#' Return average hourly weather data and a plot showing the location of weather
#' stations for a particular county.
#' Given a particular county FIPS code, this function returns a list with two
#' elements: \code{data}, a dataframe of hourly average weather values, and
#' \code{plot}, a plot showing the location of weather stations contributing to
#' the average weather in \code{data}.
#' @inheritParams hourly_df
#' @param station_label TRUE / FALSE to indicate if you want your plot of
#' weather station locations to include labels indicating station usaf id
#' numbers.
#' @param verbose TRUE / FALSE to indicate if you want the function to print
#' out the name of the county it's processing.
#' @return A list with six elements. The first element (\code{hourly_data}) is a
#' dataframe of daily weather data averaged across multiple stations, as well
#' as columns (\code{"var"_reporting}) for each weather variable showing the
#' number of stations contributing to the average for that variable for that
#' hour. The second element (\code{station_metadata}) is a dataframe of station
#' metadata for stations included in the \code{daily_data} dataframe, as
#' well as statistical information about the values contriuted to each
#' weather variable by each station. The third element (\code{station_map})
#' is a plot showing points for all weather stations for a particular county
#' satisfying the conditions present in \code{hourly_fips}'s arguments
#' (year, coverage, and/or weather variables). \code{radius} is the
#' calculated radius within which stations were pulled from the county's
#' center. Elements \code{lat_center} and \code{lon_center} are the latitude
#' and longitude of the county's center.
#' @note Observation times are based on Coordinated Universal Time Code (UTC).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ex <- hourly_fips("12086", coverage = 0.90, year = c(1994, 1995),
#' var = "temperature")
#' data <- ex$hourly_data
#' station_data <- ex$station_metadata
#' station_map <- ex$station_map
#' }
#' @export
hourly_fips <- function(fips, year, var = "all", coverage = NULL,
average_data = TRUE, station_label = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
census_data <- countyweather::county_centers
loc_fips <- which(census_data$fips == fips)
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("Getting hourly weather data for ",
census_data[loc_fips, "name"], ".",
" This may take a while."))
weather_data <- hourly_df(fips = fips, year = year, var = var,
coverage = coverage,
average_data = average_data)
station_map <- hourly_stationmap(fips = fips, hourly_data = weather_data,
station_label = station_label)
list <- list("hourly_data" = weather_data$hourly_data,
"station_metadata" = weather_data$station_df,
"station_map" = station_map,
"radius" = weather_data$radius,
"lat_center" = weather_data$lat_center,
"lon_center" = weather_data$lon_center)
#' Return average hourly weather data for a particular county.
#' Returns a dataframe of average daily weather values
#' for a particular county, year, weather variables, and/or specified coverage.
#' This function serves as a wrapper to several functions from the \code{rnoaa}
#' package, which provides weather data from all relevant stations in a county.
#' This function filters and averages across NOAA ISD/ISH stations based on
#' user-specified coverage specifications.
#' @param fips A character string of the five-digit U.S. FIPS code of a U.S.
#' county.
#' @param year A four-digit number or vector of numbers indicating the year or
#' years for which you want to pull hourly data. Values for \code{year} can
#' be in the range from 1901 to the current year.
#' @param var A character vector specifying desired weather variables. For
#' example, \code{var = c("wind_speed", "temperature")} pulls data on hourly
#' wind speed and temperature. The core weather variables
#' available include \code{"wind_direction"}, \code{"wind_speed"},
#' \code{"ceiling_height"}, \code{"visibility_distance"}, \code{"temperature"},
#' \code{"temperature_dewpoint"}, \code{"air_pressure"}. Alternatively, you
#' can specify var = "all" to include additional flag and quality codes.
#' @param average_data TRUE / FALSE to indicate if you want the function to
#' average daily weather data across multiple monitors.
#' @param coverage A numeric value in the range of 0 to 1 that specifies
#' the desired percentage coverage for the weather variable (i.e., what
#' percent of each weather variable must be non-missing to include data from
#' a monitor when calculating daily values averaged across monitors).
#' @return A list with five elements. The first element, \code{hourly_data}, is
#' a dataframe of hourly weather data averaged across multiple stations,
#' as well as columns (\code{"var"_reporting}) for each weather variable
#' showing the number of stations contributing to the average for that
#' variable for each hour. \code{station_df} is a dataframe of station
#' metadata for each station contributing weather data. A weather station
#' will have one row per weather variable to which it contributes data. In
#' addition to information such as USAF and WBAN ids and station names, this
#' dataframe includes statistical information about weather values
#' contributed by each station for each weather variable. These statistics
#' include calculated coverage (\code{calc_coverage}), which is the percent
#' of non-missing values for each station and variable for the specified
#' date range, \code{standard_dev} (standard deviation), \code{max},
#' \code{min}, and \code{range} values for each station-weather variable
#' combination. The element \code{radius} is the calculated radius within
#' which stations were pulled from the county's center. Elements
#' \code{lat_center} and \code{lon_center} are the latitude and longitude of
#' the county's geographic center.
#' @note Observation times are based on Coordinated Universal Time Code (UTC).
#' @references For more information on this dataset and available weather and
#' flag/quality variables, see
#' \url{}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- hourly_df(fips = "12086", year = 1992,
#' var = c("wind_speed", "temperature"))
#' head(df$hourly_data)
#' head(df$station_df)
#' df$radius
#' }
#' @export
hourly_df <- function(fips, year, var = "all", average_data = TRUE,
coverage = NULL) {
# hourly data for multiple monitors for multiple years
hourly_list <- lapply(year, function(x) isd_monitors_data(fips = fips,
year = x,
var = var))
for (i in 1:length(year)) {
list <- hourly_list[[i]]
if (i == 1) {
data <- list$df
} else {
data <- dplyr::bind_rows(data, list$df)
# station meta data for one county (unfiltered)
for (i in 1:length(year)) {
list <- hourly_list[[i]]
if (i == 1) {
station_metadata <- list$ids
} else {
station_metadata <- dplyr::bind_rows(station_metadata, list$ids)
filtered_list <- filter_hourly(fips = fips,
hourly_data = data,
coverage = coverage)
station_stats <- filtered_list$stations
filtered_stations <- unique(station_stats$station)
station_metadata[station_metadata == "999999"] <- NA
station_metadata[station_metadata == "99999"] <- NA
station_metadata <- unique(station_metadata) %>%
dplyr::mutate_(station = ~ paste(usaf, wban, sep = "-"))
station_metadata <- station_metadata %>%
dplyr::filter_(~ station %in% filtered_stations)
# combine station_metadata and station_stats
station_metadata <- dplyr::right_join(station_metadata, station_stats,
by = "station") %>%
dplyr::select_(quote(usaf), quote(wban), quote(station), quote(station_name),
quote(var), quote(calc_coverage), quote(standard_dev), quote(range),
quote(ctry), quote(state), quote(elev_m), quote(begin), quote(end),
quote(longitude), quote(latitude))
# average hourly across multiple stations
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate_(station = ~ paste(usaf_station, wban_station, sep = "-")) %>%
dplyr::filter_(~ station %in% filtered_stations) %>%
if (average_data == TRUE) {
data <- ave_hourly(data)
data <- tibble::as_tibble(data)
radius <- hourly_list[[1]]$radius
lat_center <- hourly_list[[1]]$lat_center
lon_center <- hourly_list[[1]]$lon_center
out <- list("hourly_data" = data,
"station_df" = station_metadata,
"radius" = radius,
"lat_center" = lat_center,
"lon_center" = lon_center)
#' Write hourly weather time series files for U.S. counties.
#' Given a vector of U.S. county FIPS codes, this function saves each element of
#' the lists created from the function \code{daily_fips} to a separate folder
#' within a given directory. The dataframe \code{daily_data} is saved to a
#' subdirectory of the given directory called "data." This time series dataframe
#' gives the values for specified weather variables and the number of
#' weather stations contributing to the average for each day within the
#' specified year(s). Metadata about the weather stations and
#' county are saved in a list with four elements in a subdirectory called
#' "metadata." These elements include \code{station_metadata} (station metadata
#' for stations contributing to the time series dataframe), \code{radius}
#' (the radius, in km, within which weather stations were pulled from each
#' county's center), \code{lat_center}, and \code{lon_center} (the latitude
#' and longitude of the county's geographic center). If the user specifies "csv"
#' output for the \code{metadata_type} argument, \code{radius}, \code{lat_center},
#' and \code{lon_center} are added to the \code{station_metadata} dataframe as
#' three additional columns.
#' @return Writes out three subdirectories of a given directory, with hourly
#' weather files saved in "data", station and county metadata saved in
#' "metadata", and a map of weather station locations saved in "maps" for each
#' FIPS code specified. The user can specify either .rds or .csv files for the
#' data and metadatafiles, using the arguments \code{data_type} and
#' \code{metadata_type}, respectively. Maps are saved as .png files.
#' @inheritParams hourly_df
#' @inheritParams write_daily_timeseries
#' @param out_directory The absolute or relative pathname for the directory
#' where you would like the time series files to be saved.
#' @param data_type A character string indicating that you would like either
#' .rds files (\code{data_type = "rds"}) or .csv files
#' (\code{data_type = "csv"}) for the time series output. This option
#' defaults to .rds files.
#' @param metadata_type A character string indicating that you would like either
#' .rds files (\code{metadata_type = "rds"}) or .csv files
#' (\code{metadata_type = "csv"})
#' for the station and county metadata output. This option defaults to .rds
#' files, in which case a list of four elements is saved
#' (\code{station_metadata}, \code{radius}, \code{lat_center}, and
#' \code{lon_center}). If the user specifies "csv" output, \code{radius},
#' \code{lat_center}, and \code{lon_center} are added to the
#' \code{station_metadata} dataframe as additional columns.
#' @param keep_map TRUE / FALSE indicating if a map of the stations should
#' be included. The map can substantially increase the size of the files. If
#' FALSE, the "maps" subdirectory will not be created.
#' @param verbose TRUE / FALSE to indicate if you want the function to print
#' out the county or vector of counties it's saving files for.
#' @note If the function is unable to pull weather data for a particular county
#' given the specified percent coverage, date range, and/or weather variables,
#' \code{write_hourly_timeseries} will not produce a file for that county.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' write_hourly_timeseries(fips = c("08031", "12086"), year = c(1994, 1995),
#' coverage = 0.90, var = c("wind_speed", "temperature"),
#' out_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly")
#' }
#' @export
write_hourly_timeseries <- function(fips, year, coverage = NULL, var = "all",
out_directory, data_type = "rds",
metadata_type = "rds", average_data = TRUE,
station_label = FALSE, keep_map = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE){
if (verbose) {
if (length(fips) > 2) {
for (i in 1:length(fips)) {
if (i == 1) {
codes <- (paste0(fips[i], ", "))
} else if (i == length(fips)) {
codes <- paste0(codes, "and ", fips[i])
} else {
codes <- paste0(codes, fips[i], ", ")
message(paste0("Saving daily weather files for FIPS codes ", codes,
" in the directory ", out_directory, ".", " This may take ",
"a while."))
} else if (length(fips == 2)) {
for (i in 1:length(fips)) {
if (i == 1) {
codes <- paste0(fips[i], " ")
} else if (i == length(fips)) {
codes <- paste0(codes, "and ", fips[i])
} else {
codes <- paste0(codes, fips[i], ", ")
message(paste0("Saving daily weather files for FIPS codes ", codes,
" in the directory ", out_directory, ".", " This may take ",
"a while."))
} else {
message(paste0("Saving daily weather files for FIPS code ", fips,
" in the directory ", out_directory, ".", " This may take ",
"a while."))
if (!dir.exists(out_directory)) {
if (!dir.exists(paste0(out_directory, "/data"))) {
dir.create(paste0(out_directory, "/data"))
if (!dir.exists(paste0(out_directory, "/metadata"))) {
dir.create(paste0(out_directory, "/metadata"))
for (i in 1:length(fips)) {
possibleError <- tryCatch({
out_list <- hourly_fips(fips = fips[i], year = year, var = var,
coverage = coverage, average_data = average_data,
station_label = station_label, verbose = FALSE)
out_data <- out_list$hourly_data
meta <- c(2, 4:6)
out_metadata <- out_list[meta]
if (data_type == "rds") {
data_file <- paste0(out_directory, "/data", "/", fips[i], ".rds")
saveRDS(out_data, file = data_file)
} else if (data_type == "csv") {
data_file <- paste0(out_directory, "/data", "/", fips[i], ".csv")
utils::write.csv(out_data, file = data_file, row.names = FALSE)
if (metadata_type == "rds") {
metadata_file <- paste0(out_directory, "/metadata", "/", fips[i],
saveRDS(out_metadata, file = metadata_file)
} else if (metadata_type == "csv") {
out_metadata[[1]]$radius <- out_metadata[[2]]
out_metadata[[1]]$lat_center <- out_metadata[[3]]
out_metadata[[1]]$lon_center <- out_metadata[[4]]
out_metadata <- out_metadata[[1]]
metadata_file <- paste0(out_directory, "/metadata", "/", fips[i],
utils::write.csv(out_metadata, file = metadata_file, row.names = FALSE)
if (keep_map == TRUE) {
if (!dir.exists(paste0(out_directory, "/maps"))) {
dir.create(paste0(out_directory, "/maps"))
out_map <- out_list$station_map
map_file <- paste0(out_directory, "/maps")
map_name <- paste0(fips[i], ".png")
suppressMessages(ggplot2::ggsave(file = map_name, path = map_file,
plot = out_map))
error = function(e) {
message(paste0("Unable to pull weather data for FIPS code ", fips[i],
" for the specified percent coverage, year(s), and/or",
" weather variables."))
if (inherits(possibleError, "error")) next
#' Write plot files for hourly weather time series dataframes.
#' Writes a directory with plots for every weather data timeseries file
#' present in the specified directory (as produced by the \code{write_hourly_timeseries}
#' function) for a particular weather variable. These plots are meant to aid in
#' initial exploratory analysis.
#' @return Writes out a directory with plots of time series data for a given
#' weather variable for each file present in the directory specified.
#' @inheritParams plot_daily_timeseries
#' @param year A year or vector of years giving the year(s) present in the
#' time series dataframe.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' write_hourly_timeseries(fips = c("08031", "12086"), year = c(1994, 1995),
#' coverage = 0.90, var = c("wind_speed", "temperature"),
#' out_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly")
#' plot_hourly_timeseries(var = "wind_speed", year = c(1994, 1995),
#' data_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly/data",
#' plot_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly/plots_wind_speed")
#' plot_hourly_timeseries(var = "temperature", year = c(1994, 1995),
#' data_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly/data",
#' plot_directory = "~/timeseries_hourly/plots_temperature")
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export
plot_hourly_timeseries <- function(var, year, data_directory, plot_directory,
data_type = "rds") {
files <- list.files(data_directory)
date_min <- paste0(min(year), "-01-01 UTC")
date_min <- as.POSIXct(date_min, tz = "UTC")
date_max <- paste0(max(year), "-12-31 23:00:00 UTC")
date_max <- as.POSIXct(date_max, tz = "UTC")
if (!dir.exists(plot_directory)) {
if (data_type == "rds") {
file_names <- gsub(".rds", "", files)
} else if (data_type == "csv") {
file_names <- gsub(".csv", files)
current_wd <- getwd()
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
dat <- readRDS(files[i])
# convert tibble to vector (avoiding error "'x' and 'y' lengths differ")
y <- dat %>% dplyr::collect() %>% .[[var]]
file_name <- paste0(file_names[i], ".png")
grDevices::png(filename = file_name)
graphics::plot(dat$date_time, y,
type = "l", col = "red", main = file_names[i],
xlab = "date", ylab = var,
xlim = c(date_min, date_max)
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