# plot.mjca(): Plotting mjca objects (ca package 0.70)
plot.mjca <- function(x,
dim = c(1,2),
map = "symmetric",
centroids = FALSE,
what = c("none", "all"),
mass = c(FALSE, FALSE),
contrib = c("none", "none"),
col = c("#000000", "#FF0000"),
pch = c(16, 1, 17, 24),
labels = c(2, 2),
collabels = c("both", "level", "factor"),
arrows = c(FALSE, FALSE),
xlab = "_auto_",
ylab = "_auto_",
obj <- x
# recycling input:
if (length(what) != 2){
what <- rep(what, length = 2)
if (length(mass) != 2){
mass <- rep(mass, length = 2)
if (length(contrib) != 2){
contrib <- rep(contrib, length = 2)
if (length(labels) != 2){
labels <- rep(labels, length = 2)
if (length(pch) != 4){
pch <- rep(pch, length = 4)
col.temp <- length(obj$colnames)
if (length(col) < col.temp + 1){
col <- c(col[1], rep(col[-1], length = col.temp))
col <- col[1:(1 + col.temp)]
# check for suprow/-col and 'row-/col.gab/-green'
if (!is.numeric(x$suprow)) {
if (map == "colgab" | map == "colgreen") {
if (what[1] != "none") what[1] <- "active"
if (!is.numeric(x$supcol)) {
if (map == "rowgab" | map == "rowgreen") {
if (what[2] != "none") what[2] <- "active"
# principal coordinates:
K <- dim(obj$rowcoord)[2]
I <- dim(obj$rowcoord)[1] ; J <- dim(obj$colcoord)[1]
evF <- matrix(rep(obj$sv[1:K], I), I, K, byrow = TRUE)
evG <- matrix(rep(obj$sv[1:K], J), J, K, byrow = TRUE)
rpc <- obj$rowcoord * evF
cpc <- obj$colcoord * evG
symrpc <- obj$rowcoord * sqrt(evF)
symcpc <- obj$colcoord * sqrt(evG)
# maptype
mt <- c("symmetric", "rowprincipal", "colprincipal", "symbiplot", "rowgab", "colgab", "rowgreen", "colgreen")
mti <- 1:length(mt)
mtlut <- list(symmetric = list(x = rpc, y = cpc),
rowprincipal = list(x = rpc, y = obj$colcoord),
colprincipal = list(x = obj$rowcoord, y = cpc),
symbiplot = list(x = symrpc, y = symcpc),
rowgab = list(x = rpc, y = obj$colcoord * obj$colmass),
colgab = list(x = obj$rowcoord * obj$rowmass, y = cpc),
rowgreen = list(x = rpc, y = obj$colcoord * sqrt(obj$colmass)),
rowgreen = list(x = obj$rowcoord * sqrt(obj$rowmass), y = cpc)
x <- mtlut[[mti[mt==map]]][[1]]
y <- mtlut[[mti[mt==map]]][[2]]
x.names <- obj$rownames
collabels <- match.arg(collabels)
y.names <- switch(collabels,
both = obj$levelnames,
level = obj$factors[,"level"],
factor = obj$factors[,"factor"]
# y.names <- obj$levelnames
# profiles to plot
indx <- dim(x)[1]
indy <- dim(y)[1]
pch.x <- rep(pch[1],dim(x)[1])
pch.y <- rep(pch[3],dim(y)[1])
pr <- c("none", "active", "passive", "all")
pri <- 1:4
sup.x <- NA
act.x <- x
xn.sup <- NA
xn.act <- x.names
if ($colsup[1])) {
sup.y <- NA
act.y <- y
yn.sup <- NA
yn.act <- y.names
} else {
sup.y <- y[obj$colsup,]
act.y <- y[-obj$colsup,]
pch.y[obj$colsup] <- pch[4]
yn.sup <- y.names[obj$colsup]
yn.act <- y.names[-obj$colsup]
prlut <- list(none = list(x = NA, y = NA),
active = list(x = act.x, y = act.y),
supplementary = list(x = sup.x, y = sup.y),
all = list(x = x, y = y))
nameslut <- list(none = list(x.names = NA, y.names = NA),
active = list(x.names = xn.act, y.names = yn.act),
supplementary = list (x.names = xn.sup, y.names = yn.sup),
all = list(x.names = x.names, y.names = y.names) )
pchlut <- list(none = list(x.pch = NA, y.pch = NA),
active = list(x.pch = rep(pch[1],dim(x)[1]), y.pch = rep(pch[3],dim(y)[1])),
supplementary = list (x.pch = rep(pch[2],dim(x)[1]), y.pch = rep(pch[4],dim(y)[1])),
all = list(x.pch = pch.x, y.pch = pch.y) )
x <- prlut[[pri[pr == what[1]]]][[1]]
y <- prlut[[pri[pr == what[2]]]][[2]]
x.names <- nameslut[[pri[pr == what[1]]]][[1]]
y.names <- nameslut[[pri[pr == what[2]]]][[2]]
x.pch <- pchlut[[pri[pr == what[1]]]][[1]]
y.pch <- pchlut[[pri[pr == what[2]]]][[2]]
# dimensions to plot
x <- x[,dim]
} else {
x <- matrix(x[dim], ncol = length(dim), nrow = 1)
y <- y[,dim]
} else {
y <- matrix(y[dim], ncol = length(dim), nrow = 1)
## plot setup
# radius/mass
if (mass[1]){
cex.x <- 0.5 + obj$rowmass^(1/3) / max(obj$rowmass^(1/3))
} else {
cex.x <- 0.5
if (mass[2]){
cex.y <- 0.5 + obj$colmass^(1/3) / max(obj$colmass^(1/3))
} else {
cex.y <- 1
# contributions/colour intensities
nc0 <- 50
cst <- 230
col.x <- col[1]
col.y <- rep(col[-1], obj$levels.n)
if (contrib[1] == "relative") {
cind <- obj$rowmass*(rpc[,dim[1]]^2 + rpc[,dim[2]]^2) / obj$rowinertia
cb.x <- col2rgb(col[1])
collut.x <- rgb(seq(cst, cb.x[1, 1], length = nc0),
seq(cst, cb.x[2, 1], length = nc0),
seq(cst, cb.x[3, 1], length = nc0), maxColorValue = 255 )
xtemp <- nc0*(cind)
col.x <- collut.x[xtemp]
} else {
if (contrib[1] == "absolute") {
cind <- obj$rowmass*(rpc[,dim[1]]^2 + rpc[,dim[2]]^2) /
(obj$sv[dim[1]]^2 + obj$sv[dim[2]]^2)
cb.x <- col2rgb(col[1])
p.x <- cb.x[,1] + (cst - cb.x[,1])/indx
collut.x1 <- rgb(seq(cst, p.x[1], length = nc0/2),
seq(cst, p.x[2], length = nc0/2),
seq(cst, p.x[3], length = nc0/2), maxColorValue = 255 )
collut.x2 <- rgb(seq(p.x[1], cb.x[1, 1], length = nc0/2),
seq(p.x[2], cb.x[2, 1], length = nc0/2),
seq(p.x[3], cb.x[3, 1], length = nc0/2),
maxColorValue = 255 )
collut.x <- c(collut.x1, collut.x2)
xtemp <- nc0*(cind)
col.x <- collut.x[xtemp]
if (contrib[2] == "relative") {
cind <- obj$colmass*(cpc[,dim[1]]^2 + cpc[,dim[2]]^2) / obj$colinertia
cb.y <- col2rgb(col[2])
collut.y <- rgb(seq(cst, cb.y[1, 1], length = nc0),
seq(cst, cb.y[2, 1], length = nc0),
seq(cst, cb.y[3, 1], length = nc0), maxColorValue = 255 )
ytemp <- nc0 * cind
col.y <- collut.y[ytemp]
if (contrib[2] == "absolute") {
cind <- obj$colmass*(cpc[,dim[1]]^2 + cpc[,dim[2]]^2) / (obj$sv[dim[1]]^2 + obj$sv[dim[2]]^2)
cb.y <- col2rgb(col[2])
p.y <- cb.y[,1] + (cst - cb.y[,1])/indy
collut.y1 <- rgb(seq(cst, p.y[1], length = nc0/2),
seq(cst, p.y[2], length = nc0/2),
seq(cst, p.y[3], length = nc0/2), maxColorValue = 255 )
collut.y2 <- rgb(seq(p.y[1], cb.y[1, 1], length = nc0/2),
seq(p.y[2], cb.y[2, 1], length = nc0/2),
seq(p.y[3], cb.y[3, 1], length = nc0/2), maxColorValue = 255 )
collut.y <- c(collut.y1, collut.y2)
ytemp <- nc0 * cind
col.y <- collut.y[ytemp]
## plotting:
# determine margins
q1 <- (1:dim(x)[1])
q2 <- (1:dim(y)[1])
l1 <- c(x[q1,1], y[q2,1]) ; l1 <- l1[!]
l2 <- c(x[q1,2], y[q2,2]) ; l2 <- l2[!]
if (length(l1) == 0){
l1 <- c(-.1, .1)
if (length(l2) == 0){
l2 <- c(-.1, .1)
lim1 <- range(l1) + c(-.05, .05) * diff(range(l1))
lim2 <- range(l2) + c(-.05, .05) * diff(range(l2))
# axis labels
# calculate the axis percent values trying to match the output from summary()
values <- obj$sv^2
if (obj$lambda == "JCA"){
pct <- rep(NULL, 2)
} else {
if (obj$lambda == "adjusted") {
values <- obj$inertia.e
pct <- round(100 * values, 1)
pct <- paste0(" (", pct[dim], "%)")
} else {
pct <- round(100 * values / sum(values), 1)
pct <- paste0(" (", pct[dim], "%)")
# Check:? do these pct values match the output from summary()
if (xlab == "_auto_"){
xlab = paste0("Dimension ", dim[1], pct[1])
if (ylab == "_auto_"){
ylab = paste0("Dimension ", dim[2], pct[2])
pty.backup <- par()$pty
# plot:
# par(pty = "s") # replaces by asp=1 below
plot(c(x[,1],y[,1]), c(x[,2],y[,2]), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", axes = FALSE, asp = 1, ...)
abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 3)
axis(1, col = col[1])
axis(2, col = col[1])
# rows
if (![1]) & labels[1] != 1) {
if (arrows[1]) {
.arrows(rep(0, length(x[,1])), rep(0, length(x[,1])), x[,1], x[,2], col = col.x, length = 0.1)
} else {
points(x[,1], x[,2], cex = cex.x, col = col.x, pch = x.pch)
if (labels[1] > 0) {
xoff1 <- if(labels[1]>1) .5 * strwidth(x.names, cex = .75) + .5 * strwidth("o", cex = .75) else 0
xoff2 <- if(labels[1]>1) .5 * strheight(x.names, cex = .75) + .5 * strheight("o", cex = .75) else 0
text(x[,1] + xoff1, x[,2] + xoff2, x.names, cex = 0.75, xpd = TRUE)
# columns
if (![1]) & labels[2] != 1 ) {
if (arrows[2]) {
.arrows(rep(0, length(y[,1])), rep(0, length(y[,1])), y[,1], y[,2], col = col.y, length = 0.1)
} else {
points(y[,1], y[,2], cex = cex.y, col = col.y, pch = y.pch)
if (labels[2] > 0) {
yoff1 <- if(labels[2]>1) .5 * strwidth(y.names, cex = 0.75) + .5 * strwidth("o", cex = .75) else 0
yoff2 <- if(labels[2]>1) .5 * strheight(y.names, cex = 0.75) + .5 * strheight("o", cex = .75) else 0
text(y[,1] + yoff1, y[,2] + yoff2, y.names, cex = 0.75, xpd = TRUE)
par(pty = pty.backup)
# return a result for further plot annotation
rownames(x) <- x.names; colnames(x) <- paste0("Dim", dim)
rownames(y) <- y.names; colnames(y) <- paste0("Dim", dim)
result <- list(rows = x, cols = y)
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