
Defines functions check.lambda

check.lambda <- function(lambda, allow_multiple=TRUE) {
    accepted_nrow <- c(1L)
    if (allow_multiple)
        accepted_nrow <- c(accepted_nrow, 6L)
    if (!(NROW(lambda) %in% accepted_nrow))
        stop("Invalid 'lambda'.")
    lambda <- as.numeric(lambda)
    if (anyNA(lambda))
        stop("'lambda' cannot have missing values.")
    if (any(lambda < 0.))
        stop("'lambda' must be non-negative")

check.pos.int <- function(k, pos=FALSE) {
    if (NROW(k) != 1L)
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a positive integer", as.character(substitute(k))))
    k <- as.integer(k)
    if (is.na(k))
        stop(sprintf("Invalid '%s'", k))
    if (pos) {
        if (k <= 0L)
            stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a positive integer", as.character(substitute(k))))
    } else if (k < 0L) {
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a non-negative integer", as.character(substitute(k))))

check.bool <- function(x) {
    if (NROW(x) != 1L)
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a single boolean/logical.", as.character(substitute(x))))
    x <- as.logical(x)
    if (is.na(x))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be missing.", as.character(substitute(x))))

check.pos.real <- function(x) {
    if (NROW(x) != 1L)
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a single boolean/logical.", as.character(substitute(x))))
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    if (is.na(x))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be missing.", as.character(substitute(x))))
    if (x < 0.)
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be non-negative.", as.character(substitute(x))))

check.str.option <- function(x, allowed=c()) {
    if (NROW(x) != 1L)
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a single string/character.", as.character(substitute(x))))
    x <- as.character(x)
    if (is.na(x))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be missing.", as.character(substitute(x))))
    if (!(x %in% allowed))
        stop(sprintf("'%s' must be one of: %s", as.character(substitute(x)), paste(allowed, collapse=", ")))

check.nthreads <- function(nthreads) {
    if (NROW(nthreads) != 1) stop("'nthreads' must be a positive integer.")
    if (is.null(nthreads)) {
        nthreads <- 1L
    } else if (is.na(nthreads)) {
        nthreads <- 1L
    }  else if (nthreads < 1) {
        nthreads <- 1L

check.is.df <- function(df) {
    return(inherits(df, c("data.frame", "tibble", "data.table")))

check.is.df.or.mat <- function(df) {
    return(is.matrix(df) || check.is.df(df))

cast.data.frame <- function(df) {
    if (inherits(df, c("tibble", "data.table")))
        df <- as.data.frame(df)

cast.df.to.matrix <- function(df) {
    if (check.is.df(df)) {
        ## Make sure that all the columns are numeric
        coltypes <- sapply(df, class)
        if (NROW(setdiff(coltypes, c("numeric", "integer"))))
            stop("Only numeric types are supported as side info.")
        if ("integer" %in% coltypes) {
            prev_names <- row.names(df)
            df <- as.data.frame(lapply(df, as.numeric))
            row.names(df) <- prev_names
        df <- as.matrix(df, rownames.force=TRUE)

reindex.data <- function(X, U=NULL, I=NULL, U_bin=NULL, I_bin=NULL, disallow_padding_U_I=FALSE) {
    out <- list(
        user_mapping = character(),
        item_mapping = character(),
        X = NULL,
        U = NULL,
        I = NULL,
        U_bin = NULL,
        I_bin = NULL
    ### Easy case: only 'X' is present
    if (is.null(U) && is.null(I) && is.null(U_bin) && is.null(I_bin)) {
        X[[1L]] <- factor(X[[1L]])
        X[[2L]] <- factor(X[[2L]])
        out$X  <- X
        out$user_mapping <- levels(X[[1L]])
        out$item_mapping <- levels(X[[2L]])
    ### Entries in U
    users_X <- unique(X[[1L]])
    users_U <- NULL
    if (!is.null(U))
        users_U <- c(users_U, row.names(U))
    if (!is.null(U_bin))
        users_U <- c(users_U, row.names(U_bin))
    users_U <- unique(users_U)
    in_X_not_in_U <- setdiff(users_X, users_U)
    in_X_and_U    <- intersect(users_X, users_U)
    all_U         <- unique(union(users_X, users_U))
    if ((!is.null(U) || !is.null(U_bin)) && !NROW(in_X_and_U))
        stop("'X' and 'U'/'U_bin' have no IDs in common.")
    if (disallow_padding_U_I) {
        if (NROW(in_X_not_in_U)) {
            stop("'U' must have all rows from 'X' when passing 'start_with_ALS=TRUE'.")
    ### Entries in I
    items_X <- unique(X[[2L]])
    items_I <- NULL
    if (!is.null(I))
        items_I <- c(items_I, row.names(I))
    if (!is.null(I_bin))
        items_I <- c(items_I, row.names(I_bin))
    items_I <- unique(items_I)
    in_X_not_in_I <- setdiff(items_X, items_I)
    in_X_and_I    <- intersect(items_X, items_I)
    all_I         <- unique(union(items_X, items_I))
    if ((!is.null(I) || !is.null(I_bin)) && !NROW(in_X_and_I))
        stop("'X' and 'I'/'I_bin' have no IDs in common.")
    if (disallow_padding_U_I) {
        if (NROW(in_X_not_in_I)) {
            stop("'I' must have all columns from 'X' when passing 'start_with_ALS=TRUE'.")
    ### Now map and fill
    X[[1L]] <- factor(X[[1L]], levels=all_U)
    X[[2L]] <- factor(X[[2L]], levels=all_I)
    out$X  <- X
    out$user_mapping <- levels(X[[1L]])
    out$item_mapping <- levels(X[[2L]])
    if (!is.null(U)) {
        ix_U <- as.integer(factor(row.names(U), levels=levels(X[[1L]])))
        if (NROW(U) == NROW(levels(X[[1L]]))) {
            U <- U[order(ix_U), , drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            U_all <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=NROW(U) + NROW(in_X_not_in_U), ncol=NCOL(U))
            U_all[ix_U, ] <- U
            U <- U_all
        out$U <- U
    if (!is.null(U_bin)) {
        ix_U <- as.integer(factor(row.names(U_bin), levels=levels(X[[1L]])))
        if (NROW(U_bin) == NROW(levels(X[[1L]]))) {
            U_bin <- U_bin[order(ix_U), , drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            U_all <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=NROW(U_bin) + NROW(in_X_not_in_U), ncol=NCOL(U_bin))
            U_all[ix_U, ] <- U_bin
            U_bin <- U_all
        out$U_bin <- U_bin
    if (!is.null(I)) {
        ix_I <- as.integer(factor(row.names(I), levels=levels(X[[2L]])))
        if (NROW(I) == NROW(levels(X[[2L]]))) {
            I <- I[order(ix_I), , drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            I_all <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=NROW(I) + NROW(in_X_not_in_I), ncol=NCOL(I))
            I_all[ix_I, ] <- I
            I <- I_all
        out$I <- I
    if (!is.null(I_bin)) {
        ix_I <- as.integer(factor(row.names(I_bin), levels=levels(X[[2L]])))
        if (NROW(I_bin) == NROW(levels(X[[2L]]))) {
            I_bin <- I_bin[order(ix_I), , drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            I_all <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow=NROW(I_bin) + NROW(in_X_not_in_I), ncol=NCOL(I_bin))
            I_all[ix_I, ] <- I_bin
            I_bin <- I_all
        out$I_bin <- I_bin

process.X <- function(X, weight=NULL) {
    out <- list(
        Xarr = numeric(),
        Xrow = integer(),
        Xcol = integer(),
        Xval = numeric(),
        Warr = numeric(),
        Wsp  = numeric(),
        m    = 0L,
        n    = 0L
    if (!min(c(NROW(X), NCOL(X))))
        stop("'X' cannot be empty.")

    if (!is.null(weight) &&
        inherits(weight, c("dgTMatrix", "matrix.coo")) &&
        !inherits(X, c("dgTMatrix", "matrix.coo"))
    ) {
        stop("'X' and 'weight' must be passed in the same sparse format.")
    if (is.data.frame(X)) {
        if (!is.null(weight))
            stop("'weight' should be passed as 4th column of 'X' when 'X' is a 'data.frame'.")
        out$Xrow <- as.integer(X[[1L]]) - 1L
        out$Xcol <- as.integer(X[[2L]]) - 1L
        out$Xval <- as.numeric(X[[3L]])
        if (NCOL(X) > 3L) {
            out$Wsp <- as.numeric(X[[4L]])
        out$m <- max(out$Xrow) + 1L
        out$n <- max(out$Xcol) + 1L
    } else if (inherits(X, "matrix.coo")) {
        out$Xrow <- X@ia - 1L
        out$Xcol <- X@ja - 1L
        out$Xval <- X@ra
        out$m    <- X@dimension[1L]
        out$n    <- X@dimension[2L]
    } else if (inherits(X, "dgTMatrix")) {
        out$Xrow <- X@i
        out$Xcol <- X@j
        out$Xval <- X@x
        out$m    <- X@Dim[1L]
        out$n    <- X@Dim[2L]
    } else if (is.matrix(X)) {
        out$Xarr <- as.numeric(t(X))
        out$m    <- NROW(X)
        out$n    <- NCOL(X)
    } else {
        stop("Invalid 'X'.")
    if (NROW(out$Xval)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Xval))
            stop("'X' cannot have NAN values if passed as sparse.")
    if (!is.null(weight)) {

        if (is.matrix(X)) {

            if ((NROW(weight) != NROW(X)) || (NCOL(weight) != NCOL(X)))
                stop("'weight' must have the same shape as 'X'.")
            out$Warr <- as.numeric(t(weight))

        } else {

            if (inherits(weight, "dgTMatrix")) {
                weight <- weight@x
            } else if (inherits(weight, "matrix.coo")) {
                weight <- weight@ra

            out$Wsp  <- as.numeric(weight)
            if (NROW(out$Wsp) != NROW(out$Xval))
                stop("'weight' must have the same shape as 'X'.")

    if (NROW(out$Wsp)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Wsp))
            stop("'weight' cannot have NAN values.")
    if (NROW(out$Warr)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Warr))
            stop("'weight' cannot have NAN values.")

process.side.info <- function(U, allow_missing=TRUE) {
    out <- list(
        Uarr = numeric(),
        Urow = integer(),
        Ucol = integer(),
        Uval = numeric(),
        m    = 0L,
        p    = 0L
    if (is.null(U))
    if (is.matrix(U) || is.data.frame(U)) {
        out$Uarr <- as.numeric(t(U))
        out$m    <- NROW(U)
        out$p    <- NCOL(U)
    } else if (inherits(U, "matrix.coo")) {
        out$Urow <- U@ia - 1L
        out$Ucol <- U@ja - 1L
        out$Uval <- U@ra
        out$m    <- U@dimension[1L]
        out$p    <- U@dimension[2L]
    } else if (inherits(U, "dgTMatrix")) {
        out$Urow <- U@i
        out$Ucol <- U@j
        out$Uval <- U@x
        out$m    <- U@Dim[1L]
        out$p    <- U@Dim[2L]
    } else {
        stop(sprintf("Invalid %s.", as.character(substitute(U))))
    if (!allow_missing) {
        if (NROW(out$Uarr)) {
            if (anyNA(out$Uarr))
                stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot have missing values.", as.character(substitute(U))))
    if (NROW(out$Uval)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Uval))
            stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot have NAN values if passed as sparse.", as.character(substitute(U))))

get.empty.precomputed <- function() {
        TransBtBinvBt = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        BtB = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        BtXbias = numeric(),
        TransCtCinvCt = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        CtC = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        BeTBe = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        BeTBeChol = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        BiTBi = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        B_plus_bias = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Bm_plus_bias = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        CtUbias = numeric(),
        DtIbias = numeric()

get.empty.matrices <- function() {
        user_bias = numeric(),
        item_bias = numeric(),
        A = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        B = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        C = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        D = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Cb = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Db = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        C_bias = numeric(),
        D_bias = numeric(),
        Ai = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Bi = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Am = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        Bm = matrix(numeric(), nrow=0L, ncol=0L),
        glob_mean = numeric(1L),
        U_colmeans = numeric(),
        I_colmeans = numeric(),
        scaling_biasA = numeric(1L),
        scaling_biasB = numeric(1L)

get.empty.info <- function() {
        w_main_multiplier = 1.,
        w_main = 1.,
        w_user = 1.,
        w_item = 1.,
        w_implicit = 1.,
        n_orig = 0L,
        k = 0L,
        k_user = 0L,
        k_item = 0L,
        k_main = 0L,
        k_sec = 0L,
        lambda = 1.,
        l1_lambda = 0.,
        alpha = 1.,
        nfev = 0L,
        nupd = 0L,
        user_mapping = character(),
        item_mapping = character(),
        U_cols = character(),
        I_cols = character(),
        U_bin_cols = character(),
        I_bin_cols = character(),
        implicit = FALSE,
        apply_log_transf = FALSE,
        NA_as_zero = FALSE,
        NA_as_zero_user = FALSE,
        NA_as_zero_item = FALSE,
        nonneg = FALSE,
        add_implicit_features = FALSE,
        include_all_X = TRUE,
        center = FALSE,
        scale_lam = FALSE,
        scale_lam_sideinfo = FALSE,
        scale_bias_const = TRUE,
        center_U = TRUE,
        center_I = TRUE,
        only_prediction_info = FALSE,
        seed = 0L,
        nthreads = 1L

check.ret.code <- function(ret_code) {
    if (ret_code == 1L)
        stop("Could not allocate sufficient memory.")
    if (ret_code == 2L)
        stop("Invalid parameter combination.")
    if (ret_code == 3L)
        stop("Procedure was interrupted.")

process.new.X.single <- function(X, X_col, X_val, weight, info, n_max) {
    out <- list(
        X = numeric(),
        X_col = integer(),
        X_val = numeric(),
        weight = numeric(),
        n = 0L
    n_use <- ifelse(info$include_all_X, n_max, info$n_orig)
    allowed_X <- c("numeric", "integer", "matrix", "sparseVector")
    if (!is.null(X)) {
        if (!inherits(X, allowed_X))
            stop("Invalid 'X' - allowed types: ", paste(allowed_X, collapse=", "))
        if (is.matrix(X)) {
            if (NROW(X) > 1L)
                stop("'X' has more than one row.")
            X <- as.numeric(X)
        if (NROW(X) > n_use)
            stop("'X' has more columns than the model was fit to.")
        if (inherits(X, "integer"))
            X <- as.numeric(X)
        if (inherits(X, "numeric")) {
            out$X <- X
            out$n <- NROW(X)
        } else {
            out$X_col <- X@i - 1L
            out$X_val <- X@x
            out$n     <- n_use
    if (!is.null(X_col)) {
        if (NROW(info$item_mapping))
            X_col <- as.integer(factor(X_col, info$item_mapping))
        if (inherits(X_col, c("numeric", "character", "matrix")))
            X_col <- as.integer(X_col)
        X_col <- X_col - 1L
        if (anyNA(X_col))
            stop("'X_col' cannot have missing values or new columns.")
        if (any(X_col > n_use))
            stop("'X_col' cannot contain new columns.")
        if (any(X_col < 0L))
            stop("'X_col' cannot contain negative indices.")
        if (anyNA(X_val))
            stop("'X_val' cannot have NAN values.")
        if (inherits(X_val, "integer") || is.matrix(X_val))
            X_val <- as.numeric(X_val)
        if (!inherits(X_val, "numeric"))
            stop("'X_val' must be a numeric vector.")
        out$X_col <- X_col
        out$X_val <- X_val
        out$n     <- n_use
    if (!is.null(weight)) {

        if (inherits(weight, c("sparseVector", "dgTMatrix", "dgRMatrix"))) {
            weight <- weight@x
        } else if (inherits(weight, c("matrix.coo", "matrix.csr"))) {
            weight <- weight@ra
        if (inherits(weight, "integer") || is.matrix(weight))
            weight <- as.numeric(weight)
        if (!inherits(weight, "numeric"))
            stop("'weight' must be a numeric vector.")
        if (!is.null(X) && !inherits(X, "sparseVector")) {
            if (NROW(X) != NROW(weight))
                stop("'weight' must have the same number of entries as 'X'.")
        } else if (NROW(out$X_col)) {
            if (NROW(out$X_col) != NROW(weight))
                stop("'weight' must have the same number of non-missing entries as 'X'.")
        out$weight <- weight


process.new.U.single <- function(U, U_col, U_val, mapping, p, colnames,
                                 allow_null=TRUE, allow_na=TRUE, exact_shapes=FALSE) {
    out <- list(
        U = numeric(),
        U_col = integer(),
        U_val = numeric(),
        p = 0L
    if (!max(c(NROW(U), NCOL(U), NROW(U_col), NROW(U_val)))) {
        if (allow_null) {
            out$p <- p
        } else {
            stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be empty.", as.character(substitute(U))))
    if (!is.null(U)) {
        U <- cast.data.frame(U)
        if (is.data.frame(U)) {
            if (NROW(colnames))
                U <- U[, colnames, drop = TRUE]
            coltypes <- sapply(U, class)
            if ("integer" %in% coltypes)
                U <- as.data.frame(lapply(U, as.numeric))
            invalid <- setdiff(coltypes, c("numeric", "integer"))
            if (NROW(invalid))
                stop(sprintf("Invalid column type(s) in '%s': %s",
                             paste(invalid, collapse=", ")))
            U <- as.numeric(U)
        if (is.matrix(U)) {
            if (NROW(U) > 1L)
                stop(sprintf("'%s' has more than one row.", as.character(substitute(U))))
            U <- as.numeric(U)
    allowed_U <- c("numeric", "integer", "sparseVector")
    if (!is.null(U)) {
        if (!inherits(U, allowed_U))
            stop(sprintf("Invalid '%s' - allowed types: %s",
                 paste(allowed_U, collapse=", ")))
        if (NROW(U) > p)
            stop(sprintf("'%s' has more columns than the model was fit to.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        if (inherits(U, "integer"))
            U <- as.numeric(U)
        if (inherits(U, "numeric")) {
            if (exact_shapes && NROW(U) != p)
                stop(sprintf("'%s' has different number of columns than model was fit to.",
            if (!allow_na && anyNA(U))
                stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot have NAN values.", as.character(substitute(U))))
            out$U <- U
            out$p <- NROW(U)
        } else {
            if (U@length > p)
                stop(sprintf("'%s' has more columns than the model was fit to.", as.character(substitute(U))))
            out$U_col <- U@i - 1L
            out$U_val <- U@x
            out$p     <- p
    if (!is.null(U_col)) {
        if (NROW(mapping))
            U_col <- as.integer(factor(U_col, mapping))
        if (inherits(U_col, c("numeric", "character", "matrix")))
            U_col <- as.integer(U_col)
        U_col <- U_col - 1L
        if (anyNA(U_col))
            stop(sprintf("'%s_col' cannot have missing values or new columns.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        if (any(U_col >= p))
            stop(sprintf("'%s_col' cannot contain new columns.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        if (any(U_col < 0L))
            stop(sprintf("%s_col' cannot contain negative indices.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        if (anyNA(U_val))
            stop(sprintf("'%s_val' cannot have NAN values.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        if (inherits(U_val, "integer") || is.matrix(U_val))
            U_val <- as.numeric(U_val)
        if (!inherits(U_val, "numeric"))
            stop(sprintf("'%s_val' must be a numeric vector.", as.character(substitute(U))))
        out$U_col <- U_col
        out$U_val <- U_val
        out$p     <- p

process.new.X <- function(obj, X, weight=NULL,
                          allow_sparse=TRUE, allow_null=TRUE,
                          allow_reindex=FALSE) {
    out <- list(
        Xarr = numeric(),
        Xrow = integer(),
        Xcol = integer(),
        Xval = integer(),
        Xcsr_p = raw(),
        Xcsr_i = integer(),
        Xcsr = numeric(),
        Warr = numeric(),
        Wsp = numeric(),
        m = 0L,
        n = 0L
    if (is.null(X) && !allow_null)
        stop("'X' cannot be NULL.")
    if (!allow_null && !min(c(NROW(X), NCOL(X))))
        stop("'X' cannot be empty.")
    if (is.null(X) && !is.null(weight))
        stop("'weight' not meaningfull without 'X'.")

    types_coo <- c("dgTMatrix", "matrix.coo")
    types_csr <- c("dgRMatrix", "matrix.csr")

    if (!is.null(weight) && inherits(weight, c(types_coo, types_csr))) {
        if (is.data.frame(X))
            stop("'weight' should be the 4th column of 'X' when 'X' is a 'data.frame'.")
        if ((inherits(weight, types_coo) && !inherits(X, types_coo)) ||
            (inherits(weight, types_csr) && !inherits(X, types_csr))
        ) {
            stop("'X' and 'weight' must be passed in the same format.")
    if (inherits(X, "integer"))
        X <- as.numeric(X)
    if (inherits(X, "numeric"))
        X <- matrix(X, nrow = 1L)
    X <- cast.data.frame(X)
    allowed_X <- c("matrix")
    if (allow_sparse)
        allowed_X <- c(allowed_X, c("data.frame", "sparseVector",
                                    types_coo, types_csr))
    if (allow_null)
        allowed_X <- c(allowed_X, "NULL")
    if (!inherits(X, allowed_X))
        stop("Invalid 'X' - supported types: ", paste(allowed_X, collapse=", "))
    if (is.data.frame(X)) {
        if (!is.null(weight))
            stop("'weight' should be the 4th column of 'X' when 'X' is a 'data.frame'.")
        if (ncol(X) < 3L)
            stop("'X' must have at least 3 columns (user, item, value).")
        if (NROW(obj$info$user_mapping) && allow_reindex) {
            X[[1L]] <- as.integer(factor(X[[1L]], obj$info$user_mapping))
            X[[2L]] <- as.integer(factor(X[[2L]], obj$info$item_mapping))
        } else {
            X[[1L]] <- as.integer(X[[1L]])
            X[[2L]] <- as.integer(X[[2L]])
        X[[1L]] <- X[[1L]] - 1L
        X[[2L]] <- X[[2L]] - 1L
        if (anyNA(X[[1L]]) || anyNA(X[[2L]]) || any(X[[1L]] < 0L) || any(X[[2L]] < 0L))
            stop("'X' contains invalid indices.")
        out$m <- max(X[[1L]]) + 1L
        out$n <- max(X[[2L]]) + 1L
        out$Xrow <- X[[1L]]
        out$Xcol <- X[[2L]]
        out$Xval <- as.numeric(X[[3L]])
        if (ncol(X) >= 4L) {
            out$Wsp <- X[[4L]]
    } else if (inherits(X, "dgTMatrix")) {
        out$Xrow <- X@i
        out$Xcol <- X@j
        out$Xval <- X@x
        out$m    <- X@Dim[1L]
        out$n    <- X@Dim[2L]
    } else if (inherits(X, "matrix.coo")) {
        out$Xrow <- X@ia - 1L
        out$Xcol <- X@ja - 1L
        out$Xval <- X@ra
        out$m    <- X@dimension[1L]
        out$n    <- X@dimension[2L]
    } else if (inherits(X, "dgRMatrix")) {
        out$Xcsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, X@p)
        out$Xcsr_i <- X@j
        out$Xcsr   <- X@x
        out$m      <- X@Dim[1L]
        out$n      <- X@Dim[2L]
    } else if (inherits(X, "matrix.csr")) {
        out$Xcsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, X@ia - 1L)
        out$Xcsr_i <- X@ja - 1L
        out$Xcsr   <- X@ra
        out$m      <- X@dimension[1L]
        out$n      <- X@dimension[2L]
    } else if (inherits(X, "sparseVector")) {
        out$Xcsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, c(0L, NROW(X@i)))
        out$Xcsr_i <- X@i - 1L
        if ("x" %in% names(attributes(X)))
            out$Xcsr <- as.numeric(X@x)
            out$Xcsr <- rep(1., length(out$Xcsr_i))
        out$m      <- 1L
        out$n      <- X@length
    } else if (is.matrix(X)) {
        out$Xarr <- as.numeric(t(X))
        out$m    <- nrow(X)
        out$n    <- ncol(X)
    n_max <- max(c(NCOL(obj$matrices$B), NCOL(obj$matrices$Bm)))
    if (!obj$info$include_all_X)
        n_max <- obj$info$n_orig
    if (out$n > n_max)
        stop("'X' contains columns that were not passed to 'fit'.")
    if (NROW(out$Xval)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Xval))
            stop("Values of sparse 'X' cannot be NAN.")
    if (NROW(out$Xcsr)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Xcsr))
            stop("Values of sparse 'X' cannot be NAN.")
    if (!is.null(weight)) {

        if (inherits(weight, c("dgTMatrix", "dgRMatrix", "sparseVector"))) {
            weight <- weight@x
        } else if (inherits(weight, c("matrix.coo", "matrix.csr"))) {
            weight <- weight@ra

        if (inherits(weight, "integer"))
            weight <- as.numeric(weight)
        weight <- cast.data.frame(weight)
        if (is.data.frame(weight))
            weight <- as.matrix(weight)
        allowed_weight <- ifelse(NROW(out$Xarr), "matrix", "numeric")
        if (!inherits(weight, allowed_weight))
            stop(sprintf("'weight' must be of class '%s'.", allowed_weight))
        if (is.matrix(weight)) {
            if ((NROW(weight) != NROW(X)) || (NCOL(weight) != NCOL(X)))
                stop("'X' and 'weight' must have the same dimensions.")
            out$Wfull <- as.numeric(t(weight))
        } else {
            if (NROW(weight) != max(c(NROW(out$Xval), NROW(out$Xcsr))))
                stop("'weight' must have the same number of entries as 'X'.")
            out$Wsp <- weight
    if (NROW(out$Wfull)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Wfull))
            stop("weights cannot be NAN.")
    if (NROW(out$Wsp)) {
        if (anyNA(out$Wsp))
            stop("weights cannot be NAN.")
    if (!NROW(out$Xarr)) {
        if (obj$info$include_all_X) {
            out$n <- obj$info$n_orig
        } else {
            out$n <- max(c(NCOL(obj$matrices$B), NCOL(obj$matrices$Bm)))

process.new.U <- function(U, U_cols, p,
                          allow_sparse=TRUE, allow_null=TRUE,
                          allow_na=TRUE, exact_shapes=FALSE) {
    out <- list(
        Uarr = numeric(),
        Urow = integer(),
        Ucol = integer(),
        Uval = integer(),
        Ucsr_p = raw(),
        Ucsr_i = integer(),
        Ucsr = numeric(),
        m = 0L,
        p = 0L
    if (is.null(U) || !max(c(NROW(U), NCOL(U)))) {
        if (allow_null) {
            out$p <- p
        } else {
            stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot be empty.", as.character(substitute(U))))
    if (inherits(U, "integer"))
        U <- as.numeric(U)
    if (inherits(U, "numeric"))
        U <- matrix(U, nrow = 1L)
    U <- cast.data.frame(U)
    if (is.data.frame(U)) {
        if (NROW(U_cols))
            U <- U[, U_cols, drop=FALSE]
        U <- cast.df.to.matrix(U)
    allowed_U <- c("matrix")
    if (allow_sparse)
        allowed_U <- c(allowed_U, c("dgTMatrix", "matrix.coo",
                                    "dgRMatrix", "matrix.csr",
    if (!inherits(U, allowed_U))
        stop(sprintf("Invalid '%s' - allowed types: %s",
                     paste(allowed_U, collapse=", ")))
    msg_new_cols <- sprintf("'%s' cannot contain new columns.", as.character(substitute(U)))
    if (is.matrix(U)) {
        if (ncol(U) > p)
        if (exact_shapes && NCOL(U) != p)
            stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot have a different number of columns than the '%s' passed to fit",
                         as.character(substitute(U)), as.character(substitute(U))))
        out$Uarr <- as.numeric(t(U))
        out$m    <- nrow(U)
        out$p    <- ncol(U)
    } else if (inherits(U, "dgTMatrix")) {
        if (U@Dim[2L] > p)
        out$Urow <- U@i
        out$Ucol <- U@j
        out$Uval <- U@x
        out$m    <- U@Dim[1L]
    } else if (inherits(U, "matrix.coo")) {
        if (U@dimension[2L] > p)
        out$Urow <- U@ia - 1L
        out$Ucol <- U@ja - 1L
        out$Uval <- U@ra
        out$m    <- U@dimension[1L]
    } else if (inherits(U, "dgRMatrix")) {
        if (U@Dim[2L] > p)
        out$Ucsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, U@p)
        out$Ucsr_i <- U@j
        out$Ucsr   <- U@x
        out$m      <- U@Dim[1L]
    } else if (inherits(U, "matrix.csr")) {
        if (U@dimension[2L] > p)
        out$Ucsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, U@ia - 1L)
        out$Ucsr_i <- U@ja - 1L
        out$Ucsr   <- U@ra
        out$m      <- U@dimension[1L]
    } else if (inherits(U, "sparseVector")) {
        if (U@length > p)
        out$Ucsr_p <- .Call(as_size_t, c(0L, NROW(U@i)))
        out$Ucsr_i <- U@i - 1L
        if ("x" %in% names(attributes(U)))
            out$Ucsr <- as.numeric(U@x)
            out$Ucsr <- rep(1., length(U@i))
        out$m      <- 1L
    } else {
        stop("Unexpected error.")
    if (!NROW(out$Uarr))
        out$p <- p
    if (!allow_na) {
        if (NROW(out$Uarr) && anyNA(out$Uarr))
            stop(sprintf("'%s' cannot have NAN values.", as.character(substitute(U))))
    if (NROW(out$Uval) && anyNA(out$Uval))
        stop("Sparse inputs cannot have NAN values.")
    if (NROW(out$Ucsr) && anyNA(out$Ucsr))
        stop("Sparse inputs cannot have NAN values.")

swap.lambda <- function(lambda) {
    new_lambda <- lambda
    if (NROW(lambda) == 6L) {
        new_lambda[1L] = lambda[2L]
        new_lambda[2L] = lambda[1L]
        new_lambda[3L] = lambda[4L]
        new_lambda[4L] = lambda[3L]
        new_lambda[5L] = lambda[6L]
        new_lambda[6L] = lambda[5L]

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cmfrec documentation built on April 11, 2023, 6 p.m.