
Defines functions get.mcmcsamples get.dic ds.residuals .onAttach print.boral.startupInfo

Documented in ds.residuals get.dic get.mcmcsamples

## Auxilary functions
print.boral.startupInfo <- function() { 
     version <- packageVersion("boral")
     startup_note <- paste0("This is boral version ", version, ". \nPlease note that as of version 2.0, boral will no longer be regularly maintained and updated. However, if you spot any bugs/typos or have a specific feature requests, please contact the maintainer.")

.onAttach <- function(...) {

## Dunn-Smyth residuals
## Also create a confusion matrix for ordinal and multinomial data
ds.residuals <- function(object, est = "median", include.ranef = TRUE) {  
     n <- object$n
     p <- object$p
     num.lv <- object$num.lv
     num.ord.levels <- object$num.ord.levels
     X <- object$X
     y <- object$y
     mus <- fitted.boral(object, est = est, include.ranef = include.ranef)

     if(any(object$family == "ordinal")) {
          message("One or more columns of y have ordinal responses. Constructing a single confusion matrix for these.")
          true_resp <- as.matrix(y[,which(object$family == "ordinal")])
          pred_resp <- matrix(NA,n,ncol(true_resp)) 
     # 	if(any(object$family == "multinom")) {
     # 		print("One or more columns of y have multinomial responses. Constructing a single confusion matrix for these")
     # 		true.multinom.resp <- as.matrix(y[,which(object$family == "multinom")])
     # 		pred.multinom.resp <- matrix(NA,n,ncol(true.multinom.resp)) }
     if(any(object$family == "tweedie")) {
          if(est == "median") 
               powerparam <- object$powerparam.median
          if(est == "mean") 
               powerparam <- object$powerparam.mean 

     dsres_out <- matrix(NA,nrow = n, ncol = p)
     rownames(dsres_out) <- rownames(y)
     colnames(dsres_out) <- colnames(y)
     for(i in 1:n) { for(j in 1:p) {
          if(object$family[j] == "poisson") { 
               a <- ppois(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j]))-1, mus$out[i,j]); 
               b <- ppois(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), mus$out[i,j]); 		
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "ztpoisson") { 
               a <- pztpois(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j]))-1, lambda = mus$out[i,j]); 
               b <- pztpois(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), lambda = mus$out[i,j]); 		
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "negative.binomial") {
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]+1e-5
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]+1e-5
               a <- pnbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j]))-1, mu=mus$out[i,j], size=1/phis[j]); 
               b <- pnbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), mu=mus$out[i,j], size=1/phis[j])
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "ztnegative.binomial") {
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]+1e-5
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]+1e-5
               a <- pztnbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j]))-1, mu=mus$out[i,j], size=1/phis[j]); 
               b <- pztnbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), mu=mus$out[i,j], size=1/phis[j])
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "binomial") { 
               a <- pbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j]))-1, object$trial.size[j], prob = mus$out[i,j]); 
               b <- pbinom(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), object$trial.size[j], prob = mus$out[i,j])
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "exponential") { 
               a <- pexp(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), rate=1/mus$out[i,j]); 
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(a) 
          if(object$family[j] == "gamma") { 
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]
               a <- pgamma(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), shape=mus$out[i,j]*phis[j], rate=phis[j]); 
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(a) 
          if(object$family[j] == "beta") { 
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]
               a <- pbeta(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), shape1=phis[j]*mus$out[i,j], shape2=phis[j]*(1-mus$out[i,j]))
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(a) 
          if(object$family[j] == "normal") { 
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]
               a <- pnorm(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), mus$out[i,j], sd = (phis[j])); 
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(a) 
     # 			X2 <- cbind(1,X); hatmat <- X2%*%solve(crossprod(X2))%*%t(X2)
     # 			dsres_out[i,j] <- (y[i,j]-mus$out[i,j])/(sqrt(phis[j])*sqrt(1-hatmat[i,i])) }
          if(object$family[j] == "lnormal") { 
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]
               a <- plnorm(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), log(mus$out[i,j]), sdlog = (phis[j]))
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(a) 
          if(object$family[j] == "tweedie") { 
               if(est == "median") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.median[,num.lv+2]
               if(est == "mean") 
                    phis <- object$lv.coefs.mean[,num.lv+2]
               a <- b <- pTweedie(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])), mu = mus$out[i,j], phi = phis[j], p = powerparam)
               if(as.vector(unlist(y[i,j])) == 0) 
                    a <- 0
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(runif(n = 1, min = a, max = b)) 
          if(object$family[j] == "ordinal") { 
               pred_resp[,which(object$family == "ordinal")==j] <- mus$out[,which(object$family == "ordinal")==j] ## get max predicted probability
               cumsum.b <- sum(mus$ordinal.probs[i,j,1:(y[i,j])])
               cumsum.a <- sum(mus$ordinal.probs[i,j,1:(y[i,j]-1)])
               u <- runif(n = 1, min = cumsum.a, max = cumsum.b); 
               if(abs(u-1) < 1e-5) 
                    u <- 1
               if(abs(u-0) < 1e-5) 
                    u <- 0
               dsres_out[i,j] <- qnorm(u) 
     # 		if(object$family[j] == "multinom") { ## get max predicted probability
     # 			pred_resp[i,which(object$family == "multinom")==j] <- which.max(mus$multinom.probs[i,j,]) }
          } }

     if(sum(object$family == "ordinal") > 0) {
          agree_tab <- table(as.vector(pred_resp), as.vector(true_resp))
     else { 
          agree_tab <- NULL 
     #if(sum(object$family == "multinom") > 0) { agree.multinom.tab <- table(as.vector(pred.multinom.resp), as.vector(true.multinom.resp)); }	else { agree.multinom.tab <- NULL }
     return(list(agree.ordinal = agree_tab, residuals = dsres_out))

## Calculates DIC based on the conditional log-likelihood
get.dic <- function(jagsfit) { 

## Simple extraction of MCMC samples from fitted boral object
get.mcmcsamples <- function(object) {
     fit.mcmc <- object$jags.model$BUGSoutput
          stop("MCMC samples not found. Please use save.model = TRUE to save MCMC samples when using boral.")
     fit.mcmc <- mcmc(fit.mcmc$sims.matrix, start = 1, thin = object$mcmc.control$n.thin) ## Thanks to Guilliaume Blanchet for the original formatting!



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boral documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.