
Defines functions contrCalc

Documented in contrCalc

contrCalc <- function(vals, phy, ref.var, picMethod, crunch.brlen, macro=NULL, trimTips=TRUE){

    # Takes the tip values and analysis tree and calculates matrices 
    # of contrasts and nodal values. ref.var is a reference to a column in vals.
    # DESIGN THOUGHTS - simpler to maintain with a single function for each type of contrast
    #                 - create an initialize function to do these shared first steps?
	nTip   <- length(phy$tip.label)
    Root   <- nTip + 1
    IntNd  <- phy$node.label # put in place by comparative data 
    nIntNd <- phy$Nnode

	# get a contrast matrix and a table of nodal values for internal and external nodes
    contrMat <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(vals), nrow=nIntNd, dimnames=list(IntNd, colnames(vals)))
    nodVal <- rbind(vals, contrMat)

    # node depth vector
    nodeDepth <- rep(c(1,NA), times=c(length(phy$tip.label), nIntNd))
    names(nodeDepth) <- rownames(nodVal)

	# simple vector flagging which rows of nodVal are internal
    internalFlag <- rep(c(FALSE,TRUE), times=c(nTip, nIntNd))

    # vector of number of children and variance used in calculation
    nChild <- numeric(nIntNd)
    names(nChild) <- IntNd

    contrVar <- numeric(nIntNd)
    names(contrVar) <- IntNd

    # for use in brunch analyses, a vector to note whether an
    # internal node has been used or not
    brunchUsed <- logical(nrow(nodVal))
    names(brunchUsed) <- rownames(nodVal)

    # identify the groups contributing to each contrast
    # - split() sorts into numeric order
	# - these are using the ids from the edge matrix and 
	#   these are indices onto the vector c(tip.labels, node.labels)
	#   which is the order of the nodVal table so can be used directly
	#   to look up the rows of nodVal
	contrGp <- split(phy$edge[, 2], phy$edge[, 1])
	# put into a pruningwise order
	phy <- reorder(phy, 'pruningwise')
	contrGp <- contrGp[as.character(unique(phy$edge[,1]))]
	# now need to set the names of the contrast groups to the node labels
	names(contrGp) <- phy$node.label[as.numeric(names(contrGp)) - nTip]
	## if macro, then also keep track of the sums and 
	## macro contrasts of the first column
	if(! is.null(macro)){
		macroMethod <- match.arg(macro, c('RRD', 'PDI'))
		macro <- TRUE
	} else {
		macro <- FALSE
	# guard against phylo.d on missing data and zero branch lengths (Will Pearse)
	# - testing here and not in phylo.d itself in case anyone wants to
	#   run the calculations without the phylo.d wrapper
	if(picMethod == 'phylo.d'){
		if(any(is.na(vals))) stop('Missing data in phylo.d call.')
		if(any(phy$edge.length == 0)) stop('Zero branch lengths in phylo.d call.')
    # loop the nodes
    for(nd in seq_along(contrGp)){
        # ID the parents and children
        parent <- names(contrGp)[nd]
        children <- contrGp[[nd]]
        bl <- with(phy, edge.length[match(children, edge[,2])])
        vals <- nodVal[children,, drop=FALSE]
        # find complete cases at node... NB: Here, need to use a single set
        # of children nodes in order to have a consistent set of branch lengths
        # used in calculations - must use complete cases rather than dealing with
        # the available data for each variable
        compChild <- complete.cases(vals)
        nChild[parent] <- sum(compChild)
        # get the values of the reference variable
        # - ref.var identifies the column
        rv <- vals[, ref.var]

        "crunch" = {
                    # can't do anything with _no_ data, but need to do something with
                    # one or more children with information...                     
                        # continue calculation with those complete rows
                        compVals <- vals[compChild,, drop=FALSE]
                        bl <- bl[compChild]
                        rv <- rv[compChild]
                        if(sum(compChild) == 1){
                            # only one complete row... pass through to next node down
                            currNV <- compVals
                            currContr <- NA
                            currBlAdj <- bl
                            currVar <- NA
                        if(sum(compChild) == 2){
                            # dichotomous node
                            currNV <- colSums(compVals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
                            currContr <- diff(compVals[order(rv),])
                            currBlAdj <- prod(bl)/sum(bl)
                            currVar <- sum(bl)
                        if(sum(compChild) > 2){
                            # This is the pagel method for polytomies 
                            ## think about this - check out Nick Isaac's comment about only stalling on negative variance at a node.                            
                            bl <- bl - crunch.brlen
                            if(any(bl < 0)) stop("Crunch contrast calculation at a polytomy gives negative branch lengths.")
                            # is there any (meaningful) variance in the reference variable?
                           if(var(rv) < .Machine$double.eps){ 
                               # compare first to the rest (as in CAIC)
                                group <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(rv) -1))
                           } else {
                                # find groupings a vector indicating whether each row 
                                # is bigger or smaller than the mean of reference variable or is NA
                                group <- (rv > mean(rv, na.rm=TRUE)) # TODO - think >= or >?                               
                            # ProdValBl <- aggregate(compVals * (1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                            # SumWght <- aggregate((1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                            # subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
                            # subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)

                            invbl <- 1/bl
                            ProdValBl <- vals * invbl
                            ProdValBl <- rbind(colSums(ProdValBl[! group,, drop=FALSE]), colSums(ProdValBl[group,, drop=FALSE]))
                            SumWght <- c(sum(invbl[! group]), sum(invbl [group]))
                            subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
                            subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)
                            currContr <- diff(subNV)
                            currNV <- colSums(subNV*(1/subBL))/sum(1/subBL) # weighted means
                            currVar <- sum(subBL)
                            currBlAdj <- 1/(sum(1/subBL))
                    } else {
                        # no complete cases so pass NA down to the parent node
                        currContr <- NA
                        currNV <- NA
                        currBlAdj <- 0
                        currVar <- NA
        "phylo.d" = {
                    # OK - this method is much simpler
                    #  - just calculates the difference between the parent and child nodal values
					#  - also there won't be any missing data so can considerably slimmed down
                        if(sum(compChild) == 2){
                            # dichotomous node - get the nodal values 
                            currNV <- colSums(vals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
							# subtract the parent from the children and sum the absolute changes
                            currContr <- colSums(abs(t(t(vals) - currNV)))

                            currBlAdj <- prod(bl)/sum(bl)
                            currVar <- sum(bl)

                        if(sum(compChild) > 2){
                            # This is the pagel method for polytomies 
                            ## think about this - check out Nick Isaac's comment about only stalling on negative variance at a node.                            
                            bl <- bl - crunch.brlen # could hard code the zero in here
                            if(any(bl < 0)) stop("Crunch contrast calculation at a polytomy gives negative branch lengths.")

                            # is there any (meaningful) variance in the reference variable?
                           if(var(rv) < .Machine$double.eps){ 
                               # compare first to the rest (as in CAIC)
                                group <- c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(rv) -1))
                           } else {
                                # find groupings a vector indicating whether each row 
                                # is bigger or smaller than the mean of reference variable or is NA
                                group <- (rv > mean(rv, na.rm=TRUE)) # TODO - think >= or >?                               

                            # ProdValBl <- aggregate(vals * (1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                            # SumWght <- aggregate((1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                            # subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
                            # subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)

                            invbl <- 1/bl
                            ProdValBl <- vals * invbl
                            ProdValBl <- rbind(colSums(ProdValBl[! group,, drop=FALSE]), colSums(ProdValBl[group,, drop=FALSE]))
                            SumWght <- c(sum(invbl[! group]), sum(invbl [group]))
                            subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
                            subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)

							# get the nodal values 
                            currNV <- colSums(subNV*(1/subBL))/sum(1/subBL) # weighted means
							# subtract the parent from the children and sum the absolute changes
                            currContr <- colSums(abs(t(t(vals) - currNV)))

                            currVar <- sum(subBL)
                            currBlAdj <- 1/(sum(1/subBL))
        "brunch" = {
                    # further exclude any nodes which have been used to calculate contrasts
                    compChild <- compChild & ! brunchUsed[children]
                    # can't do anything with _no_ data, but need to do something with
                    # one or more children with information...                     
                        # continue calculation with those complete rows
                        compVals <- vals[compChild,, drop=FALSE]
                        bl <- bl[compChild]
                        rv <- rv[compChild]
                        if(sum(compChild) == 1){
                            # only one complete row... pass through to next node down as with crunch
                            currNV <- compVals
                            currContr <- NA
                            currBlAdj <- bl
                            currVar <- NA
                        if(sum(compChild) == 2){
                            # dichotomous node
                            # are there differences in the reference variable? 
                            # if there are, make a contrast and then pass NA vals to the nodal values 
                            # otherwise don't make a contrast and pass a weighted average...
                            if(var(rv) == 0){
                                currContr <- NA
                            } else {
                                currContr <- diff(compVals[order(rv),] )
                                brunchUsed[parent] <- TRUE
                            currNV <- colSums(compVals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
                            currBlAdj <- prod(bl)/sum(bl)
                            currVar <- sum(bl)
                        if(sum(compChild) > 2){
                            if(var(rv) == 0){ # weighted average of data
                                currContr <- NA
                                currNV <- colSums(compVals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
                                currBlAdj <- 1/(sum(1/bl))
                            } else {
                                # This is the pagel method for polytomies 
                                ## think about this - check out Nick Isaac's comment about only stalling on negative variance at a node.
                                bl <- bl - crunch.brlen
                                if(any(bl <= 0)) stop("Brunch contrast calculation at a polytomy gives negative or zero branch lengths.")
                                # find groupings a vector indicating whether each row 
                                # is bigger or smaller than the mean of reference variable or is NA
                                # TODO - Hmm. what to do if there is no variance in the reference variable
                                group <- (rv > mean(rv, na.rm=TRUE)) # From CAIC, this looks like gt not geq?
                                # ProdValBl <- aggregate(compVals * (1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                                # SumWght <- aggregate((1/bl), by=list(group), FUN=sum)[,-1]
                                # subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
                                # subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)

	                            invbl <- 1/bl
	                            ProdValBl <- vals * invbl
	                            ProdValBl <- rbind(colSums(ProdValBl[! group,, drop=FALSE]), colSums(ProdValBl[group,, drop=FALSE]))
	                            SumWght <- c(sum(invbl[! group]), sum(invbl [group]))
	                            subNV <- as.matrix(ProdValBl/SumWght)
	                            subBL <- crunch.brlen + (1 / SumWght)
                                currContr <- diff(subNV)
                                currNV <- colSums(subNV*(1/subBL))/sum(1/subBL) # weighted means
                                currVar <- sum(subBL)
                                currBlAdj <- 1/(sum(1/subBL))
                                brunchUsed[parent] <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        # no complete cases so pass NA down to the parent node
                        currContr <- NA
                        currNV <- NA
                        currBlAdj <- 0
                        currVar <- NA
        "piclm" = {                    
                    # can't do anything with _no_ data, but need to do something with
                    # one or more children with information...                     
                        # continue calculation with those complete rows
                        compVals <- vals[compChild,, drop=FALSE]
                        bl <- bl[compChild]
                        rv <- rv[compChild]
                        if(sum(compChild) == 1){
                            # only one complete row... pass through to next node down as with crunch
                            currNV <- compVals
                            currContr <- NA
                            currBlAdj <- bl
                            currVar <- NA
                        if(sum(compChild) == 2){
                            # dichotomous node
                            # are there differences in the reference variable? 
                            # if there are, make a contrast and then pass NA vals to the nodal values 
                            # otherwise don't make a contrast and pass a weighted average...
                            if(var(rv) == 0){
                                currContr <- NA
                            } else {
                                currContr <- diff(compVals[order(rv),] )
                                brunchUsed[parent] <- TRUE
                            currNV <- colSums(compVals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
                            currBlAdj <- prod(bl)/sum(bl)
                            currVar <- sum(bl)
                        if(sum(compChild) > 2){
                            if(var(rv) == 0){ # weighted average of data
                                currContr <- NA
                                currNV <- colSums(compVals*(1/bl))/sum(1/bl)
                                currBlAdj <- 1/(sum(1/bl))
                            } else {
                                # This is the pic.lm method for polytomies 
                                # randomly resolve the polytomy with 0 length branches 
                                # calculate contrasts at each node and downweight in the regression
                                # possibly applying a correction in the degrees of freedom.
                                nTips <- sum(compChild)
                                randRes <- rtree(nTips)
                                randOrd <- sample(nTips)
                                vals <- vals[randOrd,]
                                rownames(vals) <- 1:nTips
                                bl <- bl[randOrd]
                                randRes$edge.length <- rep(0, 2*nTips-2)
                                randRes$edge.length[match(1:nTips, randRes$edge[,2])] <- bl
                    } else {
                        # no complete cases so pass NA down to the parent node
                        currContr <- NA
                        currNV <- NA
                        currBlAdj <- 0
                        currVar <- NA
        # Insert nodal values back into the table to be used in more nested nodes
        nodVal[parent,] <- currNV
        contrMat[parent,] <- currContr
        contrVar[parent] <- currVar

		# if this is a macro analysis, then overwrite the first column of nodVal 
		# with species richness and contrMat with a species richness contrast
			# get clean copy of rv
			rv <- vals[, ref.var]
			if(nrow(vals) > 2 | any(is.na(rv))) {
				macroContr <- NA
				vals <- vals[,1]
			} else {
				# get the first column in order as a vector
				vals <- vals[order(rv, decreasing=TRUE), 1]
				# get the species richness contrast
				switch( macroMethod, 
					   "PDI" = {macroContr <- (vals[1]/sum(vals)) - 0.5},
					   "RRD" = {macroContr <- log(vals[1]/vals[2])})
			# put this over the crunch versions
			nodVal[parent,1] <- sum(vals)
	        contrMat[parent,1] <- macroContr

       # Adjust the parent branch length
        parInd <- with(phy, match(parent, edge[,2]))
        if(! parent == Root){
                phy$edge.length[parInd] <- phy$edge.length[parInd] + currBlAdj}
       # track the node depth of  nodes with contrasts
       if(sum(compChild) < 2){ # i.e. a node with data for one tip being passed through or with no data
           nodeDepth[parent] <- max(nodeDepth[children])
       } else { # a contrast has been calculated and this node has a greater depth
           nodeDepth[parent] <- max(nodeDepth[children]) + 1 

	# tidy away tips on nodVal and nodeDepth if not required
		nodVal    <- nodVal[internalFlag,, drop=FALSE]
		nodeDepth <- nodeDepth[internalFlag]
    RET <- list(contrMat=contrMat, nodVal=nodVal, var.contr=contrVar, nChild=nChild, nodeDepth=nodeDepth) 
    attr(RET, "contr.type") <- picMethod
	if(macro) attr(RET, "macro") <- macroMethod


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