# TODO: More tests for attribute handling + Optimize linear fitting...
demean <- function(x, fl, weights, ..., means = FALSE) {
if(length(fl) == 1L && is.null(attr(fl, "slope.flag"))) {
clx <- oldClass(x) # Need to do this because could call fbetween.grouped_df of fbetween.pseries / pdata.frame
if(means) return(`oldClass<-`(fbetween(unclass(x), fl[[1L]], weights, na.rm = FALSE), clx)) else
return(`oldClass<-`(fwithin(unclass(x), fl[[1L]], weights, na.rm = FALSE), clx))
msg <- "For higher-dimensional centering and projecting out interactions need to install.packages('%s'), then unload [detach('package:collapse', unload = TRUE)] and reload [library(collapse)]."
res <- getenvFUN("fixest_demean", msg)(x, fl, attr(fl, "slope.vars"), attr(fl, "slope.flag"),
weights = weights, ..., notes = FALSE, im_confident = TRUE)
if(!means) return(duplAttributes(res, x))
# if(!is.matrix(x)) dim(res) <- NULL # also need for flmres... e.g. with weights... intercept is no longer always added, so res needs to be a matrix...
# Need matrix dimensions... for subset in variable.wise..., fl[!fc]) needs to be preserved... # return(if(means) x - drop(res) else drop(res))
if(is.atomic(res)) return(duplAttributes(x - res, x))
duplAttributes(.mapply(`-`, list(unattrib(x), unattrib(res)), NULL), x)
myModFrame <- function(f, data) {
t <- terms.formula(f)
v <- attr(t, "variables")
res <- eval(v, data, parent.frame()) # faster than res <- eval(substitute(with(data, e), list(e = v)))
attributes(res) <- list(names = as.character(v[-1L]),
row.names = .set_row_names(fnrow(data)),
class = "data.frame",
terms = t)
# Example:
# mf <- myModFrame( ~ factor(cyl)*poly(carb, 2) + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(cyl):factor(vs):wt + factor(cyl):mpg + factor(am) + factor(hp > 146):qsec + vs + carb:am, data = mtcars)
# mf <- myModFrame( ~ factor(cyl)*poly(carb, 2) + factor(cyl):factor(vs) + factor(cyl):mpg + factor(am) + factor(hp > 146):qsec + vs + carb:am, data = mtcars)
finteract <- function(x, facts, mf) { # x and facts are logical
f <- which(x & facts)
if(length(f) == 1L) mf[[f]] else if(length(f) == 2L)`:`, mf[f]) else
as_factor_GRP(GRP.default(mf[f], call = FALSE))
slinteract <- function(sl, facts, mf) { # sl and facts are logical
sl <- which(sl & !facts)
res <- if(length(sl) == 1L) mf[[sl]] else`*`, mf[sl])
if(is.matrix(res)) mctl(res) else list(res)
# This is probably the craziest piece of code in the whole package:
# It takes a model.frame as input and computes from it the inputs for both fixest::demean()
# and linear model fitting
getfl <- function(mf) {
facts <- .Call(C_vtypes, mf, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(mf), is.factor, TRUE)
# Any factors
if(any(facts)) {
terms <- attributes(attr(mf, "terms"))
clmf <- oldClass(mf)
oldClass(mf) <- NULL # good ??
tl <- terms[["term.labels"]]
factors <- terms[[2L]]
fctterms <- fcolSums(factors[facts, , drop = FALSE]) > 0
fctinteract <- fctterms & fcolSums(factors) > 1 # best ??
# Any interactions involving factors
if(any(fctinteract)) {
modelterms <- tl[!fctterms & tl %in% names(which(rowSums(factors) <= 1))]
single <- rowSums(factors[facts, , drop = FALSE] > 0L) == 1 # These are either single factors or factors only appearing inside an interaction...
factors <- factors[, fctinteract, drop = FALSE]
nointeract <- frowSums(factors[facts, , drop = FALSE]) == 0 # These are factors not appearing in interactions
singlefct <- names(which(single & nointeract)) # better way ?? # tl[fctterms & !fctinteract]
intterms <- mctl(factors > 0L, TRUE) # Need names here
fctfct <- colSums(factors[!facts, , drop = FALSE]) == 0 # These are factor-factor interactions... need names
fctdat <- NULL # best way to do this ?? or as before with pre-allocation ??
lsf <- length(singlefct)
lff <- bsum(fctfct)
if(lsf) fctdat <- mf[singlefct] # unattrib() -> wrap around at the end... Nah, better with names...
if(lff) fctdat <- c(fctdat, lapply(intterms[fctfct], finteract, TRUE, mf))
# Any heterogeneous slopes
if(lff != length(intterms)) {
intslope <- intterms[!fctfct]
slflag <- integer(lsf)
factors <- factors[facts, !fctfct, drop = FALSE]
dimnames(factors) <- NULL
# Could have imp:exp and imp:exp:year, so we need to partial match imp:exp in all slope terms...
imc <- im <- pmatch(names(which(fctfct)), names(intslope), nomatch = 0L) # need names to match here !!
if(any(im)) { # first the fact:fact in order (only add slopes), then the other ones
if(!all(im)) im <- im[im > 0L]
# Check for duplicate factors in interactions (largely independent of the other stuff)
dupchk <- factors[, -im, drop = FALSE] > 0L # same as intslopes...
if(any(dupfct <- frowSums(dupchk) > 1)) { # Check for factors with multiple slopes...
if(bsum(dupfct) > 1L) stop("Cannot currently support multiple factors with multiple slopes...")
dupfct <- which(dupchk[dupfct, ]) # This accounts for im
fctdat <- c(fctdat, lapply(c(intslope[-im][dupfct[1L]], intslope[-im][-dupfct]), finteract, facts, mf))
} else
fctdat <- c(fctdat, lapply(intslope[-im], finteract, facts, mf)) # only get factors not already in fctfct...
slopes <- lapply(c(intslope[im], intslope[-im]), slinteract, facts, mf)
lsl <- lengths(slopes, FALSE) # No names here
lim <- seq_along(im)
imc[imc > 0L] <- lsl[lim] # This is ok, these are also included elsewhere
slflag <- c(slflag, imc)
if(length(lsl) != length(lim)) { # The other cases... if exist
othmc <- lsl[-lim]
if(any(alone <- single & !nointeract)) {
alone <- fcolSums(factors[alone, -im, drop = FALSE]) > 0 # This finds the terms corresponding to a factor appearing in an interaction but nowhere else..
othmc[alone] <- -othmc[alone]
if(any(dupfct)) { # reordering if dupfct... putting it in front..
slopes[-lim] <- c(slopes[-lim][dupfct], slopes[-lim][-dupfct])
othmc <- c(bsum(othmc[dupfct]), othmc[-dupfct])
slflag <- c(slflag, othmc)
# this shows single factors not interacted... set slflag to negative...
# what about double interactions only with slope ??? i.e. only imp:exp:year -> also negative flag...
} else { # No double factor interactions with slopes.. Only simple slopes interactions.. (what about dupfact of two different double interactions with slope, but no factfact?)
dupchk <- factors > 0L # same as intslopes...
if(any(dupfct <- frowSums(dupchk) > 1)) { # Check for factors with multiple slopes...
if(bsum(dupfct) > 1L) stop("Cannot currently support multiple factors with multiple slopes...")
dupfct <- which(dupchk[dupfct, ])
fctdat <- c(fctdat, lapply(c(intslope[dupfct[1L]], intslope[-dupfct]), finteract, facts, mf))
} else fctdat <- c(fctdat, lapply(intslope, finteract, facts, mf))
slopes <- lapply(intslope, slinteract, facts, mf) # getting slopes, independent of dupfct...
lsl <- lengths(slopes, FALSE)
if(any(alone <- single & !nointeract)) { # Any factor occurring only inside an interaction... This is independent of dupfact and thre associated reordering...
alone <- fcolSums(factors[alone, , drop = FALSE]) > 0
lsl[alone] <- -lsl[alone]
if(any(dupfct)) { # reordering if dupfct... putting it in front..
slopes <- c(slopes[dupfct], slopes[-dupfct])
lsl <- c(bsum(lsl[dupfct]), lsl[-dupfct])
slflag <- c(slflag, integer(lff), lsl)
attr(fctdat, "slope.vars") <- unlist(slopes, recursive = FALSE) # , FALSE, FALSE)
attr(fctdat, "slope.flag") <- slflag # c(integer(length(fctdat)-length(intslope)), lengths(slopes)) # what about other slopes (not poly??)
# drop unused factor levels ??
} else {
modelterms <- tl[!fctterms]
fctdat <- mf[facts]
slflag <- attr(fctdat, "slope.flag")
if(length(modelterms)) { # Intercept only needed if facts with only negative slope flag...
form <- paste0(if(is.null(slflag) || any(slflag > 0L)) "~ -1 + " else "~ ", paste(modelterms, collapse = " + "))
moddat <- model.matrix.default(as.formula(form), data = `oldClass<-`(mf, clmf))
} else {
moddat <- if(is.null(slflag) || any(slflag > 0L)) NULL else
alloc(1, length(mf[[1L]]))
} else {
fctdat <- NULL
moddat <- model.matrix.default(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf) # .External2(stats:::C_modelmatrix, attr(mf, "terms"), mf)
list(fl = fctdat, xmat = moddat)
# Keeps attributes ? -> Yes !
# fastest way ? or better use vectors ? -> this is faster than lapply(fl, `[`, cc) !
subsetfl <- function(fl, cc) {
slopes <- attr(fl, "slope.vars") # fl could be a data.frame, slope vars not (getfl() unclasses)
if(is.null(names(fl))) names(fl) <- seq_along(unclass(fl))
if(is.null(slopes)) return(.Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(unclass(fl)), FALSE))
attr(fl, "slope.vars") <- NULL
if(is.null(names(slopes))) names(slopes) <- seq_along(slopes)
res <- .Call(C_subsetDT, fl, cc, seq_along(fl), FALSE)
attr(res, "slope.vars") <- .Call(C_subsetDT, slopes, cc, seq_along(slopes), FALSE) # fdroplevels ??
# Old version:
# subsetfl <- function(fl, cc) {
# lapply(fl, function(f) { # use CsubsetDT or CsubsetVector ?? also check NA in regressors ??
# x <- attr(f, "x")
# if(is.null(x)) return(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc, FALSE)) else
# return(`attr<-`(.Call(C_subsetVector, f, cc, FALSE), "x",
# if(is.matrix(x)) x[cc, , drop = FALSE] else
# .Call(C_subsetVector, x, cc, FALSE)))
# })
# }
# Examples:
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ cyl + carb, data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ factor(cyl)*carb, data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ factor(cyl) + factor(am), data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ factor(cyl):factor(am), data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl)*carb, data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl) + factor(am), data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl):factor(am), data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl):factor(am):vs, data = mtcars))) # wow !!
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl):factor(am)*vs, data = mtcars))) # wow !!
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl):factor(am) + factor(cyl):factor(am):vs, data = mtcars))) # wow !!
# str(getfl(myModFrame( ~ mpg + factor(cyl):mpg + factor(am):mpg + factor(cyl):factor(am), data = mtcars)))
# str(getfl(model.frame( ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb, data = mtcars)))
# (Weighted) linear model fitting for vectors and lists...
# Neded to sort out some insufficiencies of base R default functions when dealing with dimensions
`%**%` <- function(x, y) if(length(y) > 1L) x %*% y else x * y
tcrossprod2 <- function(x, y) if(length(x) > 1L) tcrossprod(x, y) else `dim<-`(x * y, c(1L, length(y)))
# y = x; X = xmat; w = w; meth = lm.method
flmres <- function(y, X, w = NULL, meth = "qr", resi = TRUE, ...) {
# n <- dim(X)[1L]
# if(n != NROW(y)) stop("NROW(y) must match nrow(X)")
dimnames(X) <- NULL # faster ??
if(length(w)) {
# if(length(w) != n) stop("w must be numeric and length(w) == nrow(X)")
wts <- sqrt(w)
if(is.atomic(y)) {
dimnames(y) <- NULL
qr = {
fit <- X %**% qr.coef(qr(X * wts, ...), y * wts) # same as lm...
if(resi) y - fit else fit
chol = {
fit <- X * wts
fit <- X %*% chol2inv(chol(crossprod(fit), ...)) %*% crossprod(fit, y * wts)
if(resi) y - fit else fit
stop("Only methods 'qr' and 'chol' are supported"))))
attributes(y) <- NULL
qr = {
calc <- qr(X * wts, ...)
if(resi) lapply(y, function(z) drop(z - X %**% qr.coef(calc, z * wts))) else
lapply(y, function(z) drop(X %**% qr.coef(calc, z * wts)))
chol = {
calc <- X * wts
calc <- X %*% tcrossprod2(chol2inv(chol(crossprod(calc), ...)), calc)
if(resi) lapply(y, function(z) drop(z - calc %*% (z * wts))) else
lapply(y, function(z) drop(calc %*% (z * wts)))
stop("Only methods 'qr' and 'chol' are supported")))
if(is.atomic(y)) {
dimnames(y) <- NULL
qr = if(resi) qr.resid(qr(X, ...), y) else qr.fitted(qr(X, ...), y),
chol = {
fit <- X %*% chol2inv(chol(crossprod(X), ...)) %*% crossprod(X, y)
if(resi) y - fit else fit
stop("Only methods 'qr' and 'chol' are supported"))))
attributes(y) <- NULL
qr = {
calc <- qr(X, ...)
if(resi) lapply(y, function(z) drop(qr.resid(calc, z))) else
lapply(y, function(z) drop(qr.fitted(calc, z)))
chol = {
calc <- X %*% tcrossprod2(chol2inv(chol(crossprod(X), ...)), X)
if(resi) lapply(y, function(z) drop(z - calc %*% z)) else
lapply(y, function(z) drop(calc %*% z))
stop("Only methods 'qr' and 'chol' are supported")))
fhdwithin <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fhdwithin") # , x
fhdwithin.default <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
# if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(fhdwithin.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, ...))
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc] # Note this here !!
if(!fill) {
if(length(names(x))) ax[["names"]] <- Csv(names(x), cc) # best ??
x <- Csv(x, cc)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) {
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc] <- NA
x[cc] <- flmres(if(nallfc) demean(Csv(x, cc), fl, w, ...) else Csv(x, cc), xmat, w, lm.method, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(flmres(if(nallfc) demean(x, fl, w, ...) else x, xmat, w, lm.method, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc] <- NA
x[cc] <- demean(Csv(x, cc), fl, w, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(demean(x, fl, w, ...), ax))
fhdwithin.pseries <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...) {
if(is.matrix(x)) stop("higher-dimensional centering of matrix pseries is currently not supported. You can use fhdwithin.matrix(x, ix(x), fill = TRUE)")
ix <- findex(x)
namix <- attr(ix, "names")
if(is.character(effect) && length(effect) == 1L && effect == "all") {
effect <- seq_along(namix)
} else effect <- cols2int(effect, ix, namix)
g <- .subset(ix, effect)
if(na.rm && length(cc <- whichv(x, NA, TRUE)) != length(x)) {
g <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g), FALSE) # lapply(g, `[`, cc) -> slower !
if(fill) {
x[cc] <- demean(Csv(unattrib(x), cc), g, w[cc], ...) # keeps attributes ?? -> Yes !!
ax <- attributes(x)
attributes(x) <- NULL
xcc <- Csv(x, cc)
nix <- length(unclass(ix))
if(nix != length(g)) {
toss <- seq_len(nix)[-effect]
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss, FALSE), g)[namix], ix)
} else reix <- copyMostAttributes(g, ix)
attr(reix, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(cc))
ax[[if(any(ax$class == "indexed_series")) "index_df" else "index"]] <- reix
ax$na.rm <- seq_along(x)[-cc]
if(length(ax$names)) ax$names <- Csv(ax$names, cc)
res <- setAttributes(demean(xcc, g, w[cc], ...), ax)
} else res <- demean(x, g, w, ...) # keeps attributes ?? -> Yes !!
if(is.double(x)) return(res)
# x = mNA; fl = m; lm.method = "qr"
fhdwithin.matrix <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc]
if(!fill) {
if(length(dimnames(x)[[1L]])) ax[["dimnames"]][[1L]] <- Csv(dimnames(x)[[1L]], cc) # best ??
ax[["dim"]][1L] <- length(cc)
x <- x[cc, , drop = FALSE]
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) {
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc, ] <- NA # What about weights cc ?????
x[cc, ] <- flmres(if(nallfc) demean(x[cc, ], fl, w, ...) else x[cc, ], xmat, w, lm.method, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(flmres(if(nallfc) demean(x, fl, w, ...) else x, xmat, w, lm.method, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc, ] <- NA
x[cc, ] <- demean(x[cc, ], fl, w, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(demean(x, fl, w, ...), ax))
fhdwithin.zoo <- function(x, ...) if(is.matrix(x)) fhdwithin.matrix(x, ...) else fhdwithin.default(x, ...)
fhdwithin.units <- fhdwithin.zoo
# x = collapse:::colsubset(pwlddev, is.numeric)
fhdwithin.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...) {
ix <- findex(x)
namix <- attr(ix, "names")
if(is.character(effect) && length(effect) == 1L && effect == "all") {
effect <- seq_along(namix)
} else effect <- cols2int(effect, ix, namix)
g <- .subset(ix, effect)
if(na.rm && fill && variable.wise) {
ax <- attributes(x)
attributes(x) <- NULL
varwisecomp <- function(x, fl, w, ...) lapply(x, function(y) {
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y[ycc] <- demean(Csv(unattrib(y), ycc), subsetfl(fl, ycc), w[ycc], ...)
return(setAttributes(varwisecomp(x, g, w, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && any(miss <- missDF(x))) {
cc <- whichv(miss, FALSE)
gcc <- .Call(C_subsetDT, g, cc, seq_along(g), FALSE)
Y <- demean(.Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE), gcc, w[cc], ...)
if(fill) {
ax <- attributes(x)
ax[["na.rm"]] <- which(miss)
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, fnrow(x), cc, NA_real_), ax))
attr(Y, "row.names") <- attr(x, "row.names")[cc] # row.names of pdata.frame are special.
nix <- length(unclass(ix))
if(nix != length(g)) {
toss <- seq_len(nix)[-effect]
reix <- copyMostAttributes(c(.Call(C_subsetDT, ix, cc, toss, FALSE), gcc)[namix], ix)
} else reix <- copyMostAttributes(gcc, ix)
attr(reix, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(length(cc))
attr(Y, if(inherits(x, "indexed_frame")) "index_df" else "index") <- reix
attr(Y, "na.rm") <- which(miss)
} else return(demean(x, g, w, ...)) # setAttributes(, ax) -> Not needed anymore (included in demean())
# x = data[5:6]; fl = data[-(5:6)]; variable.wise = TRUE <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- if(variable.wise) complete.cases(fl, w) else complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) {
if(fill) nrx <- fnrow(x) else if(is.character(ax[["row.names"]]))
ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] else ax[["row.names"]] <- .set_row_names(length(cc)) # best ??
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) { # fl is a list !!
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
if(variable.wise) {
if(na.rm) { # this means there were mising values in fl, which were already removed!
return(setAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y) {
y[-cc] <- NA # which is not faster !!
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, cc)
YC <- whichv(y_cc, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y_cc, YC)
wc <- w[YC]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...), xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...)
}), ax))
return(setAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y) {
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, ycc)
wc <- w[ycc]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...), xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...)
}), ax)) # Rfast fastlm??
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from x and fl !!
Y <- if(nallfc || !fcl) flmres(if(nallfc) demean(x, fl, w, ...) else x, xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else demean(x, fl, w, ...)
if(na.rm && fill) # x[cc, ] <- Y; x[-cc, ] <- NA
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, nrx, cc, NA_real_), ax))
return(setAttributes(Y, ax))
fhdwithin.list <- function(x, ...), ...)
# Note: could also do Mudlack and add means to second regression -> better than two-times centering ??
HDW <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("HDW") # , x
HDW.default <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
# if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(HDW.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...))
fhdwithin.default(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...)
HDW.pseries <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...)
fhdwithin.pseries(x, effect, w, na.rm, fill, ...)
HDW.matrix <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) {
res <- fhdwithin.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDW."))
HDW.zoo <- function(x, ...) if(is.matrix(x)) HDW.matrix(x, ...) else HDW.default(x, ...)
HDW.units <- HDW.zoo
# x = mtcars; fl = ~ qF(cyl):carb; w = wdat; stub = FALSE <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE,
variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) {
if( {
ax <- attributes(x)
nam <- ax[["names"]]
if(length(fl) == 3L) {
fvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl[[3L]]), nam)
Xvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl[[2L]]), nam)
fl[[2L]] <- NULL
} else {
fvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl), nam)
Xvars <- cols2intrmgn(fvars, cols, x) # if(length(cols)) fsetdiff(cols2int(cols, x, nam), fvars) else seq_along(unclass(x))[-fvars]
ax[["names"]] <- do_stub(stub, nam[Xvars], "HDW.")
if(na.rm) {
miss <- missDF(x, if(variable.wise) fvars else c(Xvars, fvars))
if(missw <- length(w) && anyNA(w)) miss <- miss |
if(missw || any(miss)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- which(miss)
cc <- whichv(miss, FALSE)
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) if(fill) nrx <- fnrow(x) else if(is.character(ax[["row.names"]]))
ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] else ax[["row.names"]] <- .set_row_names(length(cc)) # best ??
} else na.rm <- FALSE
xmat <- NULL
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
fcl <- !is.null(fl)
nallfc <- fcl && !is.null(xmat)
if(nallfc) xmat <- demean(xmat, fl, w, ...)
if(variable.wise) {
if(na.rm) {
return(setAttributes(lapply(.subset(x, Xvars), function(y) {
y[-cc] <- NA
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, cc)
YC <- whichv(y_cc, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y_cc, YC)
wc <- w[YC]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...), xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...)
}), ax))
return(setAttributes(lapply(.subset(x, Xvars), function(y) {
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, ycc)
wc <- w[ycc]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...), xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...)
}), ax))
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from fl !!
Y <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, Xvars)
Y <- if(nallfc || !fcl) flmres(if(nallfc) demean(Y, fl, w, ...) else Y, xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else demean(Y, fl, w, ...)
if(na.rm && fill) # x[cc, ] <- Y; x[-cc, ] <- NA
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, nrx, cc, NA_real_), ax))
return(setAttributes(Y, ax))
} # fl is not a formula !!
res <- x else colsubset(x, cols), fl, w, na.rm, fill, variable.wise, lm.method, ...)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDW."))
HDW.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE,
variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) {
res <- fhdwithin.pdata.frame(fcolsubset(x, cols2intrmgn(which(attr(x, "names") %in% attr(findex(x), "nam")), cols, x)), effect, w, na.rm, fill, variable.wise, ...)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDW."))
HDW.list <- function(x, ...), ...)
# Theory: y = ?1 x1 + ?2 x2 + e
# FWT: M2 y = ?1 M2 x1 + e so residuals: e = M2 y - ?1 M2 x1 and fitted:
# Now M = I - x(x'x)-1x' = I - P.
# So (I-P2) y = ?1 (I-P2) x1 + e or y - P2 y = ?1 x1 - ?1 P2 x1 + e
# I want y - e = y^ = ?1 x1 + ?2 x2
# so
# P2 y = ?1 P2 x1 + ?2 x2
# Haven't quite figgured it out, but my solution is to just subtract the demeaned data !!
# Note: Only changes to fhdwithin is in the computation part: Perhaps you can combine the code in some better way to reduce code duplication ??
fhdbetween <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("fhdbetween") # , x
fhdbetween.default <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
# if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(fhdwithin.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...))
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc] # Note this here !!
if(!fill) {
if(length(names(x))) ax[["names"]] <- Csv(names(x), cc) # best ??
x <- Csv(x, cc)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) {
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
# Only this part of the code is different from fhdwithin...
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc] <- NA
xcc <- Csv(x, cc)
x[cc] <- if(nallfc) xcc - flmres(demean(xcc, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else
flmres(xcc, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(if(nallfc)
x - flmres(demean(x, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else
flmres(x, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc] <- NA
x[cc] <- demean(Csv(x, cc), fl, w, ..., means = TRUE)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(demean(x, fl, w, ..., means = TRUE), ax))
fhdbetween.pseries <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...)
fhdwithin.pseries(x, effect, w, na.rm, fill, ..., means = TRUE)
fhdbetween.matrix <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc]
if(!fill) {
if(length(dimnames(x)[[1L]])) ax[["dimnames"]][[1L]] <- dimnames(x)[[1L]][cc] # best ??
ax[["dim"]][1L] <- length(cc)
x <- x[cc, , drop = FALSE]
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) {
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
# Only this part of the code is different from fhdwithin...
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc, ] <- NA
xcc <- x[cc, ] # What about weights cc ? -> done above...
x[cc, ] <- if(nallfc) xcc - flmres(demean(xcc, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else
flmres(xcc, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(if(nallfc)
x - flmres(demean(x, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else
flmres(x, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...), ax))
} else if(na.rm && fill) {
x[-cc, ] <- NA
x[cc, ] <- demean(x[cc, ], fl, w, ..., means = TRUE)
return(setAttributes(x, ax))
} else return(setAttributes(demean(x, fl, w, ..., means = TRUE), ax))
fhdbetween.zoo <- function(x, ...) if(is.matrix(x)) fhdbetween.matrix(x, ...) else fhdbetween.default(x, ...)
fhdbetween.units <- fhdbetween.zoo
fhdbetween.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, variable.wise = TRUE, ...)
fhdwithin.pdata.frame(x, effect, w, na.rm, fill, variable.wise, ..., means = TRUE) <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, variable.wise = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
ax <- attributes(x)
if(na.rm) {
cc <- if(variable.wise) complete.cases(fl, w) else complete.cases(x, fl, w) # gives error if lengths don't match, otherwise demeanlist and qr.resid give errors !!
if(!all(cc)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- whichv(cc, FALSE)
cc <- which(cc)
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) {
if(fill) nrx <- fnrow(x) else if(is.character(ax[["row.names"]]))
ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] else ax[["row.names"]] <- .set_row_names(length(cc)) # best ??
x <- .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, seq_along(unclass(x)), FALSE)
} else na.rm <- FALSE
if(is.list(fl)) { # fl is a list !!
fc <- .Call(C_vtypes, fl, 2L) # vapply(unattrib(fl), is.factor, TRUE)
fcl <- any(fc)
# if(!fcl && !missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
nallfc <- fcl && !all(fc)
if(na.rm) fl <- subsetfl(fl, cc)
attributes(fl) <- NULL # good here ??
if(nallfc) {
xmat <- demean(, fl[!fc]), fl[fc], w, ...)
fl <- fl[fc]
} else if(!fcl) xmat <-, c(list(alloc(1L, length(fl[[1L]]))), fl))
} else if(is.matrix(fl)) {
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl[cc, , drop = FALSE]) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
} else if(is.factor(fl)) {
fl <- if(na.rm) list(Csv(fl, cc)) else list(fl)
fcl <- TRUE
nallfc <- FALSE
} else {
if(!is.numeric(fl)) stop("fl must be a list of vectors / factors, a numeric matrix or a numeric vector")
# if(!missing(...)) unused_arg_action(, ...)
xmat <- if(na.rm) cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl = Csv(fl, cc)) else cbind(Intercept = 1L, fl)
nallfc <- fcl <- FALSE
# Only this part of the code is different from fhdwithin !!
if(variable.wise) {
if(na.rm) { # this means there were mising values in fl, which were already removed!
return(setAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y) {
y[-cc] <- NA # which is not faster !!
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, cc)
YC <- whichv(y_cc, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y_cc, YC)
wc <- w[YC]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) y_cc %-=% flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...), xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ..., means = TRUE) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
}), ax))
return(setAttributes(lapply(unattrib(x), function(y) {
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, ycc)
wc <- w[ycc]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) y_cc %-=% flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...), xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ..., means = TRUE) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
}), ax)) # Rfast fastlm??
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from x and fl !!
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
Y <- if(nallfc) x %c-% flmres(demean(x, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else flmres(x, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
} else Y <- demean(x, fl, w, ..., means = TRUE)
if(na.rm && fill) # x[cc, ] <- Y; x[-cc, ] <- NA
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, nrx, cc, NA_real_), ax))
return(setAttributes(Y, ax))
fhdbetween.list <- function(x, ...), ...)
HDB <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("HDB") # , x
HDB.default <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, lm.method = "qr", ...) {
# if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(HDB.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...))
fhdbetween.default(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...)
HDB.pseries <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE, ...)
fhdwithin.pseries(x, effect, w, na.rm, fill, ..., means = TRUE)
HDB.matrix <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) {
res <- fhdbetween.matrix(x, fl, w, na.rm, fill, lm.method, ...)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDB."))
HDB.zoo <- function(x, ...) if(is.matrix(x)) HDB.matrix(x, ...) else HDB.default(x, ...)
HDB.units <- HDB.zoo <- function(x, fl, w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = FALSE,
variable.wise = FALSE, stub = .op[["stub"]], lm.method = "qr", ...) {
if( {
ax <- attributes(x)
nam <- ax[["names"]]
if(length(fl) == 3L) {
fvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl[[3L]]), nam)
Xvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl[[2L]]), nam)
fl[[2L]] <- NULL
} else {
fvars <- ckmatch(all.vars(fl), nam)
Xvars <- cols2intrmgn(fvars, cols, x) # if(length(cols)) fsetdiff(cols2int(cols, x, nam), fvars) else seq_along(unclass(x))[-fvars]
ax[["names"]] <- do_stub(stub, nam[Xvars], "HDB.")
if(na.rm) {
miss <- missDF(x, if(variable.wise) fvars else c(Xvars, fvars))
if(missw <- length(w) && anyNA(w)) miss <- miss |
if(missw || any(miss)) {
ax[["na.rm"]] <- which(miss)
cc <- whichv(miss, FALSE)
w <- w[cc]
if(!variable.wise) if(fill) nrx <- fnrow(x) else if(is.character(ax[["row.names"]]))
ax[["row.names"]] <- ax[["row.names"]][cc] else ax[["row.names"]] <- .set_row_names(length(cc)) # best ??
} else na.rm <- FALSE
xmat <- NULL
list2env(getfl(myModFrame(fl, if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, fvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, fvars))), envir = environment())
fcl <- !is.null(fl)
nallfc <- fcl && !is.null(xmat)
if(nallfc) xmat <- demean(xmat, fl, w, ...)
# Only this part of the code is different from fhdwithin !!
if(variable.wise) {
if(na.rm) { # this means there were mising values in fl, which were already removed!
return(setAttributes(lapply(.subset(x, Xvars), function(y) {
y[-cc] <- NA # which is not faster !!
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, cc)
YC <- whichv(y_cc, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y_cc, YC)
wc <- w[YC]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) y_cc %-=% flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ...), xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, YC), wc, ..., means = TRUE) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[YC, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
}), ax))
return(setAttributes(lapply(.subset(x, Xvars), function(y) {
ycc <- whichv(y, NA, TRUE)
y_cc <- Csv(y, ycc)
wc <- w[ycc]
y[ycc] <- if(nallfc) y_cc %-=% flmres(demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ...), xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, ...) else if(fcl)
demean(y_cc, subsetfl(fl, ycc), wc, ..., means = TRUE) else flmres(y_cc, xmat[ycc, , drop = FALSE], wc, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
}), ax))
} else { # at this point missing values are already removed from fl !!
x <- if(na.rm) .Call(C_subsetDT, x, cc, Xvars, FALSE) else .subset(x, Xvars)
if(nallfc || !fcl) {
Y <- if(nallfc) x %c-% flmres(demean(x, fl, w, ...), xmat, w, lm.method, ...) else flmres(x, xmat, w, lm.method, FALSE, ...)
} else Y <- demean(x, fl, w, ..., means = TRUE)
if(na.rm && fill) # x[cc, ] <- Y; x[-cc, ] <- NA
return(setAttributes(.Call(C_lassign, Y, nrx, cc, NA_real_), ax))
return(setAttributes(Y, ax))
} # fl is not a formula !!
res <- x else colsubset(x, cols), fl, w, na.rm, fill, variable.wise, lm.method, ...)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDB."))
HDB.pdata.frame <- function(x, effect = "all", w = NULL, cols = is.numeric, na.rm = .op[["na.rm"]], fill = TRUE,
variable.wise = TRUE, stub = .op[["stub"]], ...) {
res <- fhdwithin.pdata.frame(fcolsubset(x, cols2intrmgn(which(attr(x, "names") %in% attr(findex(x), "nam")), cols, x)), effect, w, na.rm, fill, variable.wise, ..., means = TRUE)
if(isTRUE(stub) || is.character(stub)) return(add_stub(res, if(is.character(stub)) stub else "HDB."))
HDB.list <- function(x, ...), ...)
fHDbetween <- function(x, ...) {
message("Note that 'fHDbetween' was renamed to 'fhdbetween'. The S3 generic will not be removed anytime soon, but please use updated function names in new code, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fHDbetween.default <- function(x, ...) {
if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(fhdbetween.matrix(x, ...))
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fhdbetween.default(x, ...)
fHDbetween.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fhdbetween.matrix(x, ...)
} <- function(x, ...) {
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')"), ...)
fHDwithin <- function(x, ...) {
message("Note that 'fHDwithin' was renamed to 'fhdwithin'. The S3 generic will not be removed anytime soon, but please use updated function names in new code, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fHDwithin.default <- function(x, ...) {
if(is.matrix(x) && !inherits(x, "matrix")) return(fhdwithin.matrix(x, ...))
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fhdwithin.default(x, ...)
fHDwithin.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')")
fhdwithin.matrix(x, ...)
} <- function(x, ...) {
# .Deprecated(msg = "This method belongs to a renamed function and will be removed end of 2022, see help('collapse-renamed')"), ...)
# HDW(x = mtcars, fl = ~ factor(cyl)*carb)
# HDW(x = mtcars, fl = ~ factor(cyl):vs)
# lm(mpg ~ factor(cyl):factor(vs), data = mtcars)
# HDW(x = mtcars, fl = ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb)
# # Works!! although there is a further interaction with carb!!
# lm(mpg ~ hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb))
# lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear + wt:gear:carb, data = mtcars)
# lm(mpg ~ hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear))
# lm(mpg ~ hp + factor(cyl)*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars)
# lm(mpg ~ hp, data = HDW(mtcars, ~ cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear))
# lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + vs + wt:gear, data = mtcars)
# lm(mpg ~ hp, data = HDW(mtcars, mpg + hp ~ cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2)))
# lm(mpg ~ hp + cyl*carb + factor(cyl)*poly(drat,2), data = mtcars)
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