","j"')
  if (!("cost" %in% names(P))) P$cost <- 1
  set.convex(function(w) {
    w <- rep(w,length.out=ncol(x))
    f <- x %*% w
    lvalue(w) <- sum(P$cost * pmax(1+f[P$i]-f[P$j],0))
    gradient(w) <- crossprod(P$cost*(x[P$i,]-x[P$j,]),(1+f[P$i]-f[P$j])>0)
    attr(w,"class") <- "preferenceLoss"

#' @export
predict.preferenceLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  x %*% object

#' The loss function for multivariate hinge loss
#' @param x matrix of training instances (one instance by row)
#' @param y logical matrix of targets: y(t,) is the vector of binary labels for x(t,)
#' @param loss.weights numeric vector of loss weights to incure for each instance of x. 
#'        Vector length should match nrow(x), but values are cycled if not of identical size.
#' @return a function taking one argument w and computing the loss value and the gradient at point w
#' @export
#' @seealso nrbm
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(intercept=100,data.matrix(iris[1:4]))
#'   y <- model.matrix(~iris$Species+0)>0
#'   w <- nrbm(multivariateHingeLoss(x,y),LAMBDA=1)
#'   table(y,predict(w,x)>0,col(y))
#'   table(
#'     do.call(paste0,as.data.frame(y+0)),
#'     do.call(paste0,as.data.frame((predict(w,x)>0)+0))
#'   )
multivariateHingeLoss <- function(x,y,loss.weights=1) {
  if (!is.logical(y)) stop("y must be logical")
  if (!is.matrix(y)) stop("y must be a matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(x)) stop("x must be a numeric matrix")
  if (nrow(x) != nrow(y)) stop("dimensions of x and y mismatch")
  loss.weights <- rep(loss.weights,length.out=nrow(y))
  loss.weights <- loss.weights/sum(loss.weights)
  set.convex(function(w) {
    W <- matrix(w, ncol(x), ncol(y), dimnames = list(colnames(x), colnames(y)))
    f <- x %*% W
    loss <- loss.weights * pmax(f * ifelse(y, -1, +1) + 1, 0)
    i <- max.col(loss,ties.method="first")
    i <- array(seq_along(loss),dim(loss))[cbind(seq_along(i),i)]
    loss[-i] <- 0
    grad <- loss.weights * (loss > 0) * ifelse(y, -1, +1)
    w <- as.vector(W)
    attr(w, "model.dim") <- dim(W)
    attr(w, "model.dimnames") <- dimnames(W)
    lvalue(w) <- sum(loss)
    gradient(w) <- as.vector(crossprod(x, grad))
    class(w) <- "multivariateHingeLoss"

#' @export
predict.multivariateHingeLoss <- function(object,x,...) {
  W <- array(object,attr(object,"model.dim"),attr(object,"model.dimnames"))
  f <- x %*% W

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