
Defines functions contactDur.all

Documented in contactDur.all

#' Identify Inter-animal Contacts
#' This function uses the output from dist2All to determine when and for how 
#'     long tracked individuals are in "contact" with one another. Individuals 
#'     are said to be in a "contact" event if they are observed within a given 
#'     distance (<= dist.threshold) at a given timestep. Contacts are broken 
#'     when individuals are observed outside the specified distance threshold 
#'     from one another for > sec.threshold seconds. Sec.threshold dictates the
#'     maximum amount of time between concurrent observations during which 
#'     potential "contact" events remain unbroken. For example, if 
#'     sec.threshold == 10, only "contacts" occurring within 10secs of one 
#'     another will be regarded as a single "contact" event of duration sum(h).
#'     If in this case, a time difference between contacts was 11 seconds, the 
#'     function will report two separate contact events.
#' The output of this function is a data frame containing a time-ordered 
#'     contact edge set detailing inter-animal contacts.
#' @param x Output from the dist2All function. Can be either a data frame or 
#'     non-data-frame list.
#' @param dist.threshold Numeric. Radial distance (in meters) within which 
#'     "contact" can be said to occur. Defaults to 1. Note: If you are 
#'     defining conttacts as occurring when polygons intersect, set 
#'     dist.threshold to 0.
#' @param sec.threshold Numeric. Dictates the maximum amount of time between 
#'     concurrent observations during which potential "contact" events remain 
#'     unbroken. Defaults to 10. 
#' @param blocking Logical. If TRUE, contacts will be evaluated for temporal 
#'     blocks spanning blockLength blockUnit (e.g., 6 hours) within the data 
#'     set. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param blockLength Integer. Describes the number blockUnits within each 
#'     temporal block. Defaults to 1.
#' @param blockUnit Character string taking the values, "secs," "mins," 
#'     "hours," "days," or "weeks." Describes the temporal unit associated with
#'     each block. Defaults to "hours."
#' @param blockingStartTime Character string or date object describing the date
#'     OR dateTime starting point of the first time block. For example, if 
#'     blockingStartTime = "2016-05-01" OR "2016-05-01 00:00:00", the first 
#'     timeblock would begin at "2016-05-01 00:00:00." If NULL, the 
#'     blockingStartTime defaults to the minimum dateTime point in x. Note: 
#'     any blockingStartTime MUST precede or be equivalent to the minimum 
#'     timepoint in x. Additional note: If blockingStartTime is a character 
#'     string, it must be in the format ymd OR ymd hms.
#' @param equidistant.time Logical. If TRUE, location fixes in individuals' 
#'     movement paths are temporally equidistant (e.g., all fix intervals are 
#'     30 seconds). Defaults to FALSE. Note: This is a time-saving argument. 
#'     A sub-function here calculates the time difference (dt) between each 
#'     location fix. If all fix intervals in an individuals' path are 
#'     identical, it saves a lot of time.
#' @param parallel Logical. If TRUE, sub-functions within the contactDur.all 
#'     wrapper will be parallelized. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nCores Integer. Describes the number of cores to be dedicated to 
#'     parallel processes. Defaults to half of the maximum number of cores 
#'     available (i.e., (parallel::detectCores()/2)).
#' @param reportParameters Logical. If TRUE, function argument values will be 
#'     appended to output data frame(s). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @keywords data-processing contact
#' @return Returns a data frame (or list of data frames if \code{x} is a 
#'    list of data frames) with the following columns:
#'    \item{dyadMember1}{The unique ID of an individual observed in contact 
#'    with a specified second individual.}
#'    \item{dyadMember2}{The unique ID of an individual observed in contact 
#'    with \code{dyadMember1}.}
#'    \item{dyadID}{The unique dyad ID used to identify the pair
#'    of individuals \code{dyadMember1} and \code{dyadMember2}.}    
#'    \item{contactDuration}{The number of sequential timepoints in \code{x} 
#'    that \code{dyadMember1} and \code{dyadMember2} were observed to be in 
#'    contact with one another.}
#'    \item{contactStartTime}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which contact
#'    between \code{dyadMember1} and \code{dyadMember2} begins.}
#'    \item{contactEndTime}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which contact
#'    between \code{dyadMember1} and \code{dyadMember2} ends.}
#'    If blocking == TRUE, the following columns are appended to the output
#'    data frame described above:
#'    \item{block}{Integer ID describing unique blocks of time during which 
#'    contacts occur.}
#'    \item{block.start}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which the \code{block}
#'    begins.}
#'    \item{block.end}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which the \code{block}
#'    ends.}
#'    \item{numBlocks}{Integer describing the total number of time blocks 
#'    observed within \code{x} at which the \code{block}}
#'    Finally, if reportParameters == TRUE function arguments 
#'    \code{distThreshold}, \code{secThreshold}, \code{equidistant.time},
#'    and \code{blockLength} (if applicable) will be appended to the 
#'    output data frame.
#' @import foreach
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(calves)
#' calves.dateTime<-datetime.append(calves, date = calves$date, time =
#'     calves$time) #create a dataframe with dateTime identifiers for location foxes
#' calves.agg<-tempAggregate(calves.dateTime, id = calves.dateTime$calftag,
#'     dateTime = calves.dateTime$dateTime, point.x = calves.dateTime$x,
#'     point.y = calves.dateTime$y, secondAgg = 300, extrapolate.left = FALSE,
#'     extrapolate.right = FALSE, resolutionLevel = "reduced", parallel = FALSE,
#'     na.rm = TRUE, smooth.type = 1) #smooth locations to 5-min fix intervals.
#' calves.dist<-dist2All_df(x = calves.agg, parallel = FALSE, dataType = "Point",
#'     lonlat = FALSE) #calculate distance between all individuals at each timepoint
#' calves.contact.block<-contactDur.all(x = calves.dist, dist.threshold=1,
#'     sec.threshold=10, blocking = TRUE, blockUnit = "hours", blockLength = 1,
#'     equidistant.time = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, reportParameters = TRUE)
#' calves.contact.NOblock<-contactDur.all(x = calves.dist, dist.threshold=1,
#'     sec.threshold=10, blocking = FALSE, blockUnit = "hours", blockLength = 1,
#'     equidistant.time = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, reportParameters = TRUE)

contactDur.all<-function(x,dist.threshold=1,sec.threshold=10, blocking = FALSE, blockLength = 1, blockUnit = "hours", blockingStartTime = NULL, equidistant.time = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, nCores = (parallel::detectCores()/2), reportParameters = TRUE){ 
  #bind the following variables to the global environment so that the CRAN check doesn't flag them as potential problems
  l <- NULL
  k <- NULL

  if(is.data.frame(x) == FALSE & is.list(x) == TRUE){ #1/15 added the "is.data.frame(x) == FALSE" argument because R apparently treats dataframes as lists.
    listBreak_dur.generator<-function(x, dist.threshold,sec.threshold, blocking, blockUnit, blockLength, equidistant.time, parallel, reportParameters, nCores){#this function just calls what happens when x is not a list o data frames
      #write sub-functions here
      durFinder.noblock<-function(parallel, dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time, nCores, environmentTag){
        eval(expr = { #evaluate these function steps in the master-function environment to avoid cloning x (i.e., dist2... ouput), which can be quite large
          #write nested sub functions
          timeDifference = function(x){
            t1 = unname(unlist(x[1]))
            t2 = unname(unlist(x[2]))
            dt = as.integer(difftime(time1 = t2, time2 = t1, units = "secs"))
          mat.breaker <-function(x, distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame){
            breakVec <- unname(distthreshold[,match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(x[2]),sep =""), colnames(distthreshold))])
            timebreakVec <- timebreakVec[timebreakVec != 1] #added/fixed 1/8, needed because if timebreakVec == 1, it means that the dt between an individuals' first point was >secThreshold seconds after the previous individuals' last point.
            if(length(which(breakVec == 1)) >0){ #If there are no 1s, then there's no reason to preoceed with calculations below
              timeVec1 <-dateTimeFrame[,1]
              #The for-loop below adjusts the values in distthreshold if dt indicates that enough time has passed between individuals to break a contact, but two observations describing sequential contacts exist across the span of this dt, the timebreakVec loop inserts a "0" between the contacts.
              if(length(timebreakVec) > 0){
                addtoi = 0 #everytime the vectors are adjusted, all observations below i will move down by one.
                for(i in timebreakVec){
                  if(breakVec[(i + addtoi)] == 0){next}else{
                    preBreak.dist <- breakVec[1:((i + addtoi) -1)]
                    postBreak.dist <- breakVec[(i + addtoi):length(breakVec)]
                    breakVec <-c(preBreak.dist,0,postBreak.dist)
                    preBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[1:((i + addtoi) -1)])) #fixed 1/8. if levels are not dropped here, there further calculations will be erroneous.						
                    postBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[(i + addtoi):length(timeVec1)])) #fixed 1/8
                    timeVec2 <-c(preBreak.time,as.character(timeVec1[((i + addtoi) -1)]),postBreak.time) #fixed 1/8						
                    timeVec1 <-as.factor(timeVec2) #fixed 1/8 ; had to make this a factor so that later "droplevels" commands will not trigger an error.
                    addtoi = addtoi + 1
              breakVal <- rle(breakVec)
              values <- unlist(breakVal[2])
              repTimes <- unlist(breakVal[1])
              start <-unname(((finish-repTimes)+1))
              contact.start <- start[which(values == 1)]
              contact.finish <- finish[which(values == 1)]
              durlengths = unname(repTimes[which(values == 1)])
              member1 = unlist(rep(x[1],length(contact.start)))
              member2 = unlist(rep(x[2],length(contact.start)))
              dyad = paste(member1,"-",member2,sep="")
              times.start <- timeVec1[contact.start]
              times.finish <- timeVec1[contact.finish]
              durationTab = data.frame("dyadMember1" = member1,"dyadMember2" = member2,"dyadID" = dyad, "contactDuration" = durlengths, "contactStartTime" = times.start, "contactEndTime" = times.finish, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            }else{ #If there were no recorded contacts
              durationTab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
              colnames(durationTab) <- c("dyadMember1","dyadMember2","dyadID", "contactDuration", "contactStartTime", "contactEndTime")
          contactMatrix.maker <- function(x,idVec1, x.reduced){
            spec.dist = x.reduced[which(x.reduced$id == as.character(unname(unlist(x[1])))),]
            dt = spec.dist$dt
            timebreakVec <-which(dt > unname(unlist(x[3]))) #needed here. fixed 1/8
            distmat = data.matrix(spec.dist[,c(match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(idVec1),sep =""), names(spec.dist)))])
            distmat.noNA <-ifelse(is.na(distmat) == TRUE,1000000000,distmat)
            idVec.redac = idVec1[-c(1:which(idVec1 == unname(unlist(x[1]))))]
            idVecFrame = data.frame(unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[1])),length(idVec.redac))),idVec.redac, unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[2])),length(idVec.redac))),unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[3])),length(idVec.redac))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)  
            timeVec <- unname(spec.dist[,match("dateTime", colnames(spec.dist))])
            dateTimeFrame <- data.frame(timeVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            idDurations <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(apply(idVecFrame, 1, mat.breaker,distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          idVec1 = unique(x$id)
          if(length(idVec1) > 1){
            x.reduced <-x[-which(x$id == idVec1[length(idVec1)]),] #there's no need to process contacts associated with the last id values, because if they contacted any other individuals, the contacts would already be processed earlier on.
            if(equidistant.time == TRUE){ #added 02/04/2019 to make the dt calculations a toggleable parameter that users may turn off if all data points in their data set are temporally equidistant. This saves a large amount of time (approx. 3.5 mins/day)
              x.reduced$dt = 0
            }else{ #if equidistant.time == FALSE
              if(nrow(x.reduced) ==1){ #if there's only one row, there cannot be any time difference (note, because x.reduced is only created from blocks with observed contacts, there will never be a case where x.reduced < 1)
                x.reduced$dt = 0
              }else{ #if there's more than one row in x.reduced
                timesFrame = data.frame(x.reduced$dateTime[1:(nrow(x.reduced) - 1)], x.reduced$dateTime[2:nrow(x.reduced)], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
                if (parallel == TRUE){
                  timedif<-parallel::parApply(cl, timesFrame, 1, timeDifference)
                  x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) #timedif represents the time it takes to move from location i-1 to location i	
                  timedif = apply(timesFrame, 1, timeDifference) 
                  x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) 
            comboFrame = data.frame(unique(x.reduced$id),dist.threshold,sec.threshold, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            if (parallel == TRUE){
              duration<-parallel::parApply(cl, comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced) #note that cl is defined above
              duration = apply(comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced)	
            durationTable = data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            durationTable<-NULL #if there's only one individual in the data set then the durationTable is empty
        }, envir = environmentTag) 
      durFinder.block.List<-function(x,dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time){
        #write nested sub functions
        timeDifference = function(x){
          t1 = unname(unlist(x[1]))
          t2 = unname(unlist(x[2]))
          dt = as.integer(difftime(time1 = t2, time2 = t1, units = "secs"))
        mat.breaker <-function(x, distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame){
          breakVec <- unname(distthreshold[,match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(x[2]),sep =""), colnames(distthreshold))])
          timebreakVec <- timebreakVec[timebreakVec != 1] #added/fixed 1/8, needed because if timebreakVec == 1, it means that the dt between an individuals' first point was >secThreshold seconds after the previous individuals' last point.
          if(length(which(breakVec == 1)) >0){ #If there are no 1s, then there's no reason to preoceed with calculations below
            timeVec1 <-dateTimeFrame[,1]
            #The for-loop below adjusts the values in distthreshold if dt indicates that enough time has passed between individuals to break a contact, but two observations describing sequential contacts exist across the span of this dt, the timebreakVec loop inserts a "0" between the contacts.
            if(length(timebreakVec) > 0){
              addtoi = 0 #everytime the vectors are adjusted, all observations below i will move down by one.
              for(i in timebreakVec){
                if(breakVec[(i + addtoi)] == 0){next}else{
                  preBreak.dist <- breakVec[1:((i + addtoi) -1)]
                  postBreak.dist <- breakVec[(i + addtoi):length(breakVec)]
                  breakVec <-c(preBreak.dist,0,postBreak.dist)
                  preBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[1:((i + addtoi) -1)])) #fixed 1/8. if levels are not dropped here, there further calculations will be erroneous.						
                  postBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[(i + addtoi):length(timeVec1)])) #fixed 1/8
                  timeVec2 <-c(preBreak.time,as.character(timeVec1[((i + addtoi) -1)]),postBreak.time) #fixed 1/8						
                  timeVec1 <-as.factor(timeVec2) #fixed 1/8 ; had to make this a factor so that later "droplevels" commands will not trigger an error.
                  addtoi = addtoi + 1
            breakVal <- rle(breakVec)
            values <- unlist(breakVal[2])
            repTimes <- unlist(breakVal[1])
            start <-unname(((finish-repTimes)+1))
            contact.start <- start[which(values == 1)]
            contact.finish <- finish[which(values == 1)]
            durlengths = unname(repTimes[which(values == 1)])
            member1 = unlist(rep(x[1],length(contact.start)))
            member2 = unlist(rep(x[2],length(contact.start)))
            dyad = paste(member1,"-",member2,sep="")
            times.start <- timeVec1[contact.start]
            times.finish <- timeVec1[contact.finish]
            durationTab = data.frame("dyadMember1" = member1,"dyadMember2" = member2,"dyadID" = dyad, "contactDuration" = durlengths, "contactStartTime" = times.start, "contactEndTime" = times.finish, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          }else{ #If there were no recorded contacts
            durationTab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            colnames(durationTab) <- c("dyadMember1","dyadMember2","dyadID", "contactDuration", "contactStartTime", "contactEndTime")
        contactMatrix.maker <- function(x,idVec1, x.reduced){
          spec.dist = x.reduced[which(x.reduced$id == as.character(unname(unlist(x[1])))),]
          dt = spec.dist$dt
          timebreakVec <-which(dt > unname(unlist(x[3]))) #needed here. fixed 1/8
          distmat = data.matrix(spec.dist[,c(match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(idVec1),sep =""), names(spec.dist)))])
          distmat.noNA <-ifelse(is.na(distmat) == TRUE,1000000000,distmat)
          idVec.redac = idVec1[-c(1:which(idVec1 == unname(unlist(x[1]))))]
          idVecFrame = data.frame(unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[1])),length(idVec.redac))),idVec.redac, unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[2])),length(idVec.redac))),unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[3])),length(idVec.redac))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)  
          timeVec <- unname(spec.dist[,match("dateTime", colnames(spec.dist))])
          dateTimeFrame <- data.frame(timeVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          idDurations <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(apply(idVecFrame, 1, mat.breaker,distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        idVec1 = unique(x$id)
        if(length(idVec1) > 1){
          x.reduced <-x[-which(x$id == idVec1[length(idVec1)]),] #there's no need to process contacts associated with the last id values, because if they contacted any other individuals, the contacts would already be processed earlier on.
          if(equidistant.time == TRUE){ #added 02/04/2019 to make the dt calculations a toggleable parameter that users may turn off if all data points in their data set are temporally equidistant. This saves a large amount of time (approx. 3.5 mins/day)
            x.reduced$dt = 0
          }else{ #if equidistant.time == FALSE
            if(nrow(x.reduced) ==1){ #if there's only one row, there cannot be any time difference (note, because x.reduced is only created from blocks with observed contacts, there will never be a case where x.reduced < 1)
              x.reduced$dt = 0
            }else{ #if there's more than one row in x.reduced
              timesFrame = data.frame(x.reduced$dateTime[1:(nrow(x.reduced) - 1)], x.reduced$dateTime[2:nrow(x.reduced)], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
              timedif = apply(timesFrame, 1, timeDifference)
              x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) 
          comboFrame = data.frame(unique(x.reduced$id),dist.threshold,sec.threshold, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          duration = apply(comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced)	
          durationTable = data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ #if there was at least one contact duration, block information is appended to the data frame. If there are no observations, durationTable becomes NULL
            durationTable$block<- unique(x$block)
            durationTable$block.start<- unique(x$block.start)
            durationTable$block.end<- unique(x$block.end)
            durationTable$numBlocks<- unique(x$numBlocks)
            durationTable <- NULL
          durationTable <- NULL
      thisEnvironment<-environment() #tag the environment of the parent function so that sub-functions may work within it. This is done so that we don't have to clone the list of data frames in the various sub functions over and over again.
      #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data. It takes a bit longer (especially with larger data sets), but that's the price of accuracy
      daySecondList = lubridate::hour(x$dateTime) * 3600 + lubridate::minute(x$dateTime) * 60 + lubridate::second(x$dateTime) #This calculates a day-second
      lub.dates = lubridate::date(x$dateTime)
      if(blocking == TRUE){
        x<-x[order(lub.dates, daySecondList),] #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data
        #the code below comes from the contact::timeBlock.append function. We just refrain from calling it here to prevent the inputs being cloned within the function, and thus save memory.
        if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength
        if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60 #num seconds in a minute
        if(blockUnit == "Hours" || blockUnit == "HOURS" || blockUnit == "hours"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60 #num seconds in an hour
        if(blockUnit == "Days" || blockUnit == "DAYS" || blockUnit == "days"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24 #num seconds in a day
        if(blockUnit == "Weeks" || blockUnit == "WEEKS" || blockUnit == "weeks"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24*7 #num seconds in a week
        if(length(blockingStartTime) == 1){ #if the blockingStartTime argument is defined, we calculate how far it is away (in seconds) from the minimum timepoint in x
          blockTimeAdjustment <- difftime(x$dateTime[1], blockingStartTime, units = c("secs"))
        }else{ #if the blockingStartTime argument is NOT defined, the adjustment is 0
          blockTimeAdjustment <- 0
        #for some odd reason, difftime will output mostly zeroes (incorrectly) if there are > 1 correct 0 at the beginning. We use a crude fix here to address this. Basically, we create the zeroes first and combine it with other values afterwards
        totSecond <- rep(0, length(which(x$dateTime == x$dateTime[1])))
        if(nrow(x) > length(totSecond)){
          totSecond2<-as.integer(difftime(x$dateTime[(length(totSecond) +1): nrow(x)] ,x$dateTime[1], units = c("secs")))
          totSecond2 <- NULL
        studySecond <- as.integer((c(totSecond, totSecond2) -min(c(totSecond, totSecond2))) + 1) + blockTimeAdjustment
        numblocks <- as.integer(ceiling(max(studySecond)/blockLength1))
        block<- ceiling(studySecond/blockLength1)
        #numblocks <- as.integer(ceiling((max(studySecond) - 1)/blockLength1))
        #block <-rep(0,length(studySecond))
        #for(g in 1:(numblocks -1)){ #numblocks - 1 because the last block in the dataset may be smaller than previous blocks (if blockLength1 does not divide evenly into timedif)
        #  block[which(studySecond >= ((g-1)*blockLength1 + 1) & studySecond <= (g*blockLength1))] = g
        #if(length(which(block == 0)) > 0){ #identifies the last block
        #  block[which(block == 0)] = numblocks
        block.start<-as.character((as.POSIXct(x$dateTime[1]) - blockTimeAdjustment) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1)) #identify the timepoint where each block starts (down to the second resolution)
        block.end<-as.character((as.POSIXct(x$dateTime[1]) - blockTimeAdjustment) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1) + (blockLength1 -1)) #identify the timepoint where each block ends (down to the second resolution)
        x$block <- block
        x$block.start <- block.start
        x$block.end <- block.end
        x$numBlocks <- max(block) #the contactTest function will require this information (i.e. the number of blocks in the dataset)
        x<-x[order(x$block, x$id, studySecond),] #reorder x to ensure that block and individual ids are prioritized over dateTime information
        rm(list = c("totSecond", "totSecond2", "studySecond", "block", "numblocks", "block.start", "block.end")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
        blockVec <- unique(x$block)
        for(j in 1:length(blockVec)){
          blockL1<- list(droplevels(x[which(x$block == blockVec[j]),]))
          blockList<- c(blockList, blockL1)
        rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
        rm(x) #remove x to free up local memory
        if(parallel == TRUE){#if parallel is true, we run blocks in parallel
          cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
          duration.block <-foreach(l = seq(from = 1, to = length(blockList), by = 1)) %dopar% {durFinder.block.List(x = blockList[[l]], dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time)} #run the durFinder.block.list function for each list entry
        }else{ #if parallel == FALSE
          duration.block <-foreach(l = seq(from = 1, to = length(blockList), by = 1)) %do% {durFinder.block.List(x = blockList[[l]], dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time)} #run the durFinder.block.list function for each list entry
        durationTable <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration.block), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ #Here we change components of the durationTable to the appropriate data type. This only occurs if there was at least one observation, however (otherwise an error will be produced). 
          durationTable[,match("block", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block", names(durationTable))])
          durationTable[,match("block.start", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block.start", names(durationTable))])
          durationTable[,match("block.end", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block.end", names(durationTable))])
          durationTable[,match("numBlocks", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("numBlocks", names(durationTable))])       
      }else{ #If blocking == FALSE
        x<-x[order(x$id, lub.dates, daySecondList),] #order x (Note this is a bit different from how x should be ordered if blocking == TRUE)
        rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
        durationTable <- durFinder.noblock(parallel, dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time, nCores, environmentTag = thisEnvironment) #note that if blocking == FALSE, we can still improve speed a bit by parallelizing a later sub function. Further note that x isn't carried over because the function works in the master-function environment
      if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ 
        #Here we change the rest of the components of the durationTable to the appropriate data type.
        durationTable[,match("dyadMember1", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadMember1", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("dyadMember2", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadMember2", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("dyadID", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadID", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("contactDuration", names(durationTable))]<- as.integer(durationTable[,match("contactDuration", names(durationTable))])
        if(reportParameters == TRUE){
          durationTable$distThreshold = dist.threshold
          durationTable$secThreshold = sec.threshold
          durationTable$equidistant.time = equidistant.time
          if(blocking == TRUE){
            durationTable$blockLength <- paste(blockLength,blockUnit, sep = " ")
      }else{ #if nrow(durationTable) == 0
        warning("no contacts observed at this dist.threshold value") #if no contacts were found, ensure that users are made aware.
    list.dur<- foreach::foreach(k = 1:length(x), .packages = 'foreach') %do% listBreak_dur.generator(x[[k]],dist.threshold,sec.threshold, blocking, blockUnit, blockLength, equidistant.time, parallel, reportParameters, nCores) #we set the .packages argument to 'foreach' to allow us to use foreach loops within foreach loops
  }else{ #if(is.list(x) == FALSE)
    #write sub-functions here
    durFinder.noblock<-function(parallel, dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time, nCores, environmentTag){
      eval(expr = { #evaluate these function steps in the master-function environment to avoid cloning x (i.e., dist2... ouput), which can be quite large
        #write nested sub functions
        timeDifference = function(x){
          t1 = unname(unlist(x[1]))
          t2 = unname(unlist(x[2]))
          dt = as.integer(difftime(time1 = t2, time2 = t1, units = "secs"))
        mat.breaker <-function(x, distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame){
          breakVec <- unname(distthreshold[,match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(x[2]),sep =""), colnames(distthreshold))])
          timebreakVec <- timebreakVec[timebreakVec != 1] #added/fixed 1/8, needed because if timebreakVec == 1, it means that the dt between an individuals' first point was >secThreshold seconds after the previous individuals' last point.
          if(length(which(breakVec == 1)) >0){ #If there are no 1s, then there's no reason to preoceed with calculations below
            timeVec1 <-dateTimeFrame[,1]
            #The for-loop below adjusts the values in distthreshold if dt indicates that enough time has passed between individuals to break a contact, but two observations describing sequential contacts exist across the span of this dt, the timebreakVec loop inserts a "0" between the contacts.
            if(length(timebreakVec) > 0){
              addtoi = 0 #everytime the vectors are adjusted, all observations below i will move down by one.
              for(i in timebreakVec){
                if(breakVec[(i + addtoi)] == 0){next}else{
                  preBreak.dist <- breakVec[1:((i + addtoi) -1)]
                  postBreak.dist <- breakVec[(i + addtoi):length(breakVec)]
                  breakVec <-c(preBreak.dist,0,postBreak.dist)
                  preBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[1:((i + addtoi) -1)])) #fixed 1/8. if levels are not dropped here, there further calculations will be erroneous.						
                  postBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[(i + addtoi):length(timeVec1)])) #fixed 1/8
                  timeVec2 <-c(preBreak.time,as.character(timeVec1[((i + addtoi) -1)]),postBreak.time) #fixed 1/8						
                  timeVec1 <-as.factor(timeVec2) #fixed 1/8 ; had to make this a factor so that later "droplevels" commands will not trigger an error.
                  addtoi = addtoi + 1
            breakVal <- rle(breakVec)
            values <- unlist(breakVal[2])
            repTimes <- unlist(breakVal[1])
            start <-unname(((finish-repTimes)+1))
            contact.start <- start[which(values == 1)]
            contact.finish <- finish[which(values == 1)]
            durlengths = unname(repTimes[which(values == 1)])
            member1 = unlist(rep(x[1],length(contact.start)))
            member2 = unlist(rep(x[2],length(contact.start)))
            dyad = paste(member1,"-",member2,sep="")
            times.start <- timeVec1[contact.start]
            times.finish <- timeVec1[contact.finish]
            durationTab = data.frame("dyadMember1" = member1,"dyadMember2" = member2,"dyadID" = dyad, "contactDuration" = durlengths, "contactStartTime" = times.start, "contactEndTime" = times.finish, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          }else{ #If there were no recorded contacts
            durationTab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            colnames(durationTab) <- c("dyadMember1","dyadMember2","dyadID", "contactDuration", "contactStartTime", "contactEndTime")
        contactMatrix.maker <- function(x,idVec1, x.reduced){
          spec.dist = x.reduced[which(x.reduced$id == as.character(unname(unlist(x[1])))),]
          dt = spec.dist$dt
          timebreakVec <-which(dt > unname(unlist(x[3]))) #needed here. fixed 1/8
          distmat = data.matrix(spec.dist[,c(match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(idVec1),sep =""), names(spec.dist)))])
          distmat.noNA <-ifelse(is.na(distmat) == TRUE,1000000000,distmat)
          idVec.redac = idVec1[-c(1:which(idVec1 == unname(unlist(x[1]))))]
          idVecFrame = data.frame(unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[1])),length(idVec.redac))),idVec.redac, unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[2])),length(idVec.redac))),unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[3])),length(idVec.redac))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)  
          timeVec <- unname(spec.dist[,match("dateTime", colnames(spec.dist))])
          dateTimeFrame <- data.frame(timeVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          idDurations <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(apply(idVecFrame, 1, mat.breaker,distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        idVec1 = unique(x$id)
        if(length(idVec1) > 1){
          x.reduced <-x[-which(x$id == idVec1[length(idVec1)]),] #there's no need to process contacts associated with the last id values, because if they contacted any other individuals, the contacts would already be processed earlier on.
          if(equidistant.time == TRUE){ #added 02/04/2019 to make the dt calculations a toggleable parameter that users may turn off if all data points in their data set are temporally equidistant. This saves a large amount of time (approx. 3.5 mins/day)
            x.reduced$dt = 0
          }else{ #if equidistant.time == FALSE
            if(nrow(x.reduced) ==1){ #if there's only one row, there cannot be any time difference (note, because x.reduced is only created from blocks with observed contacts, there will never be a case where x.reduced < 1)
              x.reduced$dt = 0
            }else{ #if there's more than one row in x.reduced
              timesFrame = data.frame(x.reduced$dateTime[1:(nrow(x.reduced) - 1)], x.reduced$dateTime[2:nrow(x.reduced)], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
              if (parallel == TRUE){
                timedif<-parallel::parApply(cl, timesFrame, 1, timeDifference)
                x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) #timedif represents the time it takes to move from location i-1 to location i	
                timedif = apply(timesFrame, 1, timeDifference) 
                x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) 
          comboFrame = data.frame(unique(x.reduced$id),dist.threshold,sec.threshold, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          if (parallel == TRUE){
            duration<-parallel::parApply(cl, comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced) #note that cl is defined above
            duration = apply(comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced)	
          durationTable = data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          durationTable<-NULL #if there's only one individual in the data set then the durationTable is empty
      }, envir = environmentTag) 
    durFinder.block.List<-function(x,dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time){
      #write nested sub functions
      timeDifference = function(x){
        t1 = unname(unlist(x[1]))
        t2 = unname(unlist(x[2]))
        dt = as.integer(difftime(time1 = t2, time2 = t1, units = "secs"))
      mat.breaker <-function(x, distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame){
        breakVec <- unname(distthreshold[,match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(x[2]),sep =""), colnames(distthreshold))])
        timebreakVec <- timebreakVec[timebreakVec != 1] #added/fixed 1/8, needed because if timebreakVec == 1, it means that the dt between an individuals' first point was >secThreshold seconds after the previous individuals' last point.
        if(length(which(breakVec == 1)) >0){ #If there are no 1s, then there's no reason to preoceed with calculations below
          timeVec1 <-dateTimeFrame[,1]
          #The for-loop below adjusts the values in distthreshold if dt indicates that enough time has passed between individuals to break a contact, but two observations describing sequential contacts exist across the span of this dt, the timebreakVec loop inserts a "0" between the contacts.
          if(length(timebreakVec) > 0){
            addtoi = 0 #everytime the vectors are adjusted, all observations below i will move down by one.
            for(i in timebreakVec){
              if(breakVec[(i + addtoi)] == 0){next}else{
                preBreak.dist <- breakVec[1:((i + addtoi) -1)]
                postBreak.dist <- breakVec[(i + addtoi):length(breakVec)]
                breakVec <-c(preBreak.dist,0,postBreak.dist)
                preBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[1:((i + addtoi) -1)])) #fixed 1/8. if levels are not dropped here, there further calculations will be erroneous.						
                postBreak.time <- as.character(droplevels(timeVec1[(i + addtoi):length(timeVec1)])) #fixed 1/8
                timeVec2 <-c(preBreak.time,as.character(timeVec1[((i + addtoi) -1)]),postBreak.time) #fixed 1/8						
                timeVec1 <-as.factor(timeVec2) #fixed 1/8 ; had to make this a factor so that later "droplevels" commands will not trigger an error.
                addtoi = addtoi + 1
          breakVal <- rle(breakVec)
          values <- unlist(breakVal[2])
          repTimes <- unlist(breakVal[1])
          start <-unname(((finish-repTimes)+1))
          contact.start <- start[which(values == 1)]
          contact.finish <- finish[which(values == 1)]
          durlengths = unname(repTimes[which(values == 1)])
          member1 = unlist(rep(x[1],length(contact.start)))
          member2 = unlist(rep(x[2],length(contact.start)))
          dyad = paste(member1,"-",member2,sep="")
          times.start <- timeVec1[contact.start]
          times.finish <- timeVec1[contact.finish]
          durationTab = data.frame("dyadMember1" = member1,"dyadMember2" = member2,"dyadID" = dyad, "contactDuration" = durlengths, "contactStartTime" = times.start, "contactEndTime" = times.finish, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        }else{ #If there were no recorded contacts
          durationTab <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 6, nrow = 0), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          colnames(durationTab) <- c("dyadMember1","dyadMember2","dyadID", "contactDuration", "contactStartTime", "contactEndTime")
      contactMatrix.maker <- function(x,idVec1, x.reduced){
        spec.dist = x.reduced[which(x.reduced$id == as.character(unname(unlist(x[1])))),]
        dt = spec.dist$dt
        timebreakVec <-which(dt > unname(unlist(x[3]))) #needed here. fixed 1/8
        distmat = data.matrix(spec.dist[,c(match(paste("dist.to.indiv_",as.character(idVec1),sep =""), names(spec.dist)))])
        distmat.noNA <-ifelse(is.na(distmat) == TRUE,1000000000,distmat)
        idVec.redac = idVec1[-c(1:which(idVec1 == unname(unlist(x[1]))))]
        idVecFrame = data.frame(unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[1])),length(idVec.redac))),idVec.redac, unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[2])),length(idVec.redac))),unlist(rep(unname(unlist(x[3])),length(idVec.redac))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)  
        timeVec <- unname(spec.dist[,match("dateTime", colnames(spec.dist))])
        dateTimeFrame <- data.frame(timeVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        idDurations <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(apply(idVecFrame, 1, mat.breaker,distthreshold, timebreakVec, dateTimeFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      idVec1 = unique(x$id)
      if(length(idVec1) > 1){
        x.reduced <-x[-which(x$id == idVec1[length(idVec1)]),] #there's no need to process contacts associated with the last id values, because if they contacted any other individuals, the contacts would already be processed earlier on.
        if(equidistant.time == TRUE){ #added 02/04/2019 to make the dt calculations a toggleable parameter that users may turn off if all data points in their data set are temporally equidistant. This saves a large amount of time (approx. 3.5 mins/day)
          x.reduced$dt = 0
        }else{ #if equidistant.time == FALSE
          if(nrow(x.reduced) ==1){ #if there's only one row, there cannot be any time difference (note, because x.reduced is only created from blocks with observed contacts, there will never be a case where x.reduced < 1)
            x.reduced$dt = 0
          }else{ #if there's more than one row in x.reduced
            timesFrame = data.frame(x.reduced$dateTime[1:(nrow(x.reduced) - 1)], x.reduced$dateTime[2:nrow(x.reduced)], stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
            timedif = apply(timesFrame, 1, timeDifference)
            x.reduced$dt = c(0, timedif) 
        comboFrame = data.frame(unique(x.reduced$id),dist.threshold,sec.threshold, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        duration = apply(comboFrame, 1, contactMatrix.maker,idVec1, x.reduced)	
        durationTable = data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ #if there was at least one contact duration, block information is appended to the data frame. If there are no observations, durationTable becomes NULL
          durationTable$block<- unique(x$block)
          durationTable$block.start<- unique(x$block.start)
          durationTable$block.end<- unique(x$block.end)
          durationTable$numBlocks<- unique(x$numBlocks)
          durationTable <- NULL
        durationTable <- NULL
    thisEnvironment<-environment() #tag the environment of the parent function so that sub-functions may work within it. This is done so that we don't have to clone the list of data frames in the various sub functions over and over again.
    #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data. It takes a bit longer (especially with larger data sets), but that's the price of accuracy
    daySecondList = lubridate::hour(x$dateTime) * 3600 + lubridate::minute(x$dateTime) * 60 + lubridate::second(x$dateTime) #This calculates a day-second
    lub.dates = lubridate::date(x$dateTime)
    if(blocking == TRUE){
      x<-x[order(lub.dates, daySecondList),] #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data
        #the code below comes from the contact::timeBlock.append function. We just refrain from calling it here to prevent the inputs being cloned within the function, and thus save memory.
        if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength
        if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60 #num seconds in a minute
        if(blockUnit == "Hours" || blockUnit == "HOURS" || blockUnit == "hours"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60 #num seconds in an hour
        if(blockUnit == "Days" || blockUnit == "DAYS" || blockUnit == "days"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24 #num seconds in a day
        if(blockUnit == "Weeks" || blockUnit == "WEEKS" || blockUnit == "weeks"){
          blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24*7 #num seconds in a week
        if(length(blockingStartTime) == 1){ #if the blockingStartTime argument is defined, we calculate how far it is away (in seconds) from the minimum timepoint in x
          blockTimeAdjustment <- difftime(x$dateTime[1], blockingStartTime, units = c("secs"))
        }else{ #if the blockingStartTime argument is NOT defined, the adjustment is 0
          blockTimeAdjustment <- 0
        #for some odd reason, difftime will output mostly zeroes (incorrectly) if there are > 1 correct 0 at the beginning. We use a crude fix here to address this. Basically, we create the zeroes first and combine it with other values afterwards
        totSecond <- rep(0, length(which(x$dateTime == x$dateTime[1])))
        if(nrow(x) > length(totSecond)){
          totSecond2<-as.integer(difftime(x$dateTime[(length(totSecond) +1): nrow(x)] ,x$dateTime[1], units = c("secs")))
          totSecond2 <- NULL
        studySecond <- as.integer((c(totSecond, totSecond2) -min(c(totSecond, totSecond2))) + 1) + blockTimeAdjustment
        numblocks <- as.integer(ceiling((max(studySecond) - 1)/blockLength1))
        block <-rep(0,length(studySecond))
        for(g in 1:(numblocks -1)){ #numblocks - 1 because the last block in the dataset may be smaller than previous blocks (if blockLength1 does not divide evenly into timedif)
          block[which(studySecond >= ((g-1)*blockLength1 + 1) & studySecond <= (g*blockLength1))] = g
        if(length(which(block == 0)) > 0){ #identifies the last block
          block[which(block == 0)] = numblocks
        block.start<-as.character((as.POSIXct(x$dateTime[1]) - blockTimeAdjustment) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1)) #identify the timepoint where each block starts (down to the second resolution)
        block.end<-as.character((as.POSIXct(x$dateTime[1]) - blockTimeAdjustment) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1) + (blockLength1 -1)) #identify the timepoint where each block ends (down to the second resolution)
        x$block <- block
        x$block.start <- block.start
        x$block.end <- block.end
        x$numBlocks <- max(block) #the contactTest function will require this information (i.e. the number of blocks in the dataset)
        x<-x[order(x$block, x$id, studySecond),] #reorder x to ensure that block and individual ids are prioritized over dateTime information
        rm(list = c("totSecond", "totSecond2", "studySecond", "block", "numblocks", "block.start", "block.end")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
        blockVec <- unique(x$block)
        for(j in 1:length(blockVec)){
          blockL1<- list(droplevels(x[which(x$block == blockVec[j]),]))
          blockList<- c(blockList, blockL1)
      rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
      rm(x) #remove x to free up local memory
      if(parallel == TRUE){#if parallel is true, we run blocks in parallel
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nCores)
        duration.block <-foreach(l = seq(from = 1, to = length(blockList), by = 1)) %dopar% {durFinder.block.List(x = blockList[[l]], dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time)} #run the durFinder.block.list function for each list entry
      }else{ #if parallel == FALSE
        duration.block <-foreach(l = seq(from = 1, to = length(blockList), by = 1)) %do% {durFinder.block.List(x = blockList[[l]], dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time)} #run the durFinder.block.list function for each list entry

      durationTable <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(duration.block), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ #Here we change components of the durationTable to the appropriate data type. This only occurs if there was at least one observation, however (otherwise an error will be produced). 
        durationTable[,match("block", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("block.start", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block.start", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("block.end", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("block.end", names(durationTable))])
        durationTable[,match("numBlocks", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("numBlocks", names(durationTable))])       
    }else{ #If blocking == FALSE
      x<-x[order(x$id, lub.dates, daySecondList),] #order x (Note this is a bit different from how x should be ordered if blocking == TRUE)
      rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
      durationTable <- durFinder.noblock(parallel, dist.threshold, sec.threshold, equidistant.time, nCores, environmentTag = thisEnvironment) #note that if blocking == FALSE, we can still improve speed a bit by parallelizing a later sub function. Further note that x isn't carried over because the function works in the master-function environment
    if(nrow(durationTable) > 0){ 
      #Here we change the rest of the components of the durationTable to the appropriate data type.
      durationTable[,match("dyadMember1", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadMember1", names(durationTable))])
      durationTable[,match("dyadMember2", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadMember2", names(durationTable))])
      durationTable[,match("dyadID", names(durationTable))]<- as.factor(durationTable[,match("dyadID", names(durationTable))])
      durationTable[,match("contactDuration", names(durationTable))]<- as.integer(durationTable[,match("contactDuration", names(durationTable))])
      if(reportParameters == TRUE){
        durationTable$distThreshold = dist.threshold
        durationTable$secThreshold = sec.threshold
        durationTable$equidistant.time = equidistant.time
        if(blocking == TRUE){
          durationTable$blockLength <- paste(blockLength,blockUnit, sep = " ")
    }else{ #if nrow(durationTable) == 0
      warning("no contacts observed at this dist.threshold value") #if no contacts were found, ensure that users are made aware.

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contact documentation built on May 17, 2021, 5:07 p.m.