
Defines functions dbiwt depan adaptiveKernel

Documented in adaptiveKernel dbiwt depan

# 2016-11-25: J. Fox: use pure-R code, removed compiled code.
# 2018-08-03: J. Fox: introduce alternative kernel functions

adaptiveKernel <- function(x, kernel=dnorm, bw=bw.nrd0, adjust=1.0, n=500, 
                           from, to, cut=3, na.rm=TRUE){
  varname <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if (na.rm) x <- na.omit(x)
  if (bw.is.fun <- is.function(bw)) bw <- bw(x)
  if (bw.is.fun && !is.null(scale <- attr(kernel, "scale"))){
    bw <- bw/scale
  bw <- adjust*bw
  if (missing(from)) from <- min(x) - cut*bw
  if (missing(to)) to <- max(x) + cut*bw
  x0 <- seq(from, to, length=n)
  n.1 <- length(x)
  p <- rep(0, n)
  initialp.x0 <- rep(0, n)
  fac <- 1/(n.1*bw)
  for (i in 1:n) initialp.x0[i] <- fac * sum(kernel((x - x0[i])/bw))
  initialp <- rep(0, n.1)
  for (i in 1:n.1) initialp[i] <- initialp.x0[which.min(abs(x[i] - x0))]
  pbar <- exp((1/n.1)*sum(log(initialp)))
  f <- (initialp/pbar)^-0.5
  for (i in 1:n) p[i] <- fac * sum((1/f)*kernel((x - x0[i])/(f*bw)))
  result <- list(x=x0, y=p, n=n, bw=bw*adjust, call=match.call(), data.name=varname, has.na=FALSE,
                 initial=list(x=x0, y=initialp.x0))
  class(result) <- "density"

depan <- function(x){
  ifelse (abs(x) > 1, 0, 0.75*(1 - x^2))
attr(depan, "scale") <- sqrt(0.2)

dbiwt <- function(x){
  ifelse (abs(x) > 1, 0, (15/16)*(1 - x^2)^2)
attr(dbiwt, "scale") <- sqrt(1/7)

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