
Defines functions condvis

Documented in condvis

# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
#   Build and Reload Package:  'Cmd + Shift + B'
#   Check Package:             'Cmd + Shift + E'
#   Test Package:              'Cmd + Shift + T'

#devtools::document() press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + D in RStudio) to convert roxygen comments to .Rd files.
# use devtools::build() to create a package bundle with the vignettes included.
# devtools::check() same as R CMD check

#' Creates Condvis Shiny app
#' @param data the dataset used for the fit. Should not have NAs for response, sectionvars or conditionvars.
#' @param model A fitted model or list of models. May be NULL.
#' @param response name of response variable. If null, tries to extract from model.
#' @param sectionvars names of sectionvars. If null, extracts from data.
#' @param conditionvars names of condition vars. If null, extracts from data.
#'@param predsInit Optionally provide starting value for some predictors. Defaults to medoid.
#'@param pointColor a color, or the name of variable to be used for coloring. If the named variable is numeric, it is first converted to a factor with 3 levels.
#'@param  cPlotPCP if TRUE, conditionplots are drawn as a single PCP (for more than two conditionvars)
#'@param cPlotn Defaults to 1000. Shows a sample of this number of points in conditionplots. Non-numeric values are ignored.
#'@param orderConditionVars If supplied, a function to order the Condition Vars
#'@param threshold used for similarity weights, defaults to 1.
#'@param thresholdmax maximum value allowed of threshold.
#'@param linecols vector of colors to be used for fits
#'@param showsim if TRUE, shows sim in conditionplots with points/lines. Defaults to TRUE with 150 or fewer cases.
#' @param theta3d,phi3d Angles defining the viewing direction for 3d surface. \code{theta3d}
#'   gives the azimuthal direction and \code{phi3d} the colatitude. See
#'   \code{\link[graphics]{persp}}.
#' @param dataplot "pcp" or "pairs". Used when there is no response, or more than two sectionvars.
#' @param tours A list of pre-calculated tours
#' @param predictArgs a list with one entry per fit, giving arguments for CVpredict
#' @param xlim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param ylim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param zlim passed on to sectionplot
#'@param density default FALSE. Use TRUE if model is a density function.
#'@param showdata defaults to \code{density==TRUE}. If FALSE, data on section not shown.
#' @param displayHeight supply a value for the display height

#' @return NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt+hp+am, data=mtcars)
#' if(interactive()){
#' condvis(mtcars,fit, response="mpg",sectionvars="wt", conditionvars=c("am", "hp"), pointColor ="red")
#' }

#' @import ggplot2
#' @import shiny
#' @import grDevices
#' @import methods
#' @import stats
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import graphics
#' @import utils

condvis <- function(data,model=NULL, response=NULL,sectionvars=NULL,conditionvars=NULL,
                    predsInit=NULL, pointColor=c("steelblue", "grey0"), cPlotPCP=FALSE,
                    cPlotn = 1000,
                    orderConditionVars="default", threshold=1, thresholdmax=NULL,
                    linecols=NULL,showsim=NULL, theta3d = 45, phi3d = 20,
                    dataplot="pcp", tours=NULL, predictArgs=NULL,xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,zlim=NULL,density=FALSE,
                    showdata= density==FALSE,displayHeight=950) {
  if (!is.data.frame(data) ) 
    stop("'data' must be a data.frame")
  data <- as.data.frame(data)  # gets rid of tbl
  ctype <- which(sapply(data, function(v) !is.numeric(v) & ! is.factor(v)))
  for (ct in ctype) data[[ct]] <- as.factor(data[[ct]])
  if (is.null(model)) showdata<- TRUE
  if (density ) {
    response <- "densityY"
    data$densityY <- runif(nrow(data))
  if (!is.null(model)){
    if (!inherits(model, "list")) model <- list(model)
    if (is.null(names(model)))
      names(model) <- paste0("fit", 1:length(model))
    if (length(linecols) != length(model))
      if (length(model) <= 8)
        linecols <- rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(max(3, length(model)), "Dark2"))[1:length(model)]
    else linecols <- colors()[1:length(model)]
    if (is.null(response) && !density){
      frm <-  try(formula(model[[1]]), silent=T)
      if (!inherits(frm, "try-error"))
        response <- all.vars(frm)[1]
      else stop("could not extract response from 'model'.")
    if (!is.null(sectionvars) & !is.null(conditionvars))
      preds <- c(sectionvars, conditionvars)
    else if (is.null (conditionvars) & !is.null(sectionvars)){
      preds <- names(data)
      preds<- preds[preds!=response]
      conditionvars <- setdiff(preds, sectionvars)
    } else if (is.null (sectionvars) & !is.null(conditionvars)){
      preds <- conditionvars
      sectionvars <- preds[1]
      conditionvars <- preds[-1]
    }else {
      preds <- names(data)
      preds<- preds[preds!=response]
      sectionvars <- preds[1]
      conditionvars <- preds[-1]
    probs <- is.factor(data[[response]])
    view3d <-  is.numeric(data[[response]]) && (sum(sapply(data[,c(sectionvars,conditionvars)], is.numeric)) >=2)
  } else {
    probs <- FALSE
    view3d <- FALSE
    # response <- NULL
    if (!is.null(sectionvars) & !is.null(conditionvars))
      preds <- c(sectionvars, conditionvars)
    else if (is.null (conditionvars)){
      preds <- names(data)
      conditionvars <- preds
    } else {
      preds <- names(data)
      sectionvars <- preds
  r <- NULL
  if (!is.null(response)) r <- match(response, names(data))
  if (is.numeric(r)) datar <- data[,-r]
  else datar <- data
  np <- names(predsInit)
  np1 <- setdiff(names(datar), np)
  if (length(np1)> 0){
    predsInit1 <- medoid(data[,np1,drop=FALSE]) 
  predsInit2 <- datar[1,,drop=F]
  if (length(np1)> 1){
    predsInit2[1,np]<- predsInit[1,np]
    predsInit2[1,np1]<- predsInit1[1,np1]
  else  predsInit2[1,np]<- predsInit[1,np]
  if (is.null(showsim)) showsim <- nrow(data)<= 150 && showdata
  if (!(is.numeric(thresholdmax) && thresholdmax> threshold)) 
    thresholdmax <- max(8*threshold, round(sqrt(length(preds))*threshold))
  ui <- createCVUI(model,data,response,sectionvars,preds,pointColor,threshold, thresholdmax,tours,
                   probs, view3d,showsim=showsim,cPlotPCP = cPlotPCP)
  server <- createCVServer(model,data, response,sectionvars,conditionvars,predsInit2,pointColor,
                           cPlotPCP = cPlotPCP, cPlotn = cPlotn,
                           threshold=threshold,thresholdmax=thresholdmax, tours=tours,linecols=linecols, 
                           dataplot=dataplot,theta3d, phi3d, probs=probs, view3d=view3d,
                           predictArgs=predictArgs,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim, zlim=zlim,density=density,
  s <-shiny::shinyApp(ui, server,options=list(width="100%", height=displayHeight, width=700))
  else s

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

condvis2 documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 5:06 p.m.