
Defines functions make.qcov_safe compute_return_quantities parseParamInput

parseParamInput <- function(input, names = NULL, .allowNoInt = TRUE) {
    # converts various formats for covariate specification to formula
        input <- ~1
        input <- stats::as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(input, collapse = "+")),
                            env = globalenv())
    if(is.numeric(input)) {
        inputName <- deparse(substitute(input))
        if(is.null(names)) stop("parseParamInput: 'names' required when 'input' is numeric.")
        if(sum(abs(input %% 1)) > 1e-15 || min(input) < 1)
            stop("parseParamInput: expecting integer-valued indices in ", inputName, ".") 
        input <- stats::as.formula(paste0("~", paste0(names[input], collapse = "+")),
                            env = globalenv())
    if(methods::is(input, "formula")) {
                stop("parseParamInput: no-intercept model specified but fitting only allowed for models with intercepts for location, scale, and shape.")
        environment(input) <- globalenv()
    } else stop("parseParamInput: expecting 'input' to be a formula, column names, or indices of columns.")

compute_return_quantities <- function(fit, returnPeriod = NULL, returnValue = NULL, x = NULL, x2 = NULL, locationFun, scaleFun, shapeFun, getParams = FALSE, upper = TRUE, scaling = 1, normalizers, getSE = TRUE) {
    # auxiliary function for calculating parameter estimates (on original scale) and return-related quantities requested by user by calling out to functions specific to each quantity
    results <- list()
    p <- fit$results$num.pars
    np <- sum(unlist(p))
    summ <- summary(fit, silent = TRUE)
    paramNames <- names(summ$par)
    results$mle_raw <-  summ$par
    numLocScaleParams <- p[['location']] + p[['scale']]

    if(getParams) {
        mle <- results$mle_raw 
        if(!upper)  # location parameters for lower tail/minima are the negative of those computed based on negative of data values
            mle[1:p[['location']]] <- -mle[1:p[['location']]]
        if(is.element('se.theta', names(summ)))
            se <- summ$se.theta
        if(is.element('cov.theta', names(summ)))
            covmat <- summ$cov.theta
        nllh <- summ$nllh

        # transform coefficients back to original covariate scale
        if(!is.null(normalizers)) {
            if(p[['location']] > 1 || (fit$noInt[1] && p[['location']] > 0)) {
                normMat <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula(paste0(deparse(locationFun), "-1")), normalizers)
                if(!fit$noInt[1]) {
                    tmpInd <- 1:p[['location']]
                    mle[1] <- mle[1] - sum(normMat[1, ] * mle[2:p[['location']]] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ]))
                    se[1] <- sqrt(c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])) %*% covmat[tmpInd, tmpInd] %*% c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])))
                    mle[2:p[['location']]] <- mle[2:p[['location']]] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[2:p[['location']]] <- se[2:p[['location']]] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                } else {
                    mle[1:p[['location']]] <- mle[1:p[['location']]] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[1:p[['location']]] <- se[1:p[['location']]] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
            if(p[['scale']] > 1 || (fit$noInt[2] && p[['scale']] > 0)) {
                normMat <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula(paste0(deparse(scaleFun), "-1")), normalizers)
                if(!fit$noInt[2]) {
                    tmpInd <- (1+p[['location']]):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])
                    mle[p[['location']]+1] <- mle[p[['location']]+1] - sum(normMat[1, ] * mle[(p[['location']]+2):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ]))
                        mle[p[['location']]+1] <- mle[p[['location']]+1] - log(scaling)
                    se[p[['location']]+1] <- sqrt(c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])) %*% covmat[tmpInd, tmpInd] %*% c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])))
                    mle[(p[['location']]+2):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] <- mle[(p[['location']]+2):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[(p[['location']]+2):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] <- se[(p[['location']]+2):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                } else {
                    mle[(p[['location']]+1):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] <- mle[(p[['location']]+1):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[(p[['location']]+1):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] <- se[(p[['location']]+1):(p[['location']]+p[['scale']])] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
            if(p[['shape']] > 1 || (fit$noInt[3] && p[['shape']] > 0)) {
                normMat <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula(paste0(deparse(shapeFun), "-1")), normalizers)
                if(!fit$noInt[3]) {
                    tmpInd <- (1+p[['location']]+p[['scale']]):np
                    mle[p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1] <- mle[p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1] - sum(normMat[1, ] * mle[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+2):np] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ]))
                    se[p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1] <- sqrt(c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])) %*% covmat[tmpInd, tmpInd] %*% c(1, -normMat[1, ] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])))
                    mle[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+2):np] <- mle[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+2):np] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+2):np] <- se[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+2):np] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                } else {
                    mle[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1):np] <- mle[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1):np] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
                    se[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1):np] <- se[(p[['location']]+p[['scale']]+1):np] / (normMat[3, ] - normMat[2, ])
        } # end if(!is.null(normalizers))
        # rescale parameters so on scale of original data
        mle[1:p[['location']]] <- mle[1:p[['location']]] / scaling
        se[1:p[['location']]] <- se[1:p[['location']]] / scaling
        if(fit$const.scale) {
            mle[(p[['location']]+1):numLocScaleParams] <- mle[(p[['location']]+1):numLocScaleParams] / scaling
            se[(p[['location']]+1):numLocScaleParams] <- se[(p[['location']]+1):numLocScaleParams] / scaling

        names(mle) <- names(se) <- paramNames
        results$mle <- mle
        results$se_mle <- se
        results$nllh <- nllh
    } # end if(getParams)

    # need as cbind of design matrices for loc,shape,scale when call make.qcov in various calc_ functions below
    if(!is.null(x)) {
        covariateMatrix <- stats::model.matrix(locationFun, x)
        covariateMatrix <- cbind(covariateMatrix, stats::model.matrix(scaleFun, x))
        covariateMatrix <- cbind(covariateMatrix, stats::model.matrix(shapeFun, x))
    } else covariateMatrix <- NULL
    if(!is.null(x2)) {
        covariateMatrix2 <- stats::model.matrix(locationFun, x2)
        covariateMatrix2 <- cbind(covariateMatrix2, stats::model.matrix(scaleFun, x2))
        covariateMatrix2 <- cbind(covariateMatrix2, stats::model.matrix(shapeFun, x2))
    } else covariateMatrix2 <- NULL
    if(!is.null(returnPeriod)) {
        tmp <- calc_returnValue_fevd(fit, returnPeriod = returnPeriod, covariates = covariateMatrix)
        results$returnValue <- tmp$returnValue / scaling
        if(!upper) results$returnValue <- -results$returnValue
        results$se_returnValue <- tmp$se_returnValue/ scaling
    } # end calculation of returnValue

    if(!is.null(returnValue)) {
        tmp <- calc_logReturnProb_fevd(fit, returnValue, covariates = covariateMatrix, getSE = getSE, scaling = scaling, upper = upper)
        results$logReturnProb <- tmp$logReturnProb
        results$se_logReturnProb <- tmp$se_logReturnProb
        # return period on log scale is negative of return probability
        results$logReturnPeriod <- -tmp$logReturnProb
        results$se_logReturnPeriod <- tmp$se_logReturnProb
    } # end calculation of returnPeriod, returnProb

    if(!is.null(x2)) {
        # get difference of return values or of log return probabilities (i.e. log of risk ratio)
        if(!is.null(returnPeriod)) {
            tmp <- calc_returnValueDiff_fevd(fit, returnPeriod = returnPeriod, covariates1 = covariateMatrix, covariates2 = covariateMatrix2, getSE = getSE)
            results$returnValueDiff <- tmp$returnValueDiff / scaling
            if(!upper) results$returnValueDiff <- -results$returnValueDiff 
            results$se_returnValueDiff <- tmp$se_returnValueDiff / scaling
        if(!is.null(returnValue)) {
            tmp <- calc_logReturnProbDiff_fevd(fit, returnValue = returnValue, covariates1 = covariateMatrix, covariates2 = covariateMatrix2, getSE = getSE, scaling = scaling, upper = upper) 
            results$logReturnProbDiff <- tmp$logReturnProbDiff
            results$se_logReturnProbDiff <- tmp$se_logReturnProbDiff

    } # end calculation of diff of returnValue, diff of log return prob

} # end of compute_return_quantities()

make.qcov_safe <- function(x, vals, nr = 1, ...) {
    # Wrapper that ensures that extRemes::make.qcov handles no-intercept cases correctly

    increment_numbers <- function(nm, string) {
        matched <- grep(string, nm)
        num_matched <- length(matched)
        # Convert 'mu0,mu1,...' to 'mu1,mu2,...'
            nm[matched] <- paste0(string, seq_len(num_matched))

    nm <- names(x$results$par)

    # Convert 'intercept-style' names to 'covariate-style' names
    if(x$noInt[1]) {
        nm[nm == 'location'] <- 'mu1'
        # Convert mu0,mu1,... to mu1,mu2,...
        nm <- increment_numbers(nm, 'mu')
    if(x$noInt[2]) {
        nm[nm == 'log.scale'] <- 'phi1'
        nm[nm == 'scale'] <- 'sig1'
        nm <- increment_numbers(nm, 'phi')
        nm <- increment_numbers(nm, 'sig')
    if(x$noInt[3]) {
        nm[nm == 'scale'] <- 'xi1'
        nm <- increment_numbers(nm, 'xi')
    names(x$results$par) <- nm
    make.qcov(x, vals, nr, ...)

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