#' Plot a clustering tree
#' Creates a plot of a clustering tree showing the relationship between
#' clusterings at different resolutions.
#' @param x object containing clustering data
#' @param metadata data.frame containing metadata on each sample that can be
#' used as node aesthetics
#' @param prefix string indicating columns containing clustering information
#' @param suffix string at the end of column names containing clustering
#' information
#' @param count_filter count threshold for filtering edges in the clustering
#' graph
#' @param prop_filter in proportion threshold for filtering edges in the
#' clustering graph
#' @param layout string specifying the "tree" or "sugiyama" layout, see
#' [igraph::layout_as_tree()] and [igraph::layout_with_sugiyama()] for details
#' @param use_core_edges logical, whether to only use core tree (edges with
#' maximum in proportion for a node) when creating the graph layout, all
#' (unfiltered) edges will still be displayed
#' @param highlight_core logical, whether to increase the edge width of the core
#' network to make it easier to see
#' @param node_colour either a value indicating a colour to use for all nodes or
#' the name of a metadata column to colour nodes by
#' @param node_colour_aggr if `node_colour` is a column name than a string
#' giving the name of a function to aggregate that column for samples in each
#' cluster
#' @param node_size either a numeric value giving the size of all nodes or the
#' name of a metadata column to use for node sizes
#' @param node_size_aggr if `node_size` is a column name than a string
#' giving the name of a function to aggregate that column for samples in each
#' cluster
#' @param node_size_range numeric vector of length two giving the maximum and
#' minimum point size for plotting nodes
#' @param node_alpha either a numeric value giving the alpha of all nodes or the
#' name of a metadata column to use for node transparency
#' @param node_alpha_aggr if `node_aggr` is a column name than a string
#' giving the name of a function to aggregate that column for samples in each
#' cluster
#' @param node_text_size numeric value giving the size of node text if
#' `scale_node_text` is `FALSE`
#' @param scale_node_text logical indicating whether to scale node text along
#' with the node size
#' @param node_text_colour colour value for node text (and label)
#' @param node_text_angle the rotation of the node text
#' @param node_label additional label to add to nodes
#' @param node_label_aggr if `node_label` is a column name than a string
#' giving the name of a function to aggregate that column for samples in each
#' cluster
#' @param node_label_size numeric value giving the size of node label text
#' @param node_label_nudge numeric value giving nudge in y direction for node
#' labels
#' @param edge_width numeric value giving the width of plotted edges
#' @param edge_arrow logical indicating whether to add an arrow to edges
#' @param edge_arrow_ends string indicating which ends of the line to draw arrow
#' heads if `edge_arrow` is `TRUE`, one of "last", "first", or "both"
#' @param show_axis whether to show resolution axis
#' @param exprs source of gene expression information to use as node aesthetics,
#' for `SingleCellExperiment` objects it must be a name in `assayNames(x)`, for
#' a `seurat` object it must be one of `data`, `` or `` and
#' for a `Seurat` object it must be one of `data`, `counts` or ``
#' @param assay name of assay to pull expression and clustering data from for
#' `Seurat` objects
#' @param return string specifying what to return, either "plot" (a `ggplot`
#' object), "graph" (a `tbl_graph` object) or "layout" (a `ggraph` layout
#' object)
#' @param ... extra parameters passed to other methods
#' @details
#' **Data sources**
#' Plotting a clustering tree requires information about which cluster each
#' sample has been assigned to at different resolutions. This information can
#' be supplied in various forms, as a matrix, data.frame or more specialised
#' object. In all cases the object provided must contain numeric columns with
#' the naming structure `PXS` where `P` is a prefix indicating that the column
#' contains clustering information, `X` is a numeric value indicating the
#' clustering resolution and `S` is any additional suffix to be removed. For
#' `SingleCellExperiment` objects this information must be in the `colData` slot
#' and for `Seurat` objects it must be in the `` slot. For all objects
#' except matrices any additional columns can be used as aesthetics, for
#' matrices an additional metadata data.frame can be supplied if required.
#' **Filtering**
#' Edges in the graph can be filtered by adjusting the `count_filter` and
#' `prop_filter` parameters. The `count_filter` removes any edges that represent
#' less than that number of samples, while the `prop_filter` removes edges that
#' represent less than that proportion of cells in the node it points towards.
#' **Node aesthetics**
#' The aesthetics of the plotted nodes can be controlled in various ways. By
#' default the colour indicates the clustering resolution, the size indicates
#' the number of samples in that cluster and the transparency is set to 100%.
#' Each of these can be set to a specific value or linked to a supplied metadata
#' column. For a `SingleCellExperiment` or `Seurat` object the names of genes
#' can also be used. If a metadata column is used than an aggregation function
#' must also be supplied to combine the samples in each cluster. This function
#' must take a vector of values and return a single value.
#' **Layout**
#' The clustering tree can be displayed using either the Reingold-Tilford tree
#' layout algorithm or the Sugiyama layout algorithm for layered directed
#' acyclic graphs. These layouts were selected as the are the algorithms
#' available in the `igraph` package designed for trees. The Reingold-Tilford
#' algorithm places children below their parents while the Sugiyama places
#' nodes in layers while trying to minimise the number of crossing edges. See
#' [igraph::layout_as_tree()] and [igraph::layout_with_sugiyama()] for more
#' details. When `use_core_edges` is `TRUE` (default) only the core tree of the
#' maximum in proportion edges for each node are used for constructing the
#' layout. This can often lead to more attractive layouts where the core tree is
#' more visible.
#' @return a `ggplot` object (default), a `tbl_graph` object or a `ggraph`
#' layout object depending on the value of `return`
#' @examples
#' data(nba_clusts)
#' clustree(nba_clusts, prefix = "K")
#' @export
clustree <- function (x, ...) {
UseMethod("clustree", x)
#' @importFrom ggraph ggraph geom_edge_link circle geom_node_point
#' geom_node_text scale_edge_colour_gradientn scale_edge_alpha
#' scale_edge_width_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 arrow aes_ guides guide_legend scale_size
#' scale_y_continuous theme element_text
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @rdname clustree
#' @export
clustree.matrix <- function(x, prefix,
suffix = NULL,
metadata = NULL,
count_filter = 0,
prop_filter = 0.1,
layout = c("tree", "sugiyama"),
use_core_edges = TRUE,
highlight_core = FALSE,
node_colour = prefix,
node_colour_aggr = NULL,
node_size = "size",
node_size_aggr = NULL,
node_size_range = c(4, 15),
node_alpha = 1,
node_alpha_aggr = NULL,
node_text_size = 3,
scale_node_text = FALSE,
node_text_colour = "black",
node_text_angle = 0,
node_label = NULL,
node_label_aggr = NULL,
node_label_size = 3,
node_label_nudge = -0.2,
edge_width = 1.5,
edge_arrow = TRUE,
edge_arrow_ends = c("last", "first", "both"),
show_axis = FALSE,
return = c("plot", "graph", "layout"),
...) {
checkmate::assert_matrix(x, any.missing = FALSE, col.names = "unique",
min.cols = 2)
checkmate::assert_character(prefix, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(suffix, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1,
null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::assert_number(count_filter, lower = 0, upper = nrow(x))
checkmate::assert_number(prop_filter, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assert_data_frame(metadata, nrows = nrow(x),
col.names = "unique", null.ok = TRUE)
assert_colour_node_aes("node_colour", prefix, metadata, node_colour,
assert_numeric_node_aes("node_size", prefix, metadata, node_size,
node_size_aggr, 0, Inf)
assert_numeric_node_aes("node_alpha", prefix, metadata, node_alpha,
node_alpha_aggr, 0, 1)
checkmate::assert_number(node_text_size, lower = 0)
if (!is.null(node_label)) {
assert_node_aes("node_label", prefix, metadata, node_label,
checkmate::assert_logical(scale_node_text, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_number(edge_width, lower = 0)
checkmate::assert_logical(edge_arrow, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
layout <- match.arg(layout)
return <- match.arg(return)
edge_arrow_ends <- match.arg(edge_arrow_ends)
if (!is.null(suffix)) {
colnames(x) <- gsub(suffix, "", colnames(x))
res_clean <- gsub(prefix, "", colnames(x))
is_num <- suppressWarnings(!any(
if (!is_num) {
stop("The X portion of your clustering column names could not be ",
"converted to a number. Please check that your prefix and suffix ",
"are correct: prefix = '", prefix, "', suffix = '", suffix, "'",
call. = FALSE)
res_order <- order(as.numeric(res_clean))
x <- x[, res_order]
res_clean <- res_clean[res_order]
if (!(is.null(metadata))) {
metadata_names <- make.names(colnames(metadata))
metadata_diff <- metadata_names != colnames(metadata)
if (any(metadata_diff)) {
"The following metadata column names will be converted from:\n",
paste(colnames(metadata)[metadata_diff], collapse = ", "), "\n",
paste(metadata_names[metadata_diff], collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE
colnames(metadata) <- metadata_names
node_aes_list <- list(
colour = list(value = node_colour, aggr = node_colour_aggr),
size = list(value = node_size, aggr = node_size_aggr),
alpha = list(value = node_alpha, aggr = node_alpha_aggr)
if (!is.null(node_label)) {
node_aes_list$label <- list(value = node_label, aggr = node_label_aggr)
node_aes_list <- check_node_aes_list(node_aes_list)
graph <- build_tree_graph(x, prefix, count_filter, prop_filter,
metadata, node_aes_list)
graph_attr <- igraph::graph_attr(graph)
graph <- graph %>%
tidygraph::activate("edges") %>%
tidygraph::mutate(width = edge_width) %>%
tidygraph::group_by(.data$to) %>%
tidygraph::mutate(is_core = .data$in_prop == max(.data$in_prop)) %>%
if (use_core_edges) {
layout <- graph %>%
tidygraph::activate("edges") %>%
tidygraph::filter(.data$is_core) %>%
attributes(layout)$graph <- graph
} else {
layout <- ggraph::create_layout(graph, layout)
gg <- ggraph(layout)
# Plot edges
if (edge_arrow) {
if (is.numeric(node_size)) {
circle_size_end <- ifelse(edge_arrow_ends == "first", 0.1,
node_size * 1.5)
circle_size_start <- ifelse(edge_arrow_ends == "last", 0.1,
node_size * 1.5)
} else {
circle_size_end <- ifelse(edge_arrow_ends == "first", 0.1,
mean(node_size_range) * 1.5)
circle_size_start <- ifelse(edge_arrow_ends == "last", 0.1,
mean(node_size_range) * 1.5)
gg <- gg + geom_edge_link(arrow = arrow(length = unit(edge_width * 5,
ends = edge_arrow_ends),
end_cap = circle(circle_size_end, "points"),
start_cap = circle(circle_size_start, "points"),
aes(colour = .data$count,
alpha = .data$in_prop,
edge_width = .data$is_core))
} else {
gg <- gg + geom_edge_link(aes(colour = .data$count,
alpha = .data$in_prop,
edge_width = .data$is_core))
if (highlight_core) {
core_width <- edge_width * 2
gg <- gg + scale_edge_width_manual(values = c(edge_width, core_width))
} else {
gg <- gg + scale_edge_width_manual(values = c(edge_width, edge_width),
guide = "none")
gg <- gg + scale_edge_colour_gradientn(colours = viridis::viridis(256)) +
scale_edge_alpha(limits = c(0, 1))
# Plot nodes
gg <- gg + add_node_points(graph_attr$node_colour, graph_attr$node_size,
# Plot node text
if (scale_node_text && !is.numeric(node_size)) {
gg <- gg + geom_node_text(aes(label = .data$cluster,
size = .data[[graph_attr$node_size]]),
colour = node_text_colour,
angle = node_text_angle
} else {
gg <- gg + geom_node_text(aes(label = .data$cluster),
size = node_text_size,
colour = node_text_colour,
angle = node_text_angle
if (!(is.null(node_label))) {
gg <- gg + add_node_labels(graph_attr$node_label,
gg <- gg + scale_size(range = node_size_range) +
ggraph::theme_graph(base_family = "",
plot_margin = ggplot2::margin(2, 2, 2, 2))
if (show_axis) {
gg <- gg +
ylab(prefix) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = sort(unique(layout$y)),
labels = rev(res_clean)) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(),
axis.title = element_text(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.y = element_line(colour = "grey92"))
if (return == "plot") {
} else if (return == "graph") {
} else if (return == "layout") {
#' @rdname clustree
#' @export <- function(x, prefix, ...) {
checkmate::assert_data_frame(x, col.names = "unique")
checkmate::assert_character(prefix, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
cols_prefix <- substr(colnames(x), 1, nchar(prefix))
clust_cols <- cols_prefix == prefix
if (sum(clust_cols) < 2) {
stop("Less than two column names matched the prefix: ", prefix,
call. = FALSE)
clusterings <- as.matrix(x[, clust_cols])
if (sum(!clust_cols) > 0) {
metadata <- x[, !clust_cols, drop = FALSE]
} else {
metadata <- NULL
clustree(clusterings, prefix, metadata = metadata, ...)
#' @rdname clustree
#' @export
clustree.SingleCellExperiment <- function(x, prefix, exprs = "counts", ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The SingleCellExperiment package is missing, this must be",
"installed for clustree to use SingleCellExperiment objects",
call. = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_class(x, "SingleCellExperiment")
checkmate::assert_character(exprs, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1)
if (!(exprs %in% names(x@assays))) {
stop("exprs must be the name of an assay in x: ",
paste0(names(x@assays), collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
} else {
exprs_mat <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(x, exprs)
args <- list(...)
node_aes_sel <- c("node_colour", "node_size", "node_alpha")
node_aes_sel <- node_aes_sel[node_aes_sel %in% names(args)]
for (node_aes in node_aes_sel) {
node_aes_value <- args[[node_aes]]
if (node_aes_value %in% rownames(x)) {
node_aes_name <- make.names(node_aes_value)
if (node_aes_value != node_aes_name) {
"The feature name ", node_aes_value,
" will be converted to ", node_aes_name,
call. = FALSE
aes_name <- paste0(exprs, "_", node_aes_name)
x@colData[aes_name] <- exprs_mat[node_aes_value, ]
args[[node_aes]] <- aes_name
args$x <- data.frame(x@colData)
args$prefix <- prefix, args)
#' @rdname clustree
#' @importFrom methods slot
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
clustree.seurat <- function(x, prefix = "res.",
exprs = c("data", "", ""), ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The Seurat package is missing, this must be installed for ",
"clustree to use seurat objects", call. = FALSE)
"This interface is for the older seurat object in Seurat < 3.0.0 and ",
"may be deprecated in the future. You currently have Seurat v",
packageVersion("Seurat"), " installed. Consider installing a newer ",
"version of Seurat and updating your object.",
call. = FALSE
checkmate::assert_class(x, "seurat")
checkmate::assert_character(exprs, any.missing = FALSE)
exprs <- match.arg(exprs)
args <- list(...)
gene_names <- rownames(
for (node_aes in c("node_colour", "node_size", "node_alpha")) {
if (node_aes %in% names(args)) {
node_aes_value <- args[[node_aes]]
if (node_aes_value %in% gene_names) {
aes_name <- paste0(exprs, "_", node_aes_value)[aes_name] <-
slot(x, exprs)[node_aes_value, ]
args[[node_aes]] <- aes_name
args$x <-
args$prefix <- prefix, args)
#' @rdname clustree
#' @export
clustree.Seurat <- function(x, prefix = paste0(assay, "_snn_res."),
exprs = c("data", "counts", ""),
assay = NULL, ...) {
if (!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The Seurat package is missing, this must be installed for ",
"clustree to use Seurat objects", call. = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_class(x, "Seurat")
checkmate::assert_character(exprs, any.missing = FALSE)
if (is.null(x = assay)) {
assay <- Seurat::DefaultAssay(object = x)
} else {
Seurat::DefaultAssay(x) <- assay
exprs <- match.arg(arg = exprs)
args <- list(...)
node_aes_sel <- c("node_colour", "node_size", "node_alpha")
node_aes_sel <- node_aes_sel[node_aes_sel %in% names(args)]
for (node_aes in node_aes_sel) {
node_aes_value <- args[[node_aes]]
if (node_aes_value %in% rownames(x)) {
node_aes_name <- make.names(node_aes_value)
if (node_aes_value != node_aes_name) {
"The feature name ", node_aes_value,
" will be converted to ", node_aes_name,
call. = FALSE
aes_name <- paste0(exprs, "_", node_aes_name)
if (packageVersion("SeuratObject") >= package_version("5.0.0")) {
x[[aes_name]] <- Seurat::FetchData(x, vars = node_aes_value,
layer = exprs)
} else {
x[[aes_name]] <- Seurat::FetchData(x, vars = node_aes_value,
slot = exprs)
args[[node_aes]] <- aes_name
args$x <- x[[]]
args$prefix <- prefix, args)
#' Add node points
#' Add node points to a clustering tree plot with the specified aesthetics.
#' @param node_colour either a value indicating a colour to use for all nodes or
#' the name of a metadata column to colour nodes by
#' @param node_size either a numeric value giving the size of all nodes or the
#' name of a metadata column to use for node sizes
#' @param node_alpha either a numeric value giving the alpha of all nodes or the
#' name of a metadata column to use for node transparency
#' @param allowed vector of allowed node attributes to use as aesthetics
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_point
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
add_node_points <- function(node_colour, node_size, node_alpha, allowed) {
is_allowed <- c(node_colour, node_size, node_alpha) %in% allowed
if (all(is_allowed == FALSE)) {
aes_allowed <- "none"
} else {
aes_allowed <- c("col", "size", "alpha")[is_allowed]
aes_allowed <- paste(aes_allowed, collapse = "_")
col_size_alpha = geom_node_point(aes(colour = .data[[node_colour]],
size = .data[[node_size]],
alpha = .data[[node_alpha]])),
col_alpha = geom_node_point(aes(colour = .data[[node_colour]],
alpha = .data[[node_alpha]]),
size = node_size),
col_size = geom_node_point(aes(colour = .data[[node_colour]],
size = .data[[node_size]]),
alpha = node_alpha),
col = geom_node_point(aes(colour = .data[[node_colour]]),
size = node_size,
alpha = node_alpha),
size_alpha = geom_node_point(aes(size = .data[[node_size]],
alpha = .data[[node_alpha]]),
colour = node_colour),
size = geom_node_point(aes(size = .data[[node_size]]),
colour = node_colour,
alpha = node_alpha),
alpha = geom_node_point(aes(alpha = .data[[node_alpha]]),
colour = node_colour,
size = node_size),
none = geom_node_point(colour = node_colour,
size = node_size,
alpha = node_alpha)
#' Add node labels
#' Add node labels to a clustering tree plot with the specified aesthetics.
#' @param node_label the name of a metadata column for node labels
#' @param node_colour either a value indicating a colour to use for all nodes or
#' the name of a metadata column to colour nodes by
#' @param node_label_size size of node label text
#' @param node_label_colour colour of node_label text
#' @param node_label_nudge numeric value giving nudge in y direction for node
#' labels
#' @param allowed vector of allowed node attributes to use as aesthetics
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_label
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
add_node_labels <- function(node_label, node_colour, node_label_size,
node_label_colour, node_label_nudge, allowed) {
is_allowed <- c(node_colour) %in% allowed
if (is_allowed) {
geom_node_label(aes(label = .data[[node_label]],
fill = .data[[node_colour]]),
size = node_label_size,
colour = node_label_colour,
nudge_y = node_label_nudge)
} else {
geom_node_label(aes(label = .data[[node_label]]),
fill = node_colour,
size = node_label_size,
colour = node_label_colour,
nudge_y = node_label_nudge)
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