
Defines functions brea_mcmc

Documented in brea_mcmc

brea_mcmc <- function(x, y, priors = NULL, S = 1000, B = 100, n = NULL,
                      K = NULL, store_re = FALSE) {

  # verify and clean user input ------------------------------------------------

  # verify and set x and K:
  xK <- check_set_predictors(x,K)
  x <- xK[[1]]
  K <- xK[[2]]
  # set the number of predictors:
  M <- ncol(x)
  # set the number of observations:
  N <- nrow(x)
  # verify and set y and n:
  yn <- check_set_outcome(y,n,N)
  y <- yn[[1]]
  n <- yn[[2]]
  # set the number of event types (i.e. competing risks):
  R <- ncol(y)

  # verify and set prior specifications:
  priors <- check_set_priors(priors,M,R)
  # verify number of iterations to store S is a positive whole number:
  if (!(is.numeric(S) && length(S)==1 && all_whole(S) && S > .5)) {
    stop("the number of iterations to store S must be a positive whole number")
  # convert S to integer type if necessary:
  if(!is.integer(S)) S <- as.integer(round(S))
  # verify number of burn-in iterations B is a nonnegative whole number:
  if (!(is.numeric(B) && length(B)==1 && all_whole(B) && B > -.5)) {
    stop("the number of burn-in iterations B must be a nonnegative integer")
  # convert B to integer type if necessary:
  if(!is.integer(B)) B <- as.integer(round(B))

  # initialize parameters, parameter storage, and acceptance counters ----------

  # initialize current values of intercepts to MLE's with covariates omitted:
  b_0 <- log(colSums(y)/(sum(n)-sum(y)))
  # intercept storage:
  b_0_s <- matrix(0,R,S)
  # current values, storage and acceptance counters for linear predictor params:
  b_m <- vector("list",M)
  b_m_s <- vector("list",M)
  b_m_a <- vector("list",M)
  for (m in seq_len(M)) {
    # current parameter values:
    b_m[[m]] <- matrix(0,R,K[m])
    # stored parameter values (saving random effects only if requested):
    if (priors[[m]]$type %in% c("cat","gmrf") ||
        (priors[[m]]$type == "re" && store_re)) {
      b_m_s[[m]] <- array(0,c(R,K[m],S))
    # acceptance counters:
    b_m_a[[m]] <- rep(0L,K[m])
  # current values and storage for variance/precision parameters:
  # std. dev. of the random walk increment or covariance of the random effects:
  s_m <- vector("list",M)
  s_m_s <- vector("list",M)
  # precision of the random walk increment or precision of the random effects:
  prec_m <- vector("list",M)

  for (m in seq_len(M)) {
    # GMRF case:
    if (priors[[m]]$type == "gmrf") {
      # initialize increment std. dev. to 1:
      s_m[[m]] <- rep(1,R)
      s_m_s[[m]] <- matrix(0,R,S)
      prec_m[[m]] <- 1/s_m[[m]]^2
    # random effects case:
    } else if (priors[[m]]$type == "re") {
      # initialize random effects covariance to identity matrix:
      s_m[[m]] <- diag(R)
      s_m_s[[m]] <- array(0,c(R,R,S))
      prec_m[[m]] <- solve(s_m[[m]])
  # initialize linear predictors and negative log partition function:
  # current values of the linear predictors:
  eta <- matrix(0,R,N)
  eta <- eta + b_0
  for (m in seq_len(M)) eta <- eta + b_m[[m]][,x[,m]]
  # current values of the negative log partition functions:
  nlpartfun <- -log1p(colSums(exp(eta)))
  # create index subsets and y-sums for single-category RWM steps --------------
  # list whose m^th element is the list whose k^th element is the vector of
  # indices of observations with value k for predictor m:
  subindex <- vector("list",M)
  # list whose m^th element is the R x K[m] matrix whose (r,k) entry is the
  # count of events of type r occurring at observations with value k for
  # predictor m:
  y_sum <- vector("list",M)
  # loop over predictors m:
  for (m in seq_len(M)) {
    subindex[[m]] <- vector("list",K[m])
    y_sum[[m]] <- matrix(0,R,K[m])
    for (k in seq_len(K[m])) {
      subindex[[m]][[k]] <- which(x[,m]==k)
      y_sum[[m]][,k] <- colSums(y[subindex[[m]][[k]],,drop=FALSE])
  # run MCMC -------------------------------------------------------------------

  # loop over scans s from both burn-in and stored iterations:  
  for (s in seq_len(S+B)) {
    # loop over predictors m:  
    for (m in seq_len(M)) {
      # categorical case RWM updates -------------------------------------------
      if (priors[[m]]$type == "cat") {
        for (k in seq_len(K[m])) {
          # proposed step in the random walk:
          prop_step <- rnorm(R,0,
                             2.4/sqrt(R*(priors[[m]]$tau + y_sum[[m]][,k])))
          # proposed new parameter values:
          b_star <- b_m[[m]][,k] + prop_step
          # conditional prior means:
          cm <- rowMeans(b_m[[m]][,-k,drop=FALSE])
          # calculate log prior ratio:
          lpr <- sum(dnorm(b_star,cm,priors[[m]]$sd,TRUE)
                     - dnorm(b_m[[m]][,k],cm,priors[[m]]$sd,TRUE))
          # index subset of observations with value k for variable m:
          subi <- subindex[[m]][[k]]
          # if there are no observations with value k for variable m, then
          # accept the proposal based on the log prior ratio only:
          if (length(subi) == 0L) {
            if (log(runif(1)) < lpr) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L

          # otherwise, calculate the log likelihood ratio then accept/reject:
          } else {
            # linear predictors under proposed values:
            eta_star <- eta[,subi] + prop_step
            # negative log partition function under proposed values:
            nlpartfun_star <- -log1p(.colSums(exp(eta_star),R,length(subi)))
            # log likelihood ratio:
            llr <- (crossprod(y_sum[[m]][,k],prop_step) + 
            # accept the proposal with the appropriate probability:
            if (log(runif(1)) < (llr + lpr)) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              eta[,subi] <- eta_star
              nlpartfun[subi] <- nlpartfun_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L
        } # end k loop
        # sweep parameter vector averages onto intercepts:
        rms <- rowMeans(b_m[[m]])
        b_m[[m]] <- b_m[[m]] - rms
        b_0 <- b_0 + rms
      # GMRF case RWM updates --------------------------------------------------
      } else if (priors[[m]]$type == "gmrf") {
        for (k in seq_len(K[m])) {
          # full conditional precision:
          fc_prec <- ifelse(k==1L || k==K[m],1,2)*prec_m[[m]] + y_sum[[m]][,k]
          # proposed step in the random walk:
          prop_step <- rnorm(R,0,2.4/sqrt(R*fc_prec))
          # proposed new parameter values:
          b_star <- b_m[[m]][,k] + prop_step
          # log prior ratio:
          if (k==1L) {
            lpr <- sum(dnorm(b_star,b_m[[m]][,2L],s_m[[m]],TRUE) -
          } else if (k==K[m]) {
            lpr <- sum(dnorm(b_star,b_m[[m]][,k-1L],s_m[[m]],TRUE) -
          } else {
            b_near <- (b_m[[m]][,k-1L] + b_m[[m]][,k+1L])/2
            lpr <- sum(dnorm(b_star,b_near,s_m[[m]]/sqrt(2),TRUE) -
          # index subset of observations with value k for variable m:
          subi <- subindex[[m]][[k]]
          # if there are no observations with value k for variable m, then
          # accept the proposal based on the log prior ratio only:
          if (length(subi) == 0L) {
            if (log(runif(1)) < lpr) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L

          # otherwise, calculate the log likelihood ratio then accept/reject:
          } else {
            # linear predictors under proposed values:
            eta_star <- eta[,subi] + prop_step
            # negative log partition function under proposed values:
            nlpartfun_star <- -log1p(.colSums(exp(eta_star),R,length(subi)))
            # log likelihood ratio:
            llr <- (crossprod(y_sum[[m]][,k],prop_step) + 
            # accept the proposal with the appropriate probability:
            if (log(runif(1)) < (llr + lpr)) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              eta[,subi] <- eta_star
              nlpartfun[subi] <- nlpartfun_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L
        } # end k loop
        # sweep parameter vector averages onto intercepts:
        rms <- rowMeans(b_m[[m]])
        b_m[[m]] <- b_m[[m]] - rms
        b_0 <- b_0 + rms
        # update GMRF variance parameters --------------------------------------
        # calculate sums of squares of adjacent parameters for all R risks:
        SS <- apply(b_m[[m]],1, function(v) crossprod(diff(v)) )
        # sample the increment precisions from the full conditionals:
        prec_m[[m]] <- rgamma(R,priors[[m]]$a+.5*(K[m]-1),priors[[m]]$b+.5*SS)
        # update the corresponding std. dev. value:
        s_m[[m]] <- sqrt(1/prec_m[[m]])
      # random effects case RWM updates ----------------------------------------
      } else if (priors[[m]]$type == "re") {
        for (k in seq_len(K[m])) {
          # current parameter values:
          b_old <- b_m[[m]][,k]
          # full conditional precision matrix:
          fc_prec <- prec_m[[m]] + diag(y_sum[[m]][,k])
          # proposed step in the random walk:
          prop_step <- 2.4/sqrt(R)*backsolve(chol(fc_prec),rnorm(R))
          # proposed new parameter values:
          b_star <- b_old + prop_step
          # log prior ratio:
          lpr <- -0.5*( (b_star %*% prec_m[[m]] %*% b_star) -
                        (b_old  %*% prec_m[[m]] %*% b_old ) )
          # index subset of observations with value k for variable m:
          subi <- subindex[[m]][[k]]
          # if there are no observations with value k for variable m, then
          # accept the proposal based on the log prior ratio only:
          if (length(subi) == 0L) {
            if (log(runif(1)) < lpr) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L

          # otherwise, calculate the log likelihood ratio then accept/reject:
          } else {
            # linear predictors under proposed values:
            eta_star <- eta[,subi] + prop_step
            # negative log partition function under proposed values:
            nlpartfun_star <- -log1p(.colSums(exp(eta_star),R,length(subi)))
            # log likelihood ratio:
            llr <- (crossprod(y_sum[[m]][,k],prop_step) + 
            # accept the proposal with the appropriate probability:
            if (log(runif(1)) < (llr + lpr)) {
              b_m[[m]][,k] <- b_star
              eta[,subi] <- eta_star
              nlpartfun[subi] <- nlpartfun_star
              if (s > B) b_m_a[[m]][k] <- b_m_a[[m]][k] + 1L
        } # end k loop
        # update random effects covariance matrix:
        prec_m[[m]] <- rWishart(1,priors[[m]]$nu + K[m],
      } # end random effects case
    } # end m loop
    # store scan ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # store updates only for post-burn-in iterations:
    if (s > B) {
      b_0_s[,s-B] <- b_0
      for (m in seq_len(M)) {
        if (priors[[m]]$type %in% c("cat","gmrf") ||
            (priors[[m]]$type == "re" && store_re)) {
          b_m_s[[m]][,,s-B] <- b_m[[m]]
        if (priors[[m]]$type == "gmrf") s_m_s[[m]][,s-B] <- s_m[[m]]
        if (priors[[m]]$type == "re") s_m_s[[m]][,,s-B] <- solve(prec_m[[m]])
  } # end s loop
  # return the linear predictor params, scale params, and acceptance counters:
} # end brea_mcmc function

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brea documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 a.m.