
Defines functions randomizePaths

Documented in randomizePaths

#' Randomize or Pseudorandomize Individuals' Relocation Events
#' Randomizes or pseudorandomizes individuals' spatial locations. Randomized 
#'    datasets can later be compared to empirical ones to determine if 
#'    individuals' space use differ from what would be expected at random 
#'    (using the contactTest function).
#' Paths can be randomized, or pseudorandomized differently according to what 
#'    logical arguments are set to TRUE. 
#' Detailed shuffle.type description:
#'    If shuffle.type == 0, within-block timepoints will be randomized by 
#'    sampling from observed timepoints only within the relevant block 
#'    (e.g., points in block 1 may be redistributed). Block order in the 
#'    data set does not change, and no timepoints will be represented more than
#'    once in the randomized set. If shuffle.type == 1, blocks are shuffled 
#'    around, but points within blocks are not redistributed 
#'    (e.g., block 1 <- block 5, block 3 <- block 2, block 5 <- block 4). If 
#'    shuffle.type == 2, blocks are shuffled, but their relative temporal 
#'    location in the shuffleUnit is maintained. For example, there are 144 
#'    10-min blocks in a 24-hour day. Say our data set contains 3 days worth of
#'    data (i.e., 432 blocks). During the randomization, because blocks 
#'    maintain their relative locations in shuffleUnits (e.g., Days), block 1 
#'    in the random set will be determined by sampling from a distribution of 
#'    blocks 1,145,and 289, which each represent the first block of a given 
#'    shuffleUnit (e.g., Day 1, Day 2, Day 3). All blocks in the randomized set
#'    are decided in this fashion (e.g., block 2 of the randomized set is 
#'    identified by sampling from a distribution of blocks 2, 146, and 290). 
#'    Therefore, blocklength-units may never exceed 1 shuffleUnit 
#'    (e.g., 25-hour blocks cannot be shuffled using shuffleUnit == "Days," 
#'    but 1:24-hour blocks work just fine). Points within blocks are not 
#'    redistributed. Shuffle.types 1 & 2 are both variants of the randomization
#'    methodology described by Spiegel et al. 2016.
#' Note that, if shuffle.type == 2, all dateTime values in individuals movement
#'    paths described in x must be equidistant (e.g., relocations for 
#'    individual i occur every 10 seconds), or erroneous dateTimes will be 
#'    reported. If raw dateTime values are not equidistant, we recommend using 
#'    our tempAggregate function, with na.rm == FALSE, to make it so. 
#' @param x Data frame containing real-time-location data.  
#' @param id Vector of length nrow(x) or singular character data, detailing the
#'    relevant colname in x, that denotes what unique ids for tracked 
#'    individuals will be used. If argument == NULL, the function assumes a 
#'    column with the colname "id" exists in x. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param point.x Vector of length nrow(x) or singular character data, 
#'    detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what planar-x or 
#'    longitude coordinate information will be used. If argument == NULL, the 
#'    function assumes a column with the colname "x" exists in x. Defaults to 
#'    NULL.
#' @param point.y Vector of length nrow(x) or singular character data, 
#'    detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what planar-y or 
#'    lattitude coordinate information will be used. If argument == NULL, the 
#'    function assumes a column with the colname "y" exists in x. Defaults to 
#'    NULL.
#' @param dateTime Vector of length nrow(x) or singular character data, 
#'    detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what dateTime 
#'    information will be used. If argument == NULL, the function assumes a 
#'    column with the colname "dateTime" exists in x. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param poly.xy Columns within x denoting polygon xy-coordinates. Polygon 
#'    coordinates must be arranged in the format of those in 
#'    referencePointToPolygon output. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param parallel Logical. If TRUE, sub-functions within the randomizePaths 
#'    wrapper will be parallelized. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param nCores Integer. Describes the number of cores to be dedicated to 
#'    parallel processes. Defaults to half of the maximum number of cores 
#'    available (i.e., (parallel::detectCores()/2)).
#' @param dataType Character string refering to the type of real-time-location 
#'    data presented in x, taking values of "Point" or "Polygon." If 
#'    dataType == "Point," individuals' locations are drawn from point.x and 
#'    point.y. If argument == "Polygon," individuals' locations are drawn from 
#'    poly.xy. Defaults to "Point."
#' @param numVertices Integer. If dataType == "Polygon," users must specify 
#'    the number of vertices contained in each polygon. Defaults to 4. Note: 
#'    all polygons must contain the same number of vertices.
#' @param blocking Logical. If TRUE, prior to randomization, timepoints will be
#'    categorized into a series of temporal blocks of blockLength-blockUnit 
#'    length (e.g., 10 mins). After generating blocks, the spatial-location 
#'    randomization methodology will follow shuffle.type. If FALSE, paths will 
#'    be randomized by sampling from observed timepoints. No timepoints will be
#'    represented more than once in the randomized set. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param blockUnit Integer. Describes the number blockUnits within each 
#'    temporal block. Defaults to 1.
#' @param blockLength Character string taking the values, "secs," "mins," 
#'    "hours," "days," or "weeks." Describes the temporal unit associated with 
#'    each block. Defaults to "hours."
#' @param shuffle.type Integer. Describes which shuffle.type is used to 
#'    randomize the rand.input data set(s), given that blocking == TRUE 
#'    (Note: this value is irrelevant if blocking == FALSE). Takes the values 
#'    "0," "1," or "2," and defaults to 0. Descriptions of each shuffle.type 
#'    value can be found under Details.
#' @param shuffleUnit Character string taking the values, "secs," "mins," 
#'    "hours," "days," or "weeks." Defaults to "days." Describes what temporal 
#'    unit blocks will be shuffled across given shuffle.type == 2. 
#'    Blocklength-units may never exceed 1 shuffleUnit 
#'    (e.g., 25-hour blocks cannot be shuffled using shuffleUnit == "Days," but
#'    1:24-hour blocks work just fine).
#' @param indivPaths Logical. If TRUE, paths will be randomized with no 
#'    location switching between ids (e.g., randomized xy locations for 
#'    individual 1 will be generated by sampling only from individual 1's 
#'    location distribution). If FALSE, paths will be randomized with potential
#'    location switching between ids (e.g., randomized xy locations for 
#'    individual 1 will be generated by sampling from the entire dataset's 
#'    location distribution). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param numRandomizations Integer. The number of replicate data frames 
#'    produced in output. Defaults to 1.
#' @param reduceOutput Logical. If TRUE, to reduce output size, only "id," 
#'    "x.rand," "y.rand," "dateTime," and "rand.rep" columns will be included 
#'    in function output. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @keywords data-processing randomize
#' @return If reduceOutput == FALSE, output is \code{x} appended with columns 
#'    described below.
#'    \item{x.rand}{Randomized values taken from the \code{point.x} 
#'    argument.}
#'    \item{y.rand}{Randomized values taken from the \code{point.y} 
#'    argument.}
#'    \item{shuffle.type}{The value specified by the \code{shuffle.type} 
#'    argument.}
#'    \item{rand.rep}{Randomization replicate.}
#'    If blocking == TRUE AND reduceOutput == FALSE, the following codes are 
#'    appended to the output data frame described above:
#'    \item{block}{Integer ID describing unique blocks of time during which 
#'    contacts occur.}
#'    \item{block.start}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which the \code{block}
#'    begins.}
#'    \item{block.end}{The timepoint in \code{x} at which the \code{block}
#'    ends.}
#'    \item{numBlocks}{Integer describing the total number of time blocks 
#'    observed within \code{x} at which the \code{block}}
#'    \item{blockLength}{Character string describing the length of blocks 
#'    described by \code{blockLength} and \code{blockUnit} arguments.}
#'    If reduceOutput == TRUE, only \code{id}, \code{x.rand}, \code{y.rand},
#'    \code{dateTime}, and \code{rand.rep} will be included in output.
#' @references Spiegel, O., Leu, S.T., Sih, A., and C.M. Bull. 2016. Socially 
#'    interacting or indifferent neighbors? Randomization of movement paths to 
#'    tease apart social preference and spatial constraints. Methods in 
#'    Ecology and Evolution 7:971-979. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12553.
#'    Farine, D.R., 2017. A guide to null models for animal social network 
#'    analysis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8:1309-1320.
#'    https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12772.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(calves)
#' calves.dateTime<-datetime.append(calves, date = calves$date, 
#'    time = calves$time) #create a dataframe with dateTime identifiers for location fixes.
#' calves.agg<-tempAggregate(calves.dateTime, id = calves.dateTime$calftag, 
#'    dateTime = calves.dateTime$dateTime, point.x = calves.dateTime$x, 
#'    point.y = calves.dateTime$y, secondAgg = 300, extrapolate.left = FALSE, 
#'    extrapolate.right = FALSE, resolutionLevel = "reduced", parallel = FALSE, 
#'    na.rm = TRUE, smooth.type = 1) #smooth to 5-min fix intervals. 
#' calves.agg.rand<-randomizePaths(x = calves.agg, id = "id", 
#'    dateTime = "dateTime", point.x = "x", point.y = "y", poly.xy = NULL, 
#'    parallel = FALSE, dataType = "Point", numVertices = 1, blocking = TRUE, 
#'    blockUnit = "mins", blockLength = 10, shuffle.type = 0, shuffleUnit = NA,
#'    indivPaths = TRUE, numRandomizations = 1) 

randomizePaths<-function(x = NULL, id = NULL, dateTime = NULL, point.x = NULL, point.y = NULL, poly.xy = NULL, parallel = FALSE, nCores = (parallel::detectCores()/2), dataType = "Point", numVertices = 4, blocking = TRUE, blockUnit = "hours", blockLength = 1, shuffle.type = 0, shuffleUnit = "days", indivPaths = TRUE, numRandomizations = 1, reduceOutput = FALSE){
    dataType = unlist(unname(x[2]))
    numVertices = unlist(unname(x[3]))
    shuffle.type = unlist(unname(x[4]))
    indivPaths = unlist(unname(x[5]))
    blocking = unlist(unname(x[6]))
    shuffleUnit = unlist(unname(x[7]))
    blockUnit = unlist(unname(x[8]))
    blockLength = as.integer(unlist(unname(x[9]))) #1/31 had to add the as.integer call to avoid a "Error in (24)/blockLength : non-numeric argument to binary operator" error in the apply function.
    reduceOutput = unlist(unname(x[10]))
    if(indivPaths == TRUE){
      idVecSeq <- unique(y$id)
      idVecSeq <- 1
    numids <- length(idVecSeq)
    idTab<- data.frame(idVecSeq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    randomness<- apply(idTab,1,datasub.func, y, numids, blocking, shuffle.type, dataType, shuffleUnit, blockUnit, blockLength) #prior to 01/31, this was missing the "blockUnit" argument, resulting in an error. Obviously, this is now fixed.
    if(is.data.frame(randomness) == TRUE){
      randomxyCoords<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(randomness), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(blocking == TRUE & shuffle.type == 2){ #To account for potential length differences in blocks if shuffle.type ==2, the outputTab is essentially compiled earlier on in the function (in the datasub.func subfunction) 
      outputTab <- randomxyCoords
      outputTab<- cbind(y, randomxyCoords)
    outputTab$shuffle.type = shuffle.type #added 1/30/2019, to ensure that people remember what shuffle.type they set.
    outputTab$rand.rep = unlist(unname(x[1]))
    if(reduceOutput == TRUE){
      outputTab <- data.frame(id = outputTab$id, x.rand = outputTab$x.rand, y.rand = outputTab$y.rand, dateTime = outputTab$dateTime, rand.rep = outputTab$rand.rep, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      rownames(outputTab)<- seq(1, nrow(outputTab), 1) #ensure rownames are sequential. If output was reduced, this happened automatically.
  datasub.func<-function(x,y,z, blocking, shuffle.type, dataType, shuffleUnit, blockUnit, blockLength){
    if(z > 1){
      idFrame <- y[which(y$id == unlist(unname(x[1]))),]
      idFrame <- y
    if(blocking == TRUE){
      if(shuffle.type == 0){ #This is the same as shuffle == FALSE. Blocks maintain their order in the dataset, but the xy locations within each block are randomized.
        blockSeq <-unique(idFrame$block)
        blockTab <-data.frame(blockSeq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        rand <-apply(blockTab,1,xy.assignNoShuff, idFrame, dataType, numVertices)
        randomxy <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(rand), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      if(shuffle.type == 1){ #This rearranges the order of blocks in the dataset. xycoordinates within each block remain unchanged.
        blockSeq <-unique(idFrame$block)
        rand.block <- sample(blockSeq,length(blockSeq), replace = FALSE)
        rand.blockTab <- data.frame(rand.block, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        rand <-apply(rand.blockTab,1,xy.assignShuff, idFrame, dataType, numVertices)
        randomxy <- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(rand), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      if(shuffle.type == 2){ #This potentially replaces each block in the dataset with one of the blocks from a distribution described by shuffleUnit. Each block has the potential to appear in the dataset up to numShuffUnit times.
        if(shuffleUnit == "Mins" || shuffleUnit == "MINS" || shuffleUnit == "mins"){
          if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling(60/blockLength)
        if(shuffleUnit == "Hours" || shuffleUnit == "HOURS" || shuffleUnit == "hours"){
          if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((60*60)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling(60/blockLength)
        if(shuffleUnit == "Days" || shuffleUnit == "DAYS" || shuffleUnit == "days"){
          if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((60*60*24)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((24*60)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Hours" || blockUnit == "HOURS" || blockUnit == "hours"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((24)/blockLength)
        if(shuffleUnit == "Weeks" || shuffleUnit == "WEEKS" || shuffleUnit == "weeks"){
          if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((60*60*24*7)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((60*24*7)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Hours" || blockUnit == "HOURS" || blockUnit == "hours"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((24*7)/blockLength)
          if(blockUnit == "Days" || blockUnit == "DAYS" || blockUnit == "days"){
            blocksPerUnit <- ceiling((7)/blockLength)
        blocksPerUnit<- unname(unlist(blocksPerUnit))
        blockSeq <-unique(idFrame$block)
        randVec1 <- NULL
        for(d in 1:blocksPerUnit){
          if(d > max(blockSeq)){next} #to prevent returning an error in the extremely unlikely event that someone tried randomize using a shuffle unit that incorporate all blocksPerUnit (which would not actually randomize anything).
          shufUnitSeq <- seq(d,max(blockSeq), blocksPerUnit)
          if(length(shufUnitSeq) == 1){ #because of the nature of the sample function, if the length of shufUnitSeq ==1, the function will draw from a distribution of 1:shufUnitSeq. This is not what we want....
            shufUnitSeq <- c(shufUnitSeq, shufUnitSeq)
          rand.block <- sample(shufUnitSeq,1, replace = TRUE)
          randVec1 <- c(randVec1, rand.block)
        if(length(randVec1) > length(blockSeq)){ #if blockLength does not divide evenly into blocksPerUnit, length(randVec) may be greater than the actual number of blocks
        blockAbsence<-which(randVec1%in%unique(idFrame$block) == FALSE) #determine if individuals were actually present during randomly-pulled blocks. So, now we know which blocks are missing and can build the output data frame accordingly.
        if(length(blockAbsence) == length(randVec1)){ #if all blocks were empty, then there's no need to go any further
          randomxy <-NULL
        }else{ #if there was at least one populated block
          rand.blockTab <- data.frame(randVec1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          rand <-apply(rand.blockTab,1,xy.assignShuff, idFrame, dataType, numVertices)
          randCoord<- data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(rand), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          blockFrame.full<-droplevels(subset(y, block <= blocksPerUnit)) #we need to pull the dateTimes for these blocks
          if(length(blockAbsence > 0)){ #So, if there is a missing block
            timestep.per.block <- length(unique(blockFrame.full$dateTime))/length(unique(blockFrame.full$block)) #pulls the number of timesteps per block. In the event that randVec pulls a starting block(s) that does not exist for the individual, NAs will be returned. Assuming that all timesteps are equidistant (as they should be when shuffleType == 2), this can only be the case if a block is pulled from a time before the individual began reporting tracks.
            for(a in blockAbsence){ #Put NAs into randCoord where needed
              randCoord.brkPt <-timestep.per.block*(a-1) #Identifies the row immediately prior to where NAs will be placed
              naBlock<-data.frame(x.rand<-rep(NA, timestep.per.block), y.rand<-rep(NA, timestep.per.block), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) #add NAs to columns when applicable
              if(randCoord.brkPt == 0){ #if the first block is missing
                randCoord<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(list(naBlock, randCoord)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
              }else{ #if a block other than the 1st block is missing
                if(a < length(randVec1)){ #if the missing block is not the last recorded one
                  preNACoord<- randCoord[1:randCoord.brkPt,]
                  postNACoord<- randCoord[(randCoord.brkPt+1):ncol(randCoord),]
                  randCoord<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(list(preNACoord, naBlock, postNACoord)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
                if(a == length(randVec1)){ #if the missing block IS the last recorded one
                  randCoord<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(list(randCoord, naBlock)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          #outTable<-data.frame(id = unname(unlist(x[1])), dateTime = unique(blockFrame.full$dateTime), blockLength = unique(blockFrame.full$blockLength), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) #create a dataframe with the number of rows corresponding to the number of times individuals were observed. This data frame will contain essentially the same info. as idFrame, but will ensure that blocks are consistent for all individuals.
          outTable<-data.frame(id = rep(unname(unlist(x[1])), length(unique(blockFrame.full$dateTime))), dateTime = unique(blockFrame.full$dateTime), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) #create a dataframe with the number of rows corresponding to the number of times individuals were observed. This data frame will contain essentially the same info. as idFrame, but will ensure that blocks are consistent for all individuals.
          outTable<- outTable[1:nrow(randCoord),] #If the final block of the dataset has fewer observations than other blocks, and the randomized locations used this final block, this reduces the number of rows in idFrame to fit the number of rows in randCoord
          #now we have to redefine block information for the single shuffleUnit (so that users can recall the block information they set)
          bindlist <- list(outTable, randCoord)
          randomxy <- do.call("cbind", bindlist)
          randomxy<-randomxy[order(randomxy$id, randomxy$dateTime),]
    }else{ #if blocking == FALSE
      if(dataType == "Point" || dataType == "POINT" || dataType == "point"){
        rand.noblock <- sample(seq(1,nrow(idFrame),1), nrow(idFrame), replace = FALSE)
        rand.x <- idFrame$x[rand.noblock]
        rand.y <- idFrame$y[rand.noblock]
        randomxy <- data.frame(x = rand.x, y = rand.y, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        colnames(randomxy) <- c("x.rand","y.rand")
      if(dataType == "Polygon" || dataType == "POLYGON" || dataType == "polygon"){
        rand.noblock <- sample(seq(1,nrow(idFrame),1), nrow(idFrame), replace = FALSE)
        rand.poly <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = length(rand.noblock)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        vertex <-1 #This is the base column number that, if added to "a" in the following loop will call the appropriate xy coordinates.
        for(a in 1:numVertices){
          rand.x <- idFrame[c(rand.noblock),(vertex+a)]
          rand.y <- idFrame[c(rand.noblock),(vertex+a+1)]
          vertex<- vertex+1
          rand.point <-data.frame(rand.x, rand.y, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
          colnames(rand.point)<- c(paste("point",a,".x", sep = ""), paste("point",a,".y", sep = ""))
          bindlist <-list(rand.poly, rand.point)
          rand.poly <- do.call("cbind", bindlist)
        randomxy <- rand.poly
  xy.assignShuff<-function(x,y, dataType,numVertices){
    if(dataType == "Point" || dataType == "POINT" || dataType == "point"){
      xVec <-y$x[which(y$block == unlist(unname(x[1])))]
      yVec <-y$y[which(y$block == unlist(unname(x[1])))]
      xyrand <- data.frame(x.rand = xVec, y.rand = yVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(dataType == "Polygon" || dataType == "POLYGON" || dataType == "polygon"){
      xTab <-y[which(y$block == x[1]),c(seq(2,(numVertices*2),2))]
      yTab <-y[which(y$block == x[1]),c(seq(3,(numVertices*2)+1,2))]
      polygon <- data.frame(xTab[,1], yTab[,1], stringsAsFactors = TRUE) #start making the polygon by adding the first vertex
      for(i in 2:numVertices){
        vert.x <-xTab[,i]
        vert.y <-yTab[,i]
        bindlist <-list(polygon,vert.x,vert.y)
        polygon<-do.call("cbind", bindlist)
      xyrand <- data.frame(polygon, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      colnames(xyrand)[c(seq(1,(numVertices*2)-1,2))]<-paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".x_rand",sep ="")
      colnames(xyrand)[c(seq(2,(numVertices*2),2))]<-paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".y_rand",sep ="")
  xy.assignNoShuff<-function(x,y, dataType,numVertices){
    blockFrame <- y[which(y$block == unlist(unname(x[1]))),]
    randSeq <- sample(seq(1,nrow(blockFrame),1),nrow(blockFrame), replace = FALSE)
    if(dataType == "Point" || dataType == "POINT" || dataType == "point"){
      xVec <-blockFrame$x[randSeq]
      yVec <-blockFrame$y[randSeq]
      xyrand <- data.frame(x = xVec, y = yVec, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      colnames(xyrand) <- c("x.rand","y.rand")
    if(dataType == "Polygon" || dataType == "POLYGON" || dataType == "polygon"){
      xTab <-blockFrame[randSeq,c(seq(2,(numVertices*2),2))]
      yTab <-blockFrame[randSeq,c(seq(3,(numVertices*2)+1,2))]
      polygon <- data.frame(xTab[,1], yTab[,1], stringsAsFactors = TRUE) #start making the polygon by adding the first vertex
      for(i in 2:numVertices){
        vert.x <-xTab[,i]
        vert.y <-yTab[,i]
        bindlist <-list(polygon,vert.x,vert.y)
        polygon<-do.call("cbind", bindlist)
      xyrand <- data.frame(polygon, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      colnames(xyrand)[c(seq(1,(numVertices*2)-1,2))]<-paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".x_rand",sep ="")
      colnames(xyrand)[c(seq(2,(numVertices*2),2))]<-paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".y_rand",sep ="")
  if(length(x) == 0){ #This if statement allows users to input either a series of vectors (id, dateTime, point.x and point.y), a dataframe with columns named the same, or a combination of dataframe and vectors. No matter the input format, a table called "originTab" will be created.
    if(dataType == "point" || dataType == "Point" || dataType == "POINT"){
      originTab = data.frame(id = id, x = point.x, y = point.y, dateTime = dateTime, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(dataType == "polygon" || dataType == "Polygon" || dataType == "POLYGON"){
      originTab = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = length(id)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      originTab$id = id
      colnames(poly.xy)[seq(1,(ncol(poly.xy) - 1),2)] = paste("point",seq(1,(ncol(poly.xy)/2),1),".x", sep = "")
      colnames(poly.xy)[seq(2,ncol(poly.xy),2)] = paste("point",seq(1,(ncol(poly.xy)/2),1),".y", sep = "")
      dateFrame = data.frame(dateTime = dateTime, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      bindlist = list(originTab,poly.xy,dateFrame)
      originTab = data.frame(do.call("cbind", bindlist), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  if(length(x) > 0){ #for some reason using an "else" statement would always result in an originTab table with 0 records...
    if(length(id) > 0){ 
      if(length(id) == 1 && is.na(match(id[1], names(x))) == FALSE){ 
        x$id <- x[,match(id, names(x))]
      }else{ #if length(id) > 1
        x$id = id
    idVec1 <- x$id
    if(dataType == "point" || dataType == "Point" || dataType == "POINT"){
      if(length(point.x) > 0){
        if(length(point.x) == 1 && is.na(match(point.x[1], names(x))) == FALSE){ 
          x$x <- x[,match(point.x, names(x))]
        }else{ #if length(point.x) > 1
          x$x = point.x
      if(length(point.y) > 0){
        if(length(point.y) == 1 && is.na(match(point.y[1], names(x))) == FALSE){ 
          x$y <- x[,match(point.y, names(x))]
        }else{ #if length(point.y) > 1
          x$y = point.y
      xyFrame1<- data.frame(x = x$x, y = x$y, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(dataType == "polygon" || dataType == "Polygon" || dataType == "POLYGON"){
      if(length(poly.xy) > 0){
        if(length(as.matrix(poly.xy)) == (numVertices*2) && length(which(is.na(match(as.matrix(poly.xy), names(x)))) == TRUE) == 0){ 
          xyFrame1<- data.frame(poly.xy, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      }else{ #if length(poly.xy == 0)
        xyFrame1 <-  x[,(match("point1.x", names(x))):((2*numVertices) + (match("point1.x", names(x)) -1))] #if there is no poly.xy input, the code assumes the input is output from referencePointToPolygon function, and therefore, the first point of interest would be "point1.x"
      colnames(xyFrame1)[seq(1,(numVertices*2),2)] = paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".x", sep = "")
      colnames(xyFrame1)[seq(2,((numVertices*2) + 1),2)] = paste("point",seq(1,numVertices,1),".y", sep = "")
    if(length(dateTime) > 0){
      if(length(dateTime) == 1 && is.na(match(dateTime[1], names(x))) == FALSE){ #added 1/14 to accompany the list-processing functionality. If x is a list, rather than point.x being a vector of length(nrow(x)), it may be necessary to designate the colname for intended "point.x" values (i.e., if the x-coordinate values in different list entries are different)
        x$dateTime <- x[,match(dateTime, names(x))]
      }else{ #if length(dateTime) > 1
        x$dateTime = dateTime
    bindlist1<-list(idVec1, xyFrame1, dateTimeVec)
    originTab <- do.call("cbind", bindlist1)
    names(originTab)[c(1,ncol(originTab))]<-c("id", "dateTime")
  originTab$dateTime = as.character(originTab$dateTime)
  #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data. It takes a bit longer (especially with larger data sets), but that's the price of accuracy
  daySecondList = lubridate::hour(originTab$dateTime) * 3600 + lubridate::minute(originTab$dateTime) * 60 + lubridate::second(originTab$dateTime) #This calculates a day-second
  lub.dates = lubridate::date(originTab$dateTime)
  originTab<-originTab[order(originTab$id, lub.dates, daySecondList),] #order originTab 
  rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
  if(blocking == TRUE){
    if(blockUnit == "Secs" || blockUnit == "SECS" || blockUnit == "secs"){
      blockLength1 <- blockLength
    if(blockUnit == "Mins" || blockUnit == "MINS" || blockUnit == "mins"){
      blockLength1 <- blockLength*60 #num seconds in a minute
    if(blockUnit == "Hours" || blockUnit == "HOURS" || blockUnit == "hours"){
      blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60 #num seconds in an hour
    if(blockUnit == "Days" || blockUnit == "DAYS" || blockUnit == "days"){
      blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24 #num seconds in a day
    if(blockUnit == "Weeks" || blockUnit == "WEEKS" || blockUnit == "weeks"){
      blockLength1 <- blockLength*60*60*24*7 #num seconds in a week
    daySecondList = lubridate::hour(originTab$dateTime) * 3600 + lubridate::minute(originTab$dateTime) * 60 + lubridate::second(originTab$dateTime) #This calculates a day-second
    lub.dates = lubridate::date(originTab$dateTime)
    originTab<-originTab[order(lub.dates, daySecondList),] #in case this wasn't already done, we order by date and second. Note that we must order it in this round-about way (using the date and daySecond vectors) to prevent ordering errors that sometimes occurs with dateTime data
    rm(list = c("daySecondList", "lub.dates")) #remove these objects because they are no longer needed.
    #for some odd reason, difftime will output mostly zeroes (incorrectly) if there are > 1 correct 0 at the beginning. We use a crude fix here to address this. Basically, we create the zeroes first and combine it with other values afterwards
    totSecond <- rep(0, length(which(originTab$dateTime == originTab$dateTime[1])))
    totSecond2<-as.integer(difftime(originTab$dateTime[(length(totSecond) +1): nrow(originTab)] ,originTab$dateTime[1] , units = c("secs")))
    studySecond <- as.integer((c(totSecond, totSecond2) -min(c(totSecond, totSecond2))) + 1)
    numblocks <- ceiling((max(studySecond) - 1)/blockLength1)
    block <-rep(0,length(studySecond))
    for(g in 1:(numblocks -1)){ #numblocks - 1 because the last block in the dataset may be smaller than previous blocks (if blockLength1 does not divide evenly into timedif)
      block[which(studySecond >= ((g-1)*blockLength1 + 1) & studySecond <= (g*blockLength1))] = g
    if(length(which(block == 0)) > 0){ #identifies the last block
      block[which(block == 0)] = numblocks
    block.start<-as.character(as.POSIXct(originTab$dateTime[1]) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1)) #identify the timepoint where each block starts (down to the second resolution)
    block.end<-as.character(as.POSIXct(originTab$dateTime[1]) + ((block - 1)*blockLength1) + (blockLength1 -1)) #identify the timepoint where each block ends (down to the second resolution)
    originTab$block <- block
    originTab$block.start <- block.start
    originTab$block.end <- block.end
    originTab$numBlocks <- max(block) #the contactTest function will require this information (i.e. the number of blocks in the dataset)
  originTab <- originTab[order(originTab$id, originTab$dateTime),] #order by id, then dateTime
  if(numRandomizations > 1){
    repeatTab<- data.frame(seq(1,numRandomizations, 1), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    repeatTab$dataType = dataType
    repeatTab$numVertices = numVertices
    repeatTab$shuffle.type = shuffle.type
    repeatTab$indivPaths = indivPaths
    repeatTab$blocking = blocking
    repeatTab$subUnit = shuffleUnit
    repeatTab$blockUnit = blockUnit
    repeatTab$blockLength = blockLength
    repeatTab$reduceOutput = reduceOutput
    if(parallel == TRUE){
      randomness<-parallel::parApply(cl, repeatTab, 1, randomization, originTab)
      randomness <- apply(repeatTab, 1, randomization, originTab)
  }else{ #if numRandomizations == 1
    if(indivPaths == TRUE){
      idVecSeq <- unique(originTab$id)
      idVecSeq <- 1
    numids <- length(idVecSeq)
    idTab<- data.frame(idVecSeq, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(parallel == TRUE){
      randomness<-parallel::parApply(cl, idTab,1,datasub.func, originTab, numids,blocking, shuffle.type, dataType, shuffleUnit, blockUnit, blockLength)
      randomness <- apply(idTab,1,datasub.func, originTab, numids,blocking, shuffle.type, dataType, shuffleUnit, blockUnit, blockLength)
    if(is.data.frame(randomness) == TRUE){
      randomxyCoords<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(randomness), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if(blocking == TRUE & shuffle.type == 2){ #To account for potential length differences in blocks if shuffle.type ==2, the outputTab is compiled earlier on in the function (in the datasub.func subfunction) 
      outputTab <- randomxyCoords
      outputTab<- cbind(originTab, randomxyCoords)
    if(blocking == TRUE){
      outputTab$shuffle.type = shuffle.type #added 1/30/2019, to ensure that people remember what shuffle.type they set.
      if(shuffle.type == 2){
        outputTab$shuffleUnit <- shuffleUnit
    outputTab$rand.rep = 1    
    if(reduceOutput == TRUE){
      outputTab <- data.frame(id = outputTab$id, x.rand = outputTab$x.rand, y.rand = outputTab$y.rand, dateTime = outputTab$dateTime, rand.rep = outputTab$rand.rep, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      rownames(outputTab)<- seq(1, nrow(outputTab), 1) #ensure rownames are sequential. If output was reduced, this happened automatically.

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contact documentation built on May 17, 2021, 5:07 p.m.