
Defines functions CE.NB.Init

Documented in CE.NB.Init

CE.NB.Init <-
function(data, init.locs, eps=0.01, rho=0.05, M=200, h=5, a=0.8, b=0.8, distyp = 1, penalty = "BIC", var.init = 100000, parallel = FALSE){
  if(is.data.frame(data) == "FALSE"| is.null(dim(data)[2])) {
    print("Error in data: dataframe only")                                                           
  } else if(dim(data)[2] != 1) {
    print("Error in data: single column dataframe only")                               
  } else if(missing(init.locs)){
    print("Error: Initial locations are not provided!!!")
  } else { 
    if(distyp == 1 & penalty == "BIC"){
      Melite <- M*rho
      L <- length(data[, 1])
      L0 <- 1      
      k <- length(init.locs)
      r <- suppressWarnings(try(fitdistr(data[, 1], "negative binomial")[[1]][[1]], silent = T)) 
      if(parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
          cl <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores(), type = "SOCK") 
          clusterExport(cl, c("ce.4betaNB.BIC.Init", "betarand", "fun.alpha", "fun.beta", "BICnb", "llhoodnb", "logliknb", "betaIntEst"), envir = environment())
          clusterExport(cl, c("data", "rho", "M", "h", "eps", "Melite", "L", "L0", "a", "init.locs", "r", "var.init"), envir = environment())  
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.4betaNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      } else if (parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.4betaNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      } else sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %do% ce.4betaNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      cpt.loci <- sim[[1]]$loci
      return(list("No.BPs" = length(cpt.loci) - 2, "BP.Loc" = cpt.loci[2:(length(cpt.loci) - 1)], "BIC" = sim[[1]]$BIC, "ll" = sim[[1]]$LogLike))
      } else if(distyp == 2 & penalty == "BIC"){
      Melite <- M*rho
      L <- length(data[, 1])
      L0 <- 1      
      k <- length(init.locs)
      r <- suppressWarnings(try(fitdistr(data[, 1], "negative binomial")[[1]][[1]], silent = T)) 
      if(parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
          cl <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores(), type = "SOCK") 
          clusterExport(cl, c("ce.simNormalNB.BIC.Init", "normrand", "BICnb", "llhoodnb", "logliknb"), envir = environment())
          clusterExport(cl, c("data", "rho", "M", "h", "eps", "Melite", "L", "L0", "a", "b", "init.locs", "r", "var.init"), envir=environment())  
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.simNormalNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
        } else if (parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
            sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.simNormalNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
        } else sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %do% ce.simNormalNB.BIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
      cpt.loci <- sim[[1]]$loci
      return(list("No.BPs" = length(cpt.loci) - 2, "BP.Loc" = cpt.loci[2:(length(cpt.loci) - 1)], "BIC" = sim[[1]]$BIC, "ll" = sim[[1]]$LogLike))
      } else if(distyp == 1 & penalty == "AIC") {
      Melite <- M*rho
      L <- length(data[, 1])
      L0 <- 1      
      k <- length(init.locs)
      r <- suppressWarnings(try(fitdistr(data[, 1], "negative binomial")[[1]][[1]], silent = T)) 
      if(parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
          cl <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores(), type = "SOCK") 
          clusterExport(cl, c("ce.4betaNB.AIC.Init", "betarand", "fun.alpha", "fun.beta", "AICnb", "llhoodnb", "logliknb", "betaIntEst"), envir = environment())
          clusterExport(cl, c("data", "rho", "M", "h", "eps", "Melite", "L", "L0", "a", "init.locs", "r", "var.init"), envir = environment())  
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.4betaNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      } else if (parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.4betaNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      } else sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %do% ce.4betaNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, r, var.init)
      cpt.loci <- sim[[1]]$loci

      return(list("No.BPs" = length(cpt.loci) - 2, "BP.Loc" = cpt.loci[2:(length(cpt.loci) - 1)], "AIC" = sim[[1]]$AIC, "ll" = sim[[1]]$LogLike))
    } else if(distyp == 2 & penalty == "AIC"){
      Melite <- M*rho
      L <- length(data[, 1])
      L0 <- 1      
      k <- length(init.locs)
      r <- suppressWarnings(try(fitdistr(data[, 1], "negative binomial")[[1]][[1]], silent = T)) 
      if(parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
          cl <- makeCluster(parallel::detectCores(), type = "SOCK") 
          clusterExport(cl, c("ce.simNormalNB.AIC.Init", "normrand", "BICnb", "llhoodnb", "logliknb"), envir = environment())
          clusterExport(cl, c("data", "rho", "M", "h", "eps", "Melite", "L", "L0", "a", "b", "init.locs", "r", "var.init"), envir=environment())  
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.simNormalNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
      } else if (parallel == TRUE & .Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
          sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %dopar% ce.simNormalNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
      } else sim <- foreach(k = k, .errorhandling = c('pass')) %do% ce.simNormalNB.AIC.Init(k, init.locs, data, h, L0, L, M, Melite, eps, a, b, r, var.init)
      cpt.loci <- sim[[1]]$loci
      return(list("No.BPs" = length(cpt.loci) - 2, "BP.Loc" = cpt.loci[2:(length(cpt.loci) - 1)], "AIC" = sim[[1]]$AIC, "ll" = sim[[1]]$LogLike))

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breakpoint documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:14 p.m.