
Defines functions as.comparative.data.growTree as.comparative.data growTree

Documented in as.comparative.data as.comparative.data.growTree growTree

growTree <- function(b=1,d=0,halt=20, grain=0.1, linObj=NULL,
                     ct.start=NULL, ct.change=NULL, ct.var=NULL, dt.rates=NULL,
                     inheritance=NULL, trace.events=FALSE, trace.cladesize=FALSE,  output.lineages=FALSE, 
                     neg.rates="abort", inf.rates="abort", stall.time=10, extend.proportion=0){

    ## CHANGES 0.2 to 0.3 - use a data.frame rather than a list for lineages. 
    ## TODO - dt.rates can be modified based on lineage properties, but there is
    ## currently no mechanism for modifiying continuous traits based on lineage properties.
    ## 0.3.2 - attempt to introduce inheritance rules...
    ##       - cut clade properties out to their own list again?
    ##       - multiple speciation/extinction rules ?
	## rexp can't handle rates of zero or Inf without a warning so handle that in producing waiting times
    waitTime <- function(rates) {
        zero <- rates == 0
        inf <- rates == Inf
        rates[zero | inf] <- 1
        wait <- rexp(length(rates), rates)
        wait[zero] <- Inf
        wait[inf] <- 0
        # handle matrix of rates, such as the discrete trait rates uses...
        if(is.matrix(rates)) wait <- array(wait, dim=dim(rates), dimnames=dimnames(rates))
	## The simulation has the following clade level properties:
	## - clade.age, nLin, nTip, nExtantTip, nExtinctTip
	## and the following lineage properties:
	## - id, parent.id, lin.age, birth.time, death.time, extinct, tip

    	lineages <- data.frame(parent.id=0, id=1, lin.age=0, birth.time=0, 
    	                       death.time=as.numeric(NA), extinct=FALSE, tip=TRUE, 
    	                       caic.code="", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) 
    	clade <- list(clade.age=0, nLin=1, nTip=1, nExtantTip=1, nExtinctTip=0)
        linStartAge <- 0
        epochRules <- NULL
        if(! is.null(ct.start)){
            ctFlag <- TRUE
            ## check we have the right sort of info to pass to 
            if(! is.numeric(ct.start)) stop("'ct.start' must be a numeric vector providing the starting values for continuous traits.")
			if( is.null(ct.change)) ct.change <- rep(0, length(ct.start))
            if(! is.numeric(ct.change)) stop("'ct.change' must be a numeric vector providing the mean change per unit time for continuous traits.")
			if( is.null(ct.var)) ct.var <- diag(rep(1, length(ct.start)))
            if(! is.numeric(ct.var)) stop("'ct.var' must be a numeric vector  or matrix providing the (co-)variances for continuous traits.")
            if( length(ct.start) != length(ct.change)) stop("ct.start and ct.change must be the same length")
            if( is.matrix(ct.var)){
                if(dim(ct.var)[1] != dim(ct.var)[2]) stop("ct.var must be a square matrix")
                if(dim(ct.var)[1] != length(ct.start)) stop("The dimensions of ct.var must match the length of ct.start")
            } else {
                if( length(ct.start) != length(ct.var)) stop("ct.start and ct.var must be the same length")
                ct.varMat <- array(0, dim=rep(length(ct.var),2))
                diag(ct.varMat) <- ct.var
                ct.var <- ct.varMat
            if(is.null(names(ct.start))) names(ct.start) <- paste("ct", seq(along=ct.start), sep="")
            ## add the traits to the lineages
            lineages <- cbind(lineages, t(ct.start))
        } else {
            ctFlag <- FALSE
        if(! is.null(dt.rates)){
            ## check that the transition matrix matches the number of levels
            if( ! is.list(dt.rates) || ! all(sapply(dt.rates, is.matrix))) {
                stop("dt.rates must be a list of matrices giving the rates of change between states")}
            rateDims <- sapply(dt.rates, function(X) dim(X))
            if( ! all( rateDims[1,] - rateDims[2,] == 0)) {
                stop("dt.rates must be a list of _square_ matrices giving the rates of change between states")}
            if(any(unlist(dt.rates) < 0)) stop("Negative values in dt.rates matrix")
            dtFlag <- TRUE
            ## name the traits
            if(is.null(names(dt.rates))) names(dt.rates) <- paste("dt", seq(along=dt.rates), sep="")
            ## name the states
            dt.rates <- lapply(dt.rates,  function(X) {
                                                    dimnmX <- paste("st", seq(to=dim(X)[1]),sep="")
                                                    dimnames(X) <- list(dimnmX, dimnmX)
            ## add the traits to the lineages
            ## - get a data.frame of one row with first state in each matrix 
            ##   as a factor with levels set by the trait states...
            dt.start <- lapply(dt.rates, function(X) factor(dimnames(X)[[1]][1], levels = dimnames(X)[[1]]))
            lineages <- cbind(lineages, dt.start)

        } else {
            dtFlag <- FALSE
    } else {
        if(! inherits(linObj, "growTree")) stop("Lineage object is not of class 'growTree'.")
        clade <- linObj$clade
        lineages <- linObj$lineage
        epochRules <- linObj$epochRules
        linStartAge <- linObj$clade$clade.age
        ## TODO - some checking to make sure that possible traits are catered for
        ##        or assume that they are with the ct slot on the lineages object
        ##      - current setup is to use the rules from the last epoch unless overridden
        ##      - continuous - only looks for a change in the ct.change for overriding
        lastRules <- linObj$epochRules[[length(linObj$epochRules)]]
                ## no continuous trait rules in previous epoch
                ctFlag <- FALSE
            } else {
                ## copy in previous rule set
                ct.start <- lastRules$ct.set$ct.start # think about this - ct.start makes no sense beyond the first epoch but currently carries the trait names
                ct.change <- lastRules$ct.set$ct.change
                ct.var <- lastRules$ct.set$ct.var
                ctFlag <- TRUE                
        } else {
            ## TODO -  check that new rules make sense
            ctFlag <- TRUE
                ## no discrete trait rules in previous epoch
                dtFlag <- FALSE
            } else {
                ## copy in previous rule set
                dt.rates <- lastRules$dt.rates
                dtFlag <- TRUE                
        } else {
            ## TODO -  check that new rules make sense
            dtFlag <- TRUE
	## - can be a numeric constant, an expression, a list of expressions
	##   or a named object containing one of those things...
	## - expressions can only use the available properties of lineages and clades
    validVar <- c(names(lineages), names(clade))
	validExpr <- function(X){ if(any(is.na(match(all.vars(X), validVar)))) FALSE else TRUE }
	## convert them all into a list of 'rules'
    	"numeric" = if(length(b) > 1 | b < 0) stop("Speciation rate 'b' is numeric but not a positive scalar") else b <- list(as.expression(b)),
    	"expression"= if( ! validExpr(b)) stop("Speciation expression 'b' contains unknown variables.") else b <- list(b),
    	"list" =   {if(! all(sapply(b, mode) == "expression")) stop("The list 'b' must be a list of expressions")
    				if(! all(sapply(b, validExpr))) stop("One or more expressions in the list 'b' contain unknown variables")},
    				stop("Speciation rate 'b' not in a recognized format."))

    ## assign names to the list
    if(is.null(names(b))) names(b) <- paste("b", seq(along=b), sep="")
    	"numeric" = if(length(d) > 1 | d < 0) stop("Extinction rate 'd' is numeric but not a positive scalar") else d <- list(as.expression(d)),
    	"expression"= if( ! validExpr(d)) stop("Extinction expression 'd' contains unknown variables.") else d <- list(d),
    	"list" =   {if(! all(sapply(d, mode) == "expression")) stop("The list 'd' must be a list of expressions")
    				if(! all(sapply(d, validExpr))) stop("One or more expressions in the list 'd' contain unknown variables")},
    				stop("Extinction rate 'd' not in a recognized format."))

    ## assign names to the list
    if(is.null(names(d))) names(d) <- paste("d", seq(along=d), sep="")
	## default is to convert a single numeric value into a number of extant tups
	    "numeric"=if(length(halt) > 1 | halt <= 1) {
	                         stop("If numeric, 'halt' must be a single number greater than 1 giving the number of extant tips to create.")
                    } else { halt <- list(as.expression(substitute(nExtantTip >= XXX, list(XXX=halt))))},
     	"expression"= if( ! validExpr(halt)) stop("Stopping expression 'halt' contains unknown variables.") else halt <- list(halt),
    	"list" =   {if(! all(sapply(halt, mode) == "expression")) stop("The list 'halt' must be a list of expressions")
    				if(! all(sapply(halt, validExpr))) stop("One or more expressions in the list 'halt' contain unknown variables")},
    				stop("Stopping expression 'halt' not in a recognized format."))
	## test for clade.age == 
	haltCheck <- deparse(halt)
	if(length(grep("clade.age ?==", haltCheck)) > 0) stop("'clade.age == ' used in halt expression. Use 'clade.age >='.")
    ## assign names to the list
    if(is.null(names(halt))) names(halt) <- paste("halt", seq(along=halt), sep="")

	## check for behaviour on encountering negative or infinite rates
	neg.rates <- match.arg(neg.rates, c("abort", "warn", "quiet"))
	inf.rates <- match.arg(inf.rates, c("abort", "warn", "quiet"))
	## now start simulation - keep the simulation running whilst all of the halt
	## expressions are FALSE and while something is alive and , approximately, 
	## whilst anything is actually happening
	status <- "complete"; lastRealEvent <- linStartAge
	## A function to get a rate for each lineage from either b or d
	## - is also used to extend the simulation after the last speciation
	ratesCheck <- function(rateExp, lineages, inf.rates, neg.rates){

        ## - force multiplication by unity to extend constants across the clade
	    unitConst <- rep(1,length(lineages$id))
        rates <- lapply(rateExp, function(X) eval(X, envir=c(lineages, clade)) * unitConst)
        ## negative rates?
        if(any(unlist(rates) < 0)){
                    abort=stop("Negative rates produced"),
                    warn=warning("Negative rates produced - setting to zero"))
        rates <- lapply(rates, function(X) ifelse(X < 0, 0, X))
        ## infinite rates
                    abort=stop("Infinite rates produced"),
                    warn=warning("Infinite rates produced"))
        ## ensure extinct stay dead
	    rates <- lapply(rates, function(X, ext) ifelse(ext, 0, X), ext=lineages$extinct)
    while( ! any(haltStatus <- sapply(halt, eval, envir=c(lineages, clade)))){
        ## evaluate the birth and death rate expressions
        bRates <- ratesCheck(b, lineages, inf.rates, neg.rates)
        dRates <- ratesCheck(d, lineages, inf.rates, neg.rates)
        allRates <- c(unlist(bRates), unlist(dRates))
        ## check to see if the stall criteria are met...
        if(all(allRates == 0)){
            if((clade$clade.age - lastRealEvent) > stall.time ){
                status <- "stalled"
                warning("Rates are all zero and stall.time is exceeded: exiting stalled simulation")
                break # so end the simulation
            if(grain==Inf) {
                warning("All rates are zero and grain is set to infinity giving no finite waiting times: exiting stalled simulation")
                status <- "stalled"
       ## make sure something is alive...
       if(all(lineages$extinct)) {
            status <- "extinct"
            warning("All lineages extinct: exiting simuation")
            break # everything is dead so end the simulation

       ## turn rates into waiting times...
       bWait <- lapply(bRates, waitTime)
       dWait <- lapply(dRates, waitTime)
       ## look at discrete trait changes
       ## TODO - rethink this along the lapply lines - not sure it can be easily done...
           ## for each trait, take the relevant column in lineages and
           ## use it to sample columns from the appropriate rate matrix

           dtWait <- numeric(length(dt.rates)) # vector to hold fastest time to change
           names(dtWait) <- names(dt.rates) 
           dtWhich <- rbind(changeToState=dtWait, lineage=dtWait) # matrix to hold which lineage is to change to what state for those fastest events
           for(dt in names(dt.rates)){
               currDtRate <- dt.rates[[dt]][,lineages[,dt], drop=FALSE]
               colnames(currDtRate) <- lineages$id
               currDtRate[,lineages$extinct] <- 0
               currDtWait <- waitTime(currDtRate)
               dtWait[dt]  <- min(currDtWait)
               dtWhich[,dt] <- which(currDtWait == dtWait[dt], arr.ind=TRUE)[1,] 
               ## TODO - think about that [1,] - removes ties but these are always likely to be between Inf so this is reasonable
           ## firstDT<- names(which.min(dtWait))
           ## dtWait <- dtWait[firstDT]
           ## dtWhich <- dtWhich[,firstDT]
       } else {
           dtWait <- Inf
           dtWhich <- 0
       ## ... look for the winning event...
       firstB_ID <- sapply(bWait, which.min)
       firstD_ID <- sapply(dWait, which.min)
       firstB_Time <- sapply(bWait, min)
       firstD_Time <- sapply(dWait, min)
       competWait <- c(firstB_Time, firstD_Time, dtWait, grain) # order meaningful here - breaks ties in this order
       competID <- c(firstB_ID, firstD_ID, dtWhich, 0) # if grain wins the race then no row will be selected...
       competType <- c(rep("Spec", length(bWait)), rep("Ext", length(dWait)), rep("Discrete", length(dtWait)), "Grain")
       competName <- c(names(b), names(d), names(dtWait), "Grain"  )
       winner <- which.min(competWait)
       winnerWait <- competWait[winner]
       winnerID <- competID[winner]
       winnerType <- competType[winner]
       winnerName <- competName[winner]

       ## ... allow time to pass for the clade and extant lineages...
       clade$clade.age <- clade$clade.age + winnerWait
       lineages$lin.age[! lineages$extinct] <- lineages$lin.age[! lineages$extinct] + winnerWait

       ## trait changes?
           ## need some code in here
           delta <- as.matrix(mvrnorm(n=dim(lineages)[1], mu=ct.change, Sigma=ct.var) * winnerWait)
           delta[lineages$extinct,] <- 0 # the dead don't evolve
           lineages[,names(ct.start)] <- lineages[,names(ct.start)] + delta
       ##... and maybe something happens...
       if(winnerType == "Spec"){ # a birth!

           ## copy parent into the daughters (incidentally inheriting any traits...)
           daughterID <- clade$nLin + (1:2)
           parent <- lineages[winnerID,]
           daughterInfo <- rbind(parent,parent)
           ## inheritance rules go in here
           if(! is.null(inheritance)){
               for(x in seq(along=inheritance)){
                   daughterInfo[, names(inheritance)[x]] <- eval(inheritance[[x]], envir=daughterInfo)
           daughterInfo$id <- daughterID
           daughterInfo$parent.id <- parent$id
           daughterInfo$birth.time <- clade$clade.age
           daughterInfo$lin.age <- 0
           daughterInfo$caic.code <- paste(daughterInfo$caic.code, c("A","B"), sep="")
           rownames(daughterInfo) <- daughterID
           lineages <- rbind(lineages, daughterInfo)
           ## kill the parent
           lineages$extinct[winnerID] <- TRUE
           lineages$tip[winnerID] <- FALSE
           lineages$death.time[winnerID] <- clade$clade.age
           ## update the clade
           clade$nLin <- clade$nLin+2
           clade$nTip <- clade$nTip+1
           clade$nExtantTip <- clade$nExtantTip+1
           ## record that something happened here
           lastRealEvent <- clade$clade.age
           if(trace.events) cat(clade$clade.age, ": Lineage ", winnerID, " speciated\n")

        if(winnerType == "Ext"){ #an extinction
            ## kill the lineage
           lineages$extinct[winnerID] <- TRUE
           lineages$death.time[winnerID] <- clade$clade.age
           ## update the clade
           clade$nExtantTip <- clade$nExtantTip-1
           clade$nExtinctTip <- clade$nExtinctTip+1
           ## record that something happened here
           lastRealEvent <- clade$clade.age
           if(trace.events) cat(clade$clade.age, ": Lineage ", winnerID, " went extinct\n")
        if(winnerType == "Discrete"){ # a discrete trait changes

            lin <- dtWhich["lineage", winnerName]
            state <- dtWhich["changeToState", winnerName] # as a number
            state <- dimnames(dt.rates[[winnerName]])[[1]][state] # as the state name
            lineages[lin, winnerName] <- state
            lastRealEvent <- clade$clade.age
            if(trace.events) cat(clade$clade.age, ": Discrete trait ", winnerName, " on lineage", lin, " changed to state ", state, "\n")

		if(trace.cladesize) if(clade$nTip %% trace.cladesize == 0) cat(clade$clade.age, ': Clade contains ', clade$nTip, 'tips\n')

    if(trace.events) cat(clade$clade.age, ":Simulation halted by halt rule '", names(halt)[haltStatus], "'\n")
    ## create a lineage structure
	RET <- list(lineages=lineages, clade=clade, status=status)
	## get the settings for the epoch
	newEpochRules <- list(epochStart=linStartAge, b=b, d=d, halt=halt, inheritance=inheritance)
	if(ctFlag) newEpochRules <- c(newEpochRules, list(ct.set=list(ct.start=ct.start, ct.change=ct.change, ct.var=ct.var)))
	if(dtFlag) newEpochRules <- c(newEpochRules, list(dt.rates=dt.rates))
	RET$epochRules <- c(epochRules, list(newEpochRules))
    class(RET) <- "growTree"
    ## if the user wants to allow clade growth to continue for a further proportion (p)
    ## of the waiting time to the next clade. Generate a waiting time (W) and then run again with
    ## speciation set to zero, allowing the tree to grow to the current clade age + W*p, 
    ## with the same extinction and character change rules
    ## TODO? - build this into a helper function extendTree() rather than doing it internally...
    if(extend.proportion > 0){
        if(trace.events) cat(clade$clade.age, ": Simulation extended beyond last speciation.\n")
        ## generate a waiting time
        bRates <- ratesCheck(b, lineages, inf.rates, neg.rates)
        bWait <- lapply(bRates, waitTime)
        timeToStop <- clade$clade.age + min(unlist(bWait)) * extend.proportion
        haltExpr <- as.expression(substitute(clade.age >= XXX, list(XXX= timeToStop)))
    	## grow the tree a bit more with no births, but the other processess running as usual
    	## but set the grain to a non infinite value to avoid stalls on infinite waiting times 
    	## - TODO: this grain choice is arbitrary 
    	## - note that the trait evolution information is carried over via the epoch rules recording
        RET <- growTree(b=0, d=d, halt= haltExpr, grain=if(! is.finite(grain) ) 0.001 else grain, linObj=RET,
                     ct.start=NULL, ct.change=NULL, ct.var=NULL, dt.rates=NULL,
                     inheritance=NULL, trace.events=trace.events, output.lineages=TRUE, 
                     neg.rates=neg.rates, inf.rates=inf.rates, stall.time=stall.time, extend.proportion=0)
    class(RET) <- 'growTree'
	if(! output.lineages) RET <- as.comparative.data(RET)


as.comparative.data <- function(x, ...){
	if(inherits(x, 'comparative.data')){
	} else {

as.comparative.data.growTree <- function(x, ...){
    lineages <- x$lineages
    clade <- x$clade
	# get a phylo object
    if(dim(lineages)[1] > 1){
        # extract information (excluding root node)
        linNoR <- lineages[-1,]
        # now need to coerce the numbering into ape style
        parentMap <- data.frame(linPar=unique(linNoR$parent.id), apePar=with(clade, (nTip+1):nLin))
        childMap <- data.frame(linPar=with(linNoR, id[tip]), apePar=with(clade, 1:nTip))
        nodeMap <- rbind(parentMap, childMap)
        linNoR$pnode <- nodeMap$apePar[match(linNoR$parent.id, nodeMap$linPar)]
        linNoR$node <- nodeMap$apePar[match(linNoR$id, nodeMap$linPar)]
        edge <- as.matrix(linNoR[, c("pnode", "node")])
        dimnames(edge) <- NULL
        # lets be honest... the caic.code column is really only there as a cheap
        # route to a cladewise sorting of the edge matrix!
        ord <- order(linNoR$caic.code)
        edge <- edge[ord,]
        edge.length <- linNoR$lin.age[ord]
        phy <- list(edge=edge, edge.length=edge.length, tip.label=1:clade$nTip, 
                    Nnode=with(clade, nLin-nTip), root.edge=lineages$lin.age[1])              
        class(phy) <- "phylo"
    } else {
        # have an unspeciated root so put in slightly  as a single tip with a root edge of zero
        phy <- list(edge=matrix(c(1,2), ncol=2), edge.length=lineages$lin.age[1], 
                    tip.label=1, root.edge=0, Nnode=1)
        class(phy) <- "phylo"
		# extract data for use in comparative data objects.
		linNoR <- lineages
		names(linNoR)[2] <- 'node'
	# sort out comparative data
	lastRules <- x$epochRules[[length(x$epochRules)]]
	datCol <- c('node', 'lin.age', 'birth.time', 'death.time', 'extinct', 'tip',
				names(lastRules$ct.set$ct.start), names(lastRules$dt.rates))
	dat <- linNoR[,datCol]
	# get tip data set without tips flag
	tipData <- dat[dat$tip, -6]
	nodeData <- dat[! dat$tip, -5:-6]
 	com <- comparative.data(phy, tipData, 'node', na.omit=FALSE)
	com$node.data <- nodeData
    com$epochRules <- x$epochRules
    attr(com, 'growTree') <- TRUE


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