printNacopula: Print Compact Overview of a Nested Archimedean Copula...

printNacopulaR Documentation

Print Compact Overview of a Nested Archimedean Copula ("nacopula")


Print a compact overview of a nested Archimedean copula, that is, an object of class "nacopula". Calling printNacopula explicitly allows to customize the printing behavior. Otherwise, the show() method calls printNacopula with default arguments only.


printNacopula(x, labelKids=NA, deltaInd=, indent.str="",
	              width=getOption("width"), ...)



an R object of class nacopula.


logical specifying if child copulas should be labeled; If NA (as per default), on each level, children are labeled only if they are not only-child.


by how much should each child be indented more than its parent? (non-negative integer). The default is three with labelKids being the default or TRUE, otherwise it is five (for labelKids=FALSE).


a character string specifying the indentation, that is, the string that should be prepended on the first line of output, and determine the amount of blanks for the remaining lines.

digits, width

number of significant digits, and desired print width; see print.default.


potentially further arguments, passed to methods.


invisibly, x.


C8 <- onacopula("F", C(1.9, 1,
                       list(K1 = C(5.7, c(2,5)),
                            abc= C(5.0, c(3,4,6),
                                   list(L2 = C(11.5, 7:8))))))
C8 # -> printNacopula(C8)
printNacopula(C8, delta=10)
printNacopula(C8, labelKids=TRUE)

copula documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:16 a.m.