
Defines functions check_temperature_scenario

Documented in check_temperature_scenario

#' Check temperature scenario for consistency
#' chillR's temperature generation procedures require absolute or relative temperature scenarios.
#' This function checks these scenarios for consistency, regarding the data format, the reference
#' year, and whether they are relative or absolute scenarios (based on specified criteria).
#' Besides being able to validate classic temperature scenarios consisting of "Tmin" and "Tmax"
#' data, the function can also validate other datasets (e.g. outputs of the getClimateWizardData
#' function). To do this, the required variables should be provided as "required_variables" parameter.
#' If there is no column "GCM" in the data element of the scenario, then the check_scenario_type
#' parameter should be set to FALSE.
#' @param temperature_scenario can be one of two options:
#' 1) a data.frame with two columns Tmin and Tmax and n_intervals (default: 12) rows containing
#' temperature changes for all time intervals, or absolute temperatures for these intervals.
#' 2) a temperature scenario object, consisting of the following elements: 'data' = a data frame with
#' n_intervals elements containing the absolute or relative temperature information (as in input option 1);
#' 'scenario_year' = the year the scenario is representative of; 'reference_year' = the year the scenario is representative of; 'scenario_type' = the scenario type
#' ('absolute' or 'relative' - if NA, this is assigned automatically); 'labels' = and elements
#' attached to the input temperature_scenario as an element names 'labels'. A subset of these elements can
#' also be specified, but 'data' must be present.
#' @param n_intervals the number of time intervals specified in the temperature scenarios. This
#' is often the number of months in a year, so the default is 12. If the temperature scenario is
#' specified for a different number of time intervals, this should be adjusted.
#' @param check_scenario_type boolean variable indicating whether the specified (or unspecified)
#' scenario type should be verified, i.e. whether the scenario is a relative or absolute temperature
#' scenario.
#' @param scenario_check_thresholds vector with two numeric elements specifying the thresholds
#' for checking whether the scenario is an absolute or relative temperature scenario. These are the
#' minimum (first value) and maximum (second value) plausible changes in a relative temperature
#' scenario. The test only works in settings where either the lowest mean minimum temperature
#' across all time intervals is below the stated minimum threshold or the highest mean maximum
#' temperature across all time intervals is above the maximum threshold. With the default values
#' c(-5,10), this should be the case for most locations on Earth, but in extreme cases (either for
#' extreme change scenarios or where all monthly minimum and maximum temperatures are between -5
#' and 10 degrees), this may need adjustment. This is only used if check_scenario_type==TRUE.
#' @param update_scenario_type boolean variable stating whether, if scenario type is found to be
#' inconsistent with the numbers, the scenario_type should be updated. Defaults to TRUE and is only
#' used if check_scenario_type==TRUE.
#' @param warn_me boolean variable specifying whether warnings should be shown. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param required_variables character vector containing the names of columns that are required.
#' This defaults to c("Tmin","Tmax").
#' @return temperature scenario object, consisting of the following elements: 'data' = a data frame with
#' n_intervals elements containing the absolute or relative temperature information. 'reference_year' =
#' the year the scenario is representative of. 'scenario_type' = the scenario type ('absolute' or 'relative');
#' 'labels' = and elements attached to the input temperature_scenario as an element names 'labels'.
#' The function also returns warnings, where elements are missing or the scenario_type appears to be
#' wrong, and it stops with an error, if the scenario isn't specified in a format that is usable by
#' chillR.
#' @author Eike Luedeling
#' @keywords utility
#' @examples
#' temperature_scenario <- list(data = data.frame(Tmin = c(-5, -2, 0, 4, 9, 12,
#'                                                         15, 13, 12, 9, 4, 0),
#'                                                Tmax = c(0, 4, 8, 12, 15, 18,
#'                                                         21, 19, 17, 14, 11, 5)),
#'                              reference_year = 1975,
#'                              scenario_type = "absolute",
#'                              labels = list(GCM = "none",
#'                                            RCM = "none",
#'                                            Time = "1950-2000"))
#' checked_temperature_scenario <- 
#'         check_temperature_scenario(temperature_scenario,
#'                                    n_intervals = 12,
#'                                    check_scenario_type = FALSE,
#'                                    scenario_check_thresholds = c(-5, 10),
#'                                    update_scenario_type = FALSE)
#' checked_temperature_scenario <-
#'         check_temperature_scenario(temperature_scenario,
#'                                    n_intervals = 12,
#'                                    check_scenario_type = TRUE,
#'                                    scenario_check_thresholds = c(-5, 10),
#'                                    update_scenario_type = FALSE)
#' checked_temperature_scenario <-
#'         check_temperature_scenario(temperature_scenario,
#'                                    n_intervals = 12,
#'                                    check_scenario_type = TRUE,
#'                                    scenario_check_thresholds = c(-5, 10),
#'                                    update_scenario_type = TRUE)                                             
#' @export check_temperature_scenario
  assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(temperature_scenario),msg="temperature_scenario is NULL")
  #if(is.null(temperature_scenario)) stop("temperature_scenario is NULL",call. = FALSE)
  if(length(which(required_variables %in% names(temperature_scenario)))==length(required_variables))
    {if (warn_me) warning(paste("scenario doesn't contain named elements - consider using the",
                  "following element names: 'data', 'reference_year','scenario_type','labels'"),call. = FALSE)
     labels<-NA} else
       {if("data" %in% names(temperature_scenario))
          data<-temperature_scenario$data else
            stop("scenario isn't an unnamed temperature scenario or provided as 'data' element in temperature_scenario",call. = FALSE)
          if("scenario_year" %in% names(temperature_scenario))
            scen_year<-temperature_scenario$scenario_year else
               if (warn_me) warning("no 'scenario_year' element provided in temperature scenario",call. = FALSE)}
          if("reference_year" %in% names(temperature_scenario))
            ref_year<-temperature_scenario$reference_year else
               if (warn_me) warning("no 'reference_year' element provided in temperature scenario",call. = FALSE)}
          if("scenario_type" %in% names(temperature_scenario))
            scen_type<-temperature_scenario$scenario_type else
               if (warn_me) warning("no 'scenario_type' element provided in temperature scenario",call. = FALSE)}
          if("labels" %in% names(temperature_scenario))
            labels<-temperature_scenario$labels else
               if (warn_me) warning("no 'labels' element provided in temperature scenario",call. = FALSE)}}

     stop("specified temperature scenario not provided in valid format - not a data frame",call. = FALSE)
   if(!(length(which(required_variables %in% colnames(data)))==length(required_variables)))
     stop("specified temperature scenario not provided in valid format - at least one of the following columns is missing: ",toString(required_variables),call. = FALSE)
     stop("specified temperature scenario not provided in valid format - one of the following columns is not numeric: ",toString(required_variables),call. = FALSE)
     stop("specified temperature scenario contains NA values",call. = FALSE)
   if(!"GCM" %in% colnames(data))
       stop(paste("wrong number of time intervals in temperature scenario - should be",n_intervals),call. = FALSE)
   if(!scen_type %in% c("relative","absolute",NA))
     stop("scenario_type must be either 'relative' or 'absolute'",call. = FALSE)
   if("GCM" %in% colnames(data)) check_scenario_type<-FALSE

     {if (max(data[,"Tmax"])<=scenario_check_thresholds[2]&
            type_guess<-"relative" else type_guess<-"absolute"
             if (warn_me) warning(paste("scenario_type doesn't look right - is this really a relative scenario?"),call. = FALSE)
             if (warn_me) warning(paste("scenario_type doesn't look right - is this really an absolute scenario?"),call. = FALSE)
               {if (warn_me) warning(paste("updating scenario_type to 'relative'"),call. = FALSE)} else
                 if(warn_me) warning(paste("updating scenario_type to 'absolute'"),call. = FALSE)
         }} else
             {if (warn_me) warning(paste("setting scenario_type to 'relative'"),call. = FALSE)} else
                if (warn_me) warning(paste("setting scenario_type to 'absolute'"),call. = FALSE)

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chillR documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 1:09 a.m.