
Defines functions check.coords.arg check.geoDist.arg check.freqs.arg check.K.arg check.spatial.arg check.call make.data.block standardize.distances process.freq.data pos.def.check calc.covariance drop.missing identify.missing.sites drop.invars identify.invar.sites print.freq.data make.freq.data.list.S3 pick.stan.model validate.data.block print.data.block make.data.block.S3 validate.model validate.n.samples validate.data.list conStruct

Documented in conStruct

#' Run a conStruct analysis.
#' \code{conStruct} runs a conStruct analysis of genetic data.
#' This function initiates an analysis that uses  
#' geographic and genetic relationships between samples 
#' to estimate sample membership (admixture proportions) across 
#' a user-specified number of layers.
#' @param spatial A logical indicating whether to perform a spatial analysis. 
#' 				  Default is \code{TRUE}. 
#' @param K An \code{integer} that indicates the number of layers to be 
#' 				  included in the analysis.
#' @param freqs A \code{matrix} of allele frequencies with one column per 
#'				locus and one row per sample.
#' 				Missing data should be indicated with \code{NA}.
#' @param geoDist A full \code{matrix} of geographic distance between samples. 
#'					If \code{NULL}, user can only run the nonspatial model.
#' @param coords A \code{matrix} giving the longitude and latitude 
#'					(or X and Y coordinates) of the samples.
#' @param prefix A character \code{vector} giving the prefix to be attached 
#'					 to all output files.
#' @param n.chains An integer indicating the number of MCMC chains to be run 
#'					in the analysis. Default is 1.
#' @param n.iter An \code{integer} giving the number of iterations each MCMC 
#'				 chain is run. Default is 1e3.  If the number of iterations 
#'				 is greater than 500, the MCMC is thinned so that the number 
#'				 of retained iterations is 500 (before burn-in).
#' @param make.figs A \code{logical} value indicating whether to automatically 
#'					make figures once the analysis is complete. Default is 
#'					\code{TRUE}.
#' @param save.files A \code{logical} value indicating whether to automatically 
#'						save output and intermediate files once the analysis is
#'						 complete. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... Further options to be passed to rstan::sampling (e.g., adapt_delta).
#' @return This function returns a list with one entry for each chain run 
#'			(specified with \code{n.chains}). The entry for each chain is named 
#'			"chain_X" for the Xth chain.  The components of the entries for each 
#'			are detailed below: 
#'			\itemize{
#'				\item \code{posterior} gives parameter estimates over the posterior 
#'						distribution of the MCMC.
#'					\itemize{
#'						\item \code{n.iter} number of MCMC iterations retained for 
#'								analysis (half of the \code{n.iter} argument 
#'								specified in the function call).
#'						\item \code{lpd} vector of log posterior density over the retained 
#'								MCMC iterations.
#'						\item \code{nuggets} matrix of estimated nugget parameters with 
#'								one row per MCMC iteration and one column per sample.
#'						\item \code{par.cov} array of estimated parametric covariance matrices, 
#'								for which the first dimension is the number of MCMC iterations.
#'						\item \code{gamma} vector of estimated gamma parameter.
#'						\item \code{layer.params} list summarizing estimates of layer-specific 
#'								parameters. There is one entry for each layer specified, and the 
#'								entry for the kth layer is named "Layer_k".
#'							\itemize{
#'								\item \code{alpha0} vector of estimated alpha0 parameter in the 
#'										kth layer.
#'								\item \code{alphaD} vector of estimated alphaD parameter in the 
#'										kth layer.
#'								\item \code{alpha2} vector of estimated alpha2 parameter in the 
#'										kth layer.
#'								\item \code{mu} vector of estimated mu parameter in the 
#'										kth layer.
#'								\item \code{layer.cov} vector of estimated layer-specific 
#'										covariance parameter in the kth layer.
#'							}
#'						\item \code{admix.proportions} array of estimated admixture proportions.
#'								The first dimension is the number of MCMC iterations, 
#'								the second is the number of samples, 
#' 								and the third is the number of layers.
#'					}
#'			\item \code{MAP} gives point estimates of the parameters listed in the \code{posterior}
#'								list described above. Values are indexed at the MCMC iteration 
#'								with the greatest posterior probability.
#'					\itemize{
#'						\item \code{index.iter} the iteration of the MCMC with the highest 
#'								posterior probability, which is used to index all parameters 
#'								included in the \code{MAP} list
#'						\item \code{lpd} the greatest value of the posterior probability
#'						\item \code{nuggets} point estimate of nugget parameters
#'						\item \code{par.cov} point estimate of parametric covariance
#'						\item \code{gamma} point estimate of gamma parameter
#'						\item \code{layer.params} point estimates of all layer-specific parameters 
#'						\item \code{admix.proportions} point estimates of admixture proportions.
#'					}
#'			}
#' @details This function acts as a wrapper around a STAN model block determined 
#'			by the user-specified model (e.g., a spatial model with 3 layers, 
#'			or a nonspatial model with 5 layers).
#'			User-specified data are checked for appropriate format and consistent dimensions,
#'			then formatted into a \code{data.block},
#'			which is then passed to the STAN model block.
#'			Along with the \code{conStruct.results} output described above, 
#'			several objects are saved during the course of a \code{conStruct} call
#'			(if \code{save.files=TRUE}).
#'			These are the \code{data.block}, which contains all data passed to the STAN model block,
#'			\code{model.fit}, which is unprocessed results of the STAN run in \code{stanfit} format,
#'			and the \code{conStruct.results}, which are saved in the course of the function call
#'			in addition to being returned.
#'			If \code{make.figs=TRUE}, running \code{conStruct} will also generate many output figures, 
#'			which are detailed in the function \code{make.all.the.plots} in this package.
#' @examples
#' # load example dataset
#' data(conStruct.data)
#' # run example spatial analysis with K=1
#' 	#	
#'	# for this example, make.figs and save.files
#'	#	are set to FALSE, but most users will want them 
#'	#	set to TRUE
#' my.run <- conStruct(spatial = TRUE,
#'			 			K = 1,
#'			 			freqs = conStruct.data$allele.frequencies,
#'			 			geoDist = conStruct.data$geoDist,
#'			 			coords = conStruct.data$coords,
#'			 			prefix = "test",
#'			 			n.chains = 1,
#'			 			n.iter = 1e3,
#'			 			make.figs = FALSE,
#'			 			save.files = FALSE)
#' @import rstan
#' @export
conStruct <- function(spatial=TRUE,K,freqs,geoDist=NULL,coords,prefix="",n.chains=1,n.iter=1e3,make.figs=TRUE,save.files=TRUE,...){
	call.check <- check.call(args <- as.list(environment()))
	freq.data <- process.freq.data(freqs)
	data.block <- make.data.block(K,freq.data,coords,spatial,geoDist)
	stan.model <- pick.stan.model(spatial,K)
	model.fit <- rstan::sampling(object = stanmodels[[stan.model]],
							 	 refresh = min(floor(n.iter/10),500),
							 	 data = data.block,
							 	 iter = n.iter,
							 	 chains = n.chains,
							 	 thin = ifelse(n.iter/500 > 1,floor(n.iter/500),1),
							 	 save_warmup = FALSE,
	conStruct.results <- get.conStruct.results(data.block,model.fit,n.chains)
	data.block <- unstandardize.distances(data.block)

validate.data.list <- function(data.block){
	if(!"spatial" %in% names(data.block)){
		stop("\nUser must specify a \"spatial\" option\n\n")
	if(!"N" %in% names(data.block)){
		stop("\nUser must specify a \"N\"\n\n")
	if(!"K" %in% names(data.block)){
		stop("\nUser must specify a \"K\"\n\n")
	if(!"L" %in% names(data.block)){
		stop("\nUser must specify a \"L\"\n\n")
	if(!"obsCov" %in% names(data.block)){
		stop("\nUser must specify a \"obsCov\"\n\n")
	return(invisible("list elements validated"))	

validate.n.samples <- function(data.block){
	n.samples <- data.block$N
	n.samples <- c(data.block$N,nrow(data.block$obsCov))
		n.samples <- c(n.samples,nrow(data.block$geoDist))
	if(length(unique(n.samples)) > 1){
		stop("\nthe number of samples is not consistent 
				across entries in the data.block\n\n")
	return(invisible("n.samples validated"))

validate.model <- function(data.block){
			stop("\nyou have specified a spatial model,
				  but you have not specified a matrix 
				  of pairwise geographic distances\n\n")
		if(any(data.block$geoDist < 0)){
			stop("\nyou have specified an invalid 
				  distance matrix that contains 
				  negative values\n\n")
			stop("\nyou have specified an invalid 
				  distance matrix that contains 
				  non-numeric values\n\n")			
	return(invisible("model validated"))

make.data.block.S3 <- function(data.block){
	data.block <- data.block
	class(data.block) <- "data.block"

print.data.block <- function(data.block){

validate.data.block <- function(data.block){
	message("\nchecking data.block\n")
	message(sprintf("\treading %s samples",data.block$N))
	message(sprintf("\treading %s loci",data.block$L))
	if(!data.block$L > data.block$N){
		stop("\nyour data must have a greater number of loci than there are samples\n")
	message("\nchecking specified model\n")
		message(sprintf("\nuser has specified a spatial model with %s layer(s)\n",data.block$K))
		message(sprintf("\nuser has specified a purely discrete model with %s layer(s)\n",data.block$K))
	data.block <- make.data.block.S3(data.block)

pick.stan.model <- function(spatial,n.layers){
	stan.code.block.name <- "stan.block"
	if(n.layers == 1){
		name <- "oneK"
	if(n.layers > 1){
		name <- "multiK"
		name <- paste0("space_",name)

make.freq.data.list.S3 <- function(freq.data){
	freq.data <- freq.data
	class(freq.data) <- "freq.data"

print.freq.data <- function(freq.data){

identify.invar.sites <- function(freqs){
	invar <- length(unique(freqs[which(!is.na(freqs))])) == 1

drop.invars <- function(freqs){
	invars <- apply(freqs,2,identify.invar.sites)
	freqs <- freqs[,!invars]

identify.missing.sites <- function(freqs){
	n.samples <- length(freqs)
	missing <- FALSE
	if(length(which(is.na(freqs))) == n.samples){
		missing <- TRUE

drop.missing <- function(freqs){
	missing <- apply(freqs,2,identify.missing.sites)
	freqs <- freqs[,!missing]

calc.covariance <- function(freqs){
	x <- t(freqs)
	allelic.covariance <- (1 - 1/nrow(freqs)) * stats::cov(x,use="pairwise.complete.obs") - 
									(1/2) * outer( colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE), 1-colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE), "*" ) -
									(1/2) * outer(1-colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE), colMeans(x,na.rm=TRUE), "*") + 1/4
	diag(allelic.covariance) <- 0.25

pos.def.check <- function(obsCov){
	eigenvalues <- eigen(obsCov)$values
	if(any(eigenvalues <= 0)){
		stop("\n\nThe sample covariance is not positive definite. Check to make sure that none of your samples are identical (after dropping missing data). If that does not fix the problem, try dropping the loci or samples with the most missing data.\n\n")

process.freq.data <- function(freqs){
	freqs <- drop.invars(freqs)
	freqs <- drop.missing(freqs)
	n.loci <- ncol(freqs)
	obsCov <- calc.covariance(freqs)
		stop("\n\nAfter dropping invariant loci, one or more pairs of samples have no genotyped loci in common, so relatedness between them cannot be assessed.\n\n")
	pos.def <- pos.def.check(obsCov)
	freq.data <- list("freqs" = freqs,
					  "obsCov" = obsCov,
					  "n.loci" = n.loci)
	freq.data <- make.freq.data.list.S3(freq.data)

standardize.distances <- function(D){
		stdev.D <- stats::sd(D[upper.tri(D)])
		std.D <- D/stdev.D
	} else {
		std.D <- NULL
		stdev.D <- NULL
	sd.dist.lit <- list("std.D" = std.D,
						"stdev.D" = stdev.D)

make.data.block <- function(K,freq.data,coords,spatial,geoDist=NULL){
	sd.dist.list <- standardize.distances(geoDist)
	data.block <- list("N" = nrow(coords),
					   "K" = K,
					   "spatial" = spatial,
					   "L" = freq.data$n.loci,
					   "coords" = coords,
					   "obsCov" = freq.data$obsCov,
					   "geoDist" = sd.dist.list$std.D,
					   "sd.geoDist" = sd.dist.list$stdev.D,
					   "varMeanFreqs" = mean(0.5*colMeans(freq.data$freqs-0.5,na.rm=TRUE)^2 + 0.5*colMeans(1-freq.data$freqs-0.5,na.rm=TRUE)^2))
	data.block <- validate.data.block(data.block)

check.call <- function(args){
	return(invisible("args checked"))

check.spatial.arg <- function(args){
	if(args[["spatial"]] != TRUE & args[["spatial"]] != FALSE){
		stop("\nthe \"spatial\" argument must be either TRUE or FALSE\n")
	return(invisible("spatial arg checked"))

check.K.arg <- function(args){
	if(length(args[["K"]]) > 1){
		stop("\nyou have specified more than one value for the \"K\" argument\n")
	if(!inherits(args[["K"]],"numeric") & !inherits(args[["K"]],"integer")){
		stop("\nyou have specified a non-numeric value for the \"K\" argument\n")
	if(args[["K"]] %% 1 != 0){
		stop("\nyou have specified a non-integer value for the \"K\" argument\n")
	return(invisible("K arg checked"))

check.freqs.arg <- function(args){
		stop("\nthe \"freqs\" argument must be of class \"matrix\"\n")
	if(any(args[["freqs"]] > 1,na.rm=TRUE)){
		stop("\nall values of the the \"freqs\" argument must be less than 1\n")	
	if(any(args[["freqs"]] < 0,na.rm=TRUE)){	
		stop("\nall values of the the \"freqs\" argument must be greater than 0\n")
	return(invisible("freqs arg checked"))

check.geoDist.arg <- function(args){
			stop("\nif the \"spatial\" argument is TRUE, you must specify a \"geoDist\" argument\n")
			stop("\nthe \"geoDist\" argument must be of class \"matrix\"\n")
		if(length(unique(dim(args[["geoDist"]]))) > 1){
			stop("\nyou have specified a \"geoDist\" argument with an unequal number of rows and columns\n")	
		if(any(args[["geoDist"]] < 0)){
			stop("\nall values of the \"geoDist\" argument must be greater than 0\n")
		tmp.geoDist <- args[["geoDist"]]
		row.names(tmp.geoDist) <- NULL
		colnames(tmp.geoDist) <- NULL
			stop("\nyou must specify a symmetric matrix for the \"geoDist\" argument \n")
	return(invisible("geoDist arg checked"))

check.coords.arg <- function(args){
		stop("\nthe \"coords\" argument must be of class \"matrix\"\n")
	if(ncol(args[["coords"]]) > 2){
		stop("\nthe \"coords\" argument must be a matrix with two columns\n")
	return(invisible("coords arg checked"))

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conStruct documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:13 p.m.