splom2-methods: Methods for Scatter Plot Matrix 'splom2' in Package 'copula'

splom2-methodsR Documentation

Methods for Scatter Plot Matrix 'splom2' in Package 'copula'


Methods splom2() to draw scatter-plot matrices of (random samples of) distributions from package copula.


## S4 method for signature 'matrix'
splom2(x, varnames = NULL, varnames.null.lab = "U",
      xlab = "", col.mat = NULL, bg.col.mat = NULL, ...)
## ditto an identical  'data.frame'  method

## S4 method for signature 'Copula'
splom2(x, n, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'mvdc'
splom2(x, n, varnames.null.lab = "X", ...)



a "matrix", "data.frame", "Copula" or a "mvdc" object.


when x is not matrix-like: The sample size of the random sample drawn from x.


the variable names, typically unspecified.


the character string determining the “base name” of the variable labels in case varnames is NULL and x does not have all column names given.


the x-axis label.


a matrix of colors (or one color) for the plot symbols; if NULL (as by default), trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")$col is used for all symbols. (Note that in copula version 0.999-15, this was not true; instead "black" was used.)


a matrix of colors for the background (the default is the setting as obtained from trellis.par.get("background")$col).


additional arguments passed to the underlying splom().


From splom(), an R object of class "trellis".

See Also

pairs2() for a similar function (for matrices and data frames) based on pairs().

The lattice-based cloud2-methods for 3D data, and wireframe2-methods and contourplot2-methods for functions.


## For 'matrix' objects
## Create a 100 x 7 matrix of random variates from a t distribution
## with four degrees of freedom and plot the generated data
n <- 1000 # sample size
d <- 3 # dimension
nu <- 4 # degrees of freedom
tau <- 0.5 # Kendall's tau
th <- iTau(tCopula(df = nu), tau) # corresponding parameter
cop <- tCopula(th, dim = d, df = nu) # define copula object
U <- rCopula(n, copula = cop)

## For 'copula' objects
splom2(cop, n = n) # same as above

## For 'rotCopula' objects: ---> Examples in rotCopula

## For 'mvdc' objects
mvNN <- mvdc(cop, c("norm", "norm", "exp"),
             list(list(mean = 0, sd = 1), list(mean = 1), list(rate = 2)))
splom2(mvNN, n = n)

copula documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:48 p.m.