
Defines functions createCVServer

#'  Creates a shiny server
#' @param CVfit a list of fits
#' @param CVdata the dataset used for the fit
#' @param response name of response variable
#' @param sectionvars names of at most two sectionvars
#' @param conditionvars names of conditionvars
#' @param predsInit starting value for predicts. Defaults to medoid.
#' @param pointColor a color, or the name of variable to be used for coloring. If the named variable is numeric, it is first converted to a factor with 3 levels.
#' @param cPlotPCP if TRUE, conditionplots are drawn as a single PCP (for more than two conditionvars)
#' @param cPlotn  Shows a sample of this number of points in conditionplots.
#' @param orderConditionVars If supplied, a function to order the Condition Vars
#' @param threshold used for similarity weights, defaults to 1.
#' @param thresholdmax maximum value allowed of threshold.
#' @param tours A list of pre-calculated tours
#' @param linecols vector of colors to be used for fits
#' @param dataplot "pcp" or "pairs". Used when there is no response, or more than two sectionvars.
#' @param probs Logical; if \code{TRUE}, shows predicted class probabilities instead of just predicted classes.
#' @param view3d Logical; if \code{TRUE}, includes option for a three-dimensional  regression surface if possible.
#' @param theta3d,phi3d Angles defining the viewing direction. \code{theta3d} gives the azimuthal direction and \code{phi3d} the colatitude. See \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}.
#' @param predictArgs a list with one entry per fit, giving arguments for CVpredict
#' @param xlim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param ylim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param zlim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param density default FALSE. Use TRUE if model is a density function.
#'@param showdata  If FALSE, data on section not shown.
#' @return a function

#' @noRd 
createCVServer <- function(CVfit,CVdata=NULL, response=NULL,sectionvars,conditionvars,
                           predsInit=NULL,pointColor=NULL, cPlotPCP=FALSE, cPlotn= 1000,orderConditionVars,
                           view3d,theta3d,phi3d,predictArgs, xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL, zlim=NULL, density=FALSE,
  # if (is.null(CVdata)) CVdata <- extractModelData(CVdata)
  preds <- c(sectionvars, conditionvars)
  res <- pointColor2var(CVdata, pointColor[1], legend=TRUE)
  CVdata <- res$data
  pcolInfo <- res[2:3]
  CVdata0 <- CVdata[,-ncol(CVdata)] # get rid of colour var
  clickCoords <- NULL
  function(input, output,session) {
    conditionvars <- setdiff(preds, sectionvars)
    plotnames <- NULL
    condtour <- NULL
    plotrows <- NULL
    allconditions <- NULL
    if (is.numeric(cPlotn) && nrow(CVdata) > cPlotn) plotrows <- sample(nrow(CVdata), cPlotn, replace=FALSE)
    if (threshold >= thresholdmax)
      simInit <- rep(1,nrow(CVdata))
    else if (threshold == 0){
      simInit <- rep(0, nrow(CVdata))
      w <- plyr::adply(CVdata[conditionvars], 1,function(x,y) all(x==y),
      simInit[w]<- 1
    else simInit <- similarityweight(predsInit,CVdata[conditionvars], threshold, distance="maxnorm")
    cPlots <- NULL
    rv <- reactiveValues(pset=predsInit, sectionvars=sectionvars, condArr=NULL, CVdata = CVdata, sim=simInit)
    tour <- reactiveValues(pos=0, step="stop")
    ranges <- reactiveValues(x = xlim, y = ylim)
    output$display <- renderPlot({
      CVdata <- rv$CVdata
      pointColorFromResponse <- !is.null(response) && (input$colourvar== response)
      res<-sectionPlot(CVdata,CVfit,response,preds,sectionvar= rv$sectionvars,
                       conditionvals=rv$pset, pointColor= NULL,sim=rv$sim, linecols=linecols,
                       probs=probs && input$showprobs, theta3d=input$theta3d,phi3d=phi3d,
                       view3d=view3d && input$view3d,xlim = ranges$x,
                       ylim=ranges$y,zlim=zlim,predictArgs=predictArgs, resetpar=FALSE, density=density,
                       showdata=showdata, returnInfo=TRUE,pointColorFromResponse=pointColorFromResponse,pcolInfo= pcolInfo)
      clickCoords<<- res$clickCoords
    output$downloadPlots <- downloadHandler(
      filename =
        paste("sectionplot-", Sys.time(), ".pdf", sep="")
      , contentType = "image/pdf",
      content = function(file) {
        pdf(file, width = 8, height = 5)
        CVdata <- rv$CVdata
        pointColorFromResponse <- !is.null(response) && (input$colourvar== response)
        sectionPlot(CVdata,CVfit,response,preds,sectionvar= rv$sectionvars,
                    conditionvals=rv$pset, pointColor= NULL,sim=rv$sim, linecols=linecols,
                    probs=probs && input$showprobs, theta3d=input$theta3d,phi3d=phi3d,
                    view3d=view3d && input$view3d,xlim = ranges$x,
                    ylim=ranges$y,zlim=zlim,predictArgs=predictArgs, resetpar=FALSE, density=density,
                    showdata=showdata, returnInfo=FALSE,pointColorFromResponse=pointColorFromResponse,pcolInfo= pcolInfo)
    observeEvent(input$display_click, {
      # clickCoords is a data frame constructed by drawing functions.
      # clicks are not always recorded when using layouts, ???
      # also, does not work with more than one plot via mfrow
      click <- input$display_click
      if (is.data.frame(clickCoords)) {
        w <- nearPoints(clickCoords, click, xvar="x", yvar="y", threshold = 5, maxpoints = 1)
        if (nrow(w) ==1){
          rv$pset[1,conditionvars] <- CVdata[w$casenum, conditionvars]
          print(paste("Condition on conditionvars from Case",w$casenum,collapse=" "))
    observeEvent(input$display_dblclick, {
      brush <- input$display_brush
      if (!is.null(brush)) {
        ranges$x <- c(brush$xmin, brush$xmax)
        ranges$y <- c(brush$ymin, brush$ymax)
      } else {
        ranges$x <- xlim
        ranges$y <- ylim
    updateCS <- function(){
      s1 <- input$sectionvar
      s2 <- input$sectionvar2
      sectionvars <- rv$sectionvars
      newS <- s1
      if (! is.null(s1)  & ! is.null(s2)){
        if (s1 == s2) s2 <- "None"
        if (s2 != "None") newS <- c(newS,s2 )
        if (!setequal(newS, sectionvars)){
          rv$sectionvars <- newS
      ranges$x <- xlim
      ranges$y <- ylim
      sectionvars <- rv$sectionvars
      conditionvars <<- setdiff(preds, sectionvars)
      if (length(conditionvars) ==0) conditionvars <- NULL
      cPlotPCP <<- input$showpcp
      ocv <- orderConditionVars
      if (identical(ocv, "default"))
        ocv <- if (!cPlotPCP) arrangeC else arrangePCP
      if (is.null(conditionvars))
        condArr <- NULL
      else if (cPlotPCP) {
        if (is.null(ocv))
          condArr <- list(conditionvars)
        else condArr <- list(ocv(CVdata[conditionvars]))
      } else if (is.null(ocv))
        condArr <- pairoff(conditionvars)
      else condArr <- ocv(CVdata[conditionvars])
      id <- paste0(sample(LETTERS[1:4], 4, replace=T),collapse="")
      if (is.null(condArr)){
        plotnames <<-NULL
      else {
        plotnames <<- paste0("cplots", id, 1:length(condArr))
      rv$condArr <- condArr
      if (showdata){
        rv$condArr # in to generate a recalculation of sim
        if (input$threshold >= thresholdmax || is.null(conditionvars))
          sim <- rep(1, nrow(CVdata))
        else if (input$threshold == 0){
          sim <- rep(0, nrow(CVdata))
          w <- plyr::adply(CVdata[conditionvars], 1,function(x,y) all(x==y),
          sim[w]<- 1
        else sim <- similarityweight(rv$pset,CVdata[conditionvars], input$threshold, input$dist)
        rv$sim <- sim
      # print(input$tour)
      mkpath <- input$tour
      newpathxx <- NULL
      condtour <<- NULL
      # print(mkpath)
      mkpathf <- try(
        get(mkpath, as.environment("package:condvis2"), mode="function"), 
      mkpathd <- try(get(mkpath, mode="list"), silent=TRUE)
      if (mkpath %in% conditionvars){
        newpathxx <- alongPath(CVdata0, mkpath, input$tourlen, 
                               current=isolate(rv$pset[1,conditionvars, drop=FALSE])) 
      else if (is.function(mkpathf)) {
        newpathxx <- mkpathf(CVdata0,input$tourlen, conditionvars=conditionvars,fits=CVfit,
                             predictArgs=predictArgs, response=response)
      }  else if (is.data.frame(mkpathd)){
        newpathxx <- expandPath(mkpathd, current=isolate(rv$pset[1,conditionvars]))
      if (is.data.frame(newpathxx)){
        newpathxx <-pathInterpolate(newpathxx,input$ninterp)
        condtour <<- newpathxx
      else {
        print("Path not available")
      updateSliderInput(session, "tourstep", value=0,
                        max=nrow(condtour)/(input$ninterp+1), step=round(1/(input$ninterp+1),2))
      if (input$tourstep > 0 & !is.null(condtour)){
        index <- round(input$tourstep*(input$ninterp+1))
        rv$pset[1,conditionvars] <- condtour[index,conditionvars]
    observeEvent(input$colourvar, {
      if (!is.null(response) &&input$colourvar == response && is.factor(CVdata[,response])){
        f <- colorfnf(CVdata[[response]])
        rv$CVdata[["pointCols"]] <- f(CVdata[,response])
        pcolInfo <<- NULL
      else {
        res <- pointColor2var(rv$CVdata, input$colourvar, legend=TRUE)
        rv$CVdata <- res$data
        pcolInfo <<- res[2:3]
    observeEvent(input$sectionvar, {
    observeEvent(input$sectionvar2, {
    observe( {
      newcond <- rv$pset
      newcond[1,rv$sectionvars]<- NA
      allconditions <<- rbind(allconditions, newcond)
      rownames(allconditions)<- NULL
    output$conditionInfo <- renderPrint({
      if (!is.null(rv$condArr)){
        v <- unlist(rv$condArr)
        if (length(v) <=10){
          ci <- rv$pset[unlist(rv$condArr)]
    output$select2 <- renderUI({
      sv <- isolate(rv$sectionvars)
      sv2 <- sv[2]
      if (is.na(sv2) | sv[2]==sv[1]) sv2 <- "None"
       selectInput(inputId = "sectionvar2",
                  label = "Second sectionvar",
                  choices = c("None", setdiff(preds, input$sectionvar)),
                  selected = sv2
      CVtours <- mktourlist(CVfit, conditionvars, response,tours)
      updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "tour",
                        choices= CVtours,
    output$cplots <- renderUI({
      if (cPlotPCP) height<- min(800,(length(conditionvars)-1)*150) else
        height<- min(210, round(800/length(rv$condArr)))
      plot_output_list <- lapply(1:length(rv$condArr), function(i) {
        plotname <- plotnames[i]
        var <- rv$condArr[[i]]
        if (length(var) ==1 && is.factor(CVdata[[var]]) &&
            length(levels(CVdata[[var]])) <=35)
          plotOutput(plotname, height = 150, width = 220, click=paste0(plotname,"Click"),
                     dblclick =paste0(plotname,"DClick"))
          plotOutput(plotname, height = height, width = 220, click=paste0(plotname,"Click"),
                     dblclick = paste0(plotname,"DClick"))
      do.call(tagList, plot_output_list)
    createCPlots <- function(arr){
      #arr <- rv$condArr
      cPlots <<- vector("list", length(arr))
      for (j in 1:length(arr)) {
        # Need local so that each item gets its own number. Without it, the value
        # of i in the renderPlot() will be the same across all instances, because
        # of when the expression is evaluated.
          i <- j
          plotname <- plotnames[i]
          clickname <- paste0(plotname,"Click")
          clicknameD <- paste0(plotname,"DClick")
          var <- arr[[i]]
          output[[plotname]] <- renderPlot({
            conditionPlot(rv$CVdata, var, rv$pset,pointColor= NULL,sim= if (input$showsim) rv$sim else NULL, 
                          resetpar=FALSE, plotrows=plotrows)
            click <- input[[clickname]]
            res <-conditionClick(CVdata,var,click,plotrows=plotrows)
            # print(res)
            rv$pset[1,names(res)]<- res
            click <- input[[clicknameD]]
            res0 <-conditionClick(CVdata,var,click,plotrows=plotrows)
            # find the row of CV data closes to selected value
            # if there is one such row, use it for rv, conditionvars only, otherwise use medoid
            if (!is.null(res0)){
              res <- CVdata[1,names(res0),drop=F]
              res[1,names(res0)]<- res0
              s<- similarityweight(res,CVdata[,names(res),drop=F], 
                                   1, input$dist)
              w <- which(s==max(s))
              if (length(w) ==1)
                ans <- CVdata[w, conditionvars, drop=F]
              else ans <- medoid(CVdata[w, conditionvars, drop=F])
              rv$pset[1,names(ans)]<- ans

Try the condvis2 package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

condvis2 documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 5:06 p.m.