.avgLog <- function(a,b){
raPlot <- function(a, b=NULL, uniques=5, normalize=FALSE,
nr=0, alpha = 0.01, jitter=FALSE, jit.wgts=NULL,
rex=1, flat=TRUE, tail=.5, arms=.5, spine=1, border=NULL, plot=TRUE, ...){
rownms <- rownames(a)
if(dim(a)[2]==2 & is.null(b)){
b <- a[,2]
a <- a[,1]
names(a) <- names(b) <- rownms
if(any(a < 0 | b < 0))
stop('a and b must be postive or zero')
## find the library-unique genes
a0 <- a==0
b0 <- b==0
if(any(0 < a & a < 1) | any(0 < b & b < 1)){
warning("non integer counts detected: adding epsilon factor to non-zeros so that min==1")
a[!a0] <- a[!a0] + (1-min(a[!a0]))
b[!b0] <- b[!b0] + (1-min(b[!b0]))
## add an epsilon factor to include uniques in the plot
if(uniques > 5 | uniques <= 0)
stop("'uniques' width must either be FALSE or or between 1 and 5")
u.epsilon <- function(n) runif(n,min=(.5 - .1 * uniques/5), max=.5)
a[a0] <- a[a0] + u.epsilon(sum(a0))
b[b0] <- b[b0] + u.epsilon(sum(b0))
}else{ ## remove uniques if specified
a <- a[!(a0 | b0)]
b <- b[!(a0 | b0)]
a0.tmp <- a0
a0 <- a0[!(a0 | b0)]
b0 <- b0[!(a0.tmp | b0)]
if(length(a) == 0){
warning('counts table is empty. try including condition unique points. returning an empty set')
invisible(list(R=NULL,A=NULL, sizes=NULL))
## spread out the overploted points
if(jitter > .5 | jitter < 0)
warning('jitter amount (in this context) is best set between 0 and .5')
if(!is.null(jit.wgts) &{
a[!a0] <- wjitter(a[!a0], jit.wgts[!a0,1], amount=jitter)
b[!b0] <- wjitter(b[!b0], jit.wgts[!b0,2], amount=jitter)
## this fleshes out the visibility of the low count points
a[!a0] <- jitter(a[!a0], amount=jitter)
b[!b0] <- jitter(b[!b0], amount=jitter)
## normalize by library sums
a.norm <- a/sum(a) #a.sum
b.norm <- b/sum(b) #b.sum
## calculate (magnitude) fold change ratio and amplitude
R.norm <- log(b.norm/a.norm, 2)
A.norm <- .avgLog(a.norm,b.norm)
R <- log(b/a,2)
A <- .avgLog(a,b)
scale.sizes <- function(A,R,nr) (A + 1) * abs(R-nr)/2 + 20*(A/max(A)) # +1 is for the uniques
## handle the case where things are normalized
## point cex sizes
sizes <- scale.sizes(A,R,nr)
## normalization shift factor
A.shift <- A.norm[1] - A[1]
R.shift <- R.norm[1] - R[1]
R <- R.norm
A <- A.norm
sizes <- scale.sizes(A,R,nr)
A.shift <- R.shift <- 0
sizes <- sizes/max(sizes) * 2 + .4
sizes <- 1
## create the actual plot
plot(A, R, cex= sizes * rex, ...)
if(length(border) == length(A) | length(border)==1)
points(A, R, cex= sizes * rex, col=border)
## add in the RAy skeleton
raAddArms(lwd=arms, lty=2, col='gray', A.shift=A.shift, R.shift=R.shift)
if(as.logical(tail) & !is.null(alpha))
raAddSigLines(n=length(a), nr=nr, lwd=tail, A.shift=A.shift, col='gray')
segments(min(A)+2, nr, max(A), lwd=spine, col='gray')
invisible(data.frame(A=A, R=R, sizes=sizes)) #, row.names=names(R)
} #end empty set check if/else
raAddArms <- function(epsilon=.55, start=1, end=6, A.shift=0, R.shift=0, ...){
a <- epsilon
b <- 2^(start:end)
lines(.avgLog(a,b)+A.shift, log(a/b,2)+R.shift, ...)
lines(.avgLog(a,b)+A.shift,-log(a/b,2)+R.shift, ...)
raAddSigLines <- function(n, end=20, alpha=1e-3, nr=0, A.shift=0, plot=FALSE, ...){
alpha.crctd <- alpha/(n/2) # simple bonferroni multiple testing correction
ns <- 2^seq(0,20,by=.2)
for(k in c(1,0)){
sig <- abs(k - alpha.crctd)
a <- qnorm(p= sig, mean = 0.5 * ns, sd = sqrt( ns * 0.5))
b <- ns - a <- a >= 0 & b >= 0
a <- a[]
b <- b[]
x <- .avgLog(a, b) + A.shift
y <- log(a/b, 2) + nr
lines(x, y, ...)
raAddAxLabs <- function(conditions=nv(c('a','b'),c('ref','obs')), normalize=T, add=TRUE, line=2){
n <- as.numeric(normalize) + 1
l.p <- c('','(')[n]
r.p <- c('',')')[n]
ltr1 <- nv(substr(conditions,1,1), names(conditions))
denom <- cbind(rep('',2),paste('/N',ltr1,')',sep=''))[,n]; names(denom) <- names(ltr1)
olab <- paste(l.p,conditions['obs'],denom['obs'], sep='')
rlab <- paste(l.p,conditions['ref'],denom['ref'], sep='')
r <- paste( c('','normalized')[n],'fold change = log2(',olab, '/',rlab ,')')
a <- paste( c('','normalized')[n],' amplitude = ',l.p,'(log2(',olab, ') + log2(',rlab ,')',r.p,')/2', sep='')
mtext(r, side=2, line=line)
mtext(a, side=1, line=line)
#expression(paste(log[2], might want to add to above
wjitter <- function(x, w, amount=.43){
wj <- function(w, amount)
(match(1:length(w), order(w)) / length(w)) * 2 * amount - amount
df <- data.frame(r=1:length(x), x=x,w=w)
out <-, (by(df, round(x), function(z), j=z$x + wj(z$w, amount=amount)))))
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