#' Radial plots of single-species activity
#' The function generates a radial plot of species diel activity using an
#' adapted version of function \code{\link[plotrix]{radial.plot}} from package
#' \pkg{plotrix} (without the need to install the package). Records are
#' aggregated by hour. The number of independent events is used as input, which
#' in turn is based on the argument \code{minDeltaTime} in
#' \code{\link{recordTable}}.
#' \code{radial.plot} was adjusted to show a clockwise 24-hour clock face. It
#' is recommended to set argument \code{lwd} to a value >= 2. You may also wish
#' to add argument \code{rp.type="p"} to show a polygon instead of bars.
#' \code{recordDateTimeFormat} defaults to the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
#' convention, e.g. "2014-09-30 22:59:59". \code{recordDateTimeFormat} can be
#' interpreted either by base-R via \code{\link[base]{strptime}} or in
#' \pkg{lubridate} via \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}} (argument
#' "orders"). \pkg{lubridate} will be used if there are no "\%" characters in
#' \code{recordDateTimeFormat}.
#' For "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", \code{recordDateTimeFormat} would be either
#' "\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S" or "ymd HMS". For details on how to specify date
#' and time formats in R see \code{\link[base]{strptime}} or
#' \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}}.
#' @param recordTable data.frame. the record table created by
#' \code{\link{recordTable}}
#' @param species Name of the species for which to create an kernel density
#' plot of activity
#' @param allSpecies logical. Create plots for all species in \code{speciesCol}
#' of \code{recordTable}? Overrides argument \code{species}
#' @param speciesCol character. name of the column specifying species names in
#' \code{recordTable}
#' @param recordDateTimeCol character. name of the column specifying date and
#' time in \code{recordTable}
#' @param recordDateTimeFormat character. format of column
#' \code{recordDateTimeCol} in \code{recordTable}
#' @param byNumber logical. If FALSE, plot proportion of records. If TRUE, plot
#' number of records
#' @param plotR logical. Show plots in R graphics device?
#' @param writePNG logical. Create pngs of the plots?
#' @param plotDirectory character. Directory in which to create png plots if
#' \code{writePNG = TRUE}
#' @param createDir logical. Create \code{plotDirectory}?
#' @param pngMaxPix integer. image size of png (pixels along x-axis)
#' @param \dots additional arguments to be passed to function
#' \code{\link[plotrix]{radial.plot}}
#' @return Returns invisibly a data.frame containing all information needed to
#' create the plot: radial position, lengths, hour (for labels). If
#' \code{allSpecies == TRUE}, all species' data frames are returned in an
#' invisible named list.
#' @author Juergen Niedballa
#' @seealso \code{\link{activityDensity}}, \code{\link{activityHistogram}},
#' \code{\link{activityOverlap}}
#' @references Lemon, J. (2006) Plotrix: a package in the red light district of
#' R. R-News, 6(4): 8-12. \cr \url{ }
#' @examples
#' # load record table
#' data(recordTableSample)
#' species4activity <- "PBE" # = Prionailurus bengalensis, Leopard Cat
#' activityRadial(recordTable = recordTableSample,
#' species = species4activity,
#' allSpecies = FALSE,
#' speciesCol = "Species",
#' recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
#' plotR = TRUE,
#' writePNG = FALSE,
#' lwd = 5
#' )
#' # plot type = polygon
#' activityRadial(recordTable = recordTableSample,
#' species = species4activity,
#' allSpecies = FALSE,
#' speciesCol = "Species",
#' recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
#' plotR = TRUE,
#' writePNG = FALSE,
#' lwd = 5,
#' rp.type = "p"
#' )
#' @export activityRadial
activityRadial <- function(recordTable,
allSpecies = FALSE,
speciesCol = "Species",
recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS",
byNumber = FALSE,
plotR = TRUE,
writePNG = FALSE,
createDir = FALSE,
pngMaxPix = 1000,
wd0 <- getwd()
mar0 <- par()$mar
on.exit(par(mar = mar0), add = TRUE)
checkForSpacesInColumnNames(speciesCol = speciesCol, recordDateTimeCol = recordDateTimeCol)
recordTable <- dataFrameTibbleCheck(df = recordTable)
if(!speciesCol %in% colnames(recordTable)) stop(paste('speciesCol = "', speciesCol, '" is not a column name in recordTable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
if(!recordDateTimeCol %in% colnames(recordTable)) stop(paste('recordDateTimeCol = "', recordDateTimeCol, '" is not a column name in recordTable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
stopifnot(is.logical(c(allSpecies, writePNG, plotR, createDir, byNumber)))
if(allSpecies == FALSE) {
stopifnot(species %in% recordTable[,speciesCol])
timeZone <- "UTC"
recordTable$DateTime2 <- parseDateTimeObject(inputColumn = recordTable[,recordDateTimeCol],
dateTimeFormat = recordDateTimeFormat,
timeZone = timeZone)
recordTable$Time2 <- as.POSIXlt(recordTable$DateTime2)$hour
recordTable[,speciesCol] <- as.character(recordTable[,speciesCol])
dir.create(plotDirectory, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
} else {
if(file.exists(plotDirectory) == FALSE) stop("plotDirectory does not exist.")
} else {stop("writePNG is TRUE. Please set plotDirectory")}
pngWidth <- pngMaxPix
pngHeight <- pngMaxPix
if(allSpecies == FALSE){
subset_species <- recordTable[recordTable[,speciesCol] == species,]
lengths.tmp <- table(subset_species$Time2)
seq.tmp <- data.frame(hour = seq(0,23, length.out = 24),
n = 0)
seq.tmp$n[match(as.numeric(names(lengths.tmp)), seq.tmp$hour)] <- lengths.tmp
seq.tmp$perc <- seq.tmp$n / sum(seq.tmp$n)
seq.tmp$radial.pos <- seq.tmp$hour/(24/(2*pi))
seq.tmp$length4plot <- seq.tmp$n
} else {
seq.tmp$length4plot <- seq.tmp$perc
png(filename = paste("activity_radial_", species, "_", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep = ""),
width = pngWidth, height = pngHeight, units = "px", res = 96, type = "cairo")
.radial.plot(lengths = seq.tmp$length4plot, radial.pos = seq.tmp$radial.pos,
clockwise = TRUE,
start = (pi/2),
labels = paste(formatC(seq.tmp$hour, width = 2, flag = 0), "00", sep = ""),
main = species,
boxed.radial = FALSE,
#title(main = paste("Activity of", species), line = 3)
#mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)), side = 3, line = 0)
.radial.plot(lengths = seq.tmp$length4plot, radial.pos = seq.tmp$radial.pos,
clockwise = TRUE,
start = (pi/2),
labels = paste(formatC(seq.tmp$hour, width = 2, flag = 0), "00", sep = ""),
main = species,
boxed.radial = FALSE,
#title(main = paste("Activity of", species), line = 3)
#mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)), side = 3, line = 0)
} else {
subset_species_list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(unique(recordTable[,speciesCol]))){
spec.tmp <- unique(recordTable[,speciesCol])[i]
subset_species <- subset(recordTable, recordTable[,speciesCol] == spec.tmp)
lengths.tmp <- table(subset_species$Time2)
seq.tmp <- data.frame(hour = seq(0,23, length.out = 24),
n = 0)
seq.tmp$n[match(as.numeric(names(lengths.tmp)), seq.tmp$hour)] <- lengths.tmp
seq.tmp$perc <- seq.tmp$n / sum(seq.tmp$n)
seq.tmp$radial.pos <- seq.tmp$hour/(24/(2*pi))
seq.tmp$length4plot <- seq.tmp$n
} else {
seq.tmp$length4plot <- seq.tmp$perc
png(filename = paste("activity_radial_", spec.tmp, "_", Sys.Date(), ".png", sep = ""),
width = pngWidth, height = pngHeight, units = "px", res = 96, type = "cairo")
.radial.plot(lengths = seq.tmp$length4plot, radial.pos = seq.tmp$radial.pos,
clockwise = TRUE,
start = (pi/2),
labels = paste(formatC(seq.tmp$hour, width = 2, flag = 0), "00", sep = ""),
main = spec.tmp,
boxed.radial = FALSE,
#title(main = paste("Activity of", spec.tmp), line = 3)
#mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)), side = 3, line = 0)
.radial.plot(lengths = seq.tmp$length4plot, radial.pos = seq.tmp$radial.pos,
clockwise = TRUE,
start = (pi/2),
labels = paste(formatC(seq.tmp$hour, width = 2, flag = 0), "00", sep = ""),
main = spec.tmp,
boxed.radial = FALSE,
#title(main = paste("Activity of", spec.tmp), line = 3)
#mtext(paste("number of records:", nrow(subset_species)), side = 3, line = 0)
subset_species_list[[i]] <- seq.tmp
names(subset_species_list)[i] <- spec.tmp
if(allSpecies == FALSE){
} else {
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